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Journal of Manufacturing Systems 41 (2016) 65–75

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A qualification procedure to manufacture and repair aerospace parts

with electron beam melting
L. Portolés b,∗ , O. Jordá b , L. Jordá b , A. Uriondo a,∗ , M. Esperon-Miguez a ,
S. Perinpanayagam a
IVHM-Boeing Centre, Cranfield University, Bedforshire MK43 0AL, United Kingdom
AIMME-Instituto Tecnológico Metalmecánico, Parque Tecnológico, Avd. Leonardo Da Vinci, 38, 46980 Valencia, Spain

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper is focused on qualification procedures for metal parts manufactured using new additive man-
Received 14 September 2015 ufacturing (AM) techniques in the aerospace industry. The main aim is to understand the interaction
Received in revised form 29 June 2016 between these technologies and the stringent regulatory framework of this industry in order to develop
Accepted 1 July 2016
correct quality assurance and quality control procedures in accordance with the certification process for
Available online 3 August 2016
the technology and spare parts. These include all the testing and validation necessary to implement them,
as well as to maintain their capability throughout their life-cycle, specific procedures to manufacture or
repair parts, work-flows and records, amongst others. An entire qualification procedure for electron
Quality assurance
beam melting (EBM) to reproduce and repair an aerospace part has been developed and it is presented in
Quality this paper. These will be part of the future quality assurance and quality management systems of those
Electron beam melting aerospace companies that implement AM in their supply chain.
Aerospace industry © 2016 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The Society of Manufacturing Engineers.

1. Introduction highlights some advantages in terms of cost and cycle-time savings

by switching from multi-piece built-up assembly to a single-
There is broad consensus on the potential applications of piece.
additive manufacturing (AM) technologies for repairing and manu- In the aerospace sector, AM processes must be developed to
facturing parts in the aerospace industry. There are many studies on meet the industry’s stringent requirements and to ensure that
the capability of this technology for designing parts in this indus- products can achieve the robust performance levels established by
try [1–3]; repairing and manufacturing parts for turbo engines [4]; traditional manufacturing methods, as well as, comply with the
in the spare part supply chain in MRO processes [5–7], amongst regulation framework.
others. Requirements for commercial aircraft parts are mainly based
The main characteristics that make this technology attractive on the regulations of the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)
for this industry include optimal raw material usage, reduced and regulations of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). These
raw material stock size, fewer machine operations, reduced hard regulations are extensive and detailed, but the most relevant regu-
tooling requirements and reduced lead times when compared to lations in the context of AM can be found in CS-25, Book 1, Subpart
other conventional manufacturing processes like forging, casting D, Subsections CS 25.603 and CS 25.605 [11].
or machining. The buy-to-fly ratio is a measure of the mate-
rial efficiency in terms of the amount of raw material needed 1. CS 25.603 Materials. The suitability and durability of materials
for manufacturing the final part. In contrast with traditional used for parts, the failure of which could adversely affect safety,
machining methods, which have buy-to-fly ratios between 5 and must:
20 [8], AM can achieve values close to one [9]. Groneck [10] • be established on the basis of experience or tests;
• conform to approved specifications, that ensure their having
the strength and other properties assumed in the design data
∗ Corresponding authors.
(see AMC 25.603(b)); and
• take into account the effects of environmental conditions, such
E-mail addresses: (L. Portolés),
(A. Uriondo). as temperature and humidity.
0278-6125/© 2016 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The Society of Manufacturing Engineers.
66 L. Portolés et al. / Journal of Manufacturing Systems 41 (2016) 65–75

