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ACTIVITY 1. GMO and You!

(Lesson Check – Up)

➔ Soybeans

Are you willing to consume this GMO?


➔ because soybean plant are resistant to pests and disease as well as
being tolerant of herbicides.

➔ Corn

Are you willing to consume this GMO?


➔ because corn protects the crop against corn rootworms and the Asian corn
borer. GM sweet corn also protects the crop against destructive pests.

➔ sugar beets

Are you willing to consume this GMO?


➔ sugar beet has increased tolerance to some herbicides, and also has virus
and pest resistance traits.

➔ Squash
Are you willing to consume this GMO?

squash has traits that improve the plant’s defense against viruses.

➔ Canola

Are you willing to consume this GMO?

➔ canola has been modified to make it tolerant to some herbicides and for
resistance to pests and fungus.
Activity 2. Human Genetic Engineering: Ethical or Not?
(Lesson Enhancement!)
Aspects: Designer babies
Pros:It reduces the risk of inherited medical conditions such as anemia, obesity,
diabetes, cancer, and much more.
Cons : Because most people will seek out good-looking, intelligent babies with other
optimum characteristics, everyone will be relatively similar.
Ethical concerns:It is almost the same as carrying out an abortion when you have
plenty of choices to eliminate the unwanted ones. In some cases, the parents have
also gone ahead and aborted the baby, depending on their reasons for creating
the baby in the first place. Sometimes parents do it for money they will get as
compensation for donating the stem cells and have no thought whatsoever of the
Aspect: Gene selection
Pros: Preventing the transmission of deadly diseases
CONS: Uncontrollable population growth
Ethical concern:
it is technically too dangerous, that it discriminates or invites discrimination against
persons with disabilities, and that it may be becoming increasingly irrelevant in some
cases. ASPECT: GeneTheraphy
Pros: Research into gene therapy has been ongoing for decades now,and there is
light at the end of the tunnel as gene therapy is associated with the following
advantages. Cons: Although
gene therapy has a potential for treating several ailments and improving life,this is
relatively new technique and involve several safety and concern thus it should be
carefully embraced.
Ethnical concern:How can good and bad use of gene therapy be distinguished?
WHo decides which traits are normal and constitute disability or disorder?Will The
high cost of gene therapy make it available only the wealthy?

Aspect: Social-economic differences

Pros:Rewards hard works
Rewards risk and investment.
Cons: Unfair-inherited
Ethnical concern: A number social issues may apply to toxicogenomics
Q1. Do you support applying GE on human? Please explain and defend your answer
using the theories of ethics.
Answer: Yes
Explanation:Because,genetically modified bacteria and other microorganisms are
used to manufacture human insulin, human growth hormone, blood clotting factor,
and other medicinal drugs, and the number of such compounds could rise in the

Imagine a world where you could pick your child’s traits ( like hair & eye color
/height/ build/ intelligence/ chance of disease/ memory/ number of clones). Would
this be a world you want to live in? Why or why not?
No,because would not want to live in a society where everyone is perfect and the
only thing you need to do is be first in everything living in a simulation is not good for
health and fore and most likely everyone.
Knowing the benefits and risks GMO scan bring us, what will be your stand,are you
against GMO or not?
ANSWER: I’m against GMO, because i don’t satisfy that the modified organism is safe
for the environment and for food consumption. I think both arguments are obvious,
and think this is meant to be a loaded question filled with a desire to put a stick in a
hornet nest, get people riled up.
Would it affect your decision on whether or not to buy genetically modified food?
Why or why not?
ANSWER: Yes. There is no evidence that a crop is dangerous to eat just because it is
Genetic Engineering: World’s Greatest Scam? When
the Golden Rice Project was first announced, it was advertised as an exciting
solution to VAD in developing countries. However, opposition to the GMO formed,
blocking the expansion of the project. Countless people and organizations including
Friends of the Earth, MASIPAG (a farmer-led network of organizations based in the
Philippines), and Greenpeace made arguments trying to halt the Golden Rice
Project. At the same time, supporters of the project, including the International Rice
Research Institute (IRRI) and the Humanitarian Board for Golden Rice, continued
touting its benefits. It is clear that the golden rice debate is about not only golden
rice, but also GMOs in general.
ASSESSMENT TASK: Genetic Engineering: World’s Greatest Scam?

❖ When the Golden Rice Project was first announced, it was advertised as an
exciting solution to VAD in developing countries. However, opposition to the
GMO formed, blocking the expansion of the project. Countless people and
organizations including Friends of the Earth, MASIPAG (a farmer-led network
of organizations based in the Philippines), and Greenpeace made arguments
trying to halt the Golden Rice Project. At the same time, supporters of the
project, including the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) and the
Humanitarian Board for Golden Rice, continued touting its benefits. It is clear
that the golden rice debate is about not only golden rice, but also GMOs in
Gender selection
Trait selection
Gene therapy
Military use
Prolonged human life

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