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COVER Daftar Pustaka

1. JRC Training Book


1. Explains and describes general HV protection measures: Sebagian penjelasan sudah disampaikan pada HV DANGEROUS OF HIGH VOLTAGE DANGERS OF HIGH VOLTAGE
housings, partitions, distances, insulation mats, insulation Fundamental. Sengatan listrik terjadi ketika arus melewati tubuh, menyebabkan efek fisiologis yang berbahaya seperti: Electric shock occurs when current passes through the body, causing harmful physiological effects such as:
materials, access restrictions, markings and warnings, HV Animasikan electric shock dan beberapa luka 1. Discomfort (Efek tidak nyaman) 1. Discomfort (uncomfortable effect)
equipment access monitoring and locks bakar 2. Injury (Menimbulkan cedera) 2. Injury (Causing injury)
3. Muscle spasms (Kejang otot) 3. Muscle spasms
4. Ventricular fibrillation (Gangguan pada denyut jantung) 4. Ventricular fibrillation (disturbances in heart rate)
5. Thermal injury or burn injury (Cedera akibat panas atau luka bakar) 5. Thermal injury or burn injury
1.4.2 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS 6. Asphyxia resulting in death (Gongguan pernapasan hingga mengakibatkan kematian) 6. Asphyxia resulting in death (respiratory disorder resulting in death)
AND TECHNOLOGY Menjelaskan dan menjelaskan langkah-langkah perlindungan Ini tidak hanya berlaku untuk tegangan tinggi. Tegangan rendah juga berbahaya sehubungan dengan sengatan listrik. This is not only true for high voltages. Low voltage is also dangerous in connection with electric shock. In fact, according
HV umum: rumah, partisi, jarak, tikar isolasi, bahan isolasi, Bahkan, menurut sebuah laporan di Jepang, lebih banyak kecelakaan terjadi dengan sistem tegangan rendah daripada to a report in Japan, more accidents occur with low-voltage systems than with high-voltage systems.
BAB 1 - Safety Precautions pembatasan akses, tanda dan peringatan, pemantauan dan dengan sistem tegangan tinggi.
And Technology (5 Hours) kunci akses peralatan HV

Tindakan Pencegahan dan

Teknologi Keselamatan (5



CHAPTER 1 - Safety
Precautions And Technology
(5 Hours)

Safety Precautions and

Technologies (5 hours)


2. Electric Shock and Voltage
2. Electric Shock and Voltage Table 1: Tolerable contact voltages

Tabel 1: Teganaan kontak yang dapat ditoleransi Contact Conidition Contact Voltage
1 Most of the body is in the water Max. 2.5 V
Contact Condition Contact voltage
2. -The body significantly wet Max. 25V
-A part of the body is in contact with metal electric
1 Sebagian besar tubuh berada di dalam air Max. 2.5 V devices
- Tubuh basah secara signifikan. 3 Apart from the conditions in 1 and 2, there is a high Max. 50V
2 - Sebagian tubuh bersentuhan dengan perangkat listrik Max. 25V risk if contact voltage is applied to the body under normal
4 - Apart from the conditions in 1 and 2, the risk is not high Undefined
Selain dari kondisi dalam 1 dan 2, ada risiko tinggi jika even if the body is subjected to increased contact with
stress under normal conditions.
3 tegangan kontak diterapkan ke tubuh dalam kondisi Max. 50 V - No possibility of increased contact with voltage.
- Selain dari kondisi dalam 1 dan 2, risikonya tidak
tinggi bahkan jika tubuh mengalami peningkatan
4 kontak dengan tegangan dalam kondisi normal. Undefined
- Tidak ada kemungkinan peningkatan kontak dengan
3. Effects of an Electric Shock on the Human Body 3. Effects of an Electric Shock on the Human Body
Tabel 2: Efek Aliran Arus Listrik pada Tubuh Manusia Table 2: Effects of an Electric Current Flow on the Human Body
Efek Sengatan Listrik pada Tubuh Manusia
Effects of Electric Shock on the Human Body
IEC 60479-1 ~ (Ada 5 Pengaruh Arus Terhadap tubuh Manusia Bagian 1
IEC 60479-1 ~ (There are 5 Effects of Current on the Human body, Parts 1 to 5
s/d Bagian 5 menjelaskan efek fisiologis dari sengatan listrik pada tubuh
describe the physiological effects of electric shock on the human body.
AC-1 Usually not felt
AC-1 Biasanya tidak dirasakan
AC-2 Biasanya tidak ada efek fisiologis yang berbahaya
AC-2 There are usually no harmful physiological effects
Tidak ada kemungkinan cedera kecuali kejang otot, kesulitan There is no possibility of injury except for muscle spasms, difficulty in
AC-3 AC-3 breathing, temporary cardiac arrest and arterial fibrillation.
bernafas, henti jantung sementara dan fibrilasi arteri.
Selain gejala pada AC- 3, ada kemungkinan gagal nafas, henti In addition to the symptoms in AC-3, there is the possibility of
jantung dan luka bakar. AC-4 respiratory failure, cardiac arrest and burns.
3.Dangers of electrical burns
3.Dangers of electrical burns
Table 3: Electrical hazard at 60 Hz operating frequency
Tabel 3: Bahaya listrk pada Frekuensi kerja 60 Hz
Human body Voltage
Resistensi Voltage
resistance or resistance 100 V (low 1 KV (high 10 KV (especially
tubuh 10 KV (especially
100 V (low voltage) 1 KV (high voltage) on contact voltage) voltage) high voltage)
Manusia atau high voltage)
Luka bakar ringan Luka bakar yang Minor burns but
tetapi dengan parah dengan
Luka bakar yang Severe burns with Terrible burns with
500 W ~ 1KW mengerikan dengan 500 W ~ 1KW with possible
kemungkinan kemungkinan possible death. high mortality rate.
kematian yang tinggi death.
kematian. kematian.
Luka bakar ringan Luka bakar yang
Strong electric Minor burns but
Sengatan listrik yang Severe burns with
tetapi dengan parah dengan 5 KW shock. No with possible
5 KW kuat. Tidak ada possible death.
kemungkinan kemungkinan injuries. death.
kematian. kematian. Usually there
Luka bakar ringan Strong electric Minor burns but with
Sengatan listrik yang 50 KW are no side
50 KW
Biasanya tidak ada
kuat. Tidak ada
tetapi dengan shock. No injuries. possible death.
efeksamping. kemungkinan eff ects.

