Pertemuan 04 2021 Individual Outcomes (S)

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Pertemuan 4:

Level Individu
Kinerja, Kesejahteraan Psikologis, & Komitmen Organisasi
(Performance, Well-Being, & Organizational Commitment)

PS 23022
Teori dan Aplikasi Psikologi Industri dan Organisasi

Faculty of Psychology
Universitas Tarumanagara
Learning Points Session 3
• Organizational Structure
o Dimensions of Organizational Structure
o Organizational Design
o Factors Affecting Organizational Design
• Organizational Culture
o Components of Organization Culture
o Function of Organizational Culture
o Measurement of Organizational Culture
o Maintaining, Developing, & Changing Organizational Culture
Individual Outcomes



Session 4A: Session 4B: Session 4C:
• Definition of • Definition of Well-Being
• Definition of
Individual Work • Two Perspectives of
Performance (IWP) Well-Being Organizational
• Dimension of IWP • Subjective Well-Being Commitment (OC)
• Details of IWP (SWB) • Dimensions of OC
Dimensions • Component of SWB
• Revised IWP • Psychological Well-
Being (PWB)
• Component of PWB
Pertemuan 4A:
Level Individu

PS 23022
Teori dan Aplikasi Psikologi Industri dan Organisasi

Faculty of Psychology
Universitas Tarumanagara
Definition of Individual Work Performance

• Scalable actions, behaviour and outcomes that employee engage in or

bring about that are linked with and contribute to organizational goals
(Viswesvaran & Ones, 2000)

• It refers to behaviours that are relevant to the organizational goals

(Campbell, 1990)
Dimension of Individual Work Performance (Koopmans)

Task Contextual
Performance Performance

Work Behaviour
Task Performance
• It refers to the core job tasks or jobs that based on job description including the
activity that they have to accomplish as to adapt with changes in their roles
• Indicators:
o completing job tasks
o job skills
o job knowledge
o keeping knowledge up-to-date
o planning and organizing
o decision making
o oral and written communication
o solving problems creatively
o dealing with uncertain or unpredictable work situations
o learning new tasks, technologies and procedures
o adapting to other individuals & cultures
o open minded
Contextual Performance
• It refers to behaviour that go beyond the formally prescribed work
goals, such as taking on extra tasks, showing initiative, or coaching
newcomers on the job.
• Indicators:
o creativity
o initiative
o cooperating with and helping others
o politeness
o enthusiasm
Counterproductive Work Behaviour (CWB)
• It refers to behaviour that harms the well-being of the organization
• Indicators:
o absenteeism
o being late for work
o engaging in off-task behaviour
o theft
o substance abuse
Pertemuan 4B:
Level Individu
Kesejahteraan Psikologis
PS 23022
Teori dan Aplikasi Psikologi Industri dan Organisasi

Faculty of Psychology
Universitas Tarumanagara
What is Well-Being?

Well-being is the experience of having:

• Good mental health
• High life satisfaction
• A sense of meaning or purpose in life
• An ability to manage stress
Two Perspectives of Well-Being


Subjective Psychological
Subjective Well-Being (SWB, Diener)
• It focuses on hedonic aspect and involves:
o pleasure
o enjoyment
o satisfaction
o comfort/painlessness/ease
• It refers to how an individual experience quality of their lives (both
emotional reactions and cognitive judgments)
• Some say it is the fulfilment of the Maslow’s lower stage of needs
Components of Subjective Well-Being

Emotional Domain
Life Satisfaction
Responses Satisfactions
Emotional Responses
• It is labelled as affect
• It represents people’s evaluations of the events that occur in their life
• It consists of two affects:
o pleasant affect (joy, pride, affection)
o unpleasant affect (guilt, anxiety, stress)
Life Satisfaction
• It focuses on overall cognitive evaluations towards:
o desire to change life
o satisfaction with current life
o satisfaction with past
o satisfaction with future
o significant others’ views of one’s life
Domain Satisfaction
• It refers to individual’s cognitive evaluation of various aspects of their
life experiences
• Examples are:
o work
o family
o leisure
o health
o finances
Psychological Well-Being (PWB, Ryff)
• It focuses on eudaimonic aspect and involves:
o pursuing meaningful goals
o growing and developing as a person
o establishing quality ties to others
• It refers to the fulfilment of human potential and a meaningful of life
• Some say it is the fulfilment of the Marslow’s higher stage of needs
Components of Psychological Well-Being

Environmental Purpose
mastery in life


Components Description
of PWB
Positive Feeling of connected, respected, and well-loved
Purpose in Life Having meaning in life and make a difference in the world

Personal Growth Willing to change in positive direction, becoming more mature and acquire new skills

Self-Acceptance Having positive attitudes about themselves, past behaviours and choices that they made

Autonomy Becoming independent, self-reliant, and do not worry about others think about them

Environmental Feel competent to meet the demands of the situations in their life
Pertemuan 4C:
Level Individu
Komitmen Organisasi
(Organizational Commitment)

PS 23022
Teori dan Aplikasi Psikologi Industri dan Organisasi

Faculty of Psychology
Universitas Tarumanagara
Organizational Commitment
• refers to a worker’s feelings and attitudes about the entire work
• an individual's psychological bond to the organisation, including a
sense of job involvement, loyalty and belief in the values of the
• a state in which an employee identifies with a particular organisation
and its goals, and wishes to maintain membership in the organisation
• is a psychological state that characterises the employee’s relationship
with the organisation, and has implications for the decision to
continue membership in the organisation
Dimensions of Organizational Commitment (OC)


Affective Continuance Normative

Commitment Commitment Commitment
Affective Commitment
• refers to employee’s emotional attachment to the organization
• positive feelings of identification with, attachment to and
involvement in the work organisation
• Indicators:
o I would be very happy to spend the rest of my career in this organization
o I really feel as if this organization’s problems are my own
o This organization has a great deal of personal meaning to me
o I feel a strong sense of belonging to this organization
o I feel emotionally attached to this organization
Continuance Commitment
• the extent which employees feel committed to their organisation by
virtue of the costs that they feel are associated with leaving
• Indicators:
o Right now, staying with my job at this organization is a matter necessity as
much as desire
o I believe I have too few options to consider leaving this organization
o One of the few negative consequences of leaving my job at this organization
would be the scarcity of available alternatives elsewhere
Normative Commitment
• It refers a sense of duty or obligation to stay with the company
• Indicators:
o I would feel guilty if I left this organization now
o I owe a great deal to this organization
o I would not leave my organization right now because of my sense of obligation
to it
o This organization deserves my loyalty
Conclusion – Individual Outcomes
Session 4A: Session 4B: Session 4C:
• Definition of • Definition of Well-Being
• Definition of
Individual Work • Two Perspectives of
Performance (IWP) Well-Being Organizational
• Dimension of IWP • Subjective Well-Being Commitment (OC)
• Details of IWP (SWB) • Dimensions of OC
Dimensions • Component of SWB
• Revised IWP • Psychological Well-
Being (PWB)
• Component of PWB

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