An Analytical Study On The Synchronization of The

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An analytical study on the synchronization of the variant of MLC circuit

Working Paper · February 2017

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2 authors:

Sivaganesh Gopalakrishnan Arulgnanam Appadurai

Alagappa Chettiar Government College of Engineering and Technology, Karaikudi, In… St.John's College


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An analytical study on the synchronization of the
variant of MLC circuit
G. Sivaganesh and A. Arulgnanam2
Department of Physics, Alagappa Chettiar College of Engineering & Technology,
Karaikudi-630 004, India
Department of Physics, St.John’s College, Palayamkottai-627 002, India

February 22, 2017


In this paper an explicit analytical solution is presented for unidirectionally coupled two variant of
M urali − Lakshmanan − Chua circuits, exhibiting complete synchronization in their dynamics.
The transition of the system from an unsynchronized state to a state of complete synchronization
under the influence of the coupling parameter is observed through phase portraits obtained from
the analytical solutions of the circuit equations characterizing the system.

1 Introduction
The phenomenon of chaos synchronization in coupled chaotic systems has been studied extensively
for the past two decades with a motivation to understand the coherent dynamical behaviour of
coupled systems. Chaos synchronization in nonlinear electronic circuits has been observed in a
variety of circuits [3–6, 13,14, 16] and finds potential applications in secure communication. Several
synchronization phenomena such as complete, phase and lag synchronization have been identified
in identical and non-identical chaotic systems and studied both experimentally and numerically.
A detailed study on characterizing the above said synchronization phenomena was done numeri-
cally [18]. Complete synchronization being the strongest among the other types of synchronization
occurs when the states of the coupled systems converge, irrespective of the mismatch in initial
conditions. Complete synchronization phenomena exhibited by coupled second order dissipative
electronic circuits was studied experimentally and numerically [5, 16]. The synchronization of cou-
pled Chua circuits and coupled M urali−Lakshmanan−Chua(M LC) circuits through a compound
chaotic signal was studied numerically [6]. However explicit analytical solutions explaining the sys-
tem dynamics has not been given yet for coupled systems. In this paper we present an explicit
analytical solution to one such coupled circuit namely the variant of the M LC circuit (M LCV )
that exhibits chaos synchronization in its dynamics. The M LC circuit being the simplest diisipa-
tive non-autonomous chaotic circuit was introduced by Murali [8]. The period doubling dynamics

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of the circuit leading to chaotic motion was studied both experimentally and numerically [7, 15].
An explicit analytical solution to the normalized circuit equations of the M LC circuit were pre-
sented [15–17]. The M LC circuit has the picewise linear nonlinear element, the Chua’s diode which
is linear within the three regions. Since the circuit equations describing the M LC circuit is a second
order differential equation, the equation is solved for each linear regions of the Chua’s diode. Sim-
ilar solutions were given to some second order nonlinear chaotic circuits with piecewise nonlinear
element as the active circuit component [1,2,10,11].A variant of the M LC circuit is a simple forced
parallel LCR circuit with the Chua’s diode as the only nonlinear element connected parallel to
the capacitor was suggested by Thamilmaran [12]. The quasiperiodic route and the reverse period
doubling route to chaos exhibited by M LCV circuit has been extensively studied [11, 12]. Further
an explicit analytical solution to the state variables of the normalized circuit equations are ob-
tained. The solutions thus obtained were used to explain the dynamics of the circuit through phase
portraits of the state variables. The complete synchronization phenomena exhibited by M LCV
circuit was studied experimentally [9]. However the coupled M LCV circuit dynamics has not been
yet studied analytically. Because of its mathematical simplicity, the normalized circuit equations
of the coupled circuits can be solved for each of the coupled piecewise linear regions of the two
circuits. Here we present an explicit analytical solution for the coupled M LCV circuits and study
the phenomena of complete synchronization through phase portraits obtained from the solutions
of state variables of the normalized circuit equations.