2. CS 25.605 Fabrication methods. The QP is an important issue for implementing AM in the

• Methods of fabrication used must produce a consistently aerospace market. This can be defined as a methodology by which
sound structure. If a fabrication process (such as glueing, spot all critical parameters and their allowance ranges are identified,
welding, or heat treating) requires close control to reach this and the repeatability of the process is also guaranteed. In other
objective, the process must be performed under an approved words, the QP is the method used for the assessment of all the
process specification; and variables/factors suitable to influence both technical requirements
• each new aircraft fabrication method must be substantiated of the final part and process reproducibility. The QP requires the
by a test programme assessment and control of key raw materials, consumables, and
process parameters; the development of a fixed practice for each
AM component; the verification of each fixed practice via NDI and
With the lack of technology maturity in terms of design, qualifi- destructive testing; and part-specific acceptance testing (both NDI
cation, process specifications and standardisation, it is difficult for and destructive testing) to ensure the integrity of parts.
the aerospace industry to develop a single specification and asso- This paper presents a QP for EBM to reach the reproducibil-
ciated database for AM of a given alloy. The AM process itself is not ity of the results. This result would be the basis for future QA/QC
sufficient to produce an airworthy component. Heat treatments, procedures.
such as stress relief or hot isostatic pressing (HIP), are required
to improve structural properties [12,13]. Machining the surface is 2. Qualification procedure for EBM
required to reduce roughness, increase dimensional accuracy, and
to prevent the initiation of surface cracks [14].Therefore, process This QP presents a methodology to assess all the vari-
specifications for each aircraft component should be defined from ables/factors that can influence both, technical requirements of
the beginning. the final part and process reproducibility. It takes into account
Nowadays, the literature about how AM manufacturing param- potential dependencies between different process variables in the
eters and post processes affect the final material are very extensive. specification procedure. As it has been mentioned above, these
Facchini et al. [15] have studied how to modify the mechanical dependencies change from one technology to another and for
properties of Ti6Al4V AM parts with heat treatments. Murr et al. different materials, which will require a particular QP for each com-
[16] studied microstructure differences for Ti6Al4V concluding that bination. Nevertheless, from a high level perspective, all of them
the hardness in SLM (41 HRC) is bigger than in EBM (32 HRC) for should share a common framework that takes into consideration
Ti6Al4V components. Thijs et al. [17] observed in their studies that if the key aspects of using AM in the aerospace industry. Fig. 1 out-
more material remains for a longer duration at higher temperatures lines all QP steps that need to be followed for each combination of
during the AM process, the volume of precipitates will increase and AM technology and material.
thus the microhardness will be higher. Strondl et al. [18] have stud-
ied the microstructure evolution and phase analysis of Inconel 718
with EBM without any post-process (HIP). They obtained a matrix 2.1. Process specification development
consisting of -phase grains oriented in almost the same direction,
like a single crystal. In this step, a process specification has to be developed for man-
There is also literature related to qualification procedures in ufacturing/repairing each aircraft component. As part of the process
the aerospace sector. Frazier et al. [19] describes the qualification specification, the AM process and post-processes must be estab-
approach followed by the U.S navy for structural metallic compo- lished based on technical requirements (see Table 1).
nents. Brice, from the Langley Research Centre at NASA, reviews Therefore, the process specification for manufacturing or repair-
and discusses how difficult it is to qualify novel manufacturing ing a component should be established based on all the information
processes and materials in the aerospace sector [20]. previously gathered. Each process specification should include at
The contribution of this paper is developing and applying to least:
a real case a qualification procedure (QP) for EBM following the
aerospace industry practices and taking into account certain par- • Manufacturing technologies. All the manufacturing/repairing
ticularities of the manufacturing process. techniques used for achieving the final part.

Fig. 1. General description of the qualification procedure.

