Mejares, Mark Vincent O. BSFA-ID 1B

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Mejares, Mark Vincent O.


What I learn and the activities/practicum I took during Photography 1(Last Semester), Is the
introduction of the photograpgy and also camera obscura which is the timeline of the camera history,
the first picture taken, who created the camera until the lastest events of digital camera after that we
go into the camera basic which shows the insides and outter parts of the digital camera, the uses of
the modules and also the functions afterward is the Basic camera shot, Photo Composition and
Exposure and Metering is all about camera shots in different Range, Angles, Focus Camera Grid
Lines and Depth of Field. On the Practicums or activities during 1 st semester is first our self
introduction photo, Still Life Photography, Action Photography, and lastly Practicum on Vantage Point.

That’s what I learnt during the 1 st semester in Photography 115 and I had fun exploring the life
of a photograher even I’m proud of my works sometimes even tho is embarrassing and awful but I still
had fun.

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