Circuit Equations
The variant of the M urali − Lakshmanan − Chua circuit (M LCV ) is a simple forced parallel LCR
circuit with the Chua’s diode as the only nonlinear element, connected parallel to the capacitor C.
The normalized state equations of the M LC circuit is given as,

ẋ = f1 sin(ω1 t) − x − y − g(x), (1a)

ẏ = βx (1b)

The piecewise linear function g(x) representing the Chua’s diode is given by,

bx + (a − b) if x ≥ 1

g(x) = ax if |x| ≤ 1 (2)

bx − (a − b) if x ≤ −1

where, β = (C/LG2 ), a = Ga /G, b = Gb /G, f1 = (F1 β/Bp ), ω1 = (Ω1 C/G) and G = 1/R. The
circuit parameters takes the values C = 10.15nF , L = 445mH, R = 1475Ω and the parameters of
the Chua’s diode are chosen as Ga = −0.76mS, Gb = −0.41mS and Bp = 1V . The frequency of
the external periodic force ν1 is fixed as ν1 = Ω/2π = 1.116kHz. The solutions of the normalized
equations in terms of the state varaibles y(t) and x(t) obtained for each of the three piecewise linear
regions D0 , D± are summarized as follows.

Region : D0
Since the roots m1,2 in this region are a pair of complex congugates, the fixed point (0, 0) cor-
responding to the D0 region is an unstable spiral fixed point. The state variables y(t) and x(t)


y(t) = eut (C1 cosvt + C2 sinvt) + E1 sin(ω1 t) + E2 cos(ω1 t) (3)

x(t) = (ẏ) (4)

Figure 1: Analytically obtained chaotic attractors in (a) x − y (b) x − sin(ω1 t) phase planes

Region : D±1
The roots m1,2 in this region are also a pair of complex conjugates. Hence the fixed points k1 = 0,
k2 = ±(a − b) corresponding to the D±1 region is a stable spiral fixed point . The state variables
y(t) and x(t) are

y(t) = eut (C3 cosvt + C4 sinvt) + E3 sin(ω1 t) + E4 cos(ω1 t)±∆ (5)

x(t) = (ẏ) (6)

where ∆ = (b − a) and +∆, −∆ corresponds to D+ and D− regions respectively.

Fig.1 shows the analytically obtained phase portraits of the chaotic attractors in the (x − y) and
(x − sinωt) phase planes for an amplitude of f1 = 0.375 and frequency ω1 = 0.105. The chaotic
attractor extends over an ampitude region of f1 = 0.375 to 0.38. The M LCV circuit explained
above acting as the drive system is unidirectionally coupled to another M LCV circuit which acts as
the response system. The drive and the response systems operate with different initial conditions
and are coupled by a linear resistor and a buffer. The buffer acts as a signal driving element which
isolates the drive system variables being affected by the response system.The schematic diagram
of the coupled M LC circuits is as shown in Fig.2. The normalized state equations of the response
system is given as,
0 0 0 0
x˙0 = f2 sin(ω2 t) − x − y − g(x ) + (x − x ), (7a)
y˙0 = βx (7b)

Figure 2: Schematic circuit realization of two identical MLCV circuits with unidirectional coupling

and the piecewise linear function g(x ) is given by,
 0 0

 bx + (a − b) if x ≥ 1
0 0 0
g(x ) = ax if |x | ≤ 1 (8)
 0
 0
bx − (a − b) if x ≤ −1

