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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 1

Grade 12

Name_________________________ Strand ________

Schedule ______________________ Date__________
Directions: Choose the answer that best completes the sentence. Write the letter of your answer
on the provided.

_______1. Whether reality consists of physical objectives only of non-physical objects only, or
of both physical and non-physical objects.
a. Logic b. Epistemology c. Metaphysics d. Ethics
_______2. Whether the mind is physical or not, properties of the mind, possibility of artificial
a. Philosophy of Religion b. Philosophy of Nature
c. Philosophy of Mind d. Philosophy of Science
_______3. The foremost philosophers of ancient times and manifested the Socratic Method.
a. Socrates b. Aristotle c. Plato d. Democritus
_______4. What must be done before confronting a person who verbally hurt you?
a. Talk to them with respect.
b. Decide to confront them in a proper way and in an appropriate place.
c. Get to know them first.
d. Be cautious when talking to them.
_______5. Choose the possible situations you can experience from a holistic point of view.
a. Not being sensitive to others’ needs
b. Assaulting human dignity through exploitation
c. Taking advantage of other people
d. Perceiving courage to take risks
_______6. It is most often used to mean being in accord with fact or reality, or fidelity to an
original or standard.
a. Facts b. Truth c. Fallacies d. Opinion
_______7. “All laws should be respected and obeyed. The law of gravity is a law. Therefore, the
law of gravity should be respected and obeyed.”
a. Fallacy of division c. Fallacy of appeal to force
b. Fallacy of accident d. Fallacy of equivocation
_______ 8. Which best explains the quotation given?
I suppose leadership at one time meant muscles,
but today is means getting along with people. ( Mahatma Gandhi)

a. Life for oriental thinkers and leaders is a translation of thought.

b. Life is a series of ups and down, of good and evil. All it is telling us is that before
we are able to experience bliss or complete happiness, we have to go through
difficult and challenging times.

Address: Mac Arthur Highway, Canarvacanan, Binalonan, Pangasinan

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c. Life is a series of ups and down, of good and evil. All it is telling us is that before
we are able to experience bliss or complete happiness, we have to go through
difficult and challenging times. Only then we could say that our victory is
d. Life is full of paradoxes, nobody could nor should control it.
______ 9. Suppose you want to prove that a certain animal ‘X’ is a duck. How will you
determine the following premises? Arrange the following premises (P): the animal
has a stomach; the animal has a reality TV show and is a primate; the animal
quacks; the animal waddles.
a. P1.The animal waddles, P2.The animal wacks, P3. The animals has a stomach,
P4. The animal has a reality TV show and is a primate.
b. P1.The animal wacks, P2. The animal waddles,P3. The animals has a stomach,
P4. The animal has a reality TV show and is a primate.
c. P1. The animals has a stomach, P2. The animal has a reality TV show and is a
primate. P3.The animal waddles, P4.The animal wacks,
d. P1.The animal has a reality TV show and is a primate.P2.The animal waddles,
P3.The animal wacks, P4. The animals has a stomach
______ 10. A student shall tell two lies and a truth about the picture below. Select the
best interpreted idea

a. The person on the left is absolutely correct; the person on the right is incorrect.
b. The person on the right is the one absolutely correct; the person on the left is
c. Both the person on the right and left are absolutely incorrect.
d. Neither of them are absolutely correct to entitle them to claim that the other is
incorrect. How we interpret certain matters lie on how we perceive them, and
entailed by this is our reciprocal responsibility to respect
opinions/ideals/principles no matter how they argue with ours.
______ 11. Human beings have a dual nature - one is the spiritual and immortal essence (soul).
the other one is empirical - life and character.
a. Hinduism b. Buddhism c. Christianity d. Islam
______ 12. The following are what essentially makes up a human person, EXCEPT ________.
a. Will b. Body c. Soul d. Spirit

______ 13. Why do some people fail to experience transcendence?

a. They have a feeling that it will not occur.
b. They are not meant to experience it.
c. They are not responsible.
d. They have a goal that is to challenging for them to achieve.
_______14. Buddha: Enlightened one:Nirvana: _______.
a. Law of salvation c. Forgiveness
b. Highest Happiness d. Freedom
_______15. Which of the following is not a possibility for transcendence?
a. Looking for help
b. Have a positive outlook
c. Tying to achieve a goal.
d. All of the above