L. Portolés et al. / Journal of Manufacturing Systems 41 (2016) 65–75 67

Table 1 • Post-processing plan. It provides relevant information about any

Technical requirements and aspects related with AM.
post-processes required to meet the technical requirements.
Technical Aspect • Assessment plan. It establishes a set of tests to check the con-
requirements dition including non-destructive testing (NDT) and destructive
Material(s) Material standards establish the proper tests.
specification(s) chemical composition and some conditions for • Process reproducibility description. It establishes the required
purchasing, storing, handling or processing the number of batches and samples to be produced and tested in
material. They usually reference other
order to guarantee requirements to be meet.
standards related to testing methods to assess
mechanical properties. Special attention has
been given to the standards published by the
ASTM F-42 and TC-261 standardisation groups. 2.2. Identification of key variables and parameters
Geometry Apart from 3D models, dimensional, geometric
and surface tolerances must be specified. In During the manufacturing or repairing process, it is important
order to have better fatigue behaviour, the to determinate the potential dependencies between all variables
roughness of the surface is crucial. The surface
has to be machined, which means that all the
and parameters involved. It is also important to take into consid-
extra material needed must be in the 3D model eration variables from other manufacturing or repairing processes
file. that directly affect the final part.
Operating It provides information related to its use, such For small structural and mechanical parts in the aerospace
conditions as loads, environmental conditions,
industry, the key AM variables and parameters that have an impact
temperature range, pressure range, humidity
range, and interactions with other parts or on the final part quality can be classified into various groups
systems amongst others. depending on their nature. Fig. 2 shows this group classification
Failure modes It provides information about the possible with its relevant aspects.
failure modes such as type, frequency, location, Due to the high number of possible dependencies between
and mean repair/replace time. This is often
captured in FMECAs.
variables and parameters for each combination of technology and
Traceability It provides information and documentation material, only a concrete case will be presented and detailed (see
about the process history. It includes Section 3).
information about raw materials,
consumables, sub-processes, personnel, NDT
testing, machinery and technologies, and
2.3. Influence of various critical parameters and variables
post-processes amongst others.

Taking into account results from various EBM/SLM applications

[21–25], the following QP studies (see Table 2) have been used to
• Data of raw material. The specifications for the powder, the characterise the effect of various parameters and variables during
powder handling guidelines, the recyclability of the powder, the the manufacturing process.
ageing allowed for the powder, and the powder blend procedure. Fig. 2 correlates these studies with the previous parameter clas-
• AM process plan. It includes all geometries to be built per cycle. sification. Parts can be repaired using AM by removing the material
Each cycle is constituted by an individual build platform. Depend- of the damaged area and reconstructing the part using the undam-
ing on the processes specifications, it can be necessary to build aged remaining material as a base. Some additional studies would
different test samples per cycle to check the mechanical prop- be considered in a repair process. This occurs due to the “hybrid”
erties, chemical composition and microstructure. The location of nature of the final part. When a part has been repaired adding mate-
the parts in the building platform and the manufacturing orien- rial on a substrate, both can be different in terms of microstructure
tation must be considered as well. and chemical compositions. The “transition zone” between both

Fig. 2. AM process parameter classification.

68 L. Portolés et al. / Journal of Manufacturing Systems 41 (2016) 65–75

Table 2
Short description of each study.

