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Raven Ulieme October 31, 2019

Starch Pastes and Gels Lab Report


Comparison of Amylose and Amylopectin in Starches


Starch is made up of two different components; amylose and amylopectin. Amylose is

responsible for the thickening and gelling abilities of starch, while amylopectin is only

responsible for the thickening ability of starch. Starch is utilized as a thickening agent in a

variety of food products like puddings, gravies, and soups among others. Starch is also utilized

for the process of gelatinization for starch pastes and starch gels. In this lab, the characteristics of

corn starch, corn flour, all-purpose wheat flour, tapioca starch, potato flour, and sweet potato

flour are compared to determine which are the most acceptable for producing thickening and




Stove top (per kitchen)

250 mL graduated cylinder (1-2 per kitchen)

1-2 wooden spoon(s) (per kitchen)

1-qt saucepan (per kitchen)

1-2 Liquid measuring cup(s) (per kitchen)

4 custard cups (per kitchen)

1 digital food scale (per kitchen)

1 thermometer (per kitchen)

1 line spread test (per kitchen)

944 mL distilled water (per kitchen)

Ice water bath (per kitchen)

24 g corn starch (per kitchen 1 & 4)

24 g corn flour (per kitchen 1 & 4)

24 g all-purpose wheat flour (per kitchen 2 & 5)

24 g tapioca starch (per kitchen 2 & 5)

24 g potato flour (kitchen 3 only)

24 g sweet potato flour (kitchen 3 only)

Preparation Methods

Each starch paste/gel was made according to the basic formula and prepared twice; one using 16

g and one using 8 g. Place the chosen starch in the 1-qt saucepan on the heated stove and slowly

stir the distilled water into it. Continuously stir to prevent the starch from clumping. Allow the

mixture to heat to a boil unless it begins to start thinning. If thinning does not occur then bring to

a full boil. Once the mixture begins to thin, take note of the temperature with the thermometer in

Celsius and remove the saucepan from the heat.

Evaluation Methods

For the objective testing, a line spread test will be used on each 16 g and 8 g starch samples

twice. One line spread test will measure ¼ cup of the starch while hot and another line spread

test will measure ¼ cup of the starch after it turns cold from the ice water bath. The high

temperatures of each starch and amount should be taken once the boiling mixture is complete.

For the subjective testing, taste, mouth feel, color, and thickening/gelling of the end products will

be evaluated for acceptability. The amylose and amylopectin percentages of each starch will be

used in the evaluation of thickening/gelling.


The 16g corn starch paste had a high temperature of 79.1℃ . The hot line spread test resulted in

6.25 mm and the cold line spread test resulted in 5 mm. The appearance was clear and the end

product was a thickened gel. The taste was flavorless with a metallic aftertaste. The 8g corn

starch paste had a high temperature of 90℃. The hot line spread test resulted in 17 mm and the

cold line spread test resulted in 13 mm. The appearance was clear and the end product was a

slightly thickened gel that was also watery. The taste was flavorless without a metallic aftertaste.

The 16g corn flour paste had a high temperature of 80℃. The hot line spread test resulted in

11.25 mm and the cold line spread test resulted in 5 mm. The appearance was pale yellow and

the end product was thickened with the resemblance of applesauce. The taste mimicked that of

cream of wheat. The 8g corn flour paste had a high temperature of 90.1℃. The hot line spread

test was too thin to measure and the cold line spread test resulted in 19.75 mm. The appearance

was pale yellow and the end product was liquid with the corn flour settling at the bottom of the

mixture. The taste mimicked that of diluted cream of wheat flavoring. The 16g sweet potato flour

paste had a high temperature of 83℃. The hot line spread test was too thin to measure and the
cold line spread test resulted in 15.75 mm. The appearance was a muddy caramel color and the

end product was liquid with the flour settling to the bottom. When moved, it had a slight bounce

that suggested the slightest gel, but not significant. The taste mimicked that of candied sweet

potato. The 8g sweet potato flour paste had a high temperature of 85℃. The hot line spread test

was too thin to measure and the cold line spread test resulted in 21.25 mm. The appearance was a

muddy caramel color and the end product was very liquid with the flour settling to the bottom.