Address: Mac Arthur Highway, Canarvacanan, Binalonan, Pangasinan

Telephone Number: (075) 637-6227
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_______ 16. Which of the following is best solution for environmental problem, lower biodiversity?
a. Spread awareness and avoid irresponsible, illegal catching and harvesting of
b. Awareness to avoid more extinction
c. Do not throw toxic wastes to bodies of water
d. Campaign to stop and know limits
______ 17. Philosophical view that believes maintaining order in the environment will bring
out the natural beauty of the surroundings and contribute to the well-being of the
people and other organisms living in it.
a.Environmental Philosophy c. Environmental Awareness
b. Environmental Aesthetic d. Biocentrism
______ 18. A person has developed the virtue (good habit) of _________ when he or she can
deliberate successfully in complex circumstances and would not be able to choose
the best and right means to achieve a good and worthy end or purpose.
a. Prudence b. Vulnerability c. Honesty d. Charity
_______ 19. Man’s nature is FREE but morally bound. This means that ________.
a. Man is accountable for his action.
b. He knows how to distinguish what is right and wrong.
c. He does what is right based on the expected norms of the society.
d. All of the above
_______ 20. A man who prefers to sleep rather than to watch a movie exemplifies _______.
a. Freedom of choice c. Freedom of accountability
b. Freedom of will d. Freedom of Intersubjectivity
_______ 21. A person’s freedom of action can only be justifiably limited only if the exercise of
such freedom will bring about harm to another person.
a. Greatest happiness principle c. Principle of fairness
b. Liberty / harm principle d. Principle of fallacies
_______ 22. Refers to the capability of persons to make choices and decisions based on their own
preferences, monitor, and regulate their actions, and be goal-oriented and self-
a. Consequences c. Dignity
b. Self-determination d. Externality
_______ 23. “Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you
a. St. Thomas Aquinas c. St. Augustine of Hippo
b. St. Augustine Aquinas d. St. Matthew
______ 24. Which one you used when you were very confused and which one you think
should be more followed when it comes to decision-making.
a. Brain and spirit c. Brain and senses
b. Brain and soul d. Brain and heart
_______ 25. Complete the concept map below, choose the best answer below.Write the correct
words on the space below.

a. Action, Will and Reason c. Action, Will and Choice

b. Action, Choice and Reason d. Will, Action and Reason

Address: Mac Arthur Highway, Canarvacanan, Binalonan, Pangasinan

Telephone Number: (075) 637-6227
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________ 26. It is a relationship that is established between two persons involved.
a. Inter-relationship c. Interconnection
b. Intersubjectivity d. Interaction
________ 27. When two persons are open and true to themselves, then they can have a good
result of dialogue at all times.
a. True b. False c. Maybe d. Maybe
________ 28. How do you apply pragmatism in your everyday life?
a. If you lost in a forest, and you see a path, you can believe one of two
b. To be happy, a person has to live a virtuous life
c. Only if we have empty hands can we receive full blessings.
d. Considers or discusses from a philosophical stand points.
________ 29. The following are categories of PWDs except ___________.
a. Hearing impairment b. Asthmatic c. Diabetic d. Impotency
________ 30. According to the following, what justifies the political power of the state is the
informed and voluntary consent that its citizens have given to the institution of
the state?
a. Divine Right Theory c. Consequentialist Approach
b. Social Contract theory d. Social Divine Approach
________ 31. According to this philosopher, the state is instituted by the rich among the
savages in order to protect their properties in light of perpetual conflicts,
bloodshed, and war, and to which the rest of the savages later on give their
a. Thomas Hobbes c. Jean-Jacques Rousseau
b. John Locke d. Immanuel Kant
________ 32. The primary means of subsistence of these societies is the domestication and
herding of animals.
a. Pastoral Societies c. horticultural Societies
b. Hunting and Gathering Societies d. Industrial Societies
________ 33. In what way do the modern period philosopher and scientific discoveries
transform us?
a. Multilateral interactions among global systems, local practices, transnational
trends, and personal lifestyles.
b. Technical improvements have made possible
c. A mechanization of labor that has resulted in mass production, the rapid
growth in per capita productivity, and an increasing division of labor.
d. It helps us to live more deeply and richly
_________ 34. It refers to the social conditions which enable persons and groups to fulfill
their goals and achieve well-being.
a. Social obligation c. Social equality
b. Common good d. Social authority
________ 35. It gives us the opportunity to pursue various activities to achieve our goals and
attain well-being or life existence.
a. freedom b. justice c. opportunity d. happiness
_________ 36. All living things strive toward their “end”. A child strives to be an adult; a seed
strives to be a tree.
a. True b. False c. Maybe d. Not at all
_________ 37. Which of the following concepts of human person exemplifies truth?
a. Man regardless of sex/gender exercises equality.
b. Human persons are given priority but they should not be given the chance to
hold a delicate task in terms of leadership.
c. Human persons may display limited capabilities; therefore they should only be
given task as subordinates

Address: Mac Arthur Highway, Canarvacanan, Binalonan, Pangasinan

Telephone Number: (075) 637-6227
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d. Special treatment should practice depending on the severity of their life.
________ 38. How do you define LIFE?
a. Life is happiness is not a destination, it is a way of life.
b. Life is like a turning wheel.
c. For as long as there is life, there is hope.
d. All of the above
________ 39. Desire is the fundamental cause of suffering. Therefore, extinguish the self,
don’t obsess about oneself. Give up all materials and possessions of the world
define solutions except__________.
a. There is suffering in the world. To live is to suffer
b. The cause of suffering is people’s desires for pleasure and material goods.
c. The solution is to eliminate desire and attachments.
d. When it is accepted it does not gives hope and trust that all can be brought well.
________ 40. Imagine you are holding the most precious item of your family. Check the box
if you think your response still embody prudence. Give at least one
consequence of your response in the given situation.
What would you do if someone suddenly snatched/ stole it from your grasp?



Address: Mac Arthur Highway, Canarvacanan, Binalonan, Pangasinan

Telephone Number: (075) 637-6227
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