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breast hand expression is a technique

used to manually Express breast milk it

can be done in addition to using a

breast pump or as an alternative when a

pump is not available the following are

the steps for hand expressing breast

milk clean your hands thoroughly with

soap and warm water to prevent the

spread of bacteria

find a comfortable position either

seated or lying down and gently massage

your breasts to loosen any milk that is

already present

use your thumb and first two fingers to

make a c shape around the areola the

dark area around the nipple and gently

compress the breast tissue towards the


you should feel the milk start to flow

move your fingers in a circular motion

around the areola switching between

different angles to reach different milk

ducts as the milk flow decreases move

your fingers closer to the nipple and

repeat the previous step once you have

finished expressing milk clean your

breast and bottle or container where you

are storing milk and store milk in the

refrigerator or freezer

repeat the process on the other breast

if desired it may take some time to

master the technique of hand expressing

so don't be discouraged if you don't see

much milk at first remember that it's

important to be patient with yourself in

your body as you learn how to express

milk effectively





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