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The blogging tool as a teaching tool

During this time we have been exploring the extent of The blogging tool, we have
discussed their perks, such as the accessibility, the time it has been available, the
information that is already available on this sites, and the little problems it has such
as accuracy in order to review and have more information on this matter I am
developing a website that will function for educators, students and general public,
most of them women, in order to gather more inside information on this is use.
This project have me developing an amicable layout easy to understand and
manage by people with basic knowledge on how to use this kind of websites. My
goal is to, along the time, I got as more information as I can on the accuracy of the
data it's being posted by different users, what are the matters that are more
discussed, how often people use the website either to post information or to get
information that is as accessible through different devices not only a computer but a
cell phone or a tablet.
This information as it comes will help me to develop and educative approach as how
we can use this information and how can we make it accessible to everyone. how we
can incentive users to share their knowledge and encourage consumers to make use
of this information, and together build new knowledge, the type of knowledge that will
involve both parties of the interaction making valuable combined data to be further
developed by the next user. This way I would like to achieve two things: the first
one to make information Democratic fit by any person and create community among
the people that is using this tool so they can share common interest and explore
I really believe that information is composed by little bits of information of different
people putting together and developed by the next human, my project goes to use
the internet and specifically the blogging as a free tool where you can choose the
way you write or the way you communicate through wording, explore different
languages, types of text, formats, Metrics, so the information is available for
anyone's understanding and so it will be susceptible to be used on the next subject
that we as community are exploring.
Using the feedback that you have very gently provided me I am refining the
little details so we can extend up from maine media sites as Wikipedia or blogger,
with the help of some colleagues I think I will put energy into the developing on these
two so we can start generating the data that will be history in the future.

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