5.Why High Voltage is Dangerous 5. Why High Voltage is Dangerous

Bahaya dari tegangan tinggi dapat terukur berdasarkan dari Hukum Ohm : The danger from high voltage can be measured based on Ohm's Law:
• Pengaruh flags dar sengaton lirik tergonting pada jumlah ars yang mengalr melalui tubuh, • The effect of the flags of the lyrical sting on the amount of flow flowing through the body,
• Jumlah arus yang mengalir melalui tubuh manusia dapat ditentukan dengan membagi jumlah tegangan yang diberikan • The amount of current flowing through the human body can be determined by dividing the amount of voltage supplied
oleh daya tahan tubuh manusia sesuai dengan hukum Ohm, jumlah arus yang mengalir melalui tubuh meningkat jika by the resistance of the human body according to Ohm's law, the amount of current flowing through the body increases if
tegangan yang lebih tinggi diterapkan. Dengan demikian, cedera yang serius atau kematin dapat disebabkan pada a higher voltage is applied. Thus, serious injury or death can be caused by overvoltage.
peningkatan tegangan. Ohm's law ® Current I (A) = Voltage E (V) / Resistance R (W)
Ohm's law ® Current I (A) = Voltage E (V) / Resistance R (W)


6. Voltage and Safe Distance 6.Voltage and Safe Distance
Tegangan dan Jarak Aman - This is the requirement for the clearance between the contacts with the body: According to International NK rules → 6.6
- Ini adalah persyaratan untuk jarak bebas antara kontak dengan tubuh: Menurut aturan International NK → 6.6 kV 90 mm kV 90 mm
- Jarak AMAN yang dapat diakses ke 6.6kV umumnya 150mm karena kemungkinan dapat terjadi kontak dengan ujung jari - The SAFE accessible distance to 6.6kV is generally 150mm due to the possibility of contact with your fingertips.
Anda. - If your fingers are within 150mm of live electrical parts, you may be electrocuted even without direct contact.
- Jika jari-jari Anda berada dalam jarak 150mm dari bagian yang aktif, Anda mungkin dapat tersengat listrik bahkan tanpa
kontak langsung.



- Terjadi ketika arus ampere tinggi melompat dari - Occurs when a high amperage current jumps from one conductor to another through the air.
satu konduktor ke konduktor yang lain melalui udara. - Occurs when opening or closing a circuit and when static electricity is discharged.
- Terjadi ketika membuka atau menutup sirkuit dan ketika statis listrik habis. - Fire may occur if ignited in atmosphere with mixed explosives.
- Kebakaran dapat teriadi jika terjadi di atmosfer dengan bahan peledak campuran.

Figure 1: Example of caution plates Figure 1: Example of caution plates


Do not touch any live parts due to the danger of electrical shock. Complete isolation of the Do not touch any live parts due to the danger of electrical shock. Complete isolation of the
circuit must be secure and earthing must be carried out during the maintenance. circuit must be secure and earthing must be carried out during the maintenance.


Do not place hand carlessly to the mechanical parts and/or earthing s witch. Do not place hand carlessly to the mechanical parts and/or earthing switch.


Any inspection must be carried out by the person in charge on-board the vessel. This person Any inspection must be carried out by the person in charge on-board the vessel. This person
must have the thorough know-how of the equipment and electricity. must have the thorough know- how of the equipment and electricity.


