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SYSTEMS OF PARTICLES AND ROTATIONAL MOTION Type OF Motion fame ACAD) BZ OMIV NTS ov tal Mit LSC CCl Da eV Mm Onia) OAL UICat, MALL ceacn COV tea Ue Aiea CENTRE OF MASS eager sco oat myo ar MOTION OF CENTRE OF ESS SYSTEM OF Particles & ROTATIONAL Motion CONSERVATION OF LINEAR MOMENTUM NEcTOR / CROSS ato er TORQUE ROTATIONAL K-E CONSERVATION OF AN®ULAR MOMENTUM RELATIONS B/w Rea Cooma NUTLEY BAUR WAU Tetca areas Ia ote Com ITV Cr mitre ea Pee encom Monta aa = ay ECS tunel 1} VSO) SCT VAST) MOMENT OF TNERTIA (MT) —Tn Me eartier tev ue covsidered dhe motion de lide. Atle uh resented pie ots fasig Me) ied ? “ In Jhis chapter we sho attempt fo dull an onderatondig tie mation - gf extended toda. An extended oly, in He fo plat , it's agsten dt portides. -le cae Hed utll 4 cape gare Oe lh itcasd a in a mes cote Gretas gabe parties ond He us ran Lio. ib coneept “ino Labi He mation, + GSA Ae is paid Jobe a iil when S hab a atte. ond. bike. 09° A wheel a aoe 4 4 a wile “t sin dk shape. 1) fore Hans atonal Moston : sa dn win ever ia Myiie Linear “Hace ina ren She and Sea given Hue interval ck Kroon as pore straws JaHionel modion He. veboiity duet ise g as“ wih te fame ob that He ai oe faiy d* ed is town ob draws Lofon' ‘a, ‘on wad Tn He fire ck on be feon Hat velbu! les ay 4 ds Mime ob iat Oy dul” contre, d mtd heme” its “in pore dranplaHonal " motion ii) Poe RotetPonel Modfon A “body Had, pote- votakonal moon when one -folwk he us fined ond al He obber pohks of Sue bo vokeke around St. Jue body ah vobedt about an ants posses tere dhe fe efit and normal sto Hee pane gf mation. Tn id cate, oll Hie poles g She body hone cfrular woon. 2 a 7 7 A , CD. A? oO BO: Wi) Com binalfon of “Wars Jaton and Rokution molten: LA qr xz oo — a 3 At Va =-V Fro Tn pmakion of arigid body is a eovebination of dtanslalion ond sokalion Astin ce of out “base ball “bat: ; [rote af ware N 4 A point ok which de exire mass of Se or watem of bodies Si ppd be conentrated on oe din boas = Conlre q| Mes of Too Pace Aske * Choosing O a3 orfin othe coordinate ais, Shen @ Paitin snes mh . m= (md)/Cmt 2) Ci) Position 9 conter a) mass gen my = Condo] Say Poorer qi> sosiion Veckor® at files mabsed nt u my are rand a ea, Hen > Tam = mntmn my tm, Wy dn a wo ~ parse, Aystem ) Parkides f massed rt, and m, raove with velodHes V\Sand vy respect Sy , Hen She vlad abet fmt ae = = mit mG Vou mt ma QD Y auelerations of dhe spartides ore a, , and ag reapeatiidy y Hen autlerahion of conlre. He math Re, = mart maa = Mat migga Fen mt, > _Lentre 4 Mass af _Aystem af n_frafses syaskem consists afn perdides af masses My, m3), --7n Yosion Vedtorb 41, %,¥s,---% - hy ir wedor a endef mess of He dpe Teng = = >, > = ae Ton =i meee mitt mate = PMT + mgt mgt + oy = mj * In kerma of coetginakes: = ne Xeon m% +m, 3g tet Mt my te Fy Jen =m + met + me aes > m, tra + +m, Zm Zin = me m2 + tm = mre, ttm Zam @> ina Sue canter af mass of Unree poctles af the wees of an ' Cpilaterch triple.” Fhe masses of He pariides are 1009 , 1609, | | and 2009 vespeutiely. Each Aide q Hue egal Jakerah driegle is O5m tng ; X = Me + my ta + max my + ma