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Energy can take two basic forms: potential and kinetic. Potential energy is stored
energy, like the energy in a battery. Kinetic energy is the energy of motion, like the
energy of a spinning fan blade. While it is true that you can classify a system as having
either or both of these forms, you can also classify a system’s energy in even more-
specific terms. Some of the following forms may be familiar to you.

Mechanical energy is a form of energy that a system has based on its motion or
position. Because mechanical energy relates to both motion and position, mechanical
energy is the sum of potential and kinetic energy in a system of interacting objects.

Thermal energy is the energy of molecules in motion. When you rub your hands
together quickly on a cold day, they begin to feel warm because the molecules in your
hands are moving faster as a result of friction. It is a type of kinetic energy.

Nuclear energy is potential energy stored in the nucleus of an atom that holds protons
and neutrons together. Nuclear energy is released when atomic nuclei break apart or
fuse together.

Chemical energy is a form of potential energy that is stored in chemical bonds that link
atoms. During a chemical reaction, chemical bonds are broken, and energy may be

Magnetic Energy is the energy stored in a material that produces a magnetic field. This
is a form of potential energy.

Elastic energy is stored energy found within materials that bounce back to a starting
position when they are stretched.

Electrical Energy is a form of kinetic energy that involves the transfer of charge through
an electrical conductor.

Electromagnetic energy consists of the range of waves making up the entire

electromagnetic spectrum from very low-energy radio waves to high-energy gamma
rays. The energy associated with these waves is kinetic in nature.


What forms of energy do you think we will be using in this lab?


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