Periodical inspection must be carried out in order to prevent any fault/accident of the Periodical inspection must be carried out in order to prevent any fault/accident of the
equipment and secondary accidents due to the fault. The procedure must be followed as it is equipment and secondary accidents due to the fault. The procedure must be followed as it is
shown in this inspection manual. shown in this inspection manual.

Other than the above stated cautions, there may be some cases where special care must be Other t han the above stated cautions, there may be some cases where special care must be
taken before and during the maintenance operation. The work must take place based upon taken before and during the maintenance operation. The work must take place based upon
local circumstances. local circumstances.
Please contact the maker if you need any assistance. Please contact the maker if you need any assistance.

2. Explains and describes how to use fixed and portable HV This is the vacuum checker. Scenario for Vacuum Check operation: <---- *ENGLISH ALL GOOD*
measurement and control apparatus for testing insulation Moving on to explaining how to use the VCB vacuum checker.
resistance of HV machines, cables and another equipment By showing the rear of the front cover for
instruction. Let us explain the necessary tools first.
Menjelaskan dan menjelaskan cara menggunakan peralatan The connection diagram and the operation Let’s begin with accessories of the VCB checker.
pengukuran dan kontrol HV tetap dan portabel untuk menguji procedure are described.
This is the power cable.
resistansi isolasi mesin HV, kabel dan peralatan lainnya This time, connect cables as in figure one, in This is an earthing conductor for the test item.
order to apply 22kV. These cables connect to the test item.
Next we will explain the tools which aren’t accessories.
This is a voltage detector.
Please prepare the earthing bar in order to ensure earthing after the test.
This is the earthing cable from the hull side.

Before starting the test, make sure the tester is placed on an insulated mat.

Now, let’s explain the connection procedure.

1. Connect the terminal U / V and primary side / secondary side of each phase of the VCB as in figure one of the instructions.
2. Connect the E terminal and the earthing conductor / the earthing bar / the earthing cable from the hull side.
3. The cables connected to the U / V must not be touching anything.
4. Connect the earthing conductor to a metal part of the VCB.
5. Connect the power cable.
The tester requires an AC100V power supply. In the case that the on board power source is 220V, prepare a transformer.
6. Now the connection is complete. The test area must be fenced off with rope.

We’ll talk about the face of the VCB checker.

This is the main power source switch, the control power switch, and the test switch.
There is a voltmeter and an ammeter which are measuring devices.
A leak current can be measured during the test by pressing the meter short button.

This is a power indicator light. <---- *ENGLISH ALL GOOD*

If the green light is ON then the test result is OK.
If the red light is ON then the test result is NG.

As for the criteria, if a leak current is over 5mA, the result is NG.
If the leak current is 5mA or less, the result is OK.

I’ll start the test now.

Turn the main power switch ON.

And then turn the control switch ON.
The test will start by turning ON this test switch.

After 1min, OK the lamp will illuminate.

After a minute….
If the green light is ON then the test result is OK. (It’s ON.)
If the test result is NG, this test will be terminated automatically.

After the test, turn OFF the switch by following the procedure in reverse.

Remove the power cable.

Earth the VCB by the earthing bar and ensure to check for residual voltage by the voltage detector.

Disconnect the connectors of VCB and the earthing cables.

This is the end of the test using the VCB vacuum checker.
3. Explains how to check and use HV testers Animasikan voltage detector, megger tester dan 4) Before starting maintenance work, the residual stress must be removed.
vacum checker dengan referensi youtube Verify full discharge using a voltage detector
Menjelaskan cara memeriksa dan menggunakan penguji HV
5) Megger Tester
Measure the insulation level

6) Vacuum Checker
Measure the vacuum level of the VCB vacuum bulb.

3) Performance Test <---- *ENGLISH ALL GOOD*

① VCB Over Current
Test VCB Apply the test current to each multi protection relay (VAMP) and confirm that the VCB trips within the time criterion. The test current is applied
from the CTT (Current Test Terminal) where the cables of the secondary side of CT (Current Transformer) are connected
② VCB Under Voltage Trip Circuit Test
VCB Decrease the generator voltage and confirm that the VCB trips within the time criterion.
(Criteria: Rated Voltage 70%
3. VCB Over Voltage Trip Circuit Test
VCB increase the generator voltage and confirm that the VCB trips within the time criterion.
(Criteria: Rated Voltage 110%
4. Reverse Power Relay Circuit Test (VAMP210)
Apply the test current to multi protection relay (VAMP210)and confirm that the VCB trips within
the criteria of time. The test current is applied from the CTT (Current Test Terminal) where
the cables of the secondary side of CT (Current Transformer) are connected.
(Criteria: Setting time ±15%
5. Insulation Resistance Test
Measure the insulation resistance between the AC phase to earth and between the DC phase
to earth by DC5000V and DC500V megger before and after dielectric test.
Confirm that the insulation resistance is normal.
(The insulation resistance test is not performed for electronic devices.)
(Criteria: AC6600V:The insulation resistance value is 7.6MΩ and over.)
Other: The insulation resistance value is 1MΩ and over.)
6. Dielectric Test
Apply high voltage between the AC phase to earth and between the DC phase to earth and confirm that no abnormality (e.g. damage of equipment) is
(The high voltage test is not performed for electronic devices.)
(Criteria: The test is considered to have been passed if there is no puncture or flashover.)