Study type Description

Study 1 – Validation of Some powder parameters change if the

recycled powder powder has been recycled, like flow
rate, chemical composition, and
morphology shape, amongst others.
Study 2 – Correlation between During the manufacturing process,
powder and bulk material in various phenomena, which directly
terms of chemical affect the mechanical and chemical
composition properties of the material occur. This
study will characterise those
Study 3 – Bulk material The result of this study constitutes the
characterisation into the key operating windows in terms of the
factors limits allowable range of each manufacturing
Studies 4 – Influence of HIP Through this study, the influence of
process on the HIP on mechanical and microstructure
microstructure and tensile properties have been characterised.
Studies 5 – Influence of the Through this study, the influence of HIP
roughness and HIP process and surface machining on the fatigue
on fatigue life behaviour have been characterised.
Study 6 – Demo part validation The aim of this study is to demonstrate
that the sample part has similar
Fig. 3. QP building platform.
mechanical and chemical properties as
witness specimens.
Study 7 – Process The aim of this study is to determinate
Residual stresses and deformations after this manufacturing pro-
reproducibility all factors during the QP that can set up
reproducibility problems. cess come mainly from those thermal gradients and cooling rates
Study 8 – Material interface The aim of this study is to characterise in the part [27]. Support structures can be designed in order to min-
analysis the quality of the interface between imise the level residual stresses and distortions on the component.
the bulk and added material. The building platform is shown in Fig. 3.
Study 9 – Machining the part This study takes into consideration all
and surface preparation necessary mechanical and chemical
Taking into consideration the size of the building platform, it
operations to prepare the damaged is possible to manufacture two parts at the same time. Only one
part for the repair process. of them will be HIP processed. This will allow characterising the
influence of thermal post-processes on the final part.
In order to identify key building variables and their influence on
materials will have its own characteristics. For these reasons, stud-
the final part, the following test samples have been positioned on
ies 7 and 8 must be added into the QP for a repair operation.
the building platform (see Table 3).
Some parts shall be HIP treated to improve fatigue behaviour.
2.4. Allowable range For this reason samples, except those used as chemical composi-
tion samples, shall be HIP treated to achieve the same mechanical
Finally, once key factors and their allowed ranges have been properties and microstructure as the final HIP processed part.
fixed, it is possible to determine if the manufacturing process has
been successful. The evaluation of key factors must be implemented
3.2. Qualification procedure studies
in the quality control procedures.
3.2.1. Study 1 – Validation of recycled powder
3. Use case
Standard ASTM F2924-14 [26] considers the feedstock as
the most important parameter to be controlled during the
The selected use case is a bracket from one original equipment
manufacturer (OEM). The design material for this part is Ti6Al4V,
which is also available in the AM sector. The dimensions are approx- Table 3
Witness specimen description.
imately 180 × 110 × 40 mm. Its modes of failure can be due to
overload, fatigue or a creep. The basis of the QP is the standard Test sample Description
ASTM 2924-14 “Standard Specification for Additive Manufactur- Chemical Four different groups of spherical samples are located
ing Titanium-6 Aluminum-4 Vanadium with Powder Bed Fusion” composition in the first layers (most critical area) in order to
[26].The QP platform has been designed taking into account all measure the oxygen content in different locations.
previous considerations. In order to meet the requirements set for Each group has been built in a different corner of the
building platform to evaluate the pick up
study 7, it is necessary to build the same platform three times and
oxygen-process along x and y directions. Three spheres
compare their results. with the same diameter as the ones mentioned before
(5 mm) are linked to the on side of the part.
3.1. Qualification procedure: building platform Micro-structure Eight test samples have been defined to evaluate the
final micro-structure in different orientations. The
geometry of each witness specimen is a cylinder with a
A component’s properties depend on its position, in terms of diameter of 14 mm and a length of 10 mm.
orientation, and its location on the build platform. A key aspect Static mechanical Following AM machine manufacturing guidelines,
during the design of the building platform is the support struc- properties specimens and parts are located at 15 mm from the
ture of each part. This does not only hold up the weight of the building platform. Four tensile specimens in each
orientation are included to verify that the location in
material during the manufacturing process, but it also works as a the build platform is not crucial.
heat conductor between the component and the building platform.
L. Portolés et al. / Journal of Manufacturing Systems 41 (2016) 65–75 69

Table 4 Table 5
Powder tests based on ASTM Standards [26]. Bulk material tests.

Test required Test standard Test required Test standard

Chemical analysis ASTM E2371. Test method for analysis of Chemical analysis ASTM E2371. Test method for analysis of
titanium and titanium alloys by direct current titanium and titanium alloys by direct current
plasma and inductively coupled plasma atomic plasma and inductively coupled plasma atomic
emission spectrometry. emission spectrometry.
ASTM E1409. Test method to determine oxygen ASTM E1409. Test method for determination of
and nitrogen content in titanium and titanium oxygen and nitrogen in titanium and titanium
alloys by inert gas fusion. alloys by inert gas fusion.
ASTM E1447. Test method to determine ASTM E1447. Test method for determination of
hydrogen content in titanium and titanium hydrogen in titanium and titanium alloys by
alloys by inert gas fusion thermal inert gas fusion thermal conductivity/infrared
conductivity/infrared detection method. detection method.
Flow rate ASTM B213. Test method for flow rate of metal ASTM E1941. Test method for determination of
powders using the hall flow-meter funnel. carbon in refractory and reactive metals and
Tap density ASTM B212. Test method for apparent density their alloys by combustion analysis.
of free-flowing metal powders using the Hall EN 3976. Chemical analysis for the
flow-meter funnel determination of hydrogen content.
Powder ASTM E3. Guide for preparation of Micro-structure ASTM E3. Guide for preparation of
morphology metallographic specimens. metallographic specimens.
ASTM E407. Practice for micro-etching metals ASTM E407. Practice for micro-etching metals
and alloys and alloys.
Particle size ASTM B822. Test method for particle size ASTM E112. Test methods for determining
distribution of metal powders and related grain size.
compounds by light scattering. EN 2003-4. Determination of surface
contamination (Part: 9).
Static mechanical ASTM E8M. Test methods for tension testing of
properties metallic materials.
manufacturing process. Metal powder shall contain a maximum ISO 6892. Tensile testing – Part 1: Method of
amount of inclusions and impurities. This document establishes an test at room temperature.
admissible range for each element presented in the alloy. From a Fatigue ASTM E466. Standard practice for conducting
chemical composition point of view, mixed powder is allowed as force controlled constant amplitude axial
fatigue tests of metallic materials (high-cycle
long as its content meets the requirements set by the standard.
Other relevant parameters to characterise the powder degradation ASTM E606. Practice for strain-controlled
during the AM build cycles are the flow rate, particle shape, tap den- fatigue testing (low-cycle fatigue).
sity, size distribution, and entrapped porosity. Table 4 links each of ASTM E647. Test method for measurement of
these properties with their corresponding standard. fatigue crack growth rates (fatigue crack