where, f2 = (F2 β/Bp ), ω2 = (Ω2 C/G) and  = (R/Rc ) is the coupling parameter. From the nor-
malized equations of the response system given by Eqs.(7) we could infer that the two circuits are
independent of each other when the coupling parameter  = 0 and the explicit analytical solution
to the circuit equations (1) & (7) remains the same for all the three piecewise linear regions. Hence
0 0
the state variables y (t) and x (t) of the response system can be represented by the Eqs.(3),(4)
0 0
and (5),(6) in the D0 and D± regions respectively. For values of the coupling parameter  > 0,
the two systems are coupled and the response system is controlled by the drive system. Hence the
dynamics of the drive is unaltered while the dynamics of the response system varies with the cou-
pling parameter . The circuit parameters of drive and response systems are fixed as C = 10.15nF ,
L = 445mH, R = 1475Ω and the parameters of the Chua’s diode are chosen as Ga = −0.76mS,
Gb = −0.41mS and Bp = 1V . The frequency of the external periodic force ν1 and ν2 are fixed
as ν1 = ν2 = Ω/2π = 8.9kHz and the their amplitudes f1 and f2 are varied to fix the drive and
response at different dynamical regions. From the (v − i) characteristic of the nonlinear element,
0 0
we have a = −1.121, b = −0.6047, associated with the regions D0 , D±1 and D0 , D±1 of the drive
and response systems respectively, and the values of the rescaled quantities as β = 0.05, ω1 = 0.105
and ω2 = 0.105.
In the next section, we present explicit analytical solutions for the dynamics of the response sys-
tem driven by the drive system for value of the coupling parameter ( > 0) leading to complete
synchronization of the drive and response.

Figure 3: Eigenvalues as functions of the coupling parameter  in (a) D0∗ region
(b) D±1 region.

2 Explicit Analytical Solutions:  > 0

The difference system obtained from Eqs.(1) and (7) is
x˙∗ = f1 sin(ω1 t) − f2 sin(ω2 t) − x∗ − y ∗ − (g(x) − g(x )) − x∗ , (9a)
y˙∗ = βx∗ (9b)
0 0 0
where x∗ =(x − x ), y ∗ =(y − y ) and g(x) − g(x ) = g(x∗ ) takes the values ax∗ or bx∗ depending
upon the corresponding region of operation of the drive and response systems. Hence for the three
piecewisw linear regions of operation, the response system is drived by the drive system and the eigen
values of the difference system varies with the coupling parameter . The Equations (9) representing
the difference system obtained from Eqs.(1) and (7) is solved analytically for each piecewise linear
0 0
regions to find the state varaibles x and y of the response system in the corresponding regions. It
should be noted that the dynamics of the drive system is not affected by changes in the coupling
parameter and hence the results of x(t) & y(t) are the same as in the case  = 0 for the three region
D0 , D±1 . Since the circuit equations are piecewise linear, the equations representing the identical
regions of the two circuits are coupled to get a new set of difference equations as given in Eqs.(9).
The new set of equations can be solved analytically to get the solutions of the state variables in
the respective regions. The state variables of this new set of equations, x∗ (t), y ∗ (t) are given as,
x∗ = x − x (10a)
∗ 0
y =y−y , (10b)

provided the drive and the response systems exists in identical piecewise linear regions. One can
easily establish that a unique equilibrium point (x∗0 , y0∗ ) exists for equation (9) in each of the fol-
lowing three subsets,

= {(x∗ , y ∗ )|x∗ > 1}P+∗ = (0, 0), 

D+1 
D0∗ = {(x∗ , y ∗ )||x∗ | < 1}|O∗ = (0, 0), (11)
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗

D−1 = {(x , y )|x < −1}|P− = (0, 0),

The stability of the fixed points given in Eq.(11) can be calculated from the stability matrices.
0 0
Hence, in the first case, g(x) and g(x ) takes the values ax and ax respectively, corresponding
to the central region in the v − i characteristics of the nonlinear element, which is taken as the
D0∗ region of the difference system. In the D0∗ region the stability determining eigen values are
calculated from the stability matrix,
∗ −(a +  + 1) −1
J0 = (12)
β 0
The eigen values m1 and m2 are found to be a pair of complex conjugates for  < 0.5682135 while
they are real and distinct for  ≥ 0.5682135.
0 0
In the second case, g(x) and g(x ) takes the values bx ± (a − b) and bx ± (a − b) respectively,
corresponding to the outer regions in the v − i characteristics of the nonlinear element, which is
taken as the D±1∗ regions of the difference system. In the D ∗ region the stability determining
eigen values are calculated from the stability matrix,
∗ (b +  + 1) −1
J± = (13)
β 0
The eigen values m1 and m2 are found to be a pair of complex conjugates for  < 0.0519135 while
they are real and distinct for  ≥ 0.0519135.
. The eigen values of the difference system in both the regions are thus determined by the value of
the coupling parameter . Fig.3(a) & 3(b) shows the eigenvalues of the Jacobian matrix given by
Eq.(12) and (13) in the D0∗ and D±1 ∗ regions respectively as functions of the coupling parameter

