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"—DEpser MENT OF EDUCATION ‘RE OOHB SECHION REGIONAL OFFICE NO. \ 15 Department of Coucation REGION I = Office of the Regional Director REGIONAL MEMORANDUM JANOS 2229 No.__O]4 » 8, 2023 REGIONAL GUIDELINES IN THE EVALUATION OF BEST BRIGADA ESKWELA IMPLEMENTING SCHOOLS To: — Schools Division Superintendents Division Partnership Focal Persons i. The Department of Education (DepEd) Regional Office I issues the enclosed Regional Guidelines to: a, promote harmonious, active and collaborative engagements among students, teachers, school officials, parents, community members, local government officials, non-government organizations, church groups and the private sector; b. harmonize the processes for the selection of the Brigada Best Implementing Schools at the different levels which includes among others: (a) evaluation process and tools; (b) documentary requirements; (c) rubrics for the selection criteria; (d) panel of evaluators; (e) categories for the awards; (f) protest mechanism; and c. define the distinct roles and responsibilities of the Partnerships Focal Persons in the different governance levels. 2. All Regional Issuances which are inconsistent with this Memorandum are hereby repealed, rescinded, or modified accordingly. 3. These regional guidelines shall take effect upon approval of the Regional Director. 4. Immediate dissemination of and strict compliance with this Memorangx{m is highly requested. TOLENTINO G. AQUINO Regional Director Bnols: As Stated ‘To be indicated in the Perpetual Index ‘under the following subjects: POLICY ESSD/den/ RM_Regional Guidelines BE Evaluation June 16, 2022 DepEd Region 1: Built on character; empowered by competence. Flores St., Catbangen, City of San Fernando, La Union NEA (072) 607-8137 / 682-2324 | AMBISY@N NATIN20@0-~—— (Enclosure to Regional Memorandum No. , S. 2022) REGIONAL GUIDELINES IN THE EVALUATION OF BEST BRIGADA ESKWELA IMPLEMENTING SCHOOLS A. GENERAL PROVISIONS I. RATIONALE 1. The active and collaborative engagements among students, teachers, school officials, parents, community members, local government officials, non-government organizations, church groups and the private sector are critical for ensuring that school age children go to school, remain in school and learn in school. The State recognizes the invaluable collaboration of these stakeholders through Presidential Decree (PD) 603 or the Child and ‘Youth Welfare Code, as amended. 2, The State likewise encourages the spirit of volunteerism and public- private partnership through Republic Act 8525 or the Adopt-A-School Act. ‘Through this Act, private sector companies and professionals are given the opportunity to contribute to improving the public education system of the country. In recognition of their goodwill, they can avail of tax incentives of up to 150%. 3. The launching of the Brigada Eskwela in 2003 and its eventual institutionalization as a Program through DepEd Order 24, s. 2008, brought the spirit of the Adopt-A-School Program to the community level and maximize civil participation and utilize local resources to improve the public schools. Brigada Eskwela evolved from a week-long clean-up and ‘teautification exercise to a festive reunion and converging of students, teachers, school officials, parents, community members, local government officials, non-government organizations, church groups and the private sector. Brigada Eskwela Program is now one of DepEd frontline initiatives in enjoining local communities to respond to the needs of public schools and be part of a nationwide effort towards ultimately improving the basic education. 4. Brigada Eskwela is one of the most successful programs of the Department because of the collaborative effort and unrelentless support extended by our partners who have been with us for years due to the strong leadership of the school heads in the public schools. To them we give due recognition and commendation. 