3.2.2. Study 2 – Correlation between powder and bulk material in

terms of chemical composition
aircraft components. The porosity and the roughness typical of AM
While study 1 is based on powder characterisation, study 2
processes could be a risk for fatigue performance.
determines the chemical composition of the bulk material. The
The aim of this study is to know the influence of HIP treatment
chemical composition mentioned in the standard ASTM F2924
in the micro-structure and the tensile stress of Ti6Al4V grade 5.
refers to the processed material.
In addition, the powder bed location and build orientation of the
It is very important to characterise the powder’s recyclability.
witness specimens have been considered.
For this purpose, it is important to correlate, in terms of chemi-
cal composition, powder and bulk material, both before and after
the building process. The chemical tests presented in Table 4 were 3.2.5. Study 6 – Demo part validation
carried out on the bulk material. Non-destructive testing (NDT) techniques and methods are
needed to interrogate features that are unique to these parts, such
3.2.3. Study 3 – Bulk material characterisation into the key as fine scale porosity, complex part geometry, and intricate or inac-
factors cessible internal features. The overall goal will be to understand the
The aim of this study is to set up the behaviour of AM parts types of naturally occurring flaws produced during the AM process,
in the limits of the material. In the case, of Ti6Al4V, the oxygen what their effects are, and the suitable NDT for their detection. This
content is the criterion to distinguish between grade 5 for aircraft study includes:
application and grade 23 for health device application. Therefore,
oxygen content defines the allowed bulk-material range. • Chemical composition analysis.
For the use case, the material has been provided with an oxygen • Dimensional and tolerance analysis using structured
content of 0.14%, which is in accordance with the maximum content (laser/white) light.
proposed by the ASTM F2924 [26]. Table 5 describes all relevant • Visual inspection.
testing for this study. • Mechanical tests to check the mechanical properties of the part.
• Non-destructive testing (NDT):
3.2.4. Studies 4 and 5 – Post processes – Computerised tomography scan (CTs). It can be used to detect
Taking into consideration the high technical requirements from deep or embedded defects (like lack of fusion or porosity) and
the aerospace sector, final components will be subjected to heat confirm the effectiveness of the thermal post-processes like
treatments, like HIP, to release internal stresses, to improve the HIP. It is also useful to validate internal measurements and
mechanical properties and to avoid fatigue issues. The HIP pro- tolerances on the part without destroying it. The main disad-
cess on AM parts is essential both to reduce the porosity and to vantage of this technique is that it cannot detect defects smaller
eliminate internal stresses. Good fatigue behaviour is required for than 27 microns.
70 L. Portolés et al. / Journal of Manufacturing Systems 41 (2016) 65–75

