2022 Raptor Nest Monitoring Datasheet

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Raptor Nest Monitoring Form-2022


Time Spent
Rearing Behavior (Incubating, Chicks Nest Condition
Volunteering Nest Number Visitation # # of Notes
Observer(s) Date observed, chicks being feed, branching, (good, fair, poor or
(Ex: 30 minutes (assigned) (1st, 2nd..) Chicks (e.g. nothing observed, more nest details)
fledging.) deteriorating)
= 0.5)

Primary species (codes): Red-tail Hawk (RTHA), Red-Shoulder Hawk (RSHA), Coopers Hawk (COHA), White-tailed Kite (WTKI)
Other species of interest: American Kestrel (AMKE), Barn Owl (BNOW), Great Horned Owl (GHOW), Peregrine Falcon (PEFA)

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