B23 Eng1004 0759

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Mid-Term Examinations – November 2021

Programme : B.Tech Semester : Fall 2021-22
Course : Effective Technical Communication Code : ENG1004
Faculty : Dr. Soumya Sankar Ghosh Slot/ Class No. : B23/0759
Time : 1 ½ hours Max. Marks : 50

Answer all the Questions

Q.No. Question Description Marks

1 A. Fill in the blanks with the words given below:

(i) A. Can I have a look at your essay to get a few ideas?

B. _____________________________________
A. Thanks. I'll do the same for you next time.

(ii) A. I'm working really hard for my exam at the moment.

B. _____________________________________
A. Oh, not bad. I'm fairly confident of passing.

(iii) A. Where's Murai today?

B. _____________________________________
A. Don't be like that. I was only asking.

(iv) A. We need to finish this assignment by Monday. There goes our weekend.
B. _____________________________________
A. I know, but we'll make up for it next weekend.
(v) A. Want to come to the concert tonight?
B . _____________________________________
A. That's great. I'll go and get us some tickets.

(vi) A. Do you think you'll pass your exams?

B. _____________________________________
A. That's the spirit! Well, good luck.

(vii) A. Do you find it difficult getting up at 6 o'clock every morning?

B. _____________________________________
A. I suppose you must be. You've been doing it for so long.

(viii) A. We're thinking of doing something to celebrate the end of the semester.
B. _____________________________________
A. I'm not sure, really. Perhaps a barbecue, or something like that.

(ix) A. Are there any tickets left for tonight's show?

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B. _____________________________________
A. I thought so. Oh well, never mind.

(x) A. I have to get the hall ready for tonight's lecture.

B. _____________________________________
A. That's really kind of you.


Let me lend a hand. How's it going?

How should I know? I'm a bit tied up for the time being.
I'm going to give it all I've got. Is it any wonder?
Oh, I'm used to it. Sure. Why not?
What a drag! What do you have in mind?
You bet! You're out of luck.
2 A. Make sentences with the following words:
(i) Constitute-
(ii) Appoint-
(iii) Coast-
(iv) Compel
(v) Diligent
B. Write the synonyms of the following word:
(i) Yowl-
(ii) Gash-
(iii) Confess
(iv) Aware
(v) Satisfied-
3 Fill in the blanks with appropriate verb forms
(i) _____ Paul Simon’s latest record?
A) Have you heard B) Have you been hearing
C) Did you hear D) Are you heard

(ii) She’s tired because she _____ all day.

A) shopped B) shops
C) has been shopping D) has shopped

(iii) Sorry. I _____ one of your glasses.

A) have broken B) broke
C) break D) have been breaking
(iv) How long _____ this book?
A) do you read B) are you reading
C) have you been reading D) have you read

(v) They _____ here for three years.

A) lives B) are living
C) live D) have been living

(vi) I _____ the living room, but I haven’t finished yet.

A) have painted B) paint
C) painted D) have been painting
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(vii) I _____ my wallet. Where did I last put it?
A) lost B) have lost
C) have been losing D) lose

(viii) Look what Pat _____ me for my birthday! A bike!

A) gave B) have been giving
C) gives D) has given

(ix) There’s my wallet! I _____ for it for ages.

A) have been looking B) looked
C) have looked D) look

(x) I _____ to most countries in Europe, but I’ve never _____ to Russia.
A) was / gone B) have gone / been
C) have been / been D) went / gone
4 Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions

(i) I hate being late. I like to arrive _____ time.

(ii) I spoke to her _____ the phone last week.

(iii) I read an interesting article _____ the paper this morning.

(iv) “Can I ask you something?”

“Not now. _____ a moment.”

(v) “Here’s a birthday present _____ you.”

“Oh, thank you!” 10

(vi) “Why did you open my letter?”

“I’m sorry. I did it _____ mistake.”

(vii) I arrived _____ England last month.

(viii) I live _____ the third floor.

(ix) I met my classmates _____ the party.

(x) “Why does Jane look so happy?”

5 “Effective communication is purposive symbolic interchange resulting in workable

understanding and agreement between the sender and the receiver”. Explain this utterance 10
with your own understanding.

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