5. Integrated in the implementation of the Brigada Eskwela Program is the evaluation for the best implementing schools. Annually, the Department issues the implementing guidelines through DepEd Memorandum. The implementing guidelines, however, are broad statements that that allow for various interpretations when conducting the evaluation. In line with DepEd Memorandum 062, s. 2022 it empowered the Regional Offices to create their regional rubrics for the Best Brigada Eskwela Implementing Schools Award. The general criteria is as follows: Page 2 of 9 CRITERIA PERCENTAGE ‘a. Brigada Bskwela School Preparation Effort This pertains to the preparation effort of the school to ensure cleanliness, sanitation, wash in schools, compliance to health 25% protocols, school safety and disaster preparedness and conducive learning center. b.Brigada Eskwela Partnerships Engagement Activities This pertains to the kind/impact of partnership engagement activities, which may be measured in terms of the number of learners/teaching and non- teaching personnel who benefited from the activity (ies). Brigada Eskwela Impact to School Performance This pertains to impact to access, in terms of improvement of Learning Centers, impact to enrollment and participation 25% and Overall School Academic Performance based on the recent performance indicators. d. Brigada Eskwela Resource Generated This pertains to the resources generated to the Brigada Eskwvela implementation. This shall be based on the prevailing market value of the items donated and shall Treflect the equivalent of the volunteer man hours generated from the partnership activity(ies). . Bayanihan Effort to Support the Brigada Eskwela Implementation This shall reflect the impact of Brigada Eskwela in terms of community participation and level of awareness on 10% education programs. This shall also include the response of the community to volunteer to Brigada Pagbasa and Home Learning Spaces Program. 25% ©. 15% TOTAL 100% 6. Further, DepEd Memorandum 062, s. 2022 also states that the Schools Division Superintendent (SDS) with the assistance of the Chief Education Supervisor of SGOD and the Division Partnership Focal Person, shall be allowed to exercise their sound discretion as to how to allocate the scores to be received by the Brigada Eskwela implementing schools based on the aforementioned general criteria. 7. Itis, therefore, the objectives of the Regional Guidelines in the Evaluation of Best Brigada Eskwela Implementing Schools of 2022 to: 7.1 promote harmonious, active and collaborative engagements among students, teachers, school officials, parents, community members, local government officials, non-government organizations, church groups and the private sector; 7.2harmonize the processes for the evaluation of the Best Brigada Eskwela Implementing Schools at the different levels which includes among others: (a) evaluation process and tools; (b) documentary Page 3 of 9 requirements; (c) rubrics for the selection criteria; (4) panel of evaluators; (e) categories for the awards; (f) protest mechanism; and 7.3 Define the distinct roles and responsibilities of the Partnerships Focal Persons in the different governance levels. I, STATEMENT OF THE POLICY 8. Itis the policy of the Department to promote integrity and accountability in government service, foster proper management of public affairs and public property, establish practices aimed at the efficient turnaround in the delivery of government services, and prevent graft and corruption. Consistent with this policy, the Regional Guidelines in the Evaluation of Best Brigada Eskwela Implementing Schools is established to ensure that the Regional and Schools Division Offices, selects and awards the best implementing schools. 9. This policy is aligned with the following issuances: Republic Act 9155 (The Governance of Basic Education Act of 2001) b. Republic Act 6718 (Code of Conduct and Bthical Standards for Public Officials and Employees) c. DepEd Order 009, s. 2021 (Institutionalization of a Quality Management System in the Department of Education) 4. DepEd Order 32, s. 2017 (The Gender-Responsive Basic Education Policy) e. DepEd Order 37, s. 2013 (Reiterating Compliance to Administrative Order No. 241 ‘Titled Mandating the Speedy Implementation of Republic Act No, 9485 Otherwise Known as the “Anti-Red Tape Act of 2007” and Its Implementing Rules and Regulations and Strengthening the Application Thereof) f. DepEd Memorandum 279, s. 2003 (Dissemination of Executive Order 220 (Directing the Adoption of the Code of Good Governance for the Professions in the Philippines) Il. SCOPE 10.The Regional Guidelines in the Evaluation of Best Brigada Eskwela Implementing Schools shall primarily apply to all public schools offering the K to 12 Basic Education Program. 11.These guidelines shall also apply in the engagement of various DepEd personnel and stakeholders - students, teachers, school officials, parents, community members, local government officials, non-government organizations, church groups and the private sector ~ as the Regional Office implements and manages the Evaluation of the Best Brigada Eskwela Implementing Schools. 