– Dye-penetrant inspection. The roughness presented in AM Table 6

Interface testing.
manufactured parts is around the characteristic size of the
powder (20–60 ␮u). Once the part has been machined, this Test required Test standard
technique help us to detect micro-cracks. Static mechanical ISO 9015-1. Destructive tests on welds in
properties metallic materials – Hardness testing – Part 1:
The ASTM Committee E07 is currently working on a new Hardness test on arc welded joints.
Impurities and ISO 5817. Fusion-welded joints in steel, nickel,
standard for NDT on AM parts named “Standard Guide for Non-
defects titanium and their alloys (beam welding
destructive Testing on Additive Manufacturing Parts Used in excluded) – Quality levels for imperfections
Aerospace Application”. This standard will be focused on mature
materials (like Ti6Al4V) and AM processes (EBM or SLM). The NDT
that will be considered are: CT (finished metal part), Thermogra- confidence. The fourth element of process reproducibility focuses
phy Testing (finished and in-situ process), and Structured Light on the traceability of parts and the storage and sharing of the
(finished part). data used and produced throughout the manufacturing or repair
process. This requires a repository that stores all the information
3.2.6. Study 7 – Process reproducibility about the AM process, material, geometry (STL and sliced files),
The aim of this study is to demonstrate the reproducibility build samples, post-processing, and the build platform.
of the manufacturing and repair processes, that means that the
characteristic parameters of all the parts produced in any given 3.2.7. Study 8 – Material interface analysis
batch will be within tolerance if the same raw material is used, the Before repairing a part with AM technologies, it is essential to
same steps are followed, and the machines use the same settings. know if the AM material is compatible with the base material of the
This is a four-part problem in which the first step is to determine original part. For this reason, it is important to select AM materials
the probability distributions of the characteristics parameters of with good weld-ability with the part’s base material. Test sam-
the part (e.g.: dimensions, yield and tensile strength) assuming the ples shall be built following the repair procedure, in order to have
process is followed correctly. These deviations are caused by fac- macroscopic and microscopic characteristics similar to the original
tors that cannot be fully controlled and that affect the final product part.
(e.g.: temperature fluctuations of the melting pool, oscillations in After having reviewed all AM standards and due to the lack of
the chamber pressure and temperature). The second step is focused specific procedures for these technologies, it has been concluded
on establishing the correlation between the properties of the final that the best way to evaluate the level of interface imperfections is
part and those parameters that can be controlled and/or monitored by applying welding standards (see Table 6).
during the process (e.g.: chamber temperature, beam velocity). The aim of this study is the assessment of AM material which
This information will be used to determine which process data better fits with a specific base material, and to obtain optimal AM
have to be captured and analysed to ensure parts comply with their process parameters to achieve the best joining possible.
requirements. The reason these correlations must be understood is
that some properties cannot be tested without damaging the part
3.2.8. Study 9 – Machining the part and surface preparation
and rendering it unusable (e.g.: tensile strength, corrosion rate).
For AM repair it is necessary to control not only the position of
This can be achieved by performing sensitivity analyses by using
the failed part in the platform but also the cleanliness of the surface.
models and simulations, producing multiple samples and testing
All particularities of the machining of the part and some experi-
them, or by a combination of both techniques. The third step is to
ments of different surface preparation processes must be developed
determine the number of samples that will have to be inspected
to obtain a general procedure to guarantee a successful joining of
and tested from each batch in order to guarantee – with a certain
two materials of different natures.
level of confidence – that all parts meet the requirements. This is a
function of the part’s “criticality”. In the aerospace industry, there
are two particular tolerance intervals, called A basis and B basis, to 4. Results
determine the data requirements to satisfy the statistical method
employed. The A-basis value of a random variable is such that 99 This section presents and analyses the obtained results of the
% of the data will fall above the basis value with a 95 % level of proposed studies during the designed QP for the use case. Fig. 4
confidence. The B-basis is less restrictive, demanding that only 90% shows the witness specimens and parts manufactured following
of the data has to be higher than the basis value with a 95% level of the designed QP process.

Fig. 4. (a) A build platform. (b) Tensile bars with the microstructure and porosity coupons linked. (c) Chemical tests samples.
L. Portolés et al. / Journal of Manufacturing Systems 41 (2016) 65–75 71

Table 7
Analysis of impurities.

Reference Al V Fe Cr Co Cu Mo Ni Others

ASTM 2924 5.5–6.75 3.5–4.5 <0.3 <0.1 <0.1 <01 <0.1 <0.1 <0.4
EBM-Powder first processing 6.65 4.01 0.267 0.0039 0 0 0 0 0.0039
EBM-Test specimens 6.53 4.15 0.196 0.00507 0 0 0 0 0.0067

Table 8
Morphology analysis of EBM powder.

