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MU-ELT Preparation
Organized by the Faculty of Liberal Arts, Mahidol University
Studying Material for MU-ELT: Reading/ Incomplete Sentence (Grammar)
1) Grammar points to test
1. Adjectives
- Forms
- Comparatives & superlatives
- The + superlative
- Comparative + than
- as + adjective + as
2. Adverbs
- Forms
- Comparative form
- Manner/ place/ frequency
- Degree: enough, very, too, extremely, almost, etc.
3. Determiners
- The definite and indefinite articles
- Demonstratives: this, that, these, those, etc.
- Possessives
- Quantifiers: Both, all, some, any, a few, few, a little, little, how much, how many, few, lot, etc.
4. Gerund and present participle (-ing form)
- As present participle
- Gerunds
- Verbs followed by gerund
- Gerund and infinitive
5. Nouns
- Plurals
- Countable & Uncountable
- Compound nouns
- Nationalities
- Subject-verb agreement
6. Passive
- Form – past participle

7. Relative clauses
- Prepositions in relative clauses
- Non-defining relative clauses
- Relative pronouns- which, what, whose
8. Verbs and verb tenses
- Modal verbs
- Subjunctive forms of verbs
- Present tenses
- Simple present
- Present continuous
- Present perfect
- Past tenses
- Simple past
- Past continuous
- Past perfect
- Future tenses
- Simple future
- Future continuous
- Future perfect
9. Conditional clauses
- Type I
- Type II
- Mixed conditionals
10. Clauses
- wh-clause
- that-clause
- -ing-clause
- Infinitive (with or without 'To')
11. Verbals
- Gerund
- Participle
- Infinitive

2) Let’s practice.
Read each statement given and choose the best word that will make the statement meaningful and

1. A number of job applicants _____ for the vacant position at Tom’s Trading Company.
A. applies B. be apply C. have been applied D. has applied E. apply

2. Once I receive the check, I ______ it to my savings account.

A. deposit B. will be deposit C. is depositing D. deposits E. will deposit

3. My supervisor and I ______ at 4.30 pm. on this Friday to discuss my dissertation.

A. will be met B. have met C. meet D. are meeting E. meet

4. My uncle, together with my aunt, _____ flowers in their garden now.

A. are planting B. is planting C. have planted D. plants E. planting

5. Mia ______ her argumentative essay lately, but it does not seem she is going to finish it soon.
A. has been composing B. is composing C. will have composed
D. did compose E. compose

6. The teacher requested _____ on the exam preparation.

A. that his student working B. his student would work C. that his student works
D. his student worked E. that his student work

7. Mr. Kim’s students all agree to ____ by a professional photographer.

A. have taken the class pictures B. have the class pictures taken
C. having taken the class pictures D. having had the class pictures taken
E. have the class take pictures

8. The receptionist of the hotel admitted ____ to give the message to the guest in Room 50.
A. forgot B. forgetting C. to forget D. had forgotten E. to have forgotten

9. If I had read books, I _____________ the exam.

A. would have passed B. will pass C. would be pass D. will be passing E. pass

10. My mom would buy a new house, if she ________ the lottery.
A. wins B. would have won C. won D. will win E. will be winning

11. Mahidol University is the place ________ I started my career.

A. which B. where C. whose D. when E. how

12. I will _____________________ before I go to the concert tomorrow.

A. have my hair being cut B. have my hair cutting
C. to have my hair cut D. have my hair cut E. have been cut hair

13. My mom’s pair of trousers _________ quite expensive.

A. do B. are C. is D. were E. has

14. Twenty miles ____________ quite a long distance for me to travel alone.
A. is B. are C. does D. do E. were

15. Neither the students nor the teacher ______ to the presentation on time.
A. come B. have come C. had coming
D. comes E. are coming
16. Two of our main ______ are going to launch a similar model at the end of May.
A. competes B. competitors C. competitive D. competitions E. competitives

17. You should not spend all your free time _____ stupid talk shows on television.
A. to watch B. watching C. in watching D. to be watching E. watch