1. knows how to use HV personal protection equipment Animasikan masing masing APD Maintenance Tools <---- *ENGLISH ALL GOOD*
(PPE): insulated gloves, goggles, insulating bars, insulating To avoid electric shock, the following tools must be worn or used:
1. Insulated Rubber boots
footwear, mates, earthing cables, HV testers 2. Insulated rubber gloves

tahu cara menggunakan HV alat pelindung diri (APD): sarung Flame resistant Clothing
tangan berinsulasi, kacamata, palang insulasi, alas kaki Insulated Clothing
insulasi, pasangan, kabel pembumian, penguji HV Safety-Vest
High Visiblity Clothing
Disposable Clothing
Chemical Protective Clothing
Protective Footwear
Protective Facesheilds
Protective Head Coverings
Arc Flash Coverall
Bib Overall

2. Safety and reliabilty HV Animasikan arc test dimana ledakkan dari atas dan ledakkan per 4. Safety and Reliability <---- *ENGLISH ALL GOOD*
kompartemen tidak merusak komponen kompartemen lainnya. Arc Test Due to an Internal Fault
One of the ways to verify the safety and reliability of high voltage switchgear is the arc test due to an internal fault. The test method and criteria are
written in your textbook.
This test is used by various classification societies to judge the safety and reliability of high voltage switchgear.
This test is specified in "Annex an internal fault - Method for testing the metal-enclosed switchgear and controlgear under conditions of arcing due to
internal fault" in IEC62271-200.

4. Safety and Reliability <---- *ENGLISH ALL GOOD*

Arc Discharge
The arc discharge is a state in which an electron or an ion moves in a condition of high temperature gas in an electric field when a short circuit occurs. The
arc discharge has the highest current density of all discharges, and therefore, it is described as the final form of discharge.
This energy is released in the form of heat, light and sound.
The arc heat will reach several thousands to several tens of thousands of degrees centigrade at the center and reach several hundreds to several thousands
of degrees centigrade at the edges.
If the arc occurs in an airtight container such as power distribution board, the air will be heated and become a high temperature gas. The pressure inside
the board will increase because of the gas' expansion.

4. Safety and Reliability <---- *ENGLISH ALL GOOD*

Arc test due to an internal fault
Test Environment
When the arc test due to an internal fault is carried out, the test environment is decided by the operator of the high voltage switchgear and the type of
Accessibility types
-Type A: restricted to authorized personnel only.
-Type B: unrestricted accessibility, including the general public.
The direction of access
- F: for Front
-L: for Lateral (side)
- R: for Rear


4. Safety and Reliability
Arc test due to an internal fault
Test Environment
For example, if the accessibility type is "A" and the directions of access are "F", "L" and "R," the type of the high voltage switchgear is AFLR.
The test is performed after the manufacturer decides the type of high voltage switchgear.

3. explains HV safety procedures: Animasikan terkait kabel dalam keterangan pada narasi- narasi Keselamatan Safety
dimaksud - Periksa informasi di kabel Anda. - Check the information on your cable.
- Kabel ekstensi diberi label dengan informasi berharga tentang penggunaan, ukuran dan peringkat watt kabel. - Extension cords are labeled with valuable information on usage, size and the wattage rating of the cord.
menjelaskan prosedur keselamatan HV: - Tali ditawarkan dalam banyak panjang dan diberi label dengan ukuran atau "pengukur." - Straps are offered in many lengths and are labeled with a size or "gauge."
- Tentukan ukuran yang dibutuhkan. - Determine the required size.
- Semua peralatan menunjukkan berapa banyak watt yang dikonsumsi saat dioperasikan. - All equipment shows how many watts it consumes while operating.
Keselamatan Safety
- Tentukan berapa lama Anda membutuhkan kabelnya. Kabel, berdasarkan ukurannya, dapat memberi daya pada alat dengan watt tertentu hanya pada - Determine how long you need the cord. Cables, by virtue of their size, can power tools of a certain wattage only over a certain distance.
jarak tertentu. - As the cable gets longer, the current carrying capacity of the cable gets lower.
- Saat kabel semakin panjang, daya dukung kabel saat ini semakin rendah. - Example: A 16 gauge extension cord less than 50 feet long can power up to 1625 watts (W); 16 gauge cord longer than 50 feet can only power the
- Contoh: Kabel ekstensi 16 gauge yang panjangnya kurang dari 50 kaki dapat menyalakan daya 1625 watt (W); 16 kabel pengukur yang lebih panjang dari appliance up to 1250W.
50 kaki hanya dapat menyalakan alat sampai 1250W.

