So N Ans Speaking

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Soạn ans speaking:

Code S2.1:

Part 3:

You work for Better Business Communications, a company which prepares business people
who are visiting your country for the first time. A group of top managers will shortly be
visiting your country in order to decide on the location of an overseas subsidiary. During their
visit, the managers will attend meetings with a number of business people, and be entertained
at their homes or in restaurants. They also plan to do some social visits and excursions. You
will run an informal business culture briefing for the management group, informing them
about aspects of business culture in your country and answering their questions.

Discuss the situation together and decide:

What topics will you include in the briefing about the business culture of your country?


In the briefing about the business culture of my country, I will cover some topics like
appearance, behavior, entertainment, meetings or business practice. For example, in terms of
appearance, in Vietnam, whether at work or meetings, men and women do not need to dress
in a certain format, casual clothes are also allowed as long as they are polite and appropriate.
Or about the behavior in business, there is no rule about how to address each other or how far
to stand next to each other, it depends on how close each employee is. Or for the meetings in
Viet Nam, there will always be one person in a meeting who has a higher status than the
others in order to conduct the meeting reasonably and effectively. Besides, this person also
has a greater influence on the transfer of opinions.

Code S2.2:

What kinds of jobs do young people like nowadays and why?


Honestly, I do not know how to answer this question as I believe there is no universal answer
to that. So, let me just answer based on my observation. The young generation likes to do
jobs that involve creativity and where they can work independently. They also look for jobs
that are well paid and require less physical effort. I suppose young people want to get a job in
the IT industry since there are countless opportunities in that field, considering that we are
now living in a digital age, where everyone is reliant on the use of internet technology, jobs
related to information technology are really popular and promising.

I would say it is labour job.. you know.. stuff like cleaners, builders and waiters. The reasons
are probably low salary and intense labour. In fact, many students work part-time as a waiter
and waitress but it is just a temporary job. As soon as they graduate from college, they will
compete to get a position in the office because white-collar workers are still more preferable
than blue-collar workers.

Communication skills are important in almost every job. You will likely need to communicate with
people on the job, whether they are clients, customers, colleagues, employers, or vendors. You
will also need to be able to speak clearly and politely with people in person, by phone, and in writing.

You will also likely need to be a good listener. Employers want employees who can not only
communicate their own ideas, but who also listen empathetically to others. Listening is a particularly
important skill in customer service jobs.

Code S2.3:

Part 2B:


Code S2.4:

An international drugs company is now facing an ethical dilemma. There is great interest for
a new drug for treating heart disease which is in the final stages of development. Up until
now, the test results have been impressive. However, the recent series of tests has produced
disappointing results. It seems that some patients have experienced severe breathing
difficulties and other unpleasant side effects after taking the drug. Should they make public
the results or should they withhold the information at this stage. You are a member of the
company’s board of directors holding a meeting about the ethical dilemma.

Discuss the situation together and decide:

How can you summarize the decisions reached and give reasons for the said solution?


I will write a report to summarize the decisions reached about the ethical dilemma. This
report will look at the new drug for treating heart disease as well as the recent series of test
results. About the findings in this report, since our experimentalists assure that the drug's
potential benefits are vast and the harmful effects are solvable, we agree that the test results
should be withheld from the public until we have resolved all the problems.
The reason for the solution that Azure mentioned above is completely understandable,
because business ethics is a top priority. If we insist on hiding the test results, the company
has violated business ethics, and it is possible that this drug will cause many bad situations
for patients when it comes to market.

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