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School : _________________________________________________________________

Teacher : Ludimila Group : __________ Date : _____ / _________ /__________

Name : _________________________________________________________________

● Text: Carnival..

Carnival is a festive season which occurs immediately before Lent; the main events are usually
during February. Carnaval em typically involves a public celebration or parade combining some elements
of a circus, mask and public street party. People often dress up during the celebrations, which marks an
overturning of daily life. The Brazilian Carnival is one of the best-known celebrations today, but many
cities and regions worldwide celebrate with large, popular, and days-long events.

● Vocabulary :
Lent: Quaresma before: Antes
Dress up: Fantasiar-se the main events: o principal evento
Overturning: Mudança mask: mascara
public street party: festa de rua publica ,cities and regions : cidades e regiões
Festive Season : Estação festiva which marks: que marca a
Which occurs: que ocorre of daily life: da vida diária
usually during; Geralmente durante is one of: é uma das
typically involves: tipicamente envolve ,the best-known : melhor e mais conhecida
or parade combining some elements of: Ou parada combinando alguns elementos de
And: e Large: grande Days-long: diários events: eventos today: hoje Worldwide: ao redor do mundo
but: mas many: muitos with : com

● Questions:
1- Quando é celebrado o Carnaval?
2- O que o carnaval envolve?
3- Escreva sobre o carnaval brasileiro de acordo com o texto.
4- Como se diz " O carnaval é muito bonito no Brasil" em inglês?
5- Traduza o texto.

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