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Competency 2 Crop Protection

Name: __________________________________ Year and Course: _________________

Answering activity # 2

Direction: Answer the following questions, and discuss and justify why it is the answer. Download and
hand written your answers in space in between item number and upload it in our google
classroom on the designated allowable time given by the Professor.

Questions 11-20

11. It is the fungal inocula that initiate rust disease and explain its transmission.

12. A group of substance secreted by pathogen that interferes with the permeability of protoplast
membrane and explain its role in disease transmission

13. Fungi that only reproduce asexually and differentiate it to the sexual reproducing fungi

14. It is the Growth of germ tube towards host and substrates may be due to chemicals explain it

15. Phytogenetic classification of fungi is based on: (choose the answer and explain)
a. character sets
b. hyphal arrangement
c. restuctural features
d. evolutionary relationship

16. A subgroup within a species usually characterized by the common possession of a single or few new
characters and explains this subgroup from other group

17. The only plant pathogen belonging to animal kingdom and explain this pathogen

18. Common species of nematode that causes root knot and considered as the most destructive to
worldwide agriculture and explain its transmission

19. Some nematodes can transmit plant viruses, what role these nematodes play in this situation? explain

20. The maximum number of nematode parasites can be recovered during? explain

Prepared by:


Assistant Professor III
Licensed Agriculturist
Subject Professor

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