. The red and green lines show the two real roots while the blue line shows the real part of the
complex conjugate roots as functions of the coupling parameter. Naturally these fixed points can
be observed depending upon the initial conditions x∗0 and y0∗ of Eqs.(9) which are inturn obtained
0 0
from the intial conditions of the drive and response systems as, x∗0 = x0 − x0 and y0∗ = y0 − y0 .
In fact, Eqs.(9) can be integrated explicitly in terms of elementary functions in each of the three
regions D0∗ , D±
∗ and the resulting solutions can be matched across the boundaries to obtain the full

solution. The solution of those equations are given by [x∗ (t; t0 , x∗0 , y0∗ ), y ∗ (t; t0 , x∗0 , y0∗ )]T for which
the initial condition is written as (t, x∗ , y ∗ ) = (t0 , x∗0 , y0∗ ). From the solution x∗ (t) and y ∗ (t) thus
0 0
obtained the state variables x (t) and y (t) can be found using Eqs.(10) as,
x = x − x∗ (14a)
0 ∗
y =y−y , (14b)
Since Eq.(9) is piecewise linear, the solution in each of the three regions can be obtained explicitly.
In Eq. 9(a) when we consider f1 = f2 and ω1 = ω2 , the term fs in(ω1 t)−f2 sin(ω2 t) vanishes. Hence
the amplitudes f1 and f2 can be fixed to have different values in the range f1,2 = 0.375 to 0.38
within which the drive and the response systems are chaotic.

Region : D0∗
0 0
In this region g(x) and g(x ) takes the values ax and ax respectively. Hence the normalized
equations obtained from Eqs.(9) are,
x˙∗ = −(a +  + 1)x∗ − y ∗ + f1 sin(ω1 t) − f2 sin(ω2 t), (15a)
y˙∗ = βx∗ (15b)

Differentiating Eq. (15b) with respect to time and using Eqs. (15a, 15b) in the resultant equation,
we obtain
ÿ ∗ + Aẏ ∗ + By ∗ = f1 sin(ω1 t) − f2 sin(ω2 t) (16)
where, A = a +  + 1 and B = β. The roots of the equation (16) is given by
−(A) ± (A2 − 4B)
m1,2 = ,
case: a
For  < 0.5682135, (A2 < 4B) and hence the roots
√ m1 2and m2 are a pair of complex congugates
(4B−A )
given as m1,2 = u ± iv, with u = −A
2 and v = 2 . The general solution to eq.(16) can be
written as,

y ∗ (t) = eut (C1 cosvt + C2 sinvt) + E1 sinω1 t + E2 cosω1 t + E3 sinω2 t + E4 cosω2 t (17)

where C1 and C2 are integration constants and

f1 β(B − ω1 2 )
E1 =
A ω1 2 + (B − ω1 2 )2

−Aω1 f1 β
E2 =
A2 ω1 2 + (B − ω1 2 )2
−f2 β(B − ω2 2 )
E3 = 2
A ω2 2 + (B − ω2 2 )2
Aω2 f2 β
E4 =
A2 ω2 2 + (B − ω2 2 )2

Differentiating Eq.(17) and using it in Eq.(9b) we get,

1 ˙∗
x∗ (t) = (y ) (18)

The constants C1 and C2 in the above equations can be evaluated by solving both Eqs.(17) and
(18) for C1 and C2 at a suitable initial instant t0 , with x∗0 and y0∗ as initial conditions at time
t = t0 , provided the trajectory of the dynamical system just enters the region D0∗ at time t0 . The
constants C1 and C2 can be obtained from Eqs.(17) and (18) as