12.The policy implementation span is for five years (2022-2027). It shall be updated every year in accordance with the implementing guidelines to be issued by the Central Office. Page 4of 9 IV. DEFINITION OF TERMS 13.For purposes of this policy, the following terms are defined and understood as follows: Adopt-A-School Program, It is a program of the Department of Education intended to engage/partner/collaborate with education stakeholders to support the implementation of its projects, and activities to boost the education sector. Brigada Eskwela. This is a program of the Department of Education enjoining local communities to respond to the needs of public schools and be part of a nationwide effort toward ultimately improving basic education. Collaboration. This refers to the engagement/participation of the stakeholders in the successful implementation of the different programs, projects, and activities of the Department of Education. Partnerships, This is the relationship of various stakeholders and the Department of Education to work cooperatively to achieve a goal at the community level. Stakeholders. This refers to the different partners in the implementation. of the different programs, projects, and activities of the Department of Education. B. OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES v. PROCEDURE A. Regional Office 14.Upon issuance of the DepEd Memorandum on the implementing guidelines of the Brigada Eskwela, the Regional Office through the Education Support Services Division - Special Programs and Projects Section ~ shall constitute the Brigada Eskwela Regional Technical Working Group (BE-RTWG). 15. The composition of the BE-RTWG shall be: Chairperson: a. Chief Education Supervisor, ESSD, as the Overall Chairperson b. Project Development Officer IV (Regional Partnership Focal Person) as Co-Chairperson Members c. Representative from the Physical Facilities Section (resident) d. Project Development Officer II in-charge of DRRM (resident) e. Representative from the School Health Section in-charge of WINS Program (resident) Page 5 of 9 f. Representative from the Curriculum, Learning and Management Division g. Representative from the Quality Assurance Division h. Representative from the Finance Division 16.The BE-RTWG shall draft the rubrics for the evaluation of the Best Brigada Eskwela Implementing Schools and present the same to the Schools Division Offices particularly the SGOD ~ Social Mobilization Unit for deliberation and agreement. 17.Upon arriving at an agreement, the BE-RTWG shall finalize the rubrics. 18.The final rubrics shall be issued through a Regional Memorandum containing among others the: (a) evaluation tool; (b) timelines for the conduct of the evaluation; (c) composition of regional evaluators; (d) schedule of the field visit and evaluation agreed upon by the Region and Schools Divisions. 19.The BE-RTWG shall likewise serve as the Regional Evaluators for the Search on the Brigada Eskwela Best Implementing School. B. Schools Divisions 20.The Schools Divisions through the School Governance and Operations Division — Social Mobilization Unit shall conduct the Division Evaluation for the Best Brigada Eskwela Implementing Schools. 21, The composition of the BE-Division TWG shall be: Chairperson: a. Chief Education Supervisor, SGOD, as the Overall Chairperson b. Senior Education Program Specialist - SocMob (Division Partnership Focal Person) as Co-Chairperson Members: ¢. Education Program Supervisor -SGOD (resident) 4. Senior Education Program Specialist - School Management, Monitoring, and Evaluation Section (SMM&E) (resident) Engineer III - Physical Facilities Section (resident) Education Program Specialist Il - SocMob Project Development Officer Il in charge of DRRM A representative from the School Health Section in charge of ‘WINS Program Pe me In case of small divisions that have limited number of personnel, the composition may be reduced, provided the total number of the BE Division TWG is an odd number not lesser than five (5). One Education Program Supervisor in-charge of reading may also be included. Page6 of 9 ‘The SDOs through the SGOD-Soc Mob Unit are given the privilege to revise the composition of the BE-Division TWG if other members in the above-cited composition are not available for some valid reasons. 22.The evaluation shall include all schools endorsed by the District Partnership Focal Persons corresponding to the category of schools as small, medium, large, and mega. 23.The search shall be conducted in accordance with the selection criteria with rubrics agreed upon with the Regional Office. C. Schools District 24.All Schools District shall conduct the District evaluation in accordance with the selection criteria with rubrics agreed upon with the regional office and select their Top 5 Best Brigada Eskwela Implementing Schools that correspond to the category of schools as small, medium large, and mega oth elementary and secondary. The breaking mechanisms shall be employed within the district level as needed. 