Course Outline Cse115 Sec7

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Centre of Excellence in Higher Education

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
School of Engineering and Physical Sciences

Course outline
Instructor: Md. Shahriar Hussain (HSM)
Office Room: SAC 11103 Course Title: Programming Language
Office Hours: M: 3:00-5:00 Course CSE 115
W:12:30-1:00 Code:
RA: 2:00-4:30
Office Phone: Section: 07
Lab Class LIB 602 Class Room: NAC 992
Email Address: Class Time: MW: 10:20-11:20

1. Course Summary: This is the first course in the computer science programming and
is required for all computer science and engineering majors. This course introduces
the fundamental concepts of structured programming. Topics include fundamentals of
computers and number systems, algorithms & flowcharts, fundamental programming
constructs: syntax and semantics of a higher-level language, variables, expressions,
operators, simple I/O to console and files, conditional and iterative control structures,
functions and parameter passing, dynamic memory allocation; fundamental data
structures: arrays, structures, strings and string processing; and testing and debugging

2. Course Objectives: The objectives of this course are to

a. learn fundamental knowledge on basics of computers, hardware, software, and
number systems,
b. familiarize about the basic terminologies used in computer programming,
c. proficiently transform designs of problem solutions into a standard programming
d. use an integrated development environment (IDE) to write, compile, and execute
programs involving a small number of source files,
e. proficiently use fundamental programming elements including: variable
declaration, data types and simple data structures (arrays, strings, and structures),
decision structures, loop structures, functions/methods, input and output for
console and text files,
f. apply debugging and testing techniques to locate and resolve errors and to
determine the effectiveness of a program, and
have understanding of professionalism, codes of ethics and responsible conduct

Sl. CO Description
1. explain number systems as well as the basics of computer programming such
as hardware, software, types of programming languages, compiler, etc.

2. use an integrated programming environment to write, compile, and execute a

C program as well as apply debugging techniques to locate and resolve
3. apply different programming elements such as variables, simple data
structures (arrays/strings), selection structures, repetition structures,
functions, structure, pointer, file manipulation, etc. to solve different
4. design a simple information management system that requires using array of
structures, function, and file processing.

3. Resources

Text books:

No Name of Year of Title of Book Edition Publisher’s ISBN

Author(s) Publication Name
1 J Hanly 2012 Problem Solving 7th Pearson ISBN-13:
and E and Program 978-
Koffman Design in C 0132936491

Reference books:

No Name of Year of Title of Book Edition Publisher’s ISBN

Author(s) Publication Name
1 H. Schildt 2000 C: The 4th Osborne / ISBN-13:
Complete McGraw- 978-
Reference Hill 0070411838
2 H. Schildt 2008 Teach Yourself
3 B. S. 1996 Schaum's 2nd Mcgraw ISBN-13:
Gottfried Outline of Hill 978-
Programming 0070240353
with C

4. Weightage Distribution among Assessment Tools (Tentative):
Assessment Tools Weightage (%)
Class Performance 05
Quizzes 20
Midterm 30
Final Exam 35
Assignment 10
Assessment Tools Weightage (%)
Class Performance 05
Lab Exercise /Quiz 25
Lab Assignments 10
Midterm 25
Final Exam 25
Term Project 10

5. Grading policy: As per NSU grading policy available in

6. Semester Plan (Tentative)

Course Topic Lecture

Number Theory and Basics of Computer 4 classes
Overview of C 2 Class
Operator and expression 2 Class
Selection Structures 3 Classes
Repetition Structures 5 Classes
Function 3 Classes
Midterm Exam (Tentative)
Array 3 Classes
String 3 Classes
Pointer 3 Classes
Recursion 1 Class
Structure 3 Classes
File 2 Class
Review 1 Class

Exams & Make up Policy:

 No makeup exams will be taken under any circumstances.
 Midterm and Final exams will be closed book, closed notes.
 The materials for Midterm exam will be informed in due time.
 Electronic devices are prohibited in exam sessions.
 If you miss the final you will get an ``F" in the course.
 If you cheat in any form or do not follow faculty instructions, your examination will be

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