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As Bella wakes up from her

Bella wakes
Bella up to
thinks from her transformation
herself that she and in a silk blue dress and wearing stiletto heels.
transformation; she is barefoot.
Edward are the
Bella wakes upsame temperature
and Edward after Edward
is holding In the ismovie,
the room says
from this.
she reacts
her hand.eyes
Edward's to the
All ofare temperature
the Cullens
still black except change.
when Bella for We don't see anyone else in the room
Rosalie are in the room. beginningwhen of the film.wakes
Bella He must up. have left
gets up after her transformation. He
Bella encounters a deer Bella's side sometime during her
hasn't left herand side.a mountain Bella encounters a deer and a mountain
to pursue lion separately.
the scent of hikers in the and startslion at the
to hunt himsame time.
by climbing a cliff.
woods. When pursued by Edward she Edward catches
On Bella's first hunt, she destroys all her Bella doesn't destroy her dress, but part up to her on a ledge,
Seth receives
dress so Edward medical
gives treatment from
her his shirt. Seth getsofhurt, it is ripped
but theapart.
injuries aren't
Carlisle after Bella accidentally broke his
world and Bella being Charlie asks Bella personally,attention.
serious enough for medical but Jacob
different, he asks Jacob if she can turn is still the one who answers.
Edward, Renesmee, Emmett, Jasper, Jacob, Edward,
and Sethand are
leavewhen Bella Charlie
and Charlie
There is a brief moment where Charlie
There is There is no suchabout
no argument Alice
and Bella talk before he leaves.
Edward and Alice argue over who gets to give shows BellaBella
a giftherfirst
on her birthday.cottage. Alice wins. Edwar
Renesmee goes ahead to hunt, followed by There
Jacob. Bella is no
jumps 'before'
notices or
and catches 'after' car.
Irina on a snowflake
cliff and tries
to speak
Irina n
Alice sees the Volturi coming for them Alice sees the Volturi coming for them
Bella before
realizes IrinaIrina
thinks arrives in Volterra.
Renesmee is an once Irina tells them about Renesmee.
Jacob arrives at the Cullen house after Edward is the one to realize this.
immortal child.
the Cullens realized the Volturi were Jacob is present when they realized this.
In treaty
the book, coming
Bella first
boundary to
line kill
where athe herhands
book afterIn
to Alice's
Bella house.
the Cullen checks
trail back
the to
Bella bookthewhen
looks cottage
into Edward
the day
them the note.
explanation Bellaagreeing
before realizes to thehelp
note theis about her the
book after the
danger andwitnesses
about Renesmee;have
page ripped
thatthe from her
Denalis and
Renesmee page and follows
the Cullens
touches to share Tanya arrived
the Denalis and
is the and calls
firstthe J. Jenks
member before
of fight with
the Denali
haveher a brief argument
covens Subsequently, before Renesmee
the Denalis, Amazons, Kate shocking Edward
coven the audience sees being shown before Bella
Romanians, Irish and Egyptians, plus the The movieRenesnee's
communicates telepathically with thoughts.
includes a "French coven", which includes H
Maggie, of the Irish coven,
Cullens themselves (the "Olympic has bright red
Maggie has darker brown hair.
hair. Senna speaks once; Zafrina doesn't
Zafrina is more talkative than Senna. Senna arriving except
and Jasper and are convinced to go to speak at all. for Bella's
narration (their
allies when the Romanian pleas are being
covenheard all
Forks. Kachiri
sessions from stays
the attic behind in South
windows. He
Eleazar explains to her the about her power He over the world).
observes Bella's Kachiri
trainingisn't in theon a
flees when he senses numbers of his wife was a shield" and then explains
and how
shock much advantage
Renesmee to motivate sheBella
could to totree branch. He flees when he spots
her. To prove his point, Kate
provide for them if shebetter.
learnsEdward threatens
how to use pursue Stefan to shock Edward fulltests
project her shield and Vladimir. They perch
Stefan and Vladimir are introduced at motivate her. Edward endures the
endures the shock throughout the on a cliff. The Cullens and Denalis join
Jacob comments the Cullen Stefan house.
and Vladimir as Jacob simplyand comments them
the wolves speak with theas
"creep-tacular." arrived. Jasper "creepy."
tells J. to make the
Bella first meets J. Jenks at his office after the witnesses have all arrived. She figures out his pro
amongst themselves. When Stefan and documents, incorporates and by the time
arguments fromBella meets
Vladimir decide that they willEmily
help and
fight, Bella, Edward, Renesmee,
long speech (from the book). Amun Jacob, Sue,
Edward, Jacob, Sue, Sam,
Seth and
Bella and Edward
Leah aregive the Charlie
only ones and toSue
Jacob's pack all
Edward gives celebrate
Charlie Christmas
a fishing machine at
tickets to Fraser River for a fishing trip in
for Christmas.
Bella gives Renesmee the golden locket Bella gives
order toRenesmee
keep themthe from golden
danger. locket
on Christmas. the night
Renesmee grows to the size of a two- Renesmee grows to the size of a young before the confrontation.
The Volturi's
year-old toddlerwitnesses
at the endwere of the at series.
the The Volturi's
child at the witnesses
end of the arrived
movie. in step
edges of the clearing away from the with the main Volturi force—right beside
Volturi's pretense
Volturiof justifying act to
force. &doesn't
behindsay them.
participants anything.
either fall or get
shroud their true agenda of acquiring
Benjamin opens a sinkhole in the ground withpushed his power down. overAsearth
did some
in anshape-
unsuccessful attempt t
shifters—namely Leah. He uses fire to
Alec tests Bella's shield with his power:
Alec didn't have a chance to test his gift
it wraps around her shield like a bubble characters lose their lives, including Aro,
began, Alice and Jasper emerge just in on Bella's shield.
bodyguard butdue
does tono
powerful gift to Carlisle
makes and
him Jasper. However,
vulnerable this and
to Bella's turns
time to stop it and present Nahuel and
out to be a vision of the
repel opponents. Edward confirms that Edward's combined attack in the movie. definite future if
Bella wears
was only Aro's necklace,
one heKate
has ever his wedding
met with Bella does receive the necklace, but
gift to them, to follow her a Edward
during the confrontation. does
confirms that he has met more
wear it atpromise
the confrontation.
Garrett his before the
anywhere if they live through the day
gifts are all explained Volturi arrive.
before the Volturiand explored.
attack. explored are Bella's, Kate's, Benjamin's
Renata's and Chelsea's powers are also and Zafrina's. Alec's gift manifests in the
Amun andasks
Caius Kebiifleave
Irina the
complaints afterAmungiving
and their
Kebi remain
the clearing,
and Makenna
but leave
consorting with werewolves as a reason
against the wolves and the Cullens for Cullens, the Volturi and their respective
Alice's visions cannot
defending them. She shape-shifters to fight them. However, Aro and Marcus
see disagrees.
allies; and then sees a happy future of
the Cullensorand
their friends stopped attackand
instead of letting them
of the confrontation in their cottage; Jacob Renesmee, who is a leave.
celebrating their victory against the When they fail to convince the
after the confrontation in the meadow. Cullens,
hours after the Volturi left in peace. She
She explains that she had been
explains the shield removal was Zafrina's

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