25.The Composition of the BE-District TWG shall be: a. Public Schools District Supervisor (in charge of the district) or the District Coordinating Principal (for SDOs without PSDSs), as the Chairperson. b. District Partnerships Focal Person (to be assigned by the PSDS or District Coofdinating Principal). c. A representative from the Secondary Schools (Secondary DRRM Coordinator) 26.The District Partnerships Focal Persons shall submit the list of schools that ranked first in each category as their official entries both elementary and secondary to the Division Office (Attn: SGOD-Social Mobilization and Networking Section). 27.Certificate of Recognition shall be awarded to the school heads, school BE Coordinator and one (1) notable stakeholder. D. Schools 28.All schools shall implement Brigada Eskwela as an institutionalized program of the Department, pursuant to existing issuances. All schools shall undergo the evaluation for the Best Brigada Eskwela Implementing Schools under applicable categories (small, medium, large, and mega) both elementary and secondary. Page7 of 9 E, Brigada Eskwela Forms 29.The following Brigada Eskwela Forms shall be properly ‘accomplished /documented using Folio (8.5 in x 13 in) and it should be simple: BE School Form 1-Number of Volunteers BE School Form 1.1-Resource Generated BE Form 1-Physical facilities & Maintenance Needs Assessment Form BE Form 2-School BE Work Plan BE Form 3-Resource Mobilization BE Form 4-Daily Attendance of Volunteers BE Form 5-Record of Donations Received BE Form 6-Daily Accomplishment Report BE Form 7-School Accomplishment Reports Photo and/or video documentation may be presented during the actual validation in slideshow format. In observance of austerity measures, these do not need to be printed (photos) nor stored in removal devices as they can be easily shared and presented ©, MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 30.The Brigada Eskwela Accomplishment reports by Schools in hard copy/soft copy consolidated by the District Partnerships Focal Person shall be submitted to the Division Office (Attn. SGOD-School Mobilization and Networking Section) 31.Only the consolidated BE School Form 1-Number of Volunteers and BE School Form 1.1-Resource Generated in hard copy/soft copy shall be submitted to the division office. 32.The Division Partnerships Focal Person shall consolidate the district accomplishments reports and shall provide a copy for the regional office. VI. MONITORING AND EVALUATION 33. The Brigada Eskwela Program Field Technical Working Group is expected to perform the following: a. db. Monitor the implementation of the Brigada Eskwela Program; Provide technical assistance to ensure the readiness of schools for the opening of classes; c, Evaluate the BE official entries of Schools Division Offices; and a. Results of the SDOs monitoring and evaluation of the Brigada Eskwela Program shall be submitted to the Regional Office (Attn: ESSD-Special Programs and Projects Section) ‘The Evaluation results stiall be considered final and under no circumstances that it shall be revoked. Page 8 of 9 VII. REFERENCES Government Issuances 1. DepEd Memorandum 53, s. 2020 (Joint Implementing Guidelines on the 2020 Brigada Eskwela and Oplan Balik Eskwela Relative to the COVID- 19 Situation (Amending Thereby DepEd Memorandum No. 032, s. 2020 Titled Brigada Eskwela Program Implementing Guidelines, and DepEd Memorandum, No. 014, s. 2020 Titled Oplan Balik Eskwela) 2, Brigada Eskwela Implementing Guidelines issued annually 3. DepEd Order 24, s. 2008 (Institutionalization of the Brigada Eskwela Program or the National Schools Maintenance Week) 4. DepEd Memorandum 79, s. 2003 (Brigada Eskwela National Schools Maintenance Week) 5. Republic Act 8525 (An Act Establishing An Adopt-A-School Program, Providing Incentives Therefor And For Other Purposes) Manuals . 