C1 = {(vy0∗ cosvt0 − (βx∗0 − ux∗0 )sinvt0 ) + ((ω1 E1 − uE2 )sinvt0 − vE2 cosvt0 )cosω1 t0
−((ω1 E2 + uE1 )sinvt0 + vE1 cosvt0 )sinω1 t0 + ((ω2 E3 − uE4 )sinvt0 − vE4 cosvt0 )cosω2 t0
−((ω2 E4 + uE3 )sinvt0 + vE3 cosvt0 )sinω2 t0 }
C2 = {((βx∗0 − ux∗0 )cosvt0 + vy0∗ sinvt0 ) − ((ω1 E1 − uE2 )cosvt0 + vE2 sinvt0 )cosω1 t0
+((ω1 E2 + uE1 )cosvt0 − vE1 sinvt0 )sinω1 t0 − ((ω2 E3 − uE4 )cosvt0 + vE4 sinvt0 )cosω2 t0
+((ω2 E4 + uE3 )cosvt0 − vE3 sinvt0 )sinω2 t0 }

From the results of y ∗ (t), x∗ (t) obtained from eqs.(17), (18) and y(t), x(t) obtained from Eqs.(3),
0 0
(4) x (t) and y (t) are given as
x = x − x∗ (19a)
0 ∗
y =y−y (19b)

case: b
For  ≥ 0.5682135, (A2 > 4B) and the roots m1 and m2 are real and distinct. The general solution
to eq.(16) can be written as,
y ∗ (t) = C1 em1 t + C2 em2 t + E1 sin(ω1 t) + E2 cos(ω1 t) + E3 sin(ω2 t) + E4 cos(ω2 t) (20)
where C3 and C4 are the integration constants and the constants E1 , E2 , E3 , E4 are the same as in
case(a). Differentiating Eq.(20) and using it in Eq.(9b) we get,
x∗ (t) = (y˙∗ ) (21)
The constants C1 and C2 in the above equations can be evaluated by solving both Eqs.(20) and
(21) for C1 and C2 at a suitable initial instant t0 , with x∗0 and y0∗ as initial conditions at time
t = t0 , provided the trajectory of the dynamical system just enters the region D0∗ at time t0 . The
constants C1 and C2 can be obtained from Eqs.(20) and (21) as
e−m2 t0
C1 = {(βx∗0 − m1 y0∗ ) + (m1 E2 − ω1 E1 )cosω1 t0 + (ω1 E2 + m1 E1 )sinω1 t0
m2 − m1
+(m2 E4 − ω2 E3 )cosω2 t0 + (ω2 E4 + m2 E3 )sinω2 t0 }
e −m 1 t0
C2 = {(βx∗0 − m2 y0∗ ) + (m2 E2 − ω1 E1 )cosω1 t0 + (ω1 E2 + m2 E1 )sinω1 t0
m1 − m2
+(m1 E4 − ω2 E3 )cosω2 t0 + (ω2 E4 + m1 E3 )sinω2 t0 }
From the results of y ∗ (t), x∗ (t) obtained from eqs.(20), (21) and y(t), x(t) obtained from Eqs.(3),
0 0
(4) x (t) and y (t) are given as
x = x − x∗ (22a)
0 ∗
y =y−y (22b)

Region : D±1
0 0
In this region g(x) and g(x ) takes the values bx ± (a − b) and bx ± (a − b) respectively. Hence the
normalized equations obtained from eqs. (9) are,
x˙∗ = −(b +  + 1)x∗ − y ∗ + f1 sin(ω1 t) − f2 sin(ω2 t), (23a)
y˙∗ = βx∗ (23b)
Differentiating Eq.(23b) with respect to time and using Eqs.(23a,23b) in the resultant equation, we
ÿ ∗ + C ẏ ∗ + Dy ∗ = f1 sin(ω1 t) − f2 sin(ω2 t) (24)
where, C = b +  + 1 and D = β. The roots of the equation (16) is given by
−(C) ± (C 2 − 4D)
m3,4 = ,

case: a
For  < 0.0519135, (C 2 < 4D) and hence the roots
√ m3 2and m4 are a pair of complex congugates
(4D−C )
given as m3,4 = u ± iv, with u = −C
2 and v = 2 . The general solution to eq.(16) can be
written as,

