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By Autumn Halcyon


Emo Boys Kissing (EBK) is a cultural phenomenon that’s existed

for a massive quantity of human history, from the ancient
athenian occultist boywives of Alexandrean times to today,
where across the globe effeminate, edgy and vaguely
countercultural boys across the world meet lips with those of
their same or similar aesthetic stylings! This has only proven to
be an incredible benefit to global happiness as images of Emo
Boys Kissing are shared worldwide to the joy of so many each
and every day. This work will analyse what exactly Emo Boys
Kissing constitutes, the mark it’s left on our physical and
digital landscape and how even you could be involved in this
incredible revolutionary movement!
What is ‘Emo’’

‘Emo’ (Short for ‘Emotional’) is a popular subgenre that has

come largely from it’s basis in music and fashion. Those who’re
much more gatekeepy about what exactly the makeup of an
Emo is would be inclined to say that an Emo is a young person,
usually with a ‘swoop’ style haircut who wears mostly black
and listens to punk rock, alternative punk and hardcore genres
of music. This consensus is generally very well agreed upon,
however it is incredibly constrictive to dictate that this is
exactly what an emo boy consists of. Similar subgenres with
heavy emphasis on being true to oneself could easily fall under
the definition of being emo or classified similarly without issue.
These other similar subgenres include but are not limited to
ones such as Scene, Indie, Goth, Punk and Occult. The
expansion of this definition to include anyone who identifies as
a social outcast and is in some ways proud of their
vulnerabilities widens the net in an incredibly constructive way
to help push the bounds of what EBK can constitute! This is
entirely and wholeheartedly encouraged, and allows us to trace
the phenomena of EBK throughout history.
What is ‘Boys’

As previously expressed in this work, it is highly encouraged to

cast a wider net over what exactly a ‘boy’ constitutes. Though
some may view the term ‘boy’ to be infantilizing, it’s believed
by some that an alternative view of this term is to perceive it
as one of affection, as that anyone of any age could be
considered ‘boy’. As well as this, one shouldn’t fret over this
being an exclusively male domain as boyishness is something
that can be found in varying degrees from the highly masc, to
the feminine boy to the faggy dyke. All of the above and more
can constitute a boy if the situation calls for it.

The ‘Akrotiri Boxing Fresco’. A classic example of the loving embrace of two emo
boys holding each other in the classic wrastlin’ that emo boys are so often known to
partake in.
What is ‘Kissing’

Kissing is a concept more ancient and well documented than

surprisingly even the concepts of being ‘emo’ or being a ‘boy’.
This generally includes pressing ones lips together against
something or someone, thus completing a complex circuit
capable of releasing intense amounts of dopamine. This
dopamine is often reported as inciting such emotions as love,
joy and euphoria. More in depth and intensive forms of kissing
usually involve pressing ones lips against the lips of another
willing participant, either with or without the involvement or
usage of tongue. This pure and loving bond between two emo
boys is best expressed through this, as well as through holding
hands and sitting on each others laps. Emo Boys are known to
do these sorts of actions regularly, and it’s highly encouraged
to thank them for their incredible service to the community
and wider world as a whole. After all, emo boys are one of the
core pillars that hold society afloat!
Understanding why we love Emo Boys Kissing

Ultimately participating in or viewing EBK can bring joy in

varying degrees through three core aspects, vulnerability,
nostalgia and cutiecore. The loving closeness of two emo boys
is a bond stronger than any one physical adhesive could even
dream to achieve, leading to engineers to speculate if the
embrace of two emo boys could be used for structural
purposes leading into Load Bearing Emo Boy technology. As
well as this, the nostalgia for a simpler- yet not too simple post
9/11 world where we all used myspace and MSN to connect
with one another and where romance could truly bloom. Finally,
the cutiecore aspect- What is Cutiecore! Well, it’s a much more
complicated concept than can possibly be explained in this
small pamphlet, but be assured that emo boys kissing truly fits
the bill!
Can I be an Emo Boy that kisses other Emo

Yes! And not only that, is it entirely encouraged! No matter who

you are you too can be involved, let a million rawr’s and XD’s be

Enjoy your newfound life and love, and allow it to follow you
always <3

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