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NSM: 111251710008 - NPSN: 69819650

Jl. Tukad Batanghari IV C No. 5,Panjer, Denpasar Selatan, Telp. 0895631667337, E-mail:


Nama lengkap : Hari/Tanggal : Jum’at, 23 September 2022
Kelas : 4 (Empat) Nilai :
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kerjakan soal di bawah ini dengan jujur dan teliti!
A. Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang benar dengan memberikan tanda silang (X) pada salah satu huruf a, b, c,
atau d!
1. Ahmad : “What’s the weather today?”
Zufar : “….”
a. It’s sunny b. I’m fine c. No, thanks d. Yes, sure
2. Leaves on the tree will fall on ….
a. sunny b. winter c. cloudy d. autumn
3. After the rain, sometimes we can see colours in the sky. It’s called ….
a. moon b. stars c. rainbow d. tree
4. It was very … in the summer.
a. wet b. hot c. cold d. dry
5. Before it rains, the sky usually ….
a. dry b. shiny c. cloudy d. chill
6. What people bring to go outside when its rain?
a. umbrella b. book c. clock d. sun glasses
7. The sun shines when the weather ….
a. cloudy b. windy c. rainy d. sunny
8. What can people do on a summer holiday?
a. Ice skating b. go to the beach c. make a fire d. wearing thick jacket
9. It is … in dry season.
a. cool b. hot c. cloudy d. wet
10. How many seasons are in Indonesia?
a. one b. two c. three d. four
11. I … a student.
a. are b. you c. am d. is
12. Mrs. Ria teach mathematic and … is my teacher.
a. they b. she c. are d. he
13. You … very smart.
a. are b. is c. am d. and
14. Hello, my … is Fiya.
a. are b. is c. address d. name

15. Joan is my friend. He … smart.

a. are b. am c. is d. she
16. Doctor and nurse work in ….
a. hospital b. school c. police station d. market
17. The people who work in post office is called ….
a. police b. teacher c. fireman d. postman
18. Who is flies a plane?
a. doctor b. pilot c. police d. nurse
19. A fireman work in ….
a. fire station b. hospital c. post office d. school
20. Mr. Akbar is my daddy. He work in hospital. He is a ….
a. teacher b. police c. doctor d. dancer
21. My Sister is a chef. She work in a ….
a. restaurant b. police station c. hospital d. post office
22. The person work on a farm is ….
a. dentist b. farmer c. headmaster d. teacher
23. What do you want to be when you ….
a. grow up b. a child c. small d. fine
24. I help the doctor, so I am is a ….
a. police b. teacher c. nurse d. student
25. The person who checks our teeth is ….
a. fireman b. farmer c. pilot d. dentist
26. I eat an ….
a. strawberry b. chocolate c. apple d. biscuit
27. This is a ….
a. orange b. actor c. umbrella d. book
28. Monkey very like … banana.
a. a b. an c. is d. are
29. I see … eagle in the zoo.
a. a b. an c. is d. are
30. I buy a book in the ….
a. restaurant b. post office c. bookstore d. food court

B. Isilah titik-titik di bawah ini!

1. It’s raining, I need ….
2. In Indonesia have two seasons. It is … and ….
3. The seasons after winter is ….
4. It’s cloudy, I think it’s going to ….
5. In December Indonesia has … season.
6. I … a student.
7. My mother very like baking. She … always make some cakes.
8. The people who teach you in the school is ….
9. I want to be a doctor. The doctor work in ….
10. There is … animal.

C. Jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini!

1. How many weather do you know? Explain it!
2. Arrange these words correctly!
a. He-student-a good-is
b. are-the-in-They-park
3. Complete the sentences!
a. He is … student. c. I take … umbrella.
b. I am eat … orange. d. This is … car.
4. Arrange the letter below!
a. n-u-s-r-e : …. c. s-h-o-c-o-l : ….
b. l-a-y-p-i-n-g : …. d. p-i-l-o-c-e : ….
5. Hello, my name … Inayah. I am … student. When I grow …, I want … be a teacher. I will work in the ….

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