y ∗ (t) = eut (C3 cosvt + C4 sinvt) + E5 sinω1 t + E6 cosω1 t + E7 sinω2 t + E8 cosω2 t (25)

where C3 and C4 are integration constants and

f1 β(D − ω1 2 )
E5 =
C 2 ω1 2 + (D − ω1 2 )2
−Cω1 f1 β
E6 =
C 2 ω1 2 + (D − ω1 2 )2
−f2 β(D − ω2 2 )
E7 =
C 2 ω2 2 + (D − ω2 2 )2
Cω2 f2 β
E8 =
C 2 ω2 2 + (D − ω2 2 )2

Differentiating Eq.(25) and using it in Eq.(23b) we get,

1 ˙∗
x∗ (t) = (y ) (26)

The constants C3 and C4 in the above equations can be evaluated by solving both Eqs.(25) and
(26) for C3 and C4 at a suitable initial instant t0 , with x∗0 and y0∗ as initial conditions at time
∗ at time t . The
t = t0 , provided the trajectory of the dynamical system just enters the region D±1 0
constants C3 and C4 can be obtained from Eqs.(25) and (26) as

C3 = {(vy0∗ cosvt0 − (βx∗0 − ux∗0 )sinvt0 ) + ((ω1 E5 − uE6 )sinvt0 − vE6 cosvt0 )cosω1 t0
−((ω1 E6 + uE5 )sinvt0 + vE5 cosvt0 )sinω1 t0 + ((ω2 E7 − uE8 )sinvt0 − vE8 cosvt0 )cosω2 t0
−((ω2 E8 + uE7 )sinvt0 + vE7 cosvt0 )sinω2 t0 }
C4 = {((βx∗0 − ux∗0 )cosvt0 + vy0∗ sinvt0 ) − ((ω1 E5 − uE6 )cosvt0 + vE6 sinvt0 )cosω1 t0
+((ω1 E6 + uE5 )cosvt0 − vE5 sinvt0 )sinω1 t0 − ((ω2 E7 − uE8 )cosvt0 + vE8 sinvt0 )cosω2 t0
+((ω2 E8 + uE7 )cosvt0 − vE7 sinvt0 )sinω2 t0 }

From the results of y ∗ (t), x∗ (t) obtained from eqs.(25), (26) and y(t), x(t) obtained from Eqs. (3),
0 0
(4) x (t) and y (t) are given as
x = x − x∗ (27a)
0 ∗
y =y−y (27b)

case: b
For  ≥ 0.0519135, (C 2 > 4D) and the roots m3 and m4 are real and distinct. The general solution
to eq.(24) can be written as,

y ∗ (t) = C3 em3 t + C4 em4 t + E5 sin(ω1 t) + E6 cos(ω1 t) + E7 sin(ω2 t) + E8 cos(ω2 t) (28)

where C3 and C4 are the integration constants and the constants E5 , E6 , E7 , E8 are the same as in
case(a). Differentiating Eq.(28) and using it in Eq.(23b) we get,
1 ˙∗
x∗ (t) = (y ) (29)
The constants C3 and C4 in the above equations can be evaluated by solving both Eqs.(28) and
(29) for C3 and C4 at a suitable initial instant t0 , with x∗0 and y0∗ as initial conditions at time
∗ at time t . The
t = t0 , provided the trajectory of the dynamical system just enters the region D±1 0
constants C3 and C4 can be obtained from Eqs.(28) and (29) as

e−m4 t0
C3 = {(βx∗0 − m3 y0∗ ) + (m3 E6 − ω1 E5 )cosω1 t0 + (ω1 E6 + m3 E5 )sinω1 t0
m4 − m3
+(m4 E8 − ω2 E7 )cosω2 t0 + (ω2 E8 + m4 E7 )sinω2 t0 }
e 30 t
C4 = {(βx∗0 − m4 y0∗ ) + (m4 E6 − ω1 E5 )cosω1 t0 + (ω1 E6 + m4 E5 )sinω1 t0
m3 − m4
+(m3 E8 − ω2 E7 )cosω2 t0 + (ω2 E8 + m3 E7 )sinω2 t0 }