1, Brigada Eskwela Manual for School Heads VII. SEPARABILITY CLAUSE If, for any reason, any portion or provision of these guidelines is declared unconstitutional, the remaining provisions shall not be affected thereby and shall continue to be in full force and effect. IX, EFFECTIVITY These regional guidelines shall take effect upon approval of the Regional Director. Page 9 of 9 Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION } Office of the Regional Director BRIGADA ESKWELA EVALUATION FORM School: ‘Schoo! ID: Level: I [_] Elementary [L_secondary Number of Teachers: | ‘Small ‘Small 9 teachers and below 15 teachers and below Medium ‘Medium Category for 49-29 teachers_| Caeser for 16-30 teachers Elementary Scondary Schools: ao Schools: oes 30-50 teachers 31.50 teachers Mega Mega 51 teachers and above 51 teachers and above ‘Schools Division: ‘Schools Division Division BE Coordinator 1: Contact Number: Division BE Coordinator 2: ‘School Head: Contact Number: ‘School BE Coordinator 1: Contact Number: ‘School BE Coordinator 2: Contact Number: DepEd Region ‘on character; empowered by competence. Flores St, Catbangen, City of San Fernando, La Union Raveies (072) 607-8137 / 682-2824 AMBISYON fedont@deped. gu. | mun depatotom AMBISYON Criteria for the 2022 Brigada Eskwela Best Implementing School Award ‘A. Brigada Eskwela School Preparation Effort Percentage | “This pertains to the preparation effort of the school to ensure cleanliness, sanitation, wash in schools, compliance to health protocols, school safety and | - 25% disaster preparedness and conducive learning center. Scope of Work (Based on the Brigada Planne | pctuat | Remarks — Eskwela Form 1 & 2) - 15% ‘School Grounds (Cleanliness and Beautification) Landscaping Comfort Rooms Hand Washing/ Water Facil ties Repair/Replace/Reconstrict/Repaint/ Restructure of ‘Windows f. Roofs & ‘Walls Doors/ Doorknobs Flooring, bh i A ‘School Furniture like armchairs, chairs, tables, cabinets, fixtures, blackboards, Ceilings Gates ._ Classrooms Drainages School Landmarks ‘Other Works Electrical Works Construction Works Plumbing Works Putting up of Faclties forthe Compliance to Health Protocols s. ‘Alcohol Dispenser (Automatic/Sensorized or Foot Pedal) ‘Triage with the necessary kits ‘Signages/Tarpaulins for information about infectious diseases ‘Additional Works rating or points below. Only those planned scope of works shall be rated vis- You may not cover the 22 scope of works stated herein but at least 15 items shall be done. Add all the percentage of completion and get: a-vis the actual works done, ‘the average then based your Rate () ‘Ad. SUB-TOTAL Page2 of 13 ” For 15 items and above For 10-14 items For9 items below % of Completion | Rate % of Completion | Rate ee Rate 9334-100__|_15 91.67~100 2D 90.01-100 | 10 3667-9333 | 14 3335-9166 | 1 30.01-90 om 30-8665 | 13 7502-8334 | 10 70.01=80 2 7333-7999 | 12 66.70-75.01_| 9 6001-70 7 6666-7382 | 11 5837-6668 | 8 50.0160 6 5999-6665 | _10 5005-5835 | 7 40.01—50 5 53.32—59.98 | 9 4172-5002 | 6 30.01-40 4 4665-5331 | 8 3340-4169 | 5 20.01-30 3 39.98-46.64 | 7 2507-3336 | 4 10.01-20 2 3331-3997 | 6 1675-2503 | 3 0.01-10 1 26.64~33.30 | 5 842—16.70 2 1997-2663 | 4 0.10-8.37 1 1330-1996 | 3 663-1329 | 2 1-662 1 Page 3 of 13 {0.25%} . WASH in Schools (Wins) Program During Brigada i Not Evident | 2 Eskawela - (594) Evident, ‘a, Creating a conducive learning environment. b. Developing Life-Skills and Increasing Resiliency. {0.25%} : WASH Three Star Approach Rating. {0.5%} Global Standards on Sanitation and Hygiene. {0.25% each for a total of 1%} 1. Compliance with access to safe drinking water; 2. Provision of sanitary pads. Schools are prepared to support girls during ‘menstruation by providing sanitary pads; 3. Provision/ access to gender-segregated and functional toilets; and. Availability of handwashing facility with water and soap and enforcement of daily hygiene practices. e Mobilization and Provision of the following Win Activities. {0.25% each for a total of 3%} 1. Provision of water supply, through connection with barangay water networks, construction of water pumping system, and/ or installation of rainwater catchments; 2. Construction of additional toilets, particularly gender-segregated toilets for boys and girls; 3. Repair and improvement of existing toilets, including destudging, to ensure functionality, privacy, comfort and security for children, especially girls; 4. Construction/improvement of individual and group handwashing facilities; 5. Improving accessibility to water, toilets and handwashing facilities through provision of concrete footpaths, disability ramps and roofing; 6. Provision of rest space for menstruating girls, that are private, secure and comfortable; 7. Improvement of drainages, cleaning of roof gutters, and elimination of stagnant water; 8. Provisions of hygiene supplies - soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, sanitary pads, etc. ~ and cleaning materials; ‘9. Improvement of solid waste management, including the provision of garbage bins for waste segregation, compost pits and Page 4 of 13 ‘material recovery facilities and/ or securing local garbage collection services; 110, Putting up hygiene messages in strategic places (toilets and eating places) to motivate proper use of toilets and handwashing