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Introduction to Academic English

Lecture 14: The Introduction and Conclusion

Introduction and Conclusion

Question: “Using a source means changing a few words in the original text. So, I copy my evidence from
the source and change a few words. It saves a lot of time.” Do you agree?

Orientation Task

What is addiction? Discuss and agree a definition of

addiction in your group and brainstorm a list of possible
addictions, such as smoking tobacco. Then decide on an
order for these addictions from the most to the least
serious. Can you justify your rankings? Get ready to
share your ideas in the virtual classroom.

The Introduction
When writing an essay in response to a title, the first paragraph is always an introduction. To
introduce the essay effectively, you should:
 Create interest by making an important statement, or providing a relevant and interesting fact or
statistic, or recounting a brief anecdote, or using an insightful quotation on the topic. Avoid
questions, shocking or exaggerated ideas, and non-specific starts as ‘Nowadays, XXXX is a
hot topic.’

 Explain the background information to put the essay topic in context, aid understanding and
show why the essay is important. Think about answering what? who? where? when? questions for
the reader by using information you have found – not common knowledge. You might include a
brief history of the topic, describe the current situation or attitudes towards it, and define any
ambiguous terms to improve clarity. The ideas in the background should move from the general
interest at the start, to the specific thesis of the essay and preview of the topics at the end.

 State your aim or thesis – this is similar to the essay title, presented as an aim. “This essay

 Give a very brief preview of the main paragraph topics in the essay. For example, say what
aspects you will cover, or, for argumentative essays, what argument or views will be presented.

It may be helpful to think of your introductory paragraph as an inverted triangle as shown below, with
information moving from the broad and general start to the narrow specific essay content:


Introduction to Academic English
Lecture 14: The Introduction and Conclusion

Task 1

Read the introductory paragraph from an essay entitled “Describe the medicinal use of cannabis for
treating neurological conditions” and answer the questions below.

A popular story recounts an attempt to ban a drug in the 16th century when advisors to Pope Clement
VIII unsuccessfully tried to have coffee declared illegal. In fact, the first international treaty banning
dangerous drugs, including cannabis, was the International Opium Convention, signed in 1912. Since
then, scientists have shown that consumption of the cannabis plant can lead to issues such as
schizophrenia, and impaired brain function and development, especially in adolescents (Carliner et al.,
2017). Despite the dangers, countries such as Uruguay and Canada recently legalised cannabis, while
other countries are choosing to either decriminalise it, or permit it for medical use only, because it is
known that cannabis, especially its derivative cannabidiol, has unique medicinal properties. While
availability and legality remain issues, this essay will describe the use of cannabis and its derivatives as
a treatment for three neurological conditions; epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, and multiple sclerosis

150 words - a practical maximum length for IAE

Carliner, H., Brown, Q.L., Sarvet, A.L., & Hasin, D.S. (2017). Cannabis use, attitudes, and legal status in the
U.S. A review. Preventive Medicine, 104, 13-23.

a) How does the writer create interest in this introduction? Is it successful?______________________


b) Underline the sentences that explain the background to the topic.

c) Highlight the writer’s aim/thesis. Compare this to the essay title and find any differences.

d) What are the paragraph topics that will be covered in this essay? Where are they?

e) There is one referenced source of information in this introduction. Identify it and say why the writer
has included it. Are there any other pieces of information? Are they referenced? Why not? Does a
good introduction always need referenced information?

f) Does this introduction follow the general to the specific inverted triangle format? How?

Introduction to Academic English
Lecture 14: The Introduction and Conclusion

The Conclusion

After the body paragraphs of an essay, a conclusion is needed to draw your paragraph topics and ideas
together and show how you achieved the aim of your essay, ideally leaving a lasting impression.
To do this effectively:
 State how your aim/thesis was addressed using different language to the aim/ thesis given in
your introduction.

 Summarise the topics and ideas in your essay’s body paragraphs to remind the reader of them
and show how they were used to achieve the aim. Do not simply repeat topic sentences. A one-
sentence overview of each paragraph is usually enough, paying attention to the word count.

 Include a thought-provoking final remark* such as :

o An evaluation or judgment
o A solution or recommendation
o A prediction or speculation about the future in relation to the topic.
* But this must NOT be a new idea directly relevant to your paragraph topics; these belong in the
body paragraphs.
Never use any new topic or idea, or new evidence, or source, in a conclusion. A conclusion
only reflects on the content of the essay.
In contrast to the introduction, a conclusion can be seen as an upright “triangle” image to visualize the
organization of your conclusion as the information moves from the specific to the general:


Introduction to Academic English
Lecture 14: The Introduction and Conclusion

Task 2
Read the concluding paragraph from the essay above (entitled “Describe the medicinal use of cannabis for
treating neurological conditions”) and answer the following questions.

This essay has examined using cannabis as a medicine for three neurological conditions. In the case of
epilepsy, a severe condition results in seizures which can prove fatal, but when treated with a
cannabidiol-based drug, no such fatal seizures occur. Similarly, those suffering from Parkinson’s
disease extol the benefits of cannabis, with research showing the cannabidiol acts on endocannabinoid
receptors throughout the nervous system, thus supporting this anecdotal evidence. Finally, the
neurological degeneration associated with multiple sclerosis creates intense pain and muscles spasms,
which cannabis alleviates. Overall, the evidence that cannabis can be used as medicine continues to
accumulate; however, its legality has not kept pace with science, so perhaps greater efforts should be
made to make it available to those who need it.

124 words - a practical maximum for IAE

A. Does the writer address their thesis/aim in this concluding paragraph? If so, highlight it.

B. A good conclusion should also summarize the main points in the body paragraphs. Underline
these sentences then try to work out what the main idea of each of the three preceding body
paragraphs might have been.

C. Read the final sentences in this concluding paragraph and discuss why they are effective. Make a
note of your ideas.

D. Does this conclusion follow the specific to the general upright triangle format? ____________

Task 3
Discussion. Answer the questions and share your answers in a group.
• What did you read that you didn’t know before? Does this essay change your views? If so, how?
• What are some of the risks involved in doing drugs? Do you think about these risks? Why or why
• Discuss what happens when an illegal drug becomes legal. Who benefits from the use of legal
drugs? Who suffers? Why?
• How does media play a role in drug use and addiction? Consider all types of media, including
television and movies, social media, and advertisements.
[Adapted from Drugs and Health Blogs Teacher’s Guide

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