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The definition of autonomous is a person or entity that is self-controlling and

not governed by outside forces.
autonomous is the adjective form of the noun autonomy. Which refers to an
individual’s or a region’s ability that act it’s own.
Autonomy can be described as the one’s live living according to it’s own
reasons and motives and cannot be manipulated by any other individual. In
simple words, living on its own terms and becoming one’s own person.

To be an autonomous person, one need to have a sense of self-respect and

self-worth and also have a good understanding of one’s own skills and attitude.
Some social circumstances can help us be more autonomous. To develop these
abilities and attitude a person needs to consider meaningful alternatives and
ways of thinking about what matters. Lack of meaningful choices and
oppressive social attitudes can make it harder to develop autonomy and to act
on our interests and values.

What we define a normal life today-? Is by earning a living, which basically

means that to live we have to earn money. This way of living is not only cause a
lot of stress to an individual but it also damaging our natural world. Sustainable
living is not much different, As it is just a way of doing things less bad than
before. As long as our homes are polluting the environment and we’re under
the constant economic stress we will not be able to live in harmony.
Imagine Autonomous living: A world that only focus on people and nature not
politics and economy. A world where resources are directly in the hands of
people not the governments & cooperations. A world where each home is a
self-operating organism that is capable of generating its own electricity,
processing its own sewage, producing its own water, growing its own food all
year around without relying on external support. Imagine a world free from
economical & ecological stress. Autonomous living can make a world better
place to live in.

The autonomy is important, as the individual can learn to make own choice
and decisions . And also they can stand up for themselves and lead lives that
are meaningful and worthwhile.




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