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Pertemuan 2:

Pengantar Mengenai Organisasi & Level Organisasi:

Visi, Misi, Nilai-Nilai, & Proses Bisnis
(Introduction of Organization &
Vision, Mission, Shared Values, & Business Process)

PS 23022
Teori dan Aplikasi Psikologi Industri dan Organisasi

Faculty of Psychology
Universitas Tarumanagara
Learning Points of Session 1
• Introduction to I/O Psychology
o Definition of I/O Psychology
o Objectives of I/O Psychology
o History of I/O Psychology
o Mission of I/O Psychology
o Key Trends of I/O Psychology
Agenda Session 2
Session 2A: Session 2B: Session 2C:
• Definition of Organization • Vision • Business Process
• Characteristics of • Mission
Organization • Shared Values
• The Measurement of
Organization Performance
• Organization Behaviour
• Three Levels of Organization
Pertemuan 2A:
Pengantar Mengenai Organisasi
(Introduction of Organization)
PS 23022
Teori dan Aplikasi Psikologi Industri dan Organisasi

Faculty of Psychology
Universitas Tarumanagara
Definition of Organization
General Business Perspective

“A system of consciously coordinated activities of two or more persons”

(Barnard, 1938)

“A body of individuals working under a defined system of rules, assignments

procedures, and relationships designed to achieve identifiable objectives
and goals”
(Greenwald, 2008)
Definition of Organization (cont’d)
Organizational Behaviour Perspective

“A social unit within which people have achieved somewhat stable

relations (not necessarily face to face) among themselves in order to
facilitate obtaining a set of objectives or goals”
(Litterer, 1963)

“An organization is a complex system, which includes as subsystems: (1)

management, and (2) a sufficient number of people
(Lundgren 1974)
Definition of Organization (cont’d)
Industrial and Organization Perspective
“Work consists of patterned human behaviour and the ‘equipment’
consists of the human beings”
(Katz & Kahn, 1978)
“Lively sets of interrelated systems (task, structure, technology, people,
and the environment) designed to perform complicated tasks”
(Levitt, 1972)
Characteristics of Organization
• Outlining the objectives
• Identifying the activities
• Assigning the duties
• Defining the authority
• Creating authority relationship
The Measurement of Organizational Performance

• Profit
• Productivity (number of total production of goods or individual
• Customer satisfaction
• Turnover
• Absenteeism
• Well – being
Organizational Behaviour As An Option
• Studying organizational behaviours is one of the ways to increase
organizational performance
• The purpose of organizational behaviour is to gain a greater
understanding of factors that influence the dynamics of how
individuals work and interact so that they can become more efficient
and effective
Three Levels of Organizational Behaviour
• Level of Organization
• Level of Groups
• Level of Individual
Organizational Level
• It analyses:
o how organizational structure, design, & technology influence
organizational effectiveness
o the relationship between the organization and the environmental
factors that directly or indirectly affect the organization
Group Level
• It focuses on:
o how group interacts with each other
o how they work together
o how leadership influences the group
o how they communicate with each other
Individual Level
• It studies:
o how individual behaviour react to organizational plans and policies
o motivation of an individual
o perception, belief and attitude of an individual
Pertemuan 2B:
Level Organisasi
Visi, Misi, & Nilai-Nilai
(Vision, Mission, & Shared Values)
PS 23022
Teori dan Aplikasi Psikologi Industri dan Organisasi

Faculty of Psychology
Universitas Tarumanagara
• It is an idealistic projection of the company in an undefined future, in
a mature and successful position
• It is NOT a fantasy
• It is an idealistic projection of what the company might be and might
• It can be said as a product that usually of the founders of the
• It is an assumed responsibility of the company born from its social goals
• It reflects the way in which vision can be transformed into a tangible
existence for the company
• It provides the necessary guidance for developing strategy, defining
critical success factors, searching out key opportunities, making resource
allocation choices and pleasing stakeholders
• It represents the synthesis of what the customers and the employees see
as being the core business, what products and services should be
realised, who customers are and what values should be delivered to
Core Values
• They refer fundamental character of their organization
• They represent strong beliefs people get through in any obstacles
• It become the driving force for the company
• They provide a common frame of reference that serves as a unifying
force across different functions
• They communicated and shared by all employees so that it acts as a
strong integrator for the organizational intellectual capital
Pertemuan 2C:
Level Organisasi
Proses Bisnis
(Business Process)
PS 23022
Teori dan Aplikasi Psikologi Industri dan Organisasi

Faculty of Psychology
Universitas Tarumanagara
Business Process
• It refers as a structured, measured set of activities designed to
produce a specific output for a customer or market
• It implies a strong emphasis on how work is done within organization
• It should be based on the way business activity is conducted in an
Example of Business Process – Coffee Shop
Example of Business Process – Goods Delivery

Order made by Pick up request Pick up process

customer by system by driver

Delivery goods Goods delivered

to customer by Sorting process to main store by
driver driver

received goods
Session 2A: Session 2B: Session 2C:
• Definition of Organization • Vision • Business Process
• Characteristics of • Mission
Organization • Shared Values
• The Measurement of
Organization Performance
• Organization Behaviour
• Three Levels of Organization

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