Reference Cylinder mass [g] Cylinder powder mass [g] Powder mass [g] Apparent density [g/cm3 ] Mass [g] Flowability time [s]

EBM-BP1 103.295 162.151 58.856 2.354 50.010 21.34

EBM-BP2 103.295 163.407 60.112 2.404 50.021 23.28

4.1. Results, study 1 and 2 Table 9

Mean values of porosity and bulk material with and without HIP.

After applying standards defined in Section 3.2.2 for the chem- Build cycle and orientation Porosity (%) Bulk material (%)
ical analysis of the raw material, it can be concluded that the BP0-XY, No HIP 0.0754 99.9246
small percentage of impurities is in accordance with standards (see BP0-XZ, No HIP 0.3267 99.6733
Table 7). Furthermore, the system is not going to process other BP1-XY, HIP 0.0002 99,9998
types of material. Thus, the only critical element that would change BP1-XZ, HIP 0.0033 99.8867
BP2-XY, HIP 0.0028 99.9972
its content once the powder was recycled will be the oxygen. In
BP2-XZ, HIP 0.0045 99.9955
other words, the oxygen content represents the most critical ele-
ment that needs to be assessed during the recycling operations.
After analysing the oxygen content through different build plat-
4.2. Results, studies 3, 4 and 5
forms, it has been concluded that all of them are below the upper
limit specified by ASTM F2924-14 (see Fig. 5). Each building plat-
For Ti6Al4V grade 5, the HIP process reduces the internal poros-
form use a different percentage of recycled powder, with the first
ity (see Table 9) of the witness specimens and parts. Micrographs
one as the only one with virgin powder. The second and the third
presented in Fig. 6 shows two test specimens where this effect can
build platforms use a 50% and 75% of recycled powder, respectively.
be appreciated visually.
Other powder characteristics that will affect the final quality
For Ti6Al4V grade 5, the HIP process almost completely elimi-
of the part in terms of porosity and dimensional tolerances, like
nates the internal porosity (see Table 9), which improves the fatigue
the flowability or the apparent density, have been evaluated for
behaviour of the part. Furthermore, the HIP process increases the
different building platforms (see Table 8).
columnar grain size both in terms of width and length. It also
increases the thickness of the ˛ phase along the build direction
(see Fig. 7(a) and (b)). In general, the size of ˛ phase colony is
very small and in the majority of cases, they are presented follow-
ing a Widmanstätten structure (see Fig. 7(c) and (d)). Not only ˛
phase concentration has changed after HIP, but also dislocations
density in the acicular ˛ phase grains has also been reduced [28].
This improves the ductility of the material (see Fig. 8(b)).
Concerning the static mechanical properties of the specimens
with and without HIP treatment, all of them are in accordance with
the ASTM F2924. Table 10 shows the results per build cycle consid-
ering the build orientation (horizontal vs. vertical). Values are the
mean of all witness specimens in the same direction per build-
ing platform. Fig. 8 (a) and (b) represents the mean value of the
mechanical properties comparing all specimens with and without
HIP treatment.
As it was expected from the changes in the microstructure due
to the HIP treatment (see Fig. 7), YS and the UTS were reduced,
Fig. 5. Oxygen content. and the ductility of the material were improved. Table 10 shows

Fig. 6. Porosity results. (a) No HIP; (b) HIP.

72 L. Portolés et al. / Journal of Manufacturing Systems 41 (2016) 65–75

Fig. 7. Individual columnar grains: (a) No HIP, (b) HIP. Thickness of ˛-plates: (c) No HIP, (d) HIP.

Table 10
Mechanical properties with and without HIP treatment.