18. By the time I arrived at the train station, the train ________.
A. had already leaving B. has been left already C. had already left D. have already left E. has leaving already
19. I was taking a shower when my mom _______.
A. is calling B. called C. calls D. had called E. has calling
20. In March, Mary ______ as an intern at a new startup company, and she did well.
A. works B. was working C. is working
D. has worked E. work
21. The bank teller ______ a lot of customers when his supervisor came to assist him.
A. serve B. was serving C. has served
D. is serving E. serving
22. I have _______ money left, so I cannot lend you the money.
A. few B. a few C. little D. a little E. any
23. Would you like _______ ketchup to go with your fries?
A. some B. any C. few D. little E. a little
24. What do you suggest ______ if the offer is rejected?
A. us to do B. we to do C. to be done D. we will do E. we do
25. I lost my passport at the airport, and I will have to have another one _____.
A. had made B. to made C. made D. been made E. to make
26. Do you have _____ brothers or sisters?
A. few B. any C. some D. an E. amount
27. Can you buy _____ newspaper when you go shopping?
A. - B. a few C. a little D. little E. a
28. In experiments, scientists need devices and __________.
A. a lots of equipments B. lots of equipments C. a lot of equipment D. few equipment E. equipments

29. The real estate market is still growing ____ the rise in interest rates.
A. moreover B. whereas C. in spite of D. despite of E. instead of
30. Sales fell by 18% last year. ____ , the company had to close down one of its factories.
A. despite B. because C. as a result D. unless D. thanks to
31. I ____ with the project this week because my colleague is on sick leave.
A. deal B. am dealing C. dealt D. have dealt E. have dealing
32. CCC is a Chinese company that ____ inexpensive semiconductors.
A. manufacturing B. manufacturers C. manufacture D. manufactures E. manufacturerers
33. Ms. Linda ________ with us since the last two years, and she has been performing very well.
A. is worked B. works C. has worked D. is working E. has working
34. The annual sales conference is finishing _____ December 15th.
A. in B. on C. from D. to E. over
35. Please check if your name appears _____ the name list.
A. in B. on C. via D. through E. over
36. If I _____ the GPS, I am sure I would have got lost.
A. do not use B. was not used C. would not have used D. had not used E. not used
37. If he ______ more carefully, he will probably have another accident soon.
A. does not drive B. will not drive C. would not be driven D. did not drive E. not drive
38. He promised _____ late for the meeting next week.
A. to being B. not to be C. being D. not being E. not late
39. I clearly remember ______ the document in the safe before I left.
A. have put B. put C. to put D. putting E. be put
40. Your directions were extremely clear. I had no difficulty ____ the Technology High Park.
A. in finding B. to find C. to finding D. to have found E. founding

41. It is important that you ____ your reservation by fax.

A. to confirm B. be confirmed C. confirming D. confirm E. be confirm
42. He insisted that all his letters ______ to his new address.
A. send B. be sent C. to send D. having sent E. sent
43. I can’t show you the pictures because I have not _____ yet.
A. had the film developed B. the film developed C. the film been developed
D. to develop the film E. develop the film
44. We will have to keep our old car. We cannot afford ____ a new one.
A. buying B. in buying C. buy D. to buy E. to buying
45. This magazine give reliable information about political and ______ issues.
A. economic B. economical C. economics D. economically E. economy
46. The most _____ part in his speech was when he outlined his strategy for the next ten years.
A. interest B. interesting C. interested D. be interesting E. interestingly

สรุปกฎ Special rules (Gerund, Infinitive, Causative, Subjunctive)

ต้ องตามด้ วย ________ Avoid, admit, delay, prevent, postpone, give up, put off, finish, miss, get through,
forgive, take up, excuse, resume, enjoy, cannot help, have a good time, resist, have
fun, spend time, waste time, deny, be busy, have difficulty, mind, appreciate,
suggest, recommend, risk, oppose to, discuss, be accustomed to, imagine, be used
to, understand, get used to, recall, practice, look forward to
ต้ องตามด้ วย ________ Say, arrange, agree, consent, manage, refuse, wish, learn, hope, seek, deserve,
strive, tend, struggle, swear, claim, resolve, seem, fail, appear, offer, wait, volunteer,
expect, afford
ต้ องตามด้ วย ________ Prefer, propose, like, intend, love, attempt, cannot bear, threaten, cannot stand,
stand, demand, hate, begin, start, continue
โครงสร้ างประโยคอื่นๆ Someone =กรรมของประโยค อาจเปนชือ่ คน สรรพนาม
ที่ควรรู้ To do something = V infinitive TO

