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PCE6-M: Highway and Railroad Engineering

Unit 2| Geometric Design of

Highways 3:
Vertical Alignment
Learning Objectives
At the end of this module, the students will be able to:
• Discuss the vertical curve fundamentals
• Solve problems about vertical curves
Highway Alignment

Horizontal and vertical alignment provide

the basis for locating the centerline of the
highway at a defined point: horizontal
alignment in the plan view and vertical
alignment in the profile view.
Cross sections provide the third element,
which then give the highway its volumetric
Highway Alignment

Highway Plan Perspective

Vertical Alignment
Vertical Curve Fundamentals
Like horizontal curve alignment, the very foundation of vertical curve
alignments is composed of tangent lines that are smoothly connected by
Vertical alignments are usually shown in profile, and its curvature is
represented by a parabola, instead of a circle.
Tangents are either flat, uphill, or downhill.
Vertical Curve Fundamentals
Elements Vertical Curve
Symmetrical Parabolic Curve Unsymmetrical Parabolic Curve

*The high or low point, or the turning point, is the point where the slope of the highway is equal to zero.

𝑛 𝑔1 − 𝑔2 𝑔1 𝐿1 + 𝑔2 𝐿2
𝐿= 𝑔3 =
𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑒 𝐿1 + 𝐿2
Sample Problem
A symmetrical vertical summit curve has
tangents of + 4% and – 2%. The allowable rate
of change of grade is 0.3% per 20-meter
station. Stationing and elevation of P.T. is at 10
+ 020.00 and 142.63 m respectively.

(a) Compute the Length of Curve

(b) Compute the distance of the highest point

of the curve from P.C.

(c) Determine the elevation of the highest point

of the curve
Sample Problem
A vertical parabolic sag curve has a grade of -
4% and followed by a grade of +2%
intersecting at station 12+150.60 at elevation
124.80 m above sea level. The change of the
curve is restricted to 0.6%

(a) Compute the Length of Curve

(b) Compute the elevation of the lowest point

(c) Compute the elevation at station 12+125.60

Sample Problem
An unsymmetrical parabolic curve connects a
4.2% grade and a -3.4% grade. The length of
the curve on the left side of the vertex is 80m
and 110 m on the other side. If the stationing of
the point of intersection is 4 + 460 and its
elevation is 145.2 m. Determine the following

a. Location of the summit from PT

b. Station of the summit

c. Elevation of the summit

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