Nursing Theories: Research Reviews Theories Mental Health Quiz

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Nursing Theories

a companion to nursing theories and models

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Home Nursing Research Nursing Theories Nursing Education Nursing Management Mental Health Nursing Current Reviews Quiz Corner

Application of Theory of Goal Attainment and Nursing Process

This page was last updated on January 24, 2011 ===========================================
1. Introduction to Nursing Theories

N u rs in g Sp ecialties N u rs in g R es ou rces

2. 3. 4.

Development of Nursing Theories Virginia Hendersons Need Theory Theory if Interpersonal Relations Faye Glenn Abdellah's Theory

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Articles published in this site are based on the references made by the editors. Information provided in these articles are meant for general information only, and not suggested as replacement to standard references. Any inaccurate/doubtful information, if found, may be communicated to the editor. Contact us at: Advertisement by Google

6. 7. 8. 9.

Jean Watson's theory Johnsons behavior system model Theory of Goal Attainment Betty Neumans system model

10. Levin's Four

Conservation Principles

11. Nursing Theorists 12. Martha Rogers

Science of unitary

to assess the patient condition by the various methods explained by the nursing theory to identify the needs of the patient

human beings

13. Theories Based on

Interactive Process

14. Orem's Self-Care

Deficit Theory

to demonstrate an effective communication and interaction with the patient.

15. Nursing Theories: An

Overview Nursing Theories and Research 16.

to select a theory for the application according to the need of the patient

to apply the theory to solve the identified problems of the patient to evaluate the extent to which the process was fruitful

and groups within the environment.

17. Roy's Adaptation

Model Orlando's Nursing Process

Kings theory offers insight into nurses interactions with individuals 18.

It highlights the importance of clients participation in decision that influences care and focuses on both the process of nurse-client interaction and the outcomes of care.

19. Notes on Nursing:

What it is, What it is not: Nightingale

Mr.Sy (74 years) was admitted in L3 ward of ...Hospital, for a herniorrhaphy on ... for his left indirect inguinal hernia and was

20. Understanding the

Theorists: A creative beginning

expecting discharge from hospital... the theory of goal attainment was works of Nursing used in his nursing process.

Major Concepts and Definitions 1. Interaction

A process of perception and communication Between person and environment Between person and person Represented by verbal and nonverbal behaviours Goal-directed Each individual brings different knowledge , needs, goals, past experiences and perceptions, which influence interaction

21. Health Promotion


22. Health Belief Model 23. Theories used in

Community Health Nursing 24. Application of Nursing Theories

25. Application Goal

Attainment Theory

2. Communication
Information from person to person Directly or indirectly Information component of interaction

26. Application Orem's

Self-care Deficit Theory

3. Perception
Each persons representation of reality

27. Application of
Suchmans Stages of Illness Model

4. Transaction
Purposeful interaction leading to goal attainment

28. Application of Betty

Neuman's Systems Model in Nursing Care

5. Role
social system Rules that define rights and obligations in a position

A set of behaviours expected of persons occupying a position in a

29. Application of Roy's

Adaptation Model in Nursing Process

6. Stress
Dynamic state Human being interacts with the environment


Application of Peplau's Interpersonal theory in Nursing Process

31. Application of Health

Belief Model in Nursing Practice

32. Transcultural Nursing 33. Helping and Human

Relationships Theory: Robert R. Carkhuff 34. 35. Models of Prevention Care, Cure and Core: The Three Cs of Lydia Hall 36. Human Becoming Theory:Rosemarie Rizzo Parse 37. From Novice to Expert: Patricia Benner 38. Erikson's Theory of Psychosocial Development 39. Theory of Cognitive Dissonance by Leon Festinger 40. Kurt Lewin's Change Theory

41. Prochaska and

DiClemente's Stages of Change Model 42. Ernestine Wiedenbach's "The Helping Art of Clinical Nursing" 43. A directory of open access nursing theory articles 44. Maslow's Theory of Needs 45. Models of Nursing Care Delivery 46. Theories of Florence Nightingale 47. Human-To-Human Relationship Model by Joyce Travelbee(1926-1973) 48. Newman's Health As

Expanding Consciousness 49. Comfort Theory by Katharine Kolcaba 50. Tidal Model of Mental Health Nursing

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