trmg = [tool + 150 60-4) +2006] 4m | (19041804200 g = ES+60 m =125m=5 w | 460 4so OB Ye [too (op + 1062) +200 (0-28 159] yl | 1509 | e380 = S018 m =13 m =m \ ' N60 q ai \ > Medion of conte (poe We can write pation Uenlfe of Mus Jor a akem of parddles as follow: cn RT mt MTT tmnt Differaniaking Je dwo aides of He cqyation wilh respect Jo dine, ue yet MAR = my dt 4m, da tot btn ot ar ar at She vate change spostivon ch velou’ly. fo we aan replace ae iat with Nn da a adhe velod'ly hue cenkve of mass. Men = Vit Maya tt Winn y en =m Dh tm, Mat --- Fm, dyn de dt ot Change din velouy cs auelerabion, to we ge Maun = 4% ma, + F Man where 4, 4, -,a, are He aucdley akon i frak, bend and ...n# poctile renpeattely ond ton ch He ton of He, cantte gf mas y He ayAkem 4 potides. = 2 near Momenton of by stem 24 Parties: We Meow Hat dhe Linear momentom of a fertile te dened ab pomv We alto Huw that Newtons Aesond daw wrttten tn pywtedi dorm dor a Aigle prude oh Fae where Fb dt force on G par tide. Now, . der stem of n parle with massed rm , ma... mn res pect eee tea, ‘a, 4 \n eae Re par Kae may be sin teraulrg vd enternd. jored acing on Sham. The SLineay | mewen tom He pee sponse re Ny of He pend, forse is mv, and $0 on. For He py Abe n speckiles , He Lrear romenbom que isto ch depined! Jo be” She vector fom af all crdfutdual -parkiled of se phe (A At tet tn Fah teat ot yy (Ga) Comparing His with My om = om yt My to tm My P= my (415) Tus , He dokal momentum fa Aystem a persided dk eypal to Hee prov of tue dokel mos of the Ayatem and ue velocity Bs cewtte gf mess =7_lonservaion of Hveay Momento fer tprten gy perdiles: Digrenaking above eqpalion P=MV wrt dwe we get id me d =MaL=M~A at at Compering His with eo abe we gee AP = bet (419 at Fuk ih dhe skakement gf Newton's Aewond Jaw af maukion entendeh fe a hy stem of panies ‘uphoce now, Hak We fom 4 exgernal pe co] ona aybten of perkles cs serv . “Fen from by (#1 OP 50 or P= tonstant (F184) Hh , when sue total external fore oxking on a system af fovdideh B zero, Me dodal Aineay — momendom ee dem 23 contkewk: Tait Sa He sew of omdervalion of me Hob siwear VO poomendom of a tyskem of parse @ She radfoackve dei tmouing unstable pardide, Ake Lhe melons: gi tadiom. A radio “ wveleus — “a dnko a nucle of radon otk on alpha paciide,. The sprees leading Jo dhe decay are. “ndernal oe she tosade and fia Oe nal aes on ‘ue! sgbtem are naligthle po Hie dokel Lnetr momentum of He tyslem a due beme’ teqore ond offer decoy. a eg TY a rete ex dn Ds and Aratment 41's nat 4 sates aie we ager} arab the pro} path of @ Veclor Prada [crass ruck ~ A vector produce of wo vedo a and bq vector ¢ doch teak ©) magnidude of = C= ObHne where 0 and b are magnibdes qa and & ond eh dhe telucen dae duo vedors. GED Ca perberdtlar Jo He plane conbataig a tnd | Ome Rasika redlon eres Fron 1 Oy eight Hard Hm ule er | plloang® Open up your rik hand span and lark SHE prgers palalig from a dob. Your shekehed Bums fates dee? “airaton 4 ls | A sinpler version of dhe right tank role he \.. She vector product, or cross -prodoce of any wo veikors Fond &, dented ob RB (read as A crs 2) ois defral ab BB” 2 Ae sind where