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Subject: ENGLISH

Assignment Topic: Multiple Intelligence

Course code: ENG-309

Submitted to: Ms.Sadia

Submitted by:

1_Shakeel Ahmad

2_Usman Iqbal

3_Fatima Shafique

4_Muskan Nadeem

5_Farukh Shehzad

Section: BS IT(B)
Topic:Multiple Intelligence

Multiple intelligences refers to a theory describing the different ways student learn
and acquire information.

First introduced in his 1983 book “FRAMES OF MIND”,”HOWARD GARDNER”, a
psychologist and professor at Harvard University ,states that there are eight types
of human intelligence, each representing different ways of how process

 Linguistic intelligence (word smart).

 Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence (Body smart).

 Naturalistic intelligence (nature smart).

 Logical-Mathematical intelligence (Logic smart).

 Musical intelligence (Music smart).

 Spatial intelligence (picture smart).

 Interpersonal intelligence (People smart).

 Intrapersonal intelligence (Self smart).


It is the ability to understand and reason using concept framed in words. More
broadly, it is linked to problem solving, abstract reasoning, and working memory.

A person who loves to debate or a person who loves to discuss and develop stories
are examples of linguistic intelligence.

Linguistic intelligent people are often people who want to understand and explore
languages. These types of people words and imagery, and can express that
through language. These types of people are often actors, writers and poet.

Linguistic intelligence gives an individual the ability to learn new thing. Being able
to verbally express oneself and use the written word to communicate are extremely
important in making connection with others.


Bodily kinesthetic intelligence is the capacity to manipulate objects and use a
variety of physical skills.

There are certain people who possess a high level of this form of intelligence.
These include, dancers, gymnasts, athletes, architects, actors, and directors etc.

People with high bodily kinesthetic intelligence are able to relate things in their
environment through their body. They tend to use their body to express themselves.
They also have a strong sense of body awareness.

It develops strong connections between the body and the mind. It improves
functioning of all physical movements.


Naturalistic intelligence includes knowledge about your environment and elements
in nature.

Some examples are the creation of habit, caring, for animals and plants, collecting
and classifying natural objects and organisms such as rocks, insects or snails.


 Enjoy and learn about new species entertaining.

 Feel live in contact with nature.

 Enjoy gardening and like to learn about it.

It helped our ancient hunter-gathers ancestors to identify which flora and fauna
were edible and which ones were not.


Logical mathematical intelligence includes the ability reason and think logically.
Coding is the excellent example of logical and mathematical intelligence.


 Excellent problem solving skill.

 Enjoying skills about abstract ideas.

People who have high logical intelligence are snilled at deductive reasoning,
deducting patterns and logical thinking.

(5)Musical Intelligence(Music Smart):

Musical Intelligence – abilities to produce and appreciate rhythm, pitch, and timbre;
appreciation of the forms of musical expressiveness.

Enjoy singing and playing musical instruments. Recognize musical patterns and
tones easily. Remember songs and melodies. Have a rich understanding of musical
structure, rhythm, and notes.

What is musical intelligence in education?

Musical intelligence is dedicated to how skillful an individual is performing,
composing, and appreciating music and musical patterns. People who excel in this
intelligence typically are able to use rhythms and patterns to assist in learning.

(6)Visual or spatial Intelligence(Picture Smart):

Visual-spatial intelligence has been defined as “the capacity to perceive the visual
world accurately, and/or perform transformations and modifications on
perceptions, construct mental representations of visual information and use the
representation to perform activities”

A blind individual who uses touch and spatial reasoning to calculate the size, shape,
width, and length of an object, which results in an accurate visual picture of the
object. What is visual spatial intelligence in simple words?

Visual-spatial learning style, or visual-spatial intelligence, refers to a person's ability

to perceive, analyze, and understand visual information in the world around them.
Essentially, they can picture concepts with their mind's eye.

(7)Interpersonal Intelligence(People Smart):

Involves the ability to work cooperatively with others in a group as well as the
ability to communicate, verbally and nonverbally, with other people. It builds on the
capacity to differentiate moods, temperaments, motivation, and intentions.

They're highly adaptable. Wikimedia Commons. ...

They read a lot. ...

They're open-minded. ...

They like their own company. ...

They have high self-control

(8)Interpersonal intelligence(self smart):

involves knowledge of the internal aspects of the self, such as knowledge of
feelings, the range of emotional responses, thinking processes, and self-reflection.
This intelligence allows us to step back from ourselves and watch ourselves as an

Prefer to work alone rather than with others.

Stand up for beliefs even if unpopular.

No their own feelings well.

Enjoy keeping a journal.


 It enables children with different abilities to succeed.

 It enables teachers to understand the varying interest, talent, and need of

 It enables students to demonstrate their strengths and weaknesses.


 Some critics consider multiple intelligence theory to be too broad.

 It may not be possible to teach students according to their intelligence type.

 The theory only takes talents and abilities into account.

Although Gardner’s multiple intelligence theory is renowned , critics disregard it on
the grounds of lack of empirical evidence.

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