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Case Study Grading Rubric

Undergraduate Percentage Scale: 0.00 – 57.49% 57.50 – 76.24% 76.25 - 93.74% 93.75 - 100%
Undergraduate Scaled Score: 0.0 – 0.6 0.7 – 2.1 2.2 - 3.5 3.6 - 4.0
% Below Standard Approaching Standard At Standard Exceeds Standard
Clear explanation of key conflict issues 20% Shows little understanding of Shows some understanding of Shows adequate knowledge Shows superior
• The problems, scope, and seriousness the issues, key problems, and the issues, key problems, and of the issues, key problems, knowledge of the issues,
was clearly identified in the the company’s present the company’s present and the company’s present key problems, and the
discussions. situation and strategic issues. situation and strategic issues. situation and strategic company’s present
• There was a well-focused diagnosis of issues. situation and strategic
conflict issues and key problems issues.

Valid arguments; analysis of financial 20% Critical issues and key Critical issues and key Critical issues and key Critical issues and key
performance with relevant supportive problems that supported the problems that supported the problems that supported the problems that supported
detail Case Analysis were poorly Case Analysis were not clearly Case Analysis were partially the Case Analysis were
 Logically organized, key points, key identified, analyzed, and identified, analyzed, and identified, analyzed, and clearly identified,
arguments, and important criteria for supported. supported. supported. analyzed, and supported.
evaluating business strategies were
easily identified
 Critical issues and key problems that
supported the Case Analysis were
identified and clearly analyzed and
Appropriate analysis, evaluation, 20% Analysis of key change drivers Analysis of key change drivers Analysis of key change Analysis of key change
synthesis for the specific industry and the underlying the issues and the underlying the issues drivers and the underlying drivers and the
identified inadequate. were not identified. the issues were partially underlying the issues
 There was complete data on which to identified were clearly identified
base a thorough analysis
 Key change drivers underlying the
issues were identified.
 Synthesis, analysis, and evaluations
were clearly presented and supported
in a literate and effective manner.
Conclusions and recommendations are 20% Effective recommendations Effective recommendations Effective recommendations Effective
congruent with strategic analysis and/or plans of action not and/or plans of action and/or plans of action were recommendations,
 Specific recommendations and/or provided. inadequate. partially provided. solutions, and/or plans
plans of action provided. Specific data or facts necessary Specific data or facts were not Specific data or facts were of action were provided.
 Specific data or facts were referred to to support the analysis and referred when necessary to occasionally referred when Specific data or facts
when necessary to support the analysis conclusions was not provided. support the analysis and necessary to support the were referred when
and conclusions. conclusions. analysis and conclusions. necessary to support the
 Recommendations and conclusions analysis and conclusions.
were presented and supported in a
literate and effective manner.
Proper organization, professional 20% Key points were poorly Key points were not identified Key points were partially Key points were clearly
writing, and logical flow of analysis. APA identified and supported with and supported with a well identified and supported identified and supported
formatting a well thought out rationale thought out rationale based on with a well thought out with a well thought out
 Logically organized, key points, key based on applying specific applying specific concepts or rationale based on applying rationale based on
arguments, and important criteria for concepts or analytical analytical frameworks to the specific concepts or applying specific
evaluating the business logic easily frameworks to the data data provided in the case. analytical frameworks to the concepts or analytical
identified. provided in the case. Grammar, spelling, data provided in the case. frameworks to the data
 Key points were supported with a well Grammar, spelling, punctuation, professional Adequate grammar, spelling, provided in the case.
thought out rationale based on punctuation, professional writing, and syntax needs punctuation, professional Excellent grammar,
applying specific concepts or analytical writing, and syntax needs improvement writing, and syntax spelling, punctuation,
frameworks to the data provided in significant improvement professional writing, and
the case. syntax
 Proper grammar, spelling, punctuation,
3rd person objective view, professional
writing, and syntax.

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