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l 04 The Writing Centerjournal Early Writing Centers: Toward n Histoey l 05

centers. Though some centers may have fit Wallace's model, his rendering the more we suspect antecedent,; beyond those we have discovered. Using
ofthe past, rather than an informed attempt nt history.1 becomes a straw man documents published in early issues of English Jourmd and other places,
against which he can sec his agenda for current writing centers-a rhetorical however, we can gain some sense ofhow centers began to evolve early in this
srracegy that enables his essay to present a vision of p rogress. century, though we may not discover the first impulse engendering them.
Like \Y/a!lace, Andrea.Lundsford uses a progressive model to account fur
writing center history, constructing centers in her now weHMlmown schema Classroom Origins: The Laboratory Method
of"storchouses" based in cunem-traditional pedagogy) garreo/' subscribing As Thomas Hemmeter and David Healy have demonstrated,, writfrtg
to a student-centered expressionism, or «Burkean parlors" where tutorials are centers today often .like to de.fine rhe.rnselves as an alternative or even an
seen as instances ofthe social conscrucrlon ofmeaning. Here the early center opposition to the classroom. Neverthdess i it is likely that centers evolved
is portrayed as a "storehouse" of grammar drills lacking the theoretical from a da.ssroom format known as the laboratoty method. This format
sophistication of che "Burkean parloru Lunsford advocates. enablea imervention lri the srudent1s writing process through individual help
Similarly, Christina N{urphy, in tracing a p rogressive movement of from the instmcror and peer editing groups, two methods shared l,y writing
writing centers toward <!current educational theory» {p art ofher essay's tide), centef,S and classrooms today.
posits a deficient past in relation to her picture ofa, more enlightened model As early as 1904, Philo Buck, • §,. Louis high school teacher, described
of present centers: "In the 1940s and 50s, writing centers were established such a classroom. Long before the birth ofKennethBruffee and decades prior
to address the instructional problems of weaker students by strengthening to the Dartmouth Conference, Buck's students wrote together on topics of
their writing and critical thinkin g skills , . ." (276). To be fair to Murphy, their own choosing while he himselfspent time with each individually before
she also rccognize,i; a liberal mission in early centers-<ldeveloping students1 havin g them read and critique one another's papers. Buck may have even
potentials and facilitating their intellectual growth"--hut implies that this coined the term laboratory method/ for the opening ofhis essayjustifies the

agenda was subsumed by the conservative demand for "the highest number method by dtawing analogies with already esrablished laboratorywork in d,e
of meas1m1b!e tesnk� for the largest number o-f students in the shortest rime
frame" (277) .
These constructions, all by notable commentators on writing centers 1
sdences1 a move that subsequent commentators in the early part of the
century itoitated. Though Buck's method used dass tlme, evidently he
aware of the value of one�to�one instruction and peer criti que. techniques ar
reflect an evolutionary history of centers often accepred uncritically by the the heart ofwriting center methodology today.
writing center community. I do not mean to say chat centers have not By the 1 9 l Os, it isj'Vident that others were subscribing to the laboratoty
"progressed," Nor do I daim fur centers of the past the theoretical method. Defulclln g cokposition instruction against those who were calling
sophisticarion thar com mentators such as Wallace, Lunsford, and Murphy fuL: its abolition, an editorial in the fustJ�G pf f.pgiifiJ. lqurnelcires rl,e

find. lacking. Rather, I believe that although we can, to some degree, trace an efficacy of the laboraro metho<l. The method continued to flo urish, as is
� history of wrirh,g centers, this history is not a neat march of ev, e r nc · r's 191'i'. art' le describing a classroom at
progress from currcnr�rradicional gradgrindianism to theoreticall
· y sophisri- New Trier High School similar ro u t · two da s er aside
� n11rturc. Earl centers, as we can reconstruct t historical texts, for labgratory wp(.k. A s1m1 ar article by �nk W. Cady pf Micl,lkbu.ny
were a much more vad ate an com Jex hen. �en �p;e two years earlier indicates tlut the aboratory method had been
rcpres te i[w;1tin center discourse. ms, in tht':{ essay I will attemp t to adopted in post-secondary instruction as well. It is difficult to tell how
fi �
trace t e evo utton o writmg centers to demonstrate how early ceriters widespread the method was in either college or high schools, but evidently
conducted practice in ways which both deviate from and foreshadow writing it was eo on enou b the end ofthe 1920, to become the subjecr ofan
center practice and theory roday, I will begin wirhadiru:hroniclookatcenters em pirical study or a aster s I""' y · est Virginia high school teacher
as an evolving phenomenon before dosing with a synchronk perspective Warren Horner. Elomer found that studen,:s in the experimental group
comparing centers of the past and present on three issues; clientele,. staffing, made small gains in rhe>orical and grrunmatlcal p roficiency but did so in half
and institutional identity. the instruction time dedicated to a control group of students m.ughr in a
redtational format.
A Place of Its Own
Finding the first writing centeri in some form that we would reco gnize
in terms ofcenrers today1 .is like any quest for origins: the .further back we go1 By name. and method we can see connections between the laboratory

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