at critical times, especially after using the toilet and before eating; TZ. Orientation of parents and other stakeholders on Wins and engaging their support for developing proper WASH practices at home and the community; and 12. Orientation and Certification of Canteen Operators, Vendors and Food Handler. ‘A2. SUB-TOTAL ‘A3, School Safety and Disaster Preparedness -(0.25% | igen | Not @ item for 5% maximum) Evident ‘1._Safe Learning Facilities (14 items) ‘a, Facilitates the assessment of school building structure and electrical wiring and make ecessary repairs and/ or upgrades to prevent unnecessary incidents. b. Repair minor classroom damages such as broken windows, doors, blackboard, roofs and other furniture, etc. © Install appropriate and available fire suppression, including fire extinguishers, water source and relevant indigenous materials. d. Ensure that corridors and pathways are unobstructed and that all sharp, protruding objects which may cause harm to learners are removed. fe, Clean and clear drainage to prevent clogging. Cover drainage canals and provide necessary warnings. £. Cordon off and post safety signages for on- going constructions, unfinished, damaged and condemned buildings. 8 Secure cabinets and drawers and ensure that heavy objects are below head level. h. Post safety measures to be observed in laboratories, workshops, and other facilities requiring the same. i. Prepare an evacuation/ exit plan and post directional signage on every floor of the building. Identify evacuation areas and classrooms that may be used as temporary shelters during disasters and emergencies. Page 5 of 13 k. Prune trees to avoid entanglement from electrical wirings and avoid potential harm to life and property. 2._ School Disaster Management (9 items) ‘a. Post a directory of emergency contact numbers of relevant government agencies and offices in various high traffic areas of the school. b. Establish and maintain early warning mechanisms in the school. Equip school with first aid kits, flashlights, megaphones, and other supplies necessary in cases of emergency. Ensure that these items are highly accessible and can be easily located. d. Identify alternative sources and/ or maintain supply of drinking water within the school. e. Ensure that learners, teachers, and personnel have identification cards with relevant information. f. Create database of learners with the contact, details of their immediate family members/ relatives/ guardians. g._ Secure and safely store vital school records. h. Coordinated with barangay officials on pedestrian safety of learners. Document accidents experienced by learners and personnel within the school to improved prevention and mitigation measures. 3. Risk Reduction and Resilience Education (1 item only) ‘a. Identify storage area for safekeeping of vital schools' records, textbooks, _ teaching manuals, computers, and other school equipment. ‘A3. SUB-TOTAL ‘SUB-TOTAL Page 6 of 13 B, Brigada Eskwela Partnerships Engagement Activities Percentage (Formerly Creativity and Innovations) 25% ‘This pertains to the kind/ impact of partnerships engagement activities, which may be measured in terms of the number of learners/ teaching and non-teaching personnel who benefited from the activity/ies. 1. Provisions of School Supplies (Taken from the Menu of School kits) at least 5% of the enrollment # | Minimum Content Not Evid ent Evid ent 0.25% each item for a maximum total of 15% 2. Emergency Kits/ Bags for Learners (3 items) a_| Whistle 2_| Flashlight Leaflets containing information about the kits 3. Learner's Kits (10 items) Notebook (50 leaves) Pad paper Pencil Ball pen Crayon Ruler ‘Small scissors Pencil sharpener wo {0 | Jorn} |w|r}es Paste 10 | Bag 4, Medical Devices (6 items) Infrared and digital thermometer Pulse oximeter - fingertip ‘Thermal scanner Stethoscope Blood pressure monitor machine Stretcher 5, Emergency kits for School (9 items) First aid kit Contact numbers for emergencies Flashlights/ batteries Radio/ batteries Bell/ warning device Whistle Transistor radio Electrical tape Rope 6, First Aid Kit (12 items) Burn oinment. we |e foloolalorlejalw| mo felo| ov fale} w Providone-lodine (e.g. Betadine) Page7 of 13 7 ‘Adhesive Bandage (e.g. Band Aid) Bandage Gauze Plaster tape Alcohol Hydrogen Peroxi Agua ‘Agua Oxinada Bottled Water Gloves Cotton Manila paper Long bond paper Pair of Scissors Cartolina Pen (black and red) Permanent markers 7. Teacher's Kit (11 iterns) (black and blue) Bag, Ruler (12 inches) Pencil sharpener Lesson plan notebook Class record 8 Teacher's Emergency Kits (9 Whistle items) Flashlights/ batteries Boots Raincoats/ umbrella Radio/ batteries Emergency