Electric shock can also cause indirect or secondary injury.
Falls Employees working at high locations who experience shocks may fall resulting in serious injury or even death.
Sengatan listrik juga dapat menyebabkan cedera tidak langsung atau sekunder.
Karyawan yang bekerja di lokasi yang tinggi yang mengalami goncangan dapat jatuh yang mengakibatkan cedera serius atau bahkan kematian.


Accidents and injuries with electricity are caused by one or a combination of the following:
PENYEBAB KECELAKAAN LISTRIK - Unsafe equipment and/or installations.
Kecelakaan dan cedera dengan listrik disebabkan oleh satu atau kombinasi dari yang berikut: - Unsafe workplace caused by environmental factors.
- Peralatan dan / atau instalasi yang tidak aman.
- Tempat kerja tidak aman yang disebabkan oleh faktor lingkungan.


Protection from electrical hazards is one way to prevent accidents.
Perlindungan dari bahaya listrik adalah salah satu caranya mencegah kecelakaan. - Isolation
Metode kontrol adalah: - Electrical protection devices
- Isolasi - Care
- Alat pelindung listrik - Earthing
- Perawatan - PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)
- Pembumian (earthing)


- Bagian "live" yang beroperasi pada 50 volt atau lebih harus dijaga untuk mencegah kontak yang tidak disengaja. - "Live" parts operating at 50 volts or more must be guarded to prevent accidental contact.
- Untuk mencapai, mesin atau peralatan dapat ditemukan: - To achieve, machines or equipment can be found:
1) Di kamar atau lemari besi, hanya dapat diakses oleh staf yang berwenang. 1) In a room or safe, accessible only by authorized staff.
2) Di belakang layar / partisi yang permanen dan melindungi dari akses yang mudah. 2) Behind screen/partition which is permanent and protects against easy access.
3) Pada platform, galeri atau balkon yang ditinggikan tidak dapat diakses oleh personel yang tidak berkualitas. 3) On raised platforms, galleries or balconies not accessible to unqualified personnel.
4) Setidaknya delapan kaki di atas lantai area kerja. 4) At least eight feet above the work area floor.
- Rambu peringatan mencolok diposting pada tempatnya - Conspicuous warning signs posted in place


- Peralatan pelindung listrik yang sesuai untuk tubuh bagian yang membutuhkan perlindungan dan untuk pekerjaan yang harus dilakukan. - Electrical protective equipment suitable for the part of the body requiring protection and for the work to be performed.
- Contoh APD yang sesuai: - Examples of suitable PPE:
* Sarung tangan * Gloves
* Sepatu bot atau sepatu terisolasi * Insulated boots or shoes
* Pakaian anti-statis * Anti-static clothing
* Penutup kepala * Headgear


- Peralatan listrik harus selalu dalam kondisi baik. - Electrical equipment must always be in good condition.
- Gunakan penentuan yang baik saat bekerja di dekat saluran listrik. - Use good determination when working near power lines.
- Pakailah Alat Pelindung Pribadi yang disediakan. - Wear Personal Protective Equipment provided.
- Ikuti prosedur Lockout/Tagout bila perlu. - Follow the Lockout/Tagout procedure if necessary.
- Peralatan listrik harus dirawat dengan baik. - Electrical equipment must be properly maintained.
- Periksa alat, kabel, lingkungan & aksesoris secara teratur. - Check tools, cables, environment & accessories regularly.
- Staf yang berwenang SAJA untuk menginstal dan memperbaiki peralatan. - Staff authorized ONLY to install and repair equipment.


- Gunakan alat terisolasi ganda dan sakelar pengaman. - Use double isolated device and safety switch.
- Pelindung mesin sudah ada & prosedur yang benar diikuti. - Machine guards are in place & correct procedures are followed.
- Kabel dengan kabel bersih dan bebas dari kerutan. - Cables with wires are clean and free of wrinkles.
- Gunakan kabel ekstensi SAJA ketika fleksibilitas diperlukan. - Use extension cables ONLY when flexibility is needed.
- JANGAN SENTUH air, permukaan lembab dll. - DO NOT TOUCH water, damp surfaces etc.
- JANGAN PAKAI benda logam saat bekerja dengan listrik. - DO NOT USE metal objects when working with electricity.

BAB 2. Safe Operation and

Maintenance of High-Voltage
Systems (12 Hours)

Pengoperasian dan
Pemeliharaan Sistem
Tegangan Tinggi (12 jam)
yang Aman
Electricity is part of our daily life, at work and at home. Follow safe work and "common sense" when dealing with electricity. Good work habits become
CHAPTER 2. Safe Operation RINGKASAN habits.
Listrik adalah bagian dari kehidupan kita sehari-hari, di tempat kerja dan di rumah. Ikuti pekerjaan yang aman dan "akal sehat" ketika berhadapan dengan Treat electricity well.
and Maintenance of High- listrik. Kebiasaan kerja yang baik menjadi kebiasaan. It will serve you efficiently and safely.
Voltage Systems (12 Hours) Memperlakukan listrik dengan baik.
Ini akan melayani Anda secara efisien dan dengan aman.
Safe Operation and
Maintenance of High Voltage
Systems (12 hours).

