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Harms when children use computers and phones too much

With today's increasingly developed society, it is not too difficult to come across
images of parents or grandparents letting their children or grandchildren hold
computers, play phones, and watch movies whenever they want to coax them to
eat. rice or coax them to stop crying. At older ages, we can see images of babies
sitting next to a computer screen with all kinds of programs from movies, music to
games. However, there are many people who do not understand the harmful
effects of computers to young children when they are used beyond parental
control. Letting children use computers and phones too much can affect their
health and development.


Increased risk of obesity

This is the most common harm when children use computers. When children are
eating or just finished eating, children have not had time to digest food or
exercise but have sat down to use computers, mobile devices for too long can
lead to obesity for children. Because foods that have just been eaten, especially
foods with fat that do not work to be digested, will accumulate in the body and
lead to weight gain quickly.
Effects on bones
When children use computers and phones too much, for too long without going
out to exercise, children's bones and joints are severely affected, making children
unable to develop comprehensively, easily encountering the risk of disease.
diseases of the spine such as curvature, spondylolisthesis, etc.
Injury to the eye
Using computers and phones for too long, especially playing games with
constantly moving images, children have to monitor and observe, causing them to
have eye strain, eye pain, headaches, and possibly nearsightedness. ,
astigmatism... In addition, when exposed to too much of these devices, the
emitted electromagnetic waves can adversely affect the health of children.
Disturbing sleep habits
The quality of sleep is very important for health. But if children use computers
and phones too much, it will change the body's resting habits in a negative way.
Light from computers and phones will stimulate brain activity and limit the
production of melatonin hormone - which helps the body sleep soundly.
Meanwhile, melatonin is secreted most at night, when the body is asleep and fully
Excessive use of computers and phones also disturbs the natural balance,
resulting in children being tired and not sleeping well.
Limit the development of thinking
Especially when children play games on computers and phones too much, all their
thoughts and actions are directed at the game, making children's imaginations
falter. That makes the development of thinking as well as creativity of children are
significantly reduced.
Lack of community skills
Learning community skills is a necessary element to create success for a child, but
if addicted to computers or phones, children will no longer be interested in
learning community skills.
Let the children "addicted" to computers communicate more with family
members, children of the same age to help them increase communication skills,
learn empathy… Of course, to do this. Parents also need to have empathy for
their own children. In order for children to avoid the harmful effects of using
computers too much, parents should choose the best time for children to interact
with computers so that they are always healthy and develop comprehensively.
Many practical tests show that, although electromagnetic waves from computers
and phones do not affect the human body too much, but for people who work too
much with computers, there are signs of darkening and wrinkled skin. wrinkly,
lack of vitality than other people even when they have supplemented with fresh
and healthy food.

The reason is that the electromagnetic waves have the ability to attack the lymph,
affecting the removal of waste from tissues and cells in the body. For a long time,
the excretory system of the skin is affected, causing the skin to not be fully
supplied with nutrients, becoming green, weak, prone to acne, or having a bad

Can give you hemorrhoids

Currently, more than 50% of the population of Vietnam suffers from hemorrhoids,
of which the most common are office workers, pregnant women and people who
often have to do heavy work. Sitting for a long time every day to work at a
computer is one of the common causes of hemorrhoids today. According to the
results of one study, sitting for too long increases the risk of hemorrhoids by
72.9%, while this figure in people who are regularly active is only 43%.

May lead to infertility

As shared above, although electromagnetic waves from computers and phones do

not affect the human body too much, the problem is that sitting for a long time
without movement will make the blood supply to the pelvic cavity insufficient.
The amount of oxygen in the blood decreases, the "vitality" of the "warrior"
decreases. In women, due to sitting for a long time, before and during
menstruation often
Severe abdominal pain, plus lack of exercise, so the process of blood circulation is hindered. Sometimes
stagnation of blood will lead to blood vessel blockage, fallopian tube not open. This is one of the bad
habits that can cause infertility.

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