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The Henderson-Hasselbalch equation is an approximation of the relationship between the pH or

pOH of a solution, the pKa or pKb, and the concentration ratio of dissociated chemical species.
The Henderson–Hasselbalch equation can be used to determine the amount of acid and
conjugate base needed to prepare a buffer solution with a specific pH.
Helmenstine, A. (2019). Henderson Hasselbalch Equation Definition. Retrieved September 26,
2022 from
Henderson-Hasselbalch Equation . (n.d). Retrieved September 26, 2022 from
2. The buffer capacity is the quantity of acid or base that may be added to a solution of a given
volume before the pH changes appreciably, often by one unit. The buffering capacity of a
solution depends on the concentrations of the weak acid and its conjugate base. While, The
buffer range is the pH range used to determine the effectiveness of a buffer by neutralizing
adding acids and bases to maintain a constant pH.
What is the difference between a buffer range and a buffer capacity?. (n.d). Retrieved
September 26, 2022 from
3. Two organs manage the body's acid/base balance are the lungs and kidney.  Lungs are faster and
more vital in I ncreasing respiration rate increases carbon dioxide excretion, which balances
carbonic acid. Deeper, faster breathing can alkalize blood. The kidneys maintain pH for long-
term regulation. The kidneys can increase or decrease acid secretion by regulating tubular
carbonic acid reabsorption. So, acidic urine may imply the body is flushing out excess dietary
acid, making blood pH more alkaline. The kidney regulates pH with ammonia.
Lungs, kidneys regulate pH levels. (2015). Retrieved September 26, 2022 from

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