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Answer all the quc.\tion.t.

Each que.stion is folloved by four options lettered A trt D. Find the correct option for each
queslion. Shade r)z pencil (),1 .r)our answer sheet the ensv:er.spuce l,'hitlt beqrs lhe same letter os the
oplion you have chosen. Give onlv one answer /o each question. An erantple is given below

The administrative head of a public corporation is the

A. speaker.
B. chainnan.
C. director-general.
D. rnana-qingdirector.

The correct an.\v)er rs rnanasing. director which is lettered D untl therefore answer space D would
be shocled.
rA= EB= EC= EE,=
Noy,,er the .follou,ing questiorts.

I Th,'hest way for an individualto develop his or her capabilrrl is throu,eh

. setting of goals.
B. having sense of direction.
C. job security.
D. education and training.
) Students can achiere _sreater heights in academic pursuit if they
A. ar oid takins risk in even,endear orrr.
B. adore readintt lorciqn nrrr c-ls.
( are acti\ el) inr olr ed ln se ltool polrtics.
D. are prepared to set and attain new goals.

J which of the following statements about \4aslou's theon ot'needs is not true?
,\ Achieving one's goals in li1-e is self-acrualizaritrr
tl. Human beings aspire onh tor higher needs
C. Human beings har e fir e categr-rries rrf nec-d:
D. Secondan needs of man are phr siolt-rqicel

4 Adolcscents u,ho practice chastin are sure tt.r eSCopc- thc danger: ,-rf
.1, dornestic violence.
ts. teenage pregnancy.
C. parentalirresponsibility.
D. violence against girls.
5 Good gender relationship can be fostered throu-slr
A. adolescent for passion.
B bo1,s and girls relationships.
C. provision of regular education.
D. farrr ih planning serr ices.
6 To attain a good reproductive health, the adolescent girl should
A. eusage in peer group activities.
B. foster good gender relations.
C. despiseprorniscuousbehaviour.
D. have a good sense o1-envirorrmental sanitation.

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j -
7 Femalc genital mutilation is illegal in Ghana because it
lJ is a hurran right abusb.
C'. is not carried out by expefts.
D. :tisrrralizcs the r ictirrr.

8 One socio-cultural practice that prornotes der elopment is

A chieftaincl.
B funeral.
C. svstem of inheritance.
D. pubert-v rite.

9 The national svnrbol u,hich has an aspect that reminds us of those who fought and died for the
nation is the
A. Coat of Arms.
B. Mace.
C NationalFlag.
D. State Su'ord.

10. The marriage practice u hereby the couple live in their ou n home is known as
A. duoloca[.
B. matrilocal.
('. neolocal.
D. patrilocal.

ll. A Iratural factor which often causes breakdou,n of marriages in the Ghanaian society is
A. barrenness.
ts. death.
C. inccst.
D. po\eq.

t2 Childrcrr's rc-spon.ibilit) to their {amilies does not include

.\ . cnsr.lrnr! ti)r' silln ival of the famill .
B. rcsl)r-e iiri,: the parents.
C. \'irshinS rt ishes after meals.
D. rurtrtinu crnrncls lbr tlreir peers.

l3 \ rr, ;. , r is an,,\krrn. and the father. iVlole-Dagbanienjovs

'. ,ii,. ,lrur ii.r:
il i,.r':tilir' rnltcr iilnrec.
. ;. ..., :. .,';1...rc.
': ptitr iirlru.ri tr,llut rtliil.c.

l {. t r:r. :ii\,art&ge of the extended family system is

,. \ control of behaviour and attitudes of ntembers,
B. encouragentent of hardwork iunong members.
C. enjtrr ntetrt ol-prir acr bv members.
D. increasc- in rhe r iqht of inheritance.

t5 A situation uhere a child is ill-catered for and left to his or her fate to struggle for survival is know as
A. child abuse.
B. child labour.
C. child neglect.
D. child trafficking.

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16 (J.c * rir br * hich children portray their parents to be irresponsible is
,\ ar oiding peer influence.
ll. performing poorly in school.
C. play ing truancy in school.
D. relying on councelling in school.

17. The initial process of social interaction by which a child learns the ways of life of his or her society
is the responsibility of
A. religious leaders.
R lamily.
('. peers.
D. teachers.

18. Which ofthe following can be a consequence of deviance on the individual?

A Isolation
B Popularity in the family
C Social unrest
D Stagnant development

19. A major cause of health and sanitation problems in urban centres is

A. illiteracy.
B. congestion.
C. unhygieniccondition.
D. poverty among parents.

20. which of the following measures best protects our physical environment?
A ImplementationofEnvironmentatprotectionAgencyporicies
B. Public education on the need to preserve *ut"ibodi"s
c. Destruction of wild and poisonous animals from the environment
D. Establishment of uoodlots to provide u,ood and fuel materials

21. one positive impact of formal education on the Ghanaian society is I

A. adoption of western culture.
B. focus on the nuclear family system.
C. improved standard of living.
D. strengthening of the extended famil1,.