hott Evacuation guide Toiletries Bottled Water Face mask (washable/ disposable) Face shield Googles em Jol] mw fole|afelefafolyfe|E|g|oleo)s| a fulalojolelsit|s]o] « |wjolaja| » Soap, toothpaste, 9. Health and Hygiene Kits (6 items) sonia Sanitary pads (for female learners) Drinking water (2 liter) B.2, Medical Mission (236) B.3. Dental/ Optical Mission (2%) B.4. Special Services; e.g. Manicure, Pedicure, Haircut, etc. (2%) Page 8 of 13 B.S. Awareness/ Literacy Campaign (2%) B.6. Others please specify (2%) e.g. operation “tuli”; advocacy campaign on menstruation, teen-age pregnancy, pre-marital sex, cyber-bullying and other civic-oriented activities Page 9 of 13 C. Brigada Eskwela Impact to School Performance [ (Four (4} Learning Outcomes taken from the SBM with the addition of Enrollment Rate, hence five {5} items with 5% each for a total of 25%) This pertains to impact to access, in terms of improvement of Learning Centers, impact to enrollment and patticipation andl Overall Sctiowl Académie Perforiiatice base! on the, tecent performance Indicators (SY 2021- 2022). (Encircle only the Rating for each items) Ci. Completion Rate (5%) Formula: 1p = Grade 6 Graduates (current year) “Grade i Enrollment (5 years ago) Grade 10 Graduates (current year) "Grade 7 Enrollment (8 years ago) Basis of Scoring: Range Rating Range Rating ‘99% and above 5 94% -95.99% | __2 97% - 98.99% 4 below 94% 96% - 97.49% 3 bse ae 2. Promotion Rate (5%) Dp = Promotes (ourrent year) 2022 is the current year Formula: wrollment (previous year) 2021 is the previous year 2021 is the previous year Basis of Scoring: Range Rating Range Rating 100%and above |__ 5 94%-95.95%| 2 98% - 99.99% 4 below 94% 1 ‘96% - 97.99% 3 sadids ‘C3, Mean Percentage Score {MPS} taken from the Division Summative Test (5%). _ Formula: get the average score or the mean of every section of each grade level for each subject (Grade 1-2; 7 subjects and Grade 3-10; 8 subjects) then divide by the number of items multiplied by 100%, Then get the average MPS of all the grade level to get the Final MPS. MPS = me sy (1009) Basis of Scoring: Range Rating Range Rating B0%and above |__5 74% - 75.99% |__2 78% - 79.99% 4 below 74% a 76% - 77.99% 7 etre £4 CA, Drop-Out Rate (5%) FFormuta: “_ Drop=out(® (aurrent year) DR = srroliment (previous year) Basis of Scori Range Rating Range Rating 0% 5 0:31%-0.45% |? 4/1000 or 0.01% - 1/1000 or 0.10% (0.01% - 0.15% 4 14/10000 or 0.11% - 2/1000 or 0.20% (0.16% - 0.30% 3 z With these regards, it will be very difficult for large and mega schools to score even a rating of 1 in the sense that according to statistics there will be at least 4 students who drop-out for an enrollment of 1,000 and above. Page 10 of 13, CS. Participation Rate or Net Enrollment Rate (5%) ‘ormula: “__Number of Enrottees PR Secondary = fem stemencary = antral at umber of Enroliees, ‘opulation of Age 1215 7 I Basis of Scoring: Range Rating Range Rating _| [945% - 99% andabove | 5 aes 2 97.5%-9899% | 4 Below 94.5% | 1 96% - 97.49% 3 L - ‘SUB-TOTAL [D. Brigada Eskwela Resources Generated ‘This pertains to the resources generated tothe Brigada Eshwela implementation. This shal be based on the prevailing market value of the items donated and shal reflec the equivalent of the volnieer man hour generated from the partnership activities), (Underine the Amount then Enoice the Rating) ELEWENTARY LEVEL ‘Small Schoo! [)|_ Medium School POINTS: Large School ‘Mega Schoo! P1.00[-| 6,656.60] |P100,000.00|-[113.333.26| 1__| P300,000.00)-[ P313,333.26| |_500,00000]-[ P533,593.33) 176 666.70)-| P13,333.20| |P113,333.27]-|126666.53| 2 | Pa13.333.27/-| pa26,666.50] |_P533,990.04)-| 566,666.67 P13,333,30|-|P19,999.60| | P125,666.54|-|139.999,60] 3 __|P326,666.54|-| P339,990.80| | P565,666.68|-| 600,000.00] 'P 19,999 90)- | 25,666.40) | P139,990.81|-|1153,333.07| 4 | P39,900.8i|.| P953,332.07| | P600,001.00|-| P638,333.39) 'P26,566.50|| P33.333,00) | P153,333.08|-| 165,686.34] 6 | P350,3308)-| Pa6e 666.24] | P630,303.34|-| PES5,666.67 'P33,333.10]-| P 39,999.60) | P166,666.35)-| 179,999.61] 6 _| P366,666.35)-| P379.909.61| | _P666,668.68)-|_P700,000.00} 'P30.909.70)-| P46,666.20) |P179,999.621.| 193,332.86] 7 | P379,999.62|-|P393.332.88) | F700,000.00)-| P733,393.33 45,666 201. | P53, 332.80) |P193,332.89)-| 206,666.15] @ | Pa03,332.80)-| P405,656.15| | 733,393.34)-| P766,056.67| 'P53,332.90)-| 59,999.40) | °206,666.16|-| 219,999.42] 9 __ | 406,666.16]-| P419,999.42| | P765,666.68|-| 800,000.00) 1P59,999.50|-| P66,668.00) | P219.999.43|-| 233,332.69] 10 | Pata,g9a49).| p43,332.60] | 900,001.00|-| 893,333.39 ‘P66 666. 