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Lane 1 - Practice Area

Lane 2 - Slower Skating

Lane 3 - Controlled Faster Skating

3- Lane Progression
● Listen
● Keep hands to self especially if falling
● Please take a helmet if needed
● No passing on the blue mats
● Know your skill level
○ On blue mat and at free skating
● Be mindful of your personal space
● Keep an eye on others
From a sitting position...
1. Bend knees and put skates out to 1 side of your

2. Kneel on floor with both skates behind you

3. The “Recovery” position; bring 1 knee up in

front of your body and put both hands on that
knee, leaving your opposite skate behind you
with toe touching the floor

4. Standing up; push up using your back toe while

pushing with both hands off your front knee
T - Position

Utilize the position for take

off leverage right before you
begin skating. Or, use this
formation as a stationary
position to hold your
balance while standing still.
Skating Forward
Technique- “Baby V-Steps!”

Skater starts with knees

slightly bent, feet close
together and toes pointed
about 45 degree angle.
Skating Forward
Technique - “Baby V-Steps!”

Skater starts with knees

slightly bent, feet close
together and toes pointed
about 45 degree angle.
- One of the most effective
ways to stop AND keep
your body under control
- Start by coasting on 2
feet, then bend both
knees to a squatting
- Extend 1 skate straight
behind, then assume the
“Recovery” position
- Your body will then come
to a controlled stop
Slowing Down
or Stopping

T-Stop 1
Coast on 2 feet, bend both
knees. Extend 1 leg straight
behind and then drag 2 wheels
sideways across the floor until
Slowing Down
or Stopping

T-Stop 2
Coast on 2 feet, bend both
knees. Extend 1 leg straight
behind and then drag 4
wheels sideways across the
floor until stopped.
Slowing Down
or Stopping

Forward Toe
Forward Crossover
- leaning more on the
inside leg (left leg here),
the skater transfers
weight from 1 skate to
the other by crossing the
outside foot(right foot
here) in front of the left
Near Fall Recovery

“Squat, Recover,
and Retake the
Backwards Skating
Technique- “FIGURE 8’S”

Skater should start with both

knees bent and feet together.
Focus on pushing the heels of
both skates - away from each
other, then pull back again -
toward each other.
(Sometimes a point of
reference such as a straight
line on the floor can help the
skater stay focused).
Backwards Skating
Technique- “C CUTS”

Similar to the “Figure 8”

technique. The only
difference is using 1 foot
at a time (heel out, heel
in) rather than both feet
at the same time.
Backwards Skating
Technique- “S CURVES”

Similar to the “C Cut” The

outside skate makes the
more defined “cut”. The
inside skate is mirroring the
same motion (to a lesser
degree) Use hips to pivot
back and forth with each
Backwards Skating
Technique- “Stepping”

Point Toes in while picking

1 skate off the floor at time.
Beginners should keep feet
no wider than shoulder-
width apart.
Backwards Skating
Technique- “Toe-Stop”

Skater should have control

by coasting backward on 2

Bend both knees, then

extend 1 leg keeping wheels
on the floor.

When ready to stop, push

rubber toe brake to the floor
and apply pressure by
transferring weight to the leg
that was fully extended
“The BACKWARD Crossover”
- Allows you to turn while skating

Before trying this skill, the skater should

be comfortable with “C Cuts”. It is also
helpful to practice by starting from a
standing position on skates, then simply
pick one skate up and crossover the other
skate moving in a lateral direction. Once
comfortable with those 2 skills, combine
them together.

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