Build cycle and orientation YS [MPa] UTS [MPa] Elongation (%) RA (%)

BP0-Z, No HIP 922.38 1012.05 15 40

BP0-XY No HIP 917.75 1018.69 15.5 43.5
BP1-Z, HIP 849.7 948.96 16.63 54.25
BP1-XY, HIP 837.46 953.13 14.25 39.5
BP2-Z, HIP 857.62 956.55 16.88 54.25
BP2-XY, HIP 861.77 968.85 17.25 55.75

there are small changes on the mechanical properties depending All dimensions are correct in the post processed part, with the
on the manufacturing direction. However, all of them are over the exception of the no-machined areas, where final roughness pro-
minimum established by the OEM. This feature resulting from the duced by the EBM machine is over that specified by the OEM.
manufacturing process, must be taken into consideration during
the design of the part to optimise its mechanical properties.
In conclusion, HIP treatment modifies the micro-structure and 4.4. Results, study 7
reduces slightly the static mechanical properties of the part. It
improves the porosity level (see Section 4.1), and thus the fatigue As it has mentioned in section 3.2.6, a statistical analysis of the
behaviour of the part. All values obtained are in accordance with resulting properties needs to be done for the manufactured parts
the OEM’s specifications. and samples. The variability of the resulting mechanical proper-
It is important to highlight the repeatability of the mechanical ties will be characterised under the B-basis criterion because if the
properties along the different build cycles achieved by the proce- studied part fails, the load will be distributed by other structural
dure. elements [29].
After HIP, the microstructure will be different and more uniform
through the part. This will make its mechanical properties homoge-
4.3. Results, study 6 nous through the specimens. Therefore, the statistical analysis over
the HIP processed specimens will be done taking into account the
The purpose of this study is to generate evidence necessary total number of them, 24. Fig. 10 shows the statistical parameters
to confirm that end manufactured parts conform to the specified associated with the data gathered. It can be appreciated that either
requirements. In addition to specimens characterisation in studies the YS or the UTS variability does not follows a symmetric distribu-
3, 4 and 5, a dimensional evaluation using a Coordinate-Measuring tion. In order to estimate the corresponding probability distribution
Machine (CMM) before and after post processing has been carried function (pdf) for each parameter, the following steps have been
out (see Fig. 9). followed:
L. Portolés et al. / Journal of Manufacturing Systems 41 (2016) 65–75 73

Fig. 8. Static mechanical properties with and without HIP treatment.

Fig. 9. CMM analysis on the final part.

74 L. Portolés et al. / Journal of Manufacturing Systems 41 (2016) 65–75

Fig. 10. Mechanical properties. Yield strength [MPa], ultimate tensile strength [MPa], Young modulus [MPa], and total elongation [%].

Fig. 11. Fitted cumulative distribution function. Young modulus [MPa], yield strength [MPa], ultimate tensile strength [MPa], and total elongation [%].

1. Build a hypothesis about the possible pdf. It will be called the Table 11
Mechanical properties and probability distribution parameters.
null hypothesis (H0).
2. Estimate the correspondent parameters maximising the log- Property Distribution K–S CV
likelihood of the observed data. Basically, it calculates the E Normal (115.17, 2.035) 0.132 0.269
distribution parameters that makes the observed data the “most YS Weibull (863.53, 85.66) 0.095 0.269
probable”. Based on the null hypothesis, a family of probability UTS Weibull (967.47, 93.39) 0.128 0.269
density funcation can be defined as a function of its parameter. A Normal (16.7, 1.41) 0.213 0.269

For example, it can be considered that the data follows a normal

3. Goodness of fit test. After fitting the data with one or more shows the correspondent cumulative distribution function (cdf) for
models, it is necessary to evaluate the goodness of the initial each mechanical property. As it has been mentioned before, the
hypothesis, i.e. how close the observed values are to those which Kolmogorov–Smirnov (K–S) goodness of fit test has been applied on
would be expected. The test evaluates the null hypotheses (H0) the distribution obtained [30]. As long as the K-S value is lower than
against the alternative (data are not drawn from the assumed the CV value, the initial hypothesis about the distribution cannot
distribution). It is necessary to specify a level of significance for be rejected.
the test, which is 95 %.
5. Conclusions
After applying the previous procedure to fit the probabil-
ity distribution functions that represents the variability of each EBM and some other AM technologies (e.g.: laser cladding and
mechanical property, the results in Table 11 were achieved. Fig. 11 WAAM) are currently used as a manufacturing processes for metal
L. Portolés et al. / Journal of Manufacturing Systems 41 (2016) 65–75 75

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