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901. She’d rather watch television, ______?

A. wouldn’t she B. didn’t she C. hadn’t she D. doesn’t she

902. If you give me a hand, then I shall be able to finish the work more quickly.
A. do me a favour B. take my fingers C. stand by meD. pick me up
Do sb a favour daành cho ai đặc ân
903. There has been a sharp _____ in the number of burglaries in this area recently.
A. increase B. surge C. result D. advance
904. She wants to go shopping, but she has hardly ______.
A. no money B. some money C. little money D. any money
905. Generally ______ learning a foreign language is interesting, but not easy.
A. spoken B. speaking C. speak D. speaks
906. Staying in a hotel costs ______ renting a room in a dormitory for a week.
A. twice as much as B. as much twice as C. twice more than D. as much as twice
907.______ had the curtain been raised than the light went out.
A. Only when B. Scarcely C. Hardly D. No sooner
908. Peter: “I enjoy listening to pop music.” Maria: “______.”
A. I don’t B. I’m, too C. Neither do I D. So am I
909. The change in timetable will ______ many students having to catch an earlier bus
A. mean B. lead C. result D. cause
910. Man’s use of colours ______ back to the time when men first used red and yellow clays to paint their bodies.
A. had dated B. dating C. dated D. dates

To date back to = to date from có từ

This church dates from the 15th century
911. They were fortune ______ from the fire before the building collapsed.
A. to rescue B. to have rescued C. rescuing D. to have been rescued
912. Jim ______ care of himself. He left home when he was 16 and has been on his own since then.
A. used to take B. is used to take C. is used to taking D. used to be taken
913. If coastal erosion continues to take place at the present rate, in another fifty years this beach ______.
A. won’t be existing B. doesn’t exist C. isn’t going to exist D. isn’t existing
914. These days women are not expected to stay at home ______ their mothers did in the past.
A. such as B. like C. as if D. as
915. Due to the storm, the flight to New York was ______ for some hours.
A. cancelled B. delayed C. stopped D. given up
916. The twins look so much alike that almost no one can ______ them ______.
A. tell – away B. take – on C. tell – apart D. take – apart
Tell A from B = tell A and B apart = tell the difference between A and B
917. A: “When is Mr. Fields planning to retire?”
B: “Soon, I think. He ______ here for a long time. He will probably retire either next year or the year after that.”
A. had been working B. is working C. has been working D. worked
918. They have made no ______ at all in our talk about a common agricultural policy.
A. gain B. progress C. profit D. success
919. She is not a teenager any more. She looks quite ______ now.
A. grown-up B. overgrown C. outgrown D. grown through
920. ______ of his childhood home in Hannibal, Missouri, provided Mark Twain with the inspiration for two of his most
popular novels.
A. He remembered B. Remembering C. Memories D. It was the memories
921. Jenifer is ______ in asking for bigger salary. She has worked really hard.
A. unreasonable B. reason C. reasonable D. reasonably
922. John has been looking for his car, ______ is light blue
A. whose its colour B. the colour of which C. of which colour D. which colour
923. We would contact your nearest relative ______ any accident occurring.
A. in place of B. in spite of C. on account of D. in the event of
In the event of + N = If + clause
924. Let’s begin our discussion now, ______?
A. will we B. don’t we C. won’t we D. shall we
925. ______ in astronomy, the discovery of Uranus was by accident.
A. Alike many finds B. Many alike finds C. It was like many finds D. Like many finds
926. Don’t try too hard. Don’t ______ off more than you can ______
A. eat – swallow B. eat – chew C. bite – swallow D. bite - chew
927.______ you read the instructions carefully, you will understand what to do.
A. Provided B. As much as C. As well as D. As far as
928. Ben would have studied medicine if he ______ to a medical school.
A. was admitted B. had been admitte C. had admitted D. would be able to enter
929. Brenda: “Do you think it will rain?’ Carol: “Oh! ______.”
A. I don’t hope B. I don’t hope so C. It’s hopeless D. I hope not
930. ______ having a well-paid job, she never has any money.
A. Let alone B. Despite C. For D. Even though
931. The robbers made the bank manager hand over the money.
A. The bank manager was forced to hand over the money by the robbers.
B. The bank manager was allowed to hand over the money by the robbers.
C. The bank manager was made hand over the money by the robbers.
D. The robbers helped the bank manager to hand over the money.
932. It was only because his wife helped him that he was able to finish his book.
A. Without his wife’s help, he couldn’t have finished his book.
B. If it weren’t for his wife’s help, he couldn’t have finished his book.
C. If only he had been able to finish his book.
D. But for his wife’s help, he couldn’t finish his book.
933. “Sorry, Madam. Looking after the garden is not my duty.”
A. He apologized for not looking after the garden.
B. He not promised to look after the garden.
C. He said that he was not responsible for looking after the garden.
D. He asked if looking after the garden was his duty.
934. Scientists say forests are being destroyed by air pollution.
A. Forests are said to be destroyed by scientists.
B. Scientists blame air pollution for the destruction of forests.
C. Scientists are blamed for destroying forests.
D. Scientists say there’s much air pollution in the forests.
935. Much as he loved her, he couldn’t forgive her for what she had done.
A. He didn’t forgive her for what she had done despite loving her very much.
B. He loved her so much, that’s why he forgave her for what she had done.
C. He didn’t forgive her for what she had done as he loved her very much.
D. She loved him very much, so he forgave her for what she had done.
936. My husband _________ down the tree. He says that it is perfectly all right as it is.
A. did not cut B. does not cut C. haven't cut D. will not cut
937. I _________ later that I __________ an out-of-date timetable.
A. found had used B. have found had used C. found has used D. have found use
938. __________ sighting an approaching car, some drivers tend to speed up.
A. When slowing down instead of B. Instead when slowing down at
C. When instead of slowing down D. Instead of slowing down when
939. The interviewer wanted to know __________ French.
A. If I spoke B. do I spoke C. do I speak D. If I spoken

940. __________ the hijacker plane landed, it was surrounded by police.