The taste mimicked that of diluted sweet potato flavoring and was not as sweet as the 16g

sample. The 16g tapioca starch paste had a high temperature of 87℃ . The hot line spread test

was 10.25 mm and the cold line spread test was 5.5 mm. The appearance was very clear and the

end product was very gelled. The taste was flavorless. The 8g tapioca starch paste had a high

temperature of 99.5℃. The hot line spread test was 18 mm and the cold line spread test was

10.75 mm. The appearance was very clear and the end product was a liquid with a slight gel. The

taste was flavorless. The 16g potato flour had a high temperature of 86℃ . The hot line spread

test was 12 mm and the cold line spread test was 5.5 mm. The appearance was cloudy in color

and the end product was a gel. The taste mimicked that of bland mashed potatoes. The 8g potato

flour had a high temperature of 93℃. The hot line spread test was 25.5 mm and the cold line

spread test was 10 mm. The appearance was clear and the end product was a gel with liquid. The

taste mimicked that of diluted and bland mashed potatoes. The 16g all-purpose wheat flour had a

high temperature of 94.5℃. The hot line spread test was 14.25 mm and the cold line spread test

was 8 mm. The appearance had an ivory tint in color and the end product was a gel. The taste

mimicked that of bland grits. The 8g all-purpose wheat flour had a high temperature of 83.5℃.

The hot line spread test was 21.5 mm and the cold line spread test was 13.25 mm. The
appearance was clear with a slightly ivory tint in color and the end product was a liquid gel. The

taste mimicked that of diluted and bland grits.


Across all the starch paste results, the 16g amount was the most ideal because the 8g was not

enough in the amount of distilled water used to accurately showcase the thickening and gelling

ability of each starch. Some resulted in a slight gel consistency, however, there was liquid in

most of them except for the 8g corn starch paste. The least acceptable starch paste in lab for

thickening and/or gelling was the sweet potato flour paste because both 16g and 8g mixtures had

the highest liquid outcome with little to no gelling. Because flour is not a pure starch due to the

protein and other additional components, the pure starches have an advantage for stronger

thickening and gelling power. This can help explain why although the amylose percentage of

tapioca starch is around the same percentage as sweet potato flour (17% and 18-19%

respectively), the pure tapioca starch can gel better. The amylopectin percentages that dictate

thickness abilities were also similar; 83% for tapioca and 81% for sweet potato flour. One factor

that could have affected the ability for the sweet potato flour to thicken more than it did is the

temperature. Sweet potato flour thickens at relatively low temperatures, however, the

temperatures of both 16g and 8g were close to the other starches. Therefore, the paste most likely

did not thicken at all due to the high heat thinning it out. This could also explain why the hot line

spread test for both 8g and 16g were too thin to measure and they cold line spreads were high.

This flour is said to function well in both baked goods and as a thickening agent. The mixture did

result in a muddy caramel color, which may result in an alteration of color in the food it is used

in. The sweet potato flavor may enhance food and also add a natural sweetness because the paste

resembled candied sweet potato. It is less likely to alter the flavor although it has a distinct flavor
because root starch flavors are less forward once cooked. The mouthfeel was watery due to the

fact that the paste was diluted. The corn starch paste was the most acceptable thickening/gelling

agent to use because the 16g amount had the lowest values of hot and cold line spread test results

