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Alumna: Romero Frías Ana Paola

Grado: 3° Grupo: ”B”

Especialidad: Laboratorio Clínico
Turno: Vespertino
Escuela: CBTis #32
“Ricardo Flores Magón”
Instructions: Please answer what is required below.
Answer the following question:

1. What are phrasal verbs?

Choose the correct option to complete the sentences:

2. I haven´t read these magazines yet, so please don´t throw them _________

3. “i´m looking ________ my glasses. Have you seen them anywhere?” “yes,
they´re on your head.”

4. Can you switch ________ the TV, please? I want to watch the news

5. "Who is looking _________ "My neighbour. She's a very nice lady."

6. Patrick, your room is a total mess! Pick _______ all the clothes from the
floor and put them away

7. Can you turn the music ______a bit for me, please? I can't concentrate on
my homework

8. "Has Polly gone to bed yet?" "Yes, I think she has. She's turned the light”

9. “Is it OK if i give the book _______ after the weekend?” "Yes, sure. I've
already read it, so you can hold on to it even longer if you want.”

10. In our country, you normally take ______ your shoes before you walk into
somebody´s home.
One of the sentences in each pair contains a mistake. Choose the correct

11. A)They waited to his arrival, but he never came

B) They waited for his arrival, but he never came.

12. A) You should put on that hat, it's quite cold.

B) You should put on it, it's quite cold.

13. A) I usually listen to music before I go to sleep.

B) I usually listen music to before I go to sleep.

14. A) I'm really looking for to my birthday party. It'll be fun.

B) I'm really looking forward to my birthday party. It'll be fun.

15. A) Look on the mess you've made! It's incredible!

B) Look at the mess you've made! It's incredible!

Next, you will match each phrase with the sentence to which it corresponds.

16. You really ______ your father, you know. Yo’ve Take after
got the same blue eyes.

17. Could you _____ your cousins today? Your Look up

uncle is going to be late today.

18. This apartment is a mess. The owners should Look after

really _____ it ______

19. Mike ______ in China, that´s why he speaks Look into

fluent Chinese.

20. I don´t know the meaning of this Word. I´ll Do up

_______ it ______ in the dictionary.

21. The detectives _______ the case of the Grow up

missing jewels right now.

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