10|-| 73,382.60) | P233,5a2 70) | 246,665.96] 11__| 439,332 7)-| Pua, 665.96] |” F633,383.54|-| PBSE.666.67 P73,332.70)-| P79,999.20) | P246,665,97|-| 259,990.23] 12 | P4a6,665.97-|P4S9.009.23] | P8e6.668.68)-| P900,000.0 1P79,999.30)-| P66,665,80| | P259,909.24|-|p273,332.50]__13_| P4s9,000.24|.| P473,392.60| | P900,001.00|-| 933,393.33] {P86 655 90)- | P63,332.40| | P273,332.51|-| P286.665.77| 14 | P473,392.5i|| P486,665.77| | P933,333.34|-| P966, 666.67) ‘P93,332.50)-| 99,999.00] | °286,665.78]-| 299,999.00] 15__| 486,665 78]. | 499,999.00) | 966,666 68] -| 1,000,000.00) SECONDARY LEVEL ‘SmallSchool__[j]_ Medium School __| POINTS Large School Woga School P1,00)-] 6,686.60] | P100,000.00)-[ 113,393.26] 1__| 300,000.00). | 346,666.60) | 000,000.00) | P1065 666 6 P6666 70|-| 13,333.20] | P113,333.77|-| 126,666.59] 2 | P346,666.70)-| P309, 333.20] | P1066 666 67]-| Pi, 133,303.53 P13,333,30)-| P19,999.80| | P125,666.54|-| 139,999.80] 3 | P393,333.20|-| P439,900.60) | P1,133,333.34|-| 199,990.99] ¥19,999.90|-| 26,666.40] [P139,990.81|-| 153,333.07] 4 | Pase.990,90) | P486,666.40| (P1,200,000.00-| P 1,266 666.68 1°26,666.50)- | P33,333.00) | P153,333 08]. P165,666.4] 6 | P486,656.50|-| P533,333.00| | P1,266,666.67|-| P1,333,333.33 £P33,333.10|-| P39.999,60) | P165,666.35|-| 179,999.61] 6 | P533,333.10)-| P579,999.60| |P1,333,398.04-| Pt, 399,009.09 'P39,999.70)-| 46,666.20) | P179,999.62|-| P193,332.88| 7 | P579,999.70|-[P626,666 20| | 1,400,000.00|-| Pt 466,668.66) P46 666.30)-| P53 332.00] | P199,332.89]- [208,686.15] 8 | Pe26,666.30)-| P673.332.00| [Pr 466 668.67|-|P1,533.233.33 'P53,332,00|-| P59,999.40) | P206 656.16]-| 219,999.42] 9 | P673,332.90.-[P719,908.40| |1,533,333.04|-| P1,590,009.09 P59,909.50)| P65 686.00) |P219,999.43).| 239,302.69] 10 | P719,999.50|-| 765,686.00) |P,600,000.00)| Pt 668,666 66| 'P96,666.10|-| 73,332.60] |1P233,332.70|-| P246,665.96] “11 | P765,606.10)-| P419,332.60| | Pt 666,666 67/-| P1,733,333.33] P73,332-70|-| 79,909.20] [246 665.97|-| P259,999.23] 12 | 13,332.70) Pa59,900.20| [P,733,333.24|-| Pi, 799,909.09 'P79,999,30]-| P65 665.80) | P259,990.24|-| P273,332.50] 13 | 859,969.30] P906,655,80| |P1,800,000.00]- | P,866, 665.66) P96 665.90)- | 93,332.40] | P273.332.51|-| 286,665.77] 14 | 906,665.90 | P953,332.40] | P1,865,686.67]- P1,933,333.33] £99,332 50| [P99 909.00] [1286 665.78|-| 209,999.00] 15 [983,332.50] [Po99, 990.00] [1,933,333.34-|B2,000,000.00 Page 11 of 13 ® E. Bayanihan Effort to Support the Brigada Eskwela implementation - 10% (Formerly Diverse Volunteer Participation with the inclusion of BP and HLSP) Rating This shall reflect the impact of Brigada Eskwela in terms of community participation and level of awareness on education programs. This shall also include the response of the community to volunteer to Brigada Pagbasa (BP) and Home Learning Spaces Program (HLSP): Parents (60% of the previous SY Enrollment) including PTA and 4Ps - 5% For the following sectors there must be at least 4 entities or groups to earn the point. 2. NGAs and other government organizations and public corporations, e.g. DTI, DILG, DOJ, BOC, FDA, DOST, CSC, GSIS, PSA, NEDA, AFP: PA, PN, PAF, PIM, PNP, PCG and others (1%) 3. LGUs (SK/ Barangay/ Municipal/ City/ Provincial/ Congressional District/ BFP/ CDRRMC/ and other sectors or department of LGUs like Tourism, POSO, GSO, etc. (1%) 4, Community involvement including NGOs and Professional Associations, e.g. CSOs, Religious Organizations, PRC, Philippine Animal Welfare Society (PAWS), Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCI), Lions Club, Hundred Istands Club, Kiwanis Club, etc. (196) 5. Private Sector Involvement including Corporate Foundations and Private Schools, e.g. Ibon Foundation, Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism, Gawad Kalinga, KALIPI, McDO, Joltibee, Mang Inasal, CSI, Pandayan Bookshop, UP-Alpha Phi Omega (APO) Fraternity or other fraternities/sororities, College and Universities, etc, (1%) Pupil/ Student Organization (856/5P6) and Alumni Associations, e.g. Different Clubs of the students like Math Club, Science Club, Brigada Paghasa/ HLSC Volunteers etc. (1%) ‘SUB-TOTAL Page 12 of 13, ‘Summary of Rating: Criteria Rating ‘A. Brigada Eskwela School Preparation Effort: (25%) B. Brigada Eskwela Partnerships Engagement Activities: (25%) C. Brigada Eskwela Impact to School Performance: (25%) D, Brigada Eskwela Resources Generated: (15% E. Bayanihan Effort to Support the Brigada Eskwela Implementation: (10%) TOTAL Evaluated by: Checked by: ‘Member, Brigada Eskwela Chairperson, Brigada Eskwela Regional Regional TWG TWE Acknowledged by: ‘School Head ‘Schools Division Brigada Eskwela Coordinator Page 13 of 13,

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