(6.25 mm and 5 mm respectively) and even the 8g still had a gel consistency and lacked any

liquid as mentioned above. This resulted because corn starch is a pure starch; the purer a starch

is, the more gelling and thickening abilities it has. Corn starch is the most commonly used starch

that will thicken and gel well while both hot (6.25mm) and cold (5mm). It was able to gel very

well because the amylose percentage was 25, a percentage that typically indicates when a starch

is likely to gel. Although not as high as the other starches in this lab, the amylopectin percentage

was still fairly high (75%) to allow thickening to occur. The corn starch paste thickened very

quick close to the when the water began boiling, therefore this starch must be monitored

carefully to avoid thinning it out from too long heat exposure. The paste was flavorless;

therefore, it will not alter the flavor of food and the mouthfeel was smooth. Because it is clear, it

will make sauces clear and shiny. The corn flour in comparison only thickened like applesauce

but did not gel like the corn starch paste. This is again due to the additional components of flour

that does not categorize it as a pure starch. Corn flour is also typically used for baked goods

rather than for soups, sauces, gravies, etc., therefore this would be less acceptable serving as the

starch for food recipes. The corn flour paste flavor in lab resembled cream of wheat (farina), but

its flavor is known to add a distinct corn flavor to what it is added into. It provided a smooth

mouthfeel. This flour will also contribute a yellow coloring to what it is added into. Tapioca

starch is a more acceptable thickening/gelling agent to use because it is a pure starch. This can

explain why although the amylose percentage was below 25% (17%), the tapioca paste was still

able to gel very well and due to its 83% of amylopectin, it was also able to thicken very well.
The paste is thicker and more gelled once chilled versus when hot; the cold line spread was 5.5

mm while the hot line spread was 10.25 mm. The mouthfeel of the paste was similar to a jelly

consistency and because it has no flavoring, it will not alter the food taste it is used in. Because

the color was clear, it will result in a more clear and silky sauce. Although flour serves as a

weaker starch, the potato flour paste and the all-purpose wheat flour paste both had a gel

consistency from the 16g amount. Both of the 8g amounts still had a gel consistency but they had

some liquid. Although the potato flour amylose percentage is not above 20% (exactly 20%), it is

close enough to allow gelling to result. Potato flour can function well for baked goods and as a

thickening agent. It thickens well because it can absorb large amounts of water and also has a

high amylopectin percentage of 80%. For both paste amounts, it is more gelled and thicker when

cooled versus when hot, especially for the 8g (hot line spread was 25.5 mm and cold line spread

was 10 mm). The flavor resembled bland mashed potatoes so it will serve as a neutral flavoring

to foods. The mouth feel was smooth. The color was cloudy for the 16g but clear for the 8g, so it

most likely will not alter the color of the food. Wheat flour is typically used for baked goods that

result in a denser product. Based on the lab results, however; it could also work well as a

thickening agent. This is because like corn starch, wheat flour is a grain starch. Grain starches

have higher fat and protein percentages that provides a thickening ability. This should also be

monitored while cooking, because it gels at higher temperatures. The cold line spread test for

both 16g and 8g were less in value than the hot (8mm and 13.25 mm respectively), therefore it

will gel better when cooled. The flavor resembled bland grits and often has a distinct cereal

flavor once cooked.; the mouthfeel was smooth. It will also make sauces opaque and this was the

result in the lab with an ivory coloring.

Future Directions

For another starch related lab experiment, the starch pastes that had the most acceptable

thickening and/or gelling ability should be used to make pudding to further decide which ones

produce the best consistency of gelling/thickening and which ones produce the best mouthfeel.

The starches to compare would be corn starch, corn flour, tapioca starch, potato starch, and all-

purpose wheat flour. If following the same basic formula from this lab, the 16g of each starch

would be ideal because the decrease to 8g with the 236 mL of distilled water made the starch

paste mixtures too watered down to have the best thickened/gel outcome. The main ingredients

for making the pudding would require milk, sugar, and starch. Sugar has the ability to thin out a

thick consistency because it competes with the starch for the water molecules; therefore, the

amount for sugar should be a low amount that will not alter the taste drastically. Because

pudding is typically served chilled, the cold line spread results will be convenient to predict the

thickness/more gelled consistency of each pudding by whether or not the value was larger or

smaller. This prediction can be utilized in the discussion section to see if the predictions matched

the outcomes.

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