4. information, warnings and protection against unauthorized Animasikan narasi yang ada terkait safety precaution Safety Precautions to be taken against Electric Shock <---- *ENGLISH ALL GOOD*
influence on safety  Clothes
1) When work is carried out around the High Voltage Switchboard, causal and clean clothes are required. Working clothes without long pants i.e. shorts,
oversize clothing, clothes with buttons missing, shoes with steel toe caps, slippers and sandals should not be worn. Dry gloves and a hard hat are also
informasi, peringatan dan perlindungan terhadap pengaruh required.
tidak wewenang pada keselamatan 2) Necessary tools for work such as plyers, knives, drivers and spanners etc. should be placed in tool box and carried out with workers.
3) Rings and wrist watches particularly wrist watches with metallic straps should be removed before work.

I Planning and preparation to avoid electric shock

4) An appropriate working area should be decided in advance. It is necessary to ensure to monitor that safety conditions are maintained.

II Preparation and cleaning up

5) If the overhead location of a worker approaches within 30 cm of a copper bus bar or other parts are approached to within 60 cm, measures to avoid
electric shock such as the wearing of high voltage rubber gloves should be taken.
6) Before a high voltage circuit is opened, an electroscope should be applied to the live parts in order to confirm the performance of the electroscope.
After the circuit is opened, the worker should confirm if electricity is applied by the use of the electroscope. When the worker confirms the parts are not
charged, earthing must be installed before the work.
7) In case residual charge may still remain at the open circuit, it must be fully discharged.
8) After completion of work, the worker should confirm that there is no risk of electric shock and confirm the removal of earthing tools.
9) As electric shock accidents tend to occur just after the completion of work, special attention is required until workers leave the place where high
voltage is applied.
10) Workers have to ensure that tools and materials etc are not left behind after completion of work.
11) Workers have to check the quantity and condition of protective equipment and tools after completion of work.
12) When power is supplied during / after the work in a black out condition, workers have to confirm that there is no possibility of electric shock and that
earthing tools are removed before supplying the power.

V Earthing work in order to avoid electric shock <---- *ENGLISH ALL GOOD*
13) When work on an electric circuit is carried out, the electric circuit is at risk of taking a charge by unexpected work due to the derivation from the other
wires or the crossing or contact of approaching wires. Therefore, workers should use earthing tools where necessary as a safety precaution even though
the work is very simple.
14) The earthing should be completed as follows:
After confirmation of an open circuit of the relevant switches, workers should confirm with an electroscope etc. that it is not charged.
15) Each part of an electroscope should be fully inspected on a regular basis in order to maintain its function. Before the electroscope is used, an
inspection should also be carried out.
16) A person responsible relating to the handling of earthing for work shall be a person who has attended a safety training course.

V Safety tools
17) Hooks, rubber gloves for electricity and insulation boards etc. should be regularly examined in order to keep them in an acceptable insulation

