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Respond to the following scenario:

You are a principal and you would like for all of the seniors to have mandatory service
learning/community service hours before graduating from your school.  You have been
ask to meet with the school board to defend your request.
What will you tell the board to persuade them to support you in the endeavor to
incorporate service learning/community services hours as requirement for graduation. 
Remember, you must give valid, strong points about service learning.  You MUST
include learning styles (page 75) mentoring, service learning and assessment in your
Be sure to refer content in the text when making your argument.  If your points are not
clear and convincing, you lose points because I am going to ask so many question.

Hello School Board Member,

Thanks for the opportunity to meet with you today to address some concern that I have for my
seniors. I am Calina Patterson, CCR teacher at Tupelo High School. Before Covid, seniors were
required to do a senior project that consist of service learning/community service hours before
graduating that factored in to their final English grade. This project was a great experience for
seniors because they had an opportunity to develop and maintain the services. They were assign
to a group of four and had to come up with a project of interest and contact the business owner
for permission to research and do community service hours. This project have several benefits
that will have seniors to prepare for life after graduation and post-secondary decisions.
During the previous years, senior projects have educated teachers on understanding different
learning styles to accommodate their students. If granted the opportunity to do senior project,
seniors that struggle with different learning styles will be able to understand the skills and
knowledge of the material by working in groups and teaching each other. Visual learners will be
able to display their work to the group to help with understanding the concepts and process that
non-visual learner may be confused or lost. Tactile learners are those that prefer hands-on
activities and the individual that learn through doing the work while learning. Through the
service learning activities that each group with provide, learning from each other will help
students to be understand the concepts of working in group, doing a job that will benefit them as
well as the community, and earning community service hours while giving back are just a few
qualities that they will master. Learning about different styles of learning will help students to

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