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Monologue 1: Questions Listen to the monologue and then answer the questions. yey om S To. It. 12. 13. 14. In what place is the speaker talking? Who is the listener? What has happened? How well do the speaker and listener know each other? ‘Oh -spoke too soon.’ What event prompted this remark? ‘No, it’s nothing.’ What event prompted this remark? “Well, you can tell I know this thing pretty well.” What is ‘this thing’? ‘Ido have some on the way up.’ Explain this remark. What two comments does he make about the canteen? ‘We're supposed to be going to the theatre.” Who docs ‘we’ not include? ‘Alice has always been keen.’ a) Who is Alice? b) What is she keen on? ‘One advantage of being old-fashioned, I suppose.’ a) What is old-fashioned? b) Why is this an advantage? ‘You should sce mine.” What or whom docs ‘mine’ refer to? ‘Shall we both just give one more shout?’ What does this remark imply has already happened?

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