5.Maintenance and inspection HV Animasikan narasi yang ada terkait maintenance procedure, Maintenance Procedure <---- *ENGLISH ALL GOOD*
inspevtion, Maintenance schedule dan maintenance tool terkait Maintenance is necessary to Maintenance Cycle (Recommendation)
keselamatan. - keep machinery in working condition
- ensure a steady supply of electricity Category Period Description Worker
- ensure correct activation of protective devices
To avoid accidents and to ensure stable operation, maintenance must be carried out with a strong knowledge of the equipment and electricity. Visual inspection when the
General Notes
1. Avoid contact with any live parts during a visual inspection. main bus bar is live.
2. Avoid dropping work tools. Caution: When opening
3. Do not work with wet or dirty hands. 1 Patrol Every 3 months Ship's
4. When carrying out maintenance of a high voltage compartment with the door open, tools such as insulated gloves and boots must be used. doors, do operator not come
5. You must confirm earthing and use a voltage detector before inspecting a high voltage compartment.
6. Check the following at the end of the inspection: close to live parts. Earthing
a) No tools must be left inside the panel. must be confirmed.
b) Removed nuts and bolts must be tightened again with
appropriate torque. - Visual inspection
c) There is no dust or other foreign debris in or on the panel
- Mechanical operational
Every 2 years or
2 Periodic during scheduled
- Insulation resistance check Maker's engineers
- VCB vacuum level
3 Temporary When necessary
Inspection <---- *ENGLISH ALL GOOD* Table 2: Patrol items (Example) Table 3: Patrol check sheet (Example)
1. Patrol
shall be carried out every 3 months by the ship's operators. No. Item Check points Re marks No. Check items Remarks
- Patrol mainly consists of a visual inspection when the main bus bar is live.
- Pay attention when inspecting live parts with the doors open. Secure the earthing be fore performing the
Text Table 2: Patrol items - Discoloration of parts due to over heating 1
maintenance on any high voltage compartment.
Table 3: Patrol check sheet - Abnormal noise / smell
High voltage cable
- Cracks on the bus bar cover in the high
1 Visual inspection compartment
voltage cable compartment 2 Discoloration of parts due to over heati ng
-Tracking evidence on the high voltage circuit Low voltage cable
- Accumulation of dust/ dirt inside the panel compartment
High voltage cable
VCB open/close compartment
2 - Check the function of the indicator. 3 Abnormal noise / sme ll
indicator Low voltage cable
Detailed ins pection by compartment
maker's engineer if Cracks on the bus bar cover in the high voltage cable
VCB open/close 4
3 -the number shown on the counter shows 5000/ over. compartment
count er
VCB shall be replaced if Tracking evidence on the high voltage circuit in t he
shows 10000/ over. 5
high voltage cable compartment
- Loose conne ction of the connector for the 6 Accumulation of dust/ dirt inside the panel
VCB control circuit Correct performance of the VCB open/close
4 VCB connector 7
(Ensure that t he fixing claw is securely hooked indicator
up.) 8 VCB open/close count er shows 5000 or over 10000
Matching with the other Loose connection of the connector for the VCB
5 Meters - Correct indi cation of the meters.
indicating device 9 control circuit (Check to make sure the fixing claw is
6 Lamp test - All the indicating lamps are functioning. securely hooked up.)
Functi on buzzer Buzzer and alarm circuits are correctly 10 Correct indication of the ampere meters
test activated. 11 Correct indication of the voltmeters
12 Correct indication of the frequency meters
Inspection <---- *ENGLISH ALL GOOD* Table 4: Periodic inspection items (Example) All the indicating lamps illuminate correctly whe n
2. Periodic Inspection No.
13 Item Check points Remarks
performing a lamp tes t.
shall be carried out by the maker's engineers every 2 years or during scheduled docking. It consists of No. Item Check points Remarks
- a visual inspection Buzzer and alarm circuits are correctly activated Tighten with
- mechanical operational inspections
- Discoloration of parts due to over heating when performing a function buzzer test. appropriate torque
- insulation resistance checks 7 VCB, Charged parts - Loose connection of te rminals, bolts, and nuts
- Abnormal noise / smell by mak er's
- VCB vacuum level inspections High voltage cable
If any defects are found, a detailed investigation should take place. 1 - Cracks on the bus bar cover engine er
Text Table 4: Periodic inspection items - Tracking evidence on the high voltage circuit Tighten with
VCB, Operational - Loose connection of te rminals, bolts, and nuts
- Accumulation of dust/ dirt inside the panel 8 appropriate torque
- Loose connection of the bolts - Accumulation of dust by mak er's
High voltage cable - Discoloration of the terminals due to over Tighten with
Tighte n with
compartment heating VCB, Low voltage appropriate torque
2 appropriate 9 - Loose connection of te rminals and screws
Main control circuit - Cracks on the terminals control circuit by mak er's
- General inspection of the sheath and engine er
supporte r VCB
- Correct performance of The VCB open/close
- Discoloration of parts by self-ove r heating 10 VCB open/close
Low voltage control Part re placement indicator
3 - Abnormal noise / smell indicator
compartment if nece ssary
- Accumulation of dust/ dirt inside the panel
Detaile d inspecti on
- Loose connection of the bolts
by mak er's
- Discoloration of the terminals due to over
engine er if shows
Low voltage control heating Tighte n with
11 VCB, open/close - The number shown on The open/close counter 5000/ over.
4 compartment, Control - Cracks on the terminals appropriate
circuit - General inspection of the sheath and torque VCB should be
supporte r replaced if shows
- Replacement of the det eriorated parts 10000/ over.
VCB Dust s hould be - Operation check
5 Insulation frame, Rod - Accumulation of dust wiped with Mechanical, - Loose connection of nuts and bolts Tighten and grease
dry/cl ean cloth by interlock operation - Smooth Operation without any abnormal noise up if necessary.
Check with or jamming
Inspection <---- *ENGLISH ALL GOOD*
vacuum checker Multifunction
6 VCB, Vacuum bulb - Insulati on level check of vacuum bulb 13 - Operation check
by maker's protection relay
3. Temporary Inspection engineer Generator
should be carried out when any problems are found during patrol or periodic 14 automatic control
- Operation check

inspections. 15
DC110V power - Output voltage check
supply device - Visual inspection

Conditions Action Remarks

The equipment is not operating
1 Determine the cause and rectify
An accident (earth fault, short
2 Determine the cause and rectify
circuit, fire, etc.) has occurred.