ALE ore magnidudes of vectors Pod B roped ood & a dhe smaller ‘belween them. Cross product ub versed and Hin ® ore beats. Both veekors have a dfveckion and Hele vector product Aas a same deitton. lapses "The vector product sh do wok ‘have Commuskabive Property. Ax6=—(6xA) The fading property add due in ete gf Yer mu iptabn Ce) xB = K (0x8) = Ax(Ke) "9 Me glen vedord art elie Jhon Axe =0 . Pablowig Ae obeue properly, We cm say. hak Jer vector mulitpltation Ya vector with tae! wu de AxA= |A|/A| fe OR=O ow vechor _nokalion Dal off = Rak 0 * Also Jn terms © The exprssion Y axb cam be fuk dn a delorivank orm | wich is eaty do Yememter : | axp= |e f # ay ay ay [ x 4 bn | P snl +4: firk dt salar and vector -prodods | 4wo veukors. a= (30-47 +62) and b=(-20 +f-3h) Le (st-uf'+s8) -(-at+f-32) 6 4-15 [tee Sh =-4 UP tse => Adakion bebueen Argudar Naaiiy Anaer Veloet ty? Fak any ing Sh robeking about vakoHonal oud utth gular aaa «o 7 tisboo pct we perpendiaulat te fo ants and divane vesily te ‘ve omy partie, | son nye agstem deen vlation belueen Hem it given 4: V> ubxr 7 Relakion telwean Argudar Aueleration amd dfvear Auclontfon + fegular Auccleratfon is given 4y xw=dw = —O at Kinear Auceloratfon 3: EF Sj a 32) & ‘8 S82 2 « £.2k | SSK &§ §$ “ans @---- & (yér- ca Be ye Of hop + Caly-yeny % = (2 Fr-aml Fr SPECIAL Cases Lt) YO=0 a M0 L=0 = RRO aK C - im - q- - 7 - ® pe ie aes atay rte we Lx |! & i ei god * m oy | : : I £ + ' é g i $6333 ® aie af wee ig + | , 4 t s “ale He : o\«| & ‘| : 3 ty ' ny { ee coe , t 3338 296) \\ cS - ' moons 1@__- 4-5 r 7 t er | | : i se | J mye d oi \ sy de te eC ' 1 i . f ~ "S| ut ° . : att || PAP aa a |" ligc aig ale x | 13 3 i 39 SO. ‘i ié 4 gta oy | 3 . £ g bye + en “Ie si bes | et Sele be =4 soy ibe ides 4 | \ er uw 6 i 2 Syeet8de f ' @i ef -- H RELATION BETNEEN ToRQUE ¥% reer DF INERTIA, Cimaidira a Aegtal mi enn ~ ma, MSs -—- hn ok WMiaKBrrels %1, Mr, My, Vi, Vo, V3 Be trai be Qurar wloeikits “und a, a0, Os. on be they acelerdromas errforr, pa or bie Kee horticle , haut - to Free adding om burt Total Agus, eae ome ann W+ TL Ts a-- Th Somat ra + miki dt mg tho, Q na? a L L oo. orn de’) = SS oN # RELAT IO, to dla, I pane! pets n tua, veloc a et = tine AWD Li = Mm, AW For Wud forbids Ly = my agh w Me : for wv forte ln = mem An W 47433 Wn bs fe yi TEsgis he ha seal aed: yal 3£ j 08 4" iF “ u (200 A 1 He Oclrration td be ww = We Ww = Avgrlar. le 3 yo 2 8G b 4 ‘ ae © 2 gg! 98 i fed ln is |e : na Ante & nd I spl i ms ag a eta Suet re Lisle 3 Ht abl iy | us 4 is Sods § i aie i nartg ee ee i a ae alga ce Se ue B a P Ate a CE a a 1 | - ne if Nve 8G. 2 Besse See i. § 32 i 3 ae § bo oaul 2 ae u b wa ds ~< ee v5 | Barn | ao yw 4 PS y toe & f a zt i i a womed of enti & wha. tlout the outs ah soi 220 li find ste vserk, | Aon by Bos dye tn ban a Mme: fy 0 pode lo goad | ie Wy = ©, wy = 0 Aad]s, t= Usee, | " 2 = m wir web my [Bo dinate a coatu’ of man WP tine | “les Al6, Ale) wy Gv | @ C6,-Y @®@ G-btwD | | gyn g | | Y= my tomas + 7 — a yy | eS Mm, + ny mp os ey | | = (a+ au 43 wy | | van “Mk ( Ke Ms + Mg Aa + MIRE Heo | | 1 (yo +2 (0) + 3@ {424% fd

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