6.division Self Learning Modules Peh 4 Week6

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Republic of the Philippines

department of Education
Region I
Binalonan, Pangasinan



MELC: Demonstrates proper etiquette and safety in the use of facilities and equipment
 K to 12 BEC CG: (PEH12FH-Ia-t-12)

Prepared by:


Teacher II
Manaoag National High School


A. Introduction:
It is a common fact for all that the use of equipment has made a big impact on the physical
improvement of the user. This can be best observed in gyms where men use various tools and
equipment to tone and shape their body figures to their desire. It is an undeniable fact that people
who go to the gym wanted to become healthier, leaner and stronger for their own respective
purposes. As such, trainers along with some physical fitness tools and equipment are enjoined to aid
the user into developing muscles, becoming healthier and stronger too. The goal is to become fit and

B. Discussions:


Have a Goal in Mind

The equipment you choose depends on your physical activity goals. If you would like a stronger
heart and lungs, you might choose a pair of running shoes, stationary bike or treadmill. If you want
to increase strength, you will need something that provides resistance, like weights, resistance tubes,
or a home gym machine.
Keep in mind that resistance tubes and bands are inexpensive, portable and don’t take up much room,
so they’re a good choice if you’re just starting out, travelling frequently or living in a small space.
Before you buy a home gym machine, keep in mind that as your activity level and fitness increase,
you could move beyond the machine’s maximum resistance setting, so it would no longer be useful
for you.


1. Indoor Swimming Pool 4. Tennis courts

2. Indoor multi-sports center 5. Badminton courts
3. Athletics track 6. Football field


- Nets - Ropes
- Balls - Discs
- Hoops - Gym – based tools and equipment

Choose an Activity You Already Enjoy Doing

The more you like a particular physical activity, the more likely you are to do it regularly. Once
you’ve decided on the best activity, choose equipment that’s
practical, enjoyable, and easy to use.
Having the right equipment can help make a physical activity more fun, which makes it easier for
you to stay active.

Consider Who Else Might Use the Equipment

If a friend or family member will regularly be using the equipment, make sure it’s adjustable or
adaptable to different fitness levels and body sizes.

Make Sure You Have Enough Room for the Equipment

A treadmill can look smaller in a store than it does in your home. Be sure to measure the amount of
space you have at home and take a tape measure with you to the store.

Decide What You Can Afford

Fitness equipment can range in price from inexpensive to very expensive, so decide in advance how
much you want to spend. Used equipment can save money, but it could also have unexpected problems. For
example, protective equipment may have molded to the previous user so it doesn’t fit you correctly.
Keep in mind that expensive equipment may have more features than you want or need, and all those extra
features may need regular cleaning, adjusting and maintenance, and be expensive to fix if they quit working.

Proper Etiquette and Safety in the Use of Facilities and Equipments

1. Take care in using facilities and equipment. In consideration of the school's effort and of other students
who will benefit from using the facilities and equipments, it is in good form to hand let them with care and
use them solely on their
purpose. This is to prevent having them misplaced, stolen or become unnecessaryclutters in the training area
than can cause accidents.
2. Only use equipments that you already know how to use do not leave or pass on equipments that is in
complete disarray or dirty.
3. Be Alert and Aware in the training area
.4. In performing exercises and movement in general, practice good form first.

5. Bring back all equipment in place after use.
6. Do not Hug the equipment.
7. Return the equipment properly or leave the venue clean. Doing exercises in improper form deficit it's
benefits. Do not monopolize the equipments. Allow everyone a fair use of the facilities.
8. Check Yourself - practice proper hygiene and
care. Take a bath or a deodorant if needed. Do not force yourself to engage inphysical activity if you are
feeling sick.
9. Move on the double; do not loiter around the venue or hang on the equipment doing nothing. Do not
handle it until such time the teacher gives instructions on how to operate the said equipment. You could
break the equipment or cause harm to yourself or others.
10. Be nice, as a general rule!

Try it Out before You Buy

Here are some things to look for:
 Does it fit you properly?
 Is it comfortable?
 Will it give you the type of workout you want?
 Is it easy to use, or too complicated?
 Is it fun?
 Is it sturdy and well made?
 Is it noisy?
 Does it meet any required safety standards?
 Is there a safety feature that shuts the machine off if something unexpected happens?
 Can you rent it or have a trial period so you can see how well it suits you over a longer period of

PART II. Activity Proper

I. Direction: Complete the concept map by providing the equipment used in outdoor recreational

equipment used
in outdoor

II. Directions: Picture Analysis: Analyze the pictures below related to recreational activities and list
down eight (8) proper handling of equipment and safety protocol.

ABAQ&sclient=img&ei=4V-BX4PUDZGBmAW8vaKICw&bih=618&biw=1366#imgrc=BU9dKddGGUyXbM \

1. ______________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________

III. Directions: Make a slogan about proper etiquette and safety in the use of facilities and equipment and
explain why.

Criteria (for Excellent Very Good Fair
5 4 3 2
No 1-5 grammatical 6-10 grammatical More than 11
grammatical inconsistencies inconsistencies grammatical
inconsistencie found all found all inconsistencies
Grammar s found all throughout the throughout the found all
throughout whole explanation. whole explanation. throughout the
the whole whole explanation.
All of the Most of the ideas Some of the ideas Few to none of the
Logical Sequencing of ideas were were logically were logically ideas were logically
Ideas logically arranged. arranged. arranged.
Use of Language The learner The learner used 1- The learner used 6- The learner used
used English 5 Non- English all 10 Non- English all more than 11 Non-
all throughout throughout the throughout the English all
the explanation. explanation. throughout the
explanation. explanation.


A. Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Why do sports facilities exist?

a. For pricing’s sake c. For depression’s sake
b. For healthy lifestyle’s sake d. For no one’s sake
2. Which of the following sports uses ball?
a. Running c. Badminton
b. Swimming d. Basketball
3. Which of the following sports uses nets?
a. Volleyball c. Bicycling
b. Swimming d. Running
4. Which of the following question shows critical evaluation of equipment?
a. Is it sturdy and well made? c. Is it fun?
b. Does it fit you properly? d. Is it easy to use, or too complicated?
5. Which of the following question show economical practicality?
a. How much is it? c. Is it noisy?
b. Does it come with ear pods? d. Is it comfortable?
6. Which of the following question shows quality check?
a. Is it noisy? c. Is it sturdy and well made?
b. Is it fun? d. Does it fit you properly?
7. Which of the following question shows level of difficulty in terms of usage?
a. Is it comfortable? c. Is it easy to use, or too complicated?
b. Does it fit you properly d. Is it noisy?
8. Which of the following is physical activity equipment?
a. Tread mill c. barbells
b. Ball bag d. net
9. Which of the following is a physical activity tool?
a. Sports complex c. ball
b. treadmill d. barbells
10. Complete the statement, the equipment you choose depends on your______________?
a. Physical Activity Goals c. Physics, Astronomy, and Geography
b. Psychic Astrological Goals d. Paper’s Acknowledges Group

B. Directions: Choose the correct proper etiquette and safety in the use of facilities and equipments inside
the box. Write your answer in the lines provided below the box.

•Be Alert and Aware in the training area •Do not Hug the equipment •Practice proper hygiene and care
  •use equipments that you do not know to operate •Do not monopolize the equipments.
•Bring back all equipment in place after use •Do not pass on equipments that is in complete

1. ________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________
C. Directions: Give justification to the questions given. Write your answer on the space provided.

1. Why do various types of sports complex exist?


2. What improvements can happen if one uses equipment while doing exercises?

Criteria (for Excellent Very Good Fair
5 4 3 2
No 1-5 grammatical 6-10 grammatical More than 11
grammatical inconsistencies inconsistencies grammatical
inconsistenc found all found all inconsistencies
Grammar ies found all throughout the throughout the found all
throughout whole whole throughout the
the whole explanation. explanation. whole
explanation. explanation.
All of the Most of the ideas Some of the ideas Few to none of
Logical Sequencing ideas were were logically were logically the ideas were
of Ideas logically arranged. arranged. logically
arranged. arranged.
The learner The learner used The learner used The learner used
used English 1- 5 Non- English 6- 10 Non- more than 11
all all throughout the English all Non- English all
Use of Language
throughout explanation. throughout the throughout the
the explanation. explanation.


1. Rappel devices 5. Maps 9. Beddings
2. Legends 6. Hiking gloves 10. Cooking materials
3. Compass 7. Shelter/tent materials 11. Clothes
4. Head lamp/flashlight 8. Ropes 12. Personal things (first aid
kits, others)
1. Wear proper biking attire.
2. Drink plenty of water.
3. Check the conditions of the bike.
4. Check and observe weather condition.
5. Bring emergency, safety kits and tools.
6. Stay alert at all times or check health status before riding a bike.
7. Obey all traffic ordinances or laws.
8. Use hand signals when turning at any location.

Criteria (for Excellent Very Good Fair
5 4 3 2
No grammatical 1-5 grammatical 6-10 More than 11
inconsistencies inconsistencies grammatical grammatical
found all found all inconsistencies inconsistencies
Grammar throughout the throughout the found all found all
whole whole throughout the throughout the
explanation. explanation. whole whole
explanation. explanation.
All of the ideas Most of the Some of the Few to none of
were logically ideas were ideas were the ideas were
Sequencing of
arranged. logically logically logically
arranged. arranged. arranged.
The learner used The learner The learner The learner
English all used 1- 5 Non- used 6- 10 Non- used more than
Use of Language throughout the English all English all 11 Non- English
explanation. throughout the throughout the all throughout
explanation. explanation. the explanation.
A. Books:
Aparato, Conrado R., et.al. (2017). Physical Education and Health. (1 st ed.). Vol. II. Manila. Rex
Book Store, Inc.

Agcaoili, Jarrel Keane M., et.al. (2017). Dance and Recreation for Health: An Health-Optimizing
Physical Education for Grade 12. (1st ed.). Quezon City. Cronica BookHaus.

Gialogo, Ryan C., et.al. (2016). Fit for Life: The K to 12 Physical Education and Health Textbook.
Quezon City. Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.

B. Online and Other Sources

Figure 1




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