22. The process of transforming a communin to meet new developmental challenges is

.{. rlturalassimilation.
3 .rentific erolution.
.ocial change.
.) ''evolutionan action.
: ,{ One major condition for peace building is
.\. curfew.
B.,nilitary intervention.
:'- :olitical patrol.

j.l The best way of overcoming the challenges of post-independence is to adopt

A. consistent foreign policy.
B. positive work attitude.
C. tradeliberalizationpolicy.
D. Western liberal democracv.

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25. An individual can become self-ernployed and self-reliant through acquisition of

A. bank loan.
B. school certificate.
C. vocationalskills.
D. abundant rrealth.

26 Peace building refers to

A. conflict resolution.
B. conflict assessment.
C. harmonious living.
D. reconciliationprocess

27 . One process of peace building is

A. existence of good relationshiP
B. prolongedarbitration.
C. stable mediation.
D. intemrptedcompromise.

28. A condition for sustained peace building in our communities is

A.' fearlessness.
B. insisting on one's rights.
C. respect for love ones.
D. tolerance.

29 . An effective leader is the one who is patriotic and upholds the principles of
A. democracy and individual responsibility.
B. democracyandself-determination.
\ C. rule of larr and social integration.
D. rule of las and national politics.
30. For a traditional leader to be successful, he or she must
A. be generous to the people.
B. appease those who oppose him or her.
C. have vision and take initiative.
D. possess absolute power.

31. Con.titutional rule can best be explained as

.4. govemment based on a system of laws.
B. legalframework by which cases are judged.
C. a system of govemment based strictly on conventions
D. fundamental hunrarr richts of citizens based on larvs.
32 Uniqv and development of a nation are sustainable under democracy because
A. opponents of the government are always allowed to demonstrate.
B. political appointees are well protected to do their work.
C. political parties are accountable to foreign election observers.
i) r ieu's of all interest groups are accommodated.

33 In u'hich of the follorving places is the citizens' right of movement restricted?

,\ Vilitary zones
B. Police station
C. Public office
D. Recreationalcentres

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34 The United Nations Organization (UNO) u'as fornred mainly to ensure international
A. fleht aeainst uarcotic trade.
B. peace and securin.
C. respect for human rights.
t). social and econolnic cooperation.

35 One of the objectives of the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) is to
A. controlinflation.
B. check drug traffickinu.
C. eradicate po\ em\ .

D. prevent terrorisln.

36 Unemployment among the r outh can be minimized through

A. establishment of local industries.
ll. acquisitionofvocationalskills.
C. availability of rural banks.
D. acquisition of university education.

37 A nr:r ior role of the youth that can lead to national der elopment is
, expending their energies on productive \ entures.
Ii. giving them unlimited controloverthe countn's atJ-airs.
C. rrrobilizing resources for developmental project.
D spencling rnore time to learn from peers.

38 r that is financiallv secured has the capacity to

Lrc'crrnle credit uonhr and borrow more for consumption.
5pcnd nrLrnr-\ on \uhsidizing utilitr and create nrore ministries.
initiate and e.rpand deleiopment.
D. spend anyhow.

39 Effort being made to promote science and technologf in Ghana is

A. encouraging the admissit'rn of more science students in our school
B. establishing science lahoratories in all communities.
C. funding the trainine t'ritrnlr science teachers.
)i nraking science cL)mpulsr)n at all ler els of education.

40 An acceptable uar for an indir idual tt-, contribute tr'r the der gll.rpntcnt of his or her community is by
A. criticizing every etlbrt of the c.-rnnrunitr Icaders.
B. rnaking one's expertise available on demand.
C. Westem education.
I). actively participating in community decision making.

-ll Which of the following options is the best rvay of developing the human resourcc r)f an orsanization?
A. Apprentiship
B. Experience frorn another job
C. On-the-job training
D. Technicaleducation

12 Which of the followi,ng factors can best ensure commur.ritv dcvelopment?

.A. Active pafticipation in comrnunal labour
B. Having fore-sight and initiative
C. Possessing drive and skills
D. Having charisma and lor ed br tlie cornrrrunitr

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-t3 National socio-economic life can be explained as

A. allactivities carried out in a country to enhance the quality of life of the people
B. programmes that are undertaken to deal with the countty's lnoney supply.
C. activities that are carried out to avoid waste. by cutting down expenditure'
D. policies that relate to production and consurnption of goods and services.
.14. One essential ingredient tbr gr,.*1h and der eloprrlent in G|ana is
A. effective and timell prioritization-
B. support for self-imposed leaders.
C. effective use of voters' register.
D. reliance on expatriate human resource.

-15 The habit of servicing tools and improving facilities regularly is referred to as
A. development plan.
B. maintenance culture.
C. infrastructuraldeveloPment.
D. sustainabledevelopment.

46 Pressure on social amenities in Ghana is caused by

A. poor plannine.
B. disregard for public propefty.
C. poor maintenance culture.
D. rapid population groMh.

17 . \\'hich of the following strategies can be adopted to break the vicious c1'cle of population groMh in
A. Improving health service delivery
B. Iincouraeing high birrh rate people
C. i'i..t:t.rtinSit'rtlitlurl.ii iabour itttitec.,lttttluttities
-W.- Promoting girl-child education in schools

48 An attitude ernplovers u'ill not entertain at their work place is

A. discipline.
B. honestl.
C. malingering.
D. lovaln.

49 Which of the lollou inq business enterprises has the advantage of quick decision-rnaking?
A. Partnership
B. Public Joint-Stock Company
('. SoleProprietorship
D. State enterprises

50 An important characteristic associated with public corporations is the

A. collapse of the enterprise when the manager dies.
B. huge salaries paid to the workers.
C. inabilin, to engage in lar-se-scale production.
I). pror ision of essential utilitr sen ices.


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