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Head-on collision: 2 vehicles crash into each other while traveling in opposite directions.
Fender bender: Small accident, minor damage
Pile-up: Many cars involved (colisión en cadena)
Hit and run: a car hits a person, driver drives away

✔ Slammed on the brakes

✔ Ran over a deer (car passes over an object, animal)
✔ Sideswiped a car: Hit the side of a car
✔ Rear-ended a van: hit the back of the van
✔ Plowed into the guardrail =crashed into

✔ Losing control of the car: driving at high speed, bad weather
✔ Lots of cars were skidding on the icy road: to slide without control
✔ A car rolled over: turning upside down
✔ Slick/Slippery surface (ice)
✔ speeding: faster than the speed limit, too fast
✔ tailgating: driving extremely close behind another car.
✔ Drunkdriving: under the influence of alcohol
● breathalyzer test: to check you for alcohol
● level of alcohol in the driver’s blood
✔ weather conditions: can make
● snow
● rain
● ice
● fog (poor visibility)
● darkness

✔ Reckless driving: to drive dangerously, not carefully

✔ Ex: drive impatiently, change/switch lanes without using the turn signals.
✔ Road rage: getting angry at another driver, and driving aggressively
✔ Distractions: cellphone, not watching the road.

Results of an accident:
✔ Whiplash: common injury of the neck due to the impact (traumatismo cervical)
✔ To be thrown from a vehicle: flew out of the vehicle and landed some distance away
✔ Slide off the road: salirse de la carretera
✔ Vehicles that are towed: By a tow truck
✔ Totaled: cannot be repaired
✔ Shaken but unhurt: occupants emotionally agitated, with no injuries.

How to drive
Cruising along on the highway: driving straight
Cruise control: steady pace, no need to press the gas or accelerate
Stay within posted speed limit
switch lanes: Check rear view and side view mirrors, check blind spot, signal
Yield to pedestrians, cyclist (right of way)

Do not…
Cut people off: come in front of you, they don´t signal
Honk at people
Get distracted
Swerve for no reason

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