Doing something = V gerund

Do something = Verb1
Done = Verb3

I used to do something. ฉันเคยทําอะไรมาก่อน

I am used to/accustomed to doing something. ฉันคุ้นเคยกับการทําอะไร
I make someone do something. ฉันให้ ใครทําอะไร
I make myself done. ฉันทําอะไรกับตัวเอง
I need something done. ฉันต้ องการทําอะไรให้ เสร็จ
I make something done. ฉันทําอะไรให้ เสร็จ
I remember doing something. ฉันจําได้ วา่ ทําอะไรไปแล้ ว
I remember to do something. ฉันจําได้ วา่ ต้ องทําอะไรต่อ
I stop to do something. ฉันหยุดเพื่อจะทําบางอย่าง
I stop doing something. ฉันล้ มเลิกการทําบางอย่าง
I stop someone doing something. ฉันห้ ามมิให้ ใครทําบางอย่าง
I have/get something done. ฉันเอาบางอย่ างไปทําจนเสร็จ เช่ น ฉันตัดผม
I get someone to do something. ฉันสั่งหรือใช้ ใครทําอะไรบางอย่ าง
I get Adjective (V3).
I help someone to do something. ฉันช่ วยใครทําบางอย่ าง
I help someone do something. ฉันช่ วยใครทําบางอย่ าง
I spend time doing something. ฉันใช้ เวลาทําบางอย่าง
I look forward to doing something. ฉันเฝ้ารอที่จะได้ เจอบางอย่าง
I ask someone to do something. ฉันขอให้ ใครทําบางอย่าง
I avoid doing something/ avoid something. ฉันหลีกเลีย่ งบางอย่าง
I forget doing something. ฉันลืมไปแล้ วว่ าทําบางอย่ างไปแล้ ว
I forget to do something. ฉันลืมที่จะทําบางอย่ าง
I am busy doing something. ฉันกําลังยุง่ กับบางอย่าง
I consider doing something. ฉันพิจารณาจะทําบางอย่าง
It is important to do something. มันสําคัญที่จะทําบางอย่าง
It is required that someone do something. เป็ นสิง่ จําเป็ นที่ใครสักคนต้ องทําบางอย่าง
I allow/permit someone to do something ฉันอนุญาตให้ ใครทําบางอย่าง
I allow/permit doing something. ฉันอนุญาตให้ ใครทําบางอย่าง

I am required to do something. ฉันจําเป็ นต้ องทําบางอย่าง

I suggest that someone do something. ฉันแนะนําให้ ใครทําอะไรบางอย่ าง
I suggest something to someone. ฉันแนะนําบางอย่ างให้ ใครสักคน
I suggest (not) doing something. ฉันแนะนําว่ า (ไม่ ) ควรทําบางอย่ าง
I insist on (not) doing something. ฉันยืนกรานว่ า (ไม่ ) ควรทําบางอย่ าง
I insist that someone do something. ฉันยืนกรานให้ ใครทําบางอย่ าง
I take time doing something. ฉันใช้ เวลาทําบางอย่าง
I refuse to do something. I deny doing something. ฉันปฏิเสธทําบางอย่าง
I admit doing something. ฉันยอมรับว่ าทําบางอย่ าง
It is worth doing something. มันคุ้มค่ าที่จะทําบางอย่ าง
Would you mind doing something? จะถือสาไหมที่จะทําบางอย่ าง
Would you mind if I did something?
Do you mind if I do something?
I had better do something. ฉันควรทําบางอย่าง
I advise doing something. ฉันแนะนําให้ ทาํ บางอย่ าง
I advise someone to do something. ฉันแนะนําใครให้ ทาํ บางอย่ าง
I appreciate doing something.
I can’t help/resist/stand/bear/endure doing something.
I forgive someone for doing something. ฉันยกโทษที่ใครทําบางอย่าง
I risk doing something. ฉันเสีย่ งทําบางอย่าง
I request someone to do something. ฉันเรียกร้ องให้ ใครทําบางอย่ าง
I request that someone do something. ฉันเรียกร้ องว่ าใครควรทําบางอย่ าง

References: Rilcy, R. (2008) Achieve TOEIC Test Preparation guide, Marshall Cavendish Education

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