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Instructional Planning

(The process of systematically planning, developing, evaluating, and managing the instructional process by using
principles of teaching and learning – D.O. 42, s. 2016

Daily Lesson Plan

DLL No. 2 Learning Area: Grade:11 Quarter:3rd Date: Mar 1-4, 2022
Empowerment Technology
Learning The learners use common productivity tools effectively by Code/s:
Competency/ies maximizing advanced application techniques. CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-

Key Concepts /
Understandings to be Excel, Spreadsheet, formulas, label
Domain Adaptive Cognitive Process Dimensions (D.O. 8, s. 2015) 1. OBJECTIVES
Knowledge At the end of the class period, the learners should be able to:
1. Understand the meaning of Spreadsheet and its importance.
2. Know the parts of Excel and its functions.
3. Present data or information using Excel.
Skills Analyze and evaluate data using excel.
Organize and interpret data/ information.
Creating dashboards/graphs/tables/ reports using the data gathered.
Attitude Demonstrate critical thinking in the discussion; They will be more confident and prouder
when presenting their projects using the productivity tool. The learners will also become
cooperative and respectful when dealing with classmates to complete the given tasks.

Values Makatao: Teamwork, cooperation, and respect for classmates while doing the activities.

Makabansa: Develop a sense of pride and love for country as learners write their reflection/ essay on
their learnings for the day.

Makakalikasan: Learners will write an essay on How their newly learned skills can help in the
promotion of a health, secure and clean environment.
2. Content Use of common productivity tools effectively by maximizing advanced application
3. Learning Resources Internet, Reference books/ Mobile Phones/ Laptop

4. Procedures Contextualization
Localization Indigenization
4.1 Introductory
Activity Prayer> Greetings>Checking of Attendance > Reading of Classroom Rules &
Regulation> Review of previous lesson.

4.2 Activity Welcome Activity:

Semantic Webbing (English):
The students are asked to give words that have connections to the word
“Spreadsheet” through a semantic webbing. (The learners will come to the board
to write the words relating to Spreadsheet.)

After the students write the words on the board, the teacher will let the students
to read the words on the board. (READING INTEGRATION)

After the students read the words that are written on the board, a volunteer will
be asked to make a sentence using SPREADSHEET as the subject out of the words
that they have given. (ENGLISH INTEGRATION)

Teacher: What do you think is our lesson for Today?

At the end of the class period, the learners should be able to:
1. Understand the meaning of Spreadsheet and its importance.
2. Know the parts of Excel and its functions.
3. Present data or information using Excel.

The teacher will give the correct definition of SPREADSHEET.

Group activity #1: Test your knowledge.
1. Group yourselves into two.
2. Select your leader and a representative to present your activity in the class.
3. Each of you will open the Excel software in your computer/ laptop, cell
phones, or tablets.
4. Gather around and ask each member of the group the following questions:
 Last Name
 First Name
 How Many siblings do you have?
 Do you have any OFW relative? (Yes/No)
5. Input all information gathered in #3 in Excel.
 In Column A, input the last names.
 In Column B, input the first names.
 In Column C, the # of siblings
 In Column D, input YES if the group member has an OFW relative, and NO
if the member has none.
6. Do not forget to save your Excel output in the desktop (laptop or desktop
computer) or files folder for android/ tablet.
7. You have 3 minutes to complete this activity.

4.3 Analysis The teacher will ask questions regarding the activity of the students.
 While doing the activity, how do you feel?
 Why are you feeling that way? (VALUES INTEGRATION)
 What should you do so you will be successful with your activity?

Teacher to students:
Respect is important in dealing with our fellow classmates. Whenever we have activities,
you should cooperate. We don’t laugh or judge when someone makes mistake. Instead,
we can provide positive criticism or feedback.

Now let’s go back to your activity. Call volunteers to discuss output.

Teacher will analyze student’s output.

PPT presentation of concepts.
4.4 Abstraction
Teacher will ask if students have questions. Encourage the students to asks questions.

Teacher: If you are satisfied with our discussion, you do THMBS UP!
4.5 Application GROUP ACTIVITY
 Open Excel Activity 2 saved in your devices.
 Using the excel formulas, answer the following questions:
What is the total number students?
How many are Females in the group?
How many are Males in the group?
How much is the total Banana Cue Sales?
How much should be the average sale of each member?
How many students have no Sales?
 Analyze/ interpret the data and make your conclusion.
 Save your excel worksheet and make sure to finish your activity in 3 minutes

TIME-BOUND (3min or less) 5
4.6 Assessment Quiz (Pen & paper) 10 pts.
4.7 Assignment LOCALIZATION
Go to your barangay and asked the barangay officials to give you data on the
number of vaccinated and unvaccinated people in your barangay. In addition, get
the data of the number of people who got covid-19. Input all these data in Excel
and create a DASHBOARD.

Using Excel, analyze/ interpret the data and make a conclusion. Indicate in your
paper on whether the people in your barangay should be vaccinated or not.
Explain your answer.

Submit your output via google drive.

Enhancing/Improving Research on the history of SPREADSHEET (Araling Panlipunan Integration)
the day’s lesson
4.9 Concluding Activity The teacher will share quotes for today.
The students will write a reflection regarding their learnings today.
They will also write in their paper the importance of learning the Excel skills in:
1. School/ Career
2. Business
3. Health
4. Environment
5. Government- Economy, Politics, Science & Tech, etc

5. Remarks

6. Reflections

Prepared by:

Name: Krystill E. Espina School: Don Gerardo Llamera Ouano Memorial NHS
Position/Designation: Teacher II Division:Mandaue City, North District Secondary
Contact Number: 09177712656 Email address:

Checked by: Hailymae A. Magtagad Observer : ______________________________

Master Teacher II

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