Maintenance Tools
To avoid electric shock, the following tools must be worn or used:
1) Insulated rubber boots
2) Insulated rubber gloves

Maintenance Tools <---- *ENGLISH ALL GOOD*

3) Insulated mats
4) Voltage Detector
Before beginning maintenance work, the residual voltage must be discharged.
Verify complete discharge by using a voltage detector.

Maintenance Tools <---- *ENGLISH ALL GOOD*

5) Megger tester
Measure the insulation level.
6) Vacuum checker
Measure the vacuum level of the VCB vacuum bulb.

Maintenance Tools <---- *ENGLISH ALL GOOD*

7) VCB/VMC lifter
Use when the draw-out VCB / VMC is removed from the panel and moved to another location.

Maintenance Tools <---- *ENGLISH ALL GOOD*

8) Main bus bar earthing device
A special device for earthing the main bus bar is also available for use. It can be inserted in place of a VCB in order to earth the main bus bar.
For complete safety, the earthing system installed on each circuit breaker can also be used for the main bus bar.

6. checking for voltage presence before any work starts Animasi mengikuti narasi  Planning and preparation before work <---- *ENGLISH ALL GOOD*
18) Workers should perform work in accordance with the instructions of the person responsible and cooperate with each other.
19) The person responsible should manage and supervise workers and provide appropriate instruction to ensure the safety of work operation.
memeriksa keberadaan tegangan sebelum pekerjaan dimulai 20) Before performing any work, the working space should be decided by cordoning off the work area and accessible area with rope, caution flags and
caution poles etc.

II.Safe operation for maintenance and inspection

21) More than two (2) workers should go on patrol for regular inspection. One of them should be responsible for safety control.
22) During the patrol, workers should perform only visual inspections through a low-power microscope without touching the internal devices and
components. In this case, workers should maintain a safe distance from live parts as the bus bar is still energized.
23) During any patrol, workers should try not to open/close the door of a panel in service. Only the appearance and indication on the meters should be
24) When inspecting the area inside the cubicle with the motor stopped, the following procedure should be done in order.
1. Fit a caution tag “VCB CLOSE INHIBITED”.
2. Open the circuit breaker.
3. Open the disconnecting switch.
4. Inspect the area inside the cubicle.
25) Before entering inside the cubicle for regular inspection or repair, workers should empty pockets and take off arm bands and watches so that any
foreign objects will not enter inside the cubicle.
26) Before inspecting the equipment at load side, the disconnecting switch should be opened and the caution tag “VCB CLOSE INHIBITED” should be fitted
on the cubicle.

III. Safety operation for handling electricity <---- *ENGLISH ALL GOOD*
27) Before touching electric circuits, workers should confirm that no voltage is applied with a voltage detector. (Workers should check in advance if the
voltage detector is working normally.)
28) While performing work without electricity, the caution tag “WORKING” and “VCB CLOSE INHIBITED” should be fitted so that other workers do not turn
ON any switches by accident.
29) When workers come close to energized equipment, they should wear a hard hat and not carry any long objects e.g. sticks etc.
30) In the case that workers come into contact with a high voltage circuit (current transformer, circuit breaker etc.), the necessary disconnecting switches
should be opened and locked. In addition, the circuit should be earthed completely after attaching the caution tag “VCB CLOSE INHIBITED” to prevent any
possibility of electric shock by static induction or residual electric charge.
31) Condensers are still charged by residual electric charge even after opening the circuit breaker. Therefore, the electric charge should be discharged by
contacting each phase terminal with an earthing tool before performing inspection.
32) After measuring the insulation resistance, all live parts should be discharged before touching.
33) The energized secondary and third circuits of current transformers are not allowed to be opened.
34) Exposed live parts must not be touched although low voltage is only supplied.
35) Electric circuits should not be touched by wet hands or by a worker standing in a wet place.
36) Workers should keep in communication with each other.
37) Sufficient lighting intensity should be kept in the operating areas of electric equipment.
38) Workers should wear insulation protection gear during inspection and repair work on the high voltage circuit where an electric shock might occur. At
the same time, the insulation protective gear should be fitted on the live circuit where an electric shock might occur.
39) The VCB should be locked during service in black out condition. A caution tag “VCB
CLOSE INHIBITED” should be attached to the VCB. In addition, other workers should be located near the VCB while the work is performed. <---- *ENGLISH ALL GOOD*
40) If the overhead location of a worker approaches within 30 cm of a high voltage circuit or if the high voltage circuit is within 60 cm below the worker,
insulation protective gear should be fitted on the live circuit.
41) Workers should take necessary safety measures against electric shock before carrying out the electric work.
42) Workers should perform the electric work according to the instruction given by the director in charge of the work.
43) Every time electric equipment is used, workers should check the condition of the equipment beforehand. If any abnormality is found, it must be
repaired immediately.
44) Protection covers for electric equipment should be examined more than once a month. If any abnormality is found, it must be repaired immediately.

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