From the results of y ∗ (t), x∗ (t) obtained from eqs.(28), (29) and y(t), x(t) obtained from Eqs. (3),
0 0
(4) x (t) and y (t) are given as
x = x − x∗ (30a)
0 ∗
y =y−y (30b)

Now let us briefly explain how the solution can be generated in the (x∗ − y ∗ ) phase space. Thus
if we start with the initial conditions x∗ (t = 0) = x∗0 , y ∗ (t = 0) = y0∗ in the region D0∗ region at
time t = 0, the arbitrary constants C1 and C2 get fixed. Thus x∗ (t) evolves as given in Eq.(18) or
Eq.(21), depending upon the value of , up to either t = T1 , when x∗ (T1 ) = 1 and x˙∗ (T1 ) > 0 or
0 0 0 0 0
t = T1 , when x∗ (T ) = −1 and x˙∗ (T1 ) < 0. Knowing whether T1 < T1 or T1 > T1 we can determine
the next region of interest (D±1∗ ) and the arbitrary constants of the solutions of that region can

be fixed by matching the solutions. The procedure can be continued for each successive crossing.
In this way, the explicit solutions can be obtained in each of the regions D0∗ , D±1 ∗ . However, it

is clear that sensitive dependence on initial conditions is introduced in each of these crossings at
0 0
appropriate parameter regimes during the inverse procedure of finding T1 , T1 , T2 , T2 , ..., etc. from
the solutions.

The analytical solutions obtained above for the response system can be used to explain the
phenomena of complete synchronization through phase portraits. The amplitude and frequency of
the drive and the response sytems are fixed as f1,2 = 0.375 and ω1,2 = 0.105 respectively. However
the systems are operated with different set of initial conditions given by x0 = −0.5, y0 = 0.1 and
0 0
x0 = 0.5, y0 = 0.11 . Figure (4) shows the Unsynchronized and Synchronized states of the coupled

systems for two different values of the coupling parameter . Figure 4(a) shows the unsynchronized
state of the coupled systems for the coupling parameter  = 0 in the (x − x0 ) phase plane and the
0 0
corresponding trajectories x, x and x∗ = x − x is shown in Fig.4(b) and 4(c) respectively. As the
value of the coupling parameter is increased, the response system completely synchronizes with the
drive. Figure 4(d) shows the complete synchronization of the coupled systems in the (x − x0 ) phase
0 0
plane for the value of the coupling parameter  = 0.2. The trajectories x, x and x∗ = x − x are
shown in Fig.4(e) and 4(f) respectively. From the phase portraits and the time series plots obtained
it could be inferred that for the coupling parameter taking the value  = 0.2, the response system
which is operating with a different set of initial condition completely synchronizes with the drive.

3 Conclusion
In this paper, we presented an explicit analytical solution for unidirectionally coupled two variant of
M LC circuits exhibiting complete synchronization in their dynamics. The complete synchroniza-
tion of the response system which is operating with a different set of intial condition with respect to
the drive system for a particular value of the coupling parameter is studied through phase portraits
obtained from the analytical solutions.

This work is supported by Alagappa Chettiar College of Engineering & Technology under Technical
Education Quality Improvement Programme(TEQIP)-II scheme.

Figure 4: (a) Unsynchronized motion in (x − x ) plane for  = 0.0, F1,2 = 0.375, [x0 =-0.5, y0 =0.1]
0 0 0
and [x0 = 0.5, y0 =0.11]. (b) Trajectory plot in (x, x ) plane of Drive (red line) and Response (blue
0 0
line) for  = 0. (c) Trajectory plot in (x − x ) plane for  = 0. (d) Synchronized motion in (x − x )
0 0
plane for  = 0.2, F1,2 = 0.375, [x0 =-0.5, y0 =0.1] and [x0 = 0.5, y0 =0.11]. (e) Trajectory plot in
0 0
(x, x ) plane of Drive (red line) and Response (blue line) for  = 0.2. (f) Trajectory plot in (x − x )
plane for  = 0.2

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