1948 TN 13 Police Act

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The Police (Tamil Nadu Amendment) Act, 1948

Act 13 of 1948

Central Act Amendment, The Police Act, 1861

Amendment appended: 22 of 1955

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some cases the Principal Act and/or Amendment Act may not be available. Principal Acts
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1948-:-T,N. Act XIll] Police ( T d ; N a d u 1077


?$ OF 1948a.

(Received the assent of the Governor on rhe 30th A N 7

1948 ; f i s t published itz the Fort St. George Gazette
on the4th May 1948.)
An Act further to amend the Police Act, in its
application to the "State of Tamil Nadu],

Central WHEREASit is expedient further to amend the Police

A C ~ V O ~ Act, 1861, in its application to tgr '[Statc of
1861. Tamil Nadu], for the purpose h e r e i d t e r appear-
ing; It is hereby enacted as follows :-
1. (I) This Act may be called the P2lice ('[Tamil short title
Nadu] Amendment) Act, 1948. and extent.
(2) It extends to the whole of tt: '[Statc of
Tamil Nadu].
v of 2. In section 15-A of the Police ACT.1861- Amendment
1861. of section 1S-A,
(i) in sub-section (I), the words " in regald to Central A C ~ Vof
which any proclamation notified under the last prece- 1861-
ding section i s in force" and the words "%ng an in-
habitant of such area, " shall be o n i i t t d ;
- ---- - -
1 These words wcre substituted for the word " Ill;sr'ras " by the
Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws Order, 1969, as amcoded by the
Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws (Second Amendment) Order, 1969.
p 2 For Statement of Objects and Reabons, see Fon St. Gear*
Cnzette, dated thc 4th November 1947, P l r t 1V-A. page 233.
a Thit,expression was substituted for the exprekion "Province of
Madras by the Tamil Nadu Adaptation of C a w Or*, 1970,
which was deemed to have conlc into force on the IJtb January
1969, 1

4This expression was substituted for the csprwiaa "Statc of

Madras" by the Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws Or-, 1969, as
amended by the Tamil Nadu Adup(ation of Laws (Secoad Amend.
ment) Order, 1969.
Police (Tamil ~adzr' t1948: T.N. Act XIII
(ii) in sub-section (2), clauses (a), (b) and (c)
shall be re-lettered as clauses (b),(c)and (d),respectively,
andthe following shall be inserted as clause (a),
namely :-
" (a) declare the limits of the local area
the inhabitants of which have, in his opinion, been
guilty of such misconduct or caused or contributed
to the same ."
.. . -.
_ L--- - - - - *T

$955:"Tp *\ActXXII] P o l i e (Tamil ~4 549

. Amendmflt)


(Received the itssent of the Governor on the i4rh
Sevtember 1955 ; first published in the Fwt St. George
Gazette 012 the 21st September 1955.)
AQ Act further to amend the Police Act, 1861. in its
- appficntion to the 3[State of Tainil Nadu.]
nt further to a m n d the Police Act,
of 1861), in its application to the -
du] for the purposes hcrcinafter appe- I , I

jxth Year of the Republic of India

'(1) This Act may be called the. Police (llTarni1 Nadu] short title
Amendment) Act, 1955. and extent.

(2) It extends to the whole of the 3[State of Tamjl

2. I n the Pclice Act, 1861 (Central Act V of 1861)- Amendment A

"S - I.

(a) in section 1 relp.ting to the interpretation clause, central .p

after the definition f ~t fh ~ word "cattle ", the following 1861.V of -

Act a

definition shall bc inserted, namely :- ,- .+.$'.

a-m;,$ ,

' ' 'A&,

"the words 'public plilc:' shall mean a place r

* - :?.;?
, ,fk
(including a road, street or way, whether a thoroughfare or ,tf 3 >;
e) to which the public are. granted
o resort, or over which they have a $, -,

---- ------..- ..--

IThese words were substituted for the word "Madras" by the Tamtl - .,
aws Order, 1969, as amended by the Tamfl '-l
ws (Second Amendment) Order., 1969.
Objects and Reasons, see fiort Sf. George a

dated the 2nd March 1955, page 78.

, -
substituted for the expression "State of
Nadu Adaptation of Laws Order, 1969, as =

Nadu Adaptat ion , of Laws (second Amend:

. 1
550 Police (Tamil Nadu [1955; T.N. Act XPII
--- "
( in section 30-
(i) in sub-sec~ion(I), for the words " on the public
",the words

roads, or in the public sireets or thar~vgbf~res ,P

66 :* *.,hl:t. ~ l ~9 9 ohv>ll
~ . L .C, ~~ B ~ h ~ i i i ~* ~ - i ~ ~ A '4

(ii) in sub-seciion (2) ,for the words " in any such

r&d, street or thqroughfartt9'.
-. . - - cp-- - - the 7 - such
- - - - words " in any
puBlic place sk2.111 b:. substituted ;
77 I:l

(iii) in sub-section (4) , for the words " in the 4 f;

streets ",the woxds " in public placus" shall be substi- .$

tuted ; i

. (c) in section 31, for the words " on the public ro?.ds
and ,in
-- the
---,;pn~lic ,--, , ~ -?-t-~ . - .- - ' ".
, - -s-:.~,- -~- -,?t.horouahftres.
--- ghq4s and landm
ing-places, and at sll oth:r pl~c;.sof p;ublic resort ",the
words " in public plrces
roads and in the .pub---
- ". v -for

-----.- the
tic streets ",
- the words " on the public
-- - .words "in Gubic

places ", and for th: words " road, strcet; -thorou&fare,
hat or landing-plac- ", the words public place " shall

%e substituted ;
(6in se(:tion34. for the words " on any road or in

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