A. As soon as B. While C. Just D. Until
941. The flight was canceled __________ the weather conditions were bad.
A. because of B. due to the fact that C. thanks D. that
942. They asked me a lot of questions, _________ I couldn't answer.
A. all of whom B. that C. all of which D. who
943. She could not decide __________ to dive __________ to jump into water.
A. both or B. not only but also C. neither nor D. whether or
944. __________ the room, I noticed it had been renovated.
A. Entering B. Entered C. Having been entered D. Having entering
945. " Will the Jacksons be invited?" "I __________"
A. expect so not B. so expect C. not expect so D. expect so
946. The job was done __________, and we were extremely displeased.
A. incompetence B. incompetency C. incompetent D. incompetently
947. He will help you but only in an __________ capacity.
A. advisability B. advise C. advisory D. advisably
948. We drove at five miles an hour because the __________ was so poor.
A. visible B. visual C. view D. visibility
949. I had to look up the number in the telephone __________ .
A. direction B. directly C. directory D. directors
950. The fire was caused by an __________ fault in the television.
A. electrician B. electricity C. electrical D. electric
Electrical (adj) thuộ c về điện, có chuyên mô n về điện electrical engineer
Electric (adj) sử dụ ng nă ng lượ ng điện electric kettle/cooker
951. After feeling off __________ for days, Tom finally went to see his doctor.
A. food B. color C. fitness D. balance
To be/feel off colour = to be under the weather = not feel well
952. All those nights must be __________ their toll because Becky looks quite exhausted.
A. taking B. having C. holding D. keeping
Take one’s toll gâ y thiệt hại
953. Would you like to help me __________ these photocopies?
A. carry out B. give out C. bring along D. come across
To give out phá t
954. The robber was made __________ where he had hidden the money.
A. to confess B. confess C. confessing D. to confessing
955.__________ by a snake, I was rushed to hospital.
A. Bitten B. Having bitten C. Biting D. Been bitten
956. She strikes me as a very effective teacher.
A. My impression of her is that she is a very effective teacher.
B. As a teacher, she always strikes me.
C. She is such an effective teacher that she always strikes her students.
D. I make an effective impression on her teacher.
957. Mrs. Jones told me that her neighbors were moving to Florida.
A. Mrs. is planning to move to Florida with her neighbors.
B. Mrs. Jones and her neighbors live in Florida.
C. "My neighbors are moving to Florida.", said Mrs. Jones.
D. I knew that Mrs. Jones had moved to Florida because her neighbors told me.
958. Mrs. Smith is no longer beautiful because of her hard life.
A. Mrs. Smith is beautiful although her life is hard.
B. Mrs. Smith lives a long life because she is beautiful.
C. No longer is Mrs. Smith beautiful because of her hard life.
D. Although Mrs. Smith is not beautiful, her life is happy.
959. I hardly knew the people I was going to visit.
A. I knew the people I was going to visit very well.
B. I was not sure whether I knew the people or not.
C. The people I was going to visit were completely stranger.
D. I knew the people I was going to visit only slightly.
960. There's no point in persuading him to do this.
A. He is able to do this although he does not want to.
B. It would be useful to persuade him.
C. It is useless to persuade him.
D. I enjoy persuading him to do this.

961. “I will pay back the money, Gloria.” Said Ivan .

A. Ivan apologized to Gloria for borrowing her money.
B. Ivan offered to pay Gloria the money back.
C. Ivan promised to pay back Gloria’s money.
D. Ivan suggested paying back the money to Gloria.
962. France/ Independence Day / day / yesterday /.
A. The France’s Independence day was before yesterday.
B. The Day of the French Independence was a day yesterday.
C. French’s Independence Day was a day before yesterday.
D. France’s Independence Day was the day before yesterday.
963. hilltop/ have/ good/ view/ our village.
A. The hilltop can make our village views better.
B. From the hilltop, our village can be well viewed.
C. From the hilltop, we can have a better view of our village.
D. From the hilltop, our village can have a better view.
964. Last Sunday was ____ that we took a drive in the country.
A. so beautiful day B. such a beautiful a day C. such a beautiful weather D. so beautiful a day
965. The policeman wanted to know ____.
A. where he was last night B. where he had been the previous night
C. where he was the night before D. where he had been last night
966. Not until I arrived home ____.
A. did I remember about the umbrella B. I remembered about the umbrella
C. that I could remember about the umbrella D. then would I remember about the umbrella
967. ____ the worse I seem to feel.
A. When I take more medicine B. The more medicine I take
C. Taking more of the medicine D. More medicine taken
968. While attempting to reach his home before the storm, ____.
A. the bicycle of Trung broke down B. it happened that Trung’s bicycle broke down
C. the storm caught Trung’s bicycle D.Trung had an accident on his bicycle
969. People think that he was born in a rich family.
A. That is thought he was born in a rich family B. He was thought to be born in a rich family
C. That he was born in a rich family is thought D. He is thought to have been born in a rich family
970. “Why don’t you ask your boss for a raise?” he asked me.
A. He advised me to ask my boss for a raise. B. He suggested me to ask my boss for a raise.
C. He asked me why I don’t ask my boss for a raise D. He offered me asking my boss for a raise
971. Although he was very tired, he agreed to help me with my homework.
A. Tired as he was, he agreed to help me with my homework.
B. Despite being very tired, but he agreed to help me with my homework.
C. Tired though he was, but he agreed to help me with my homework.
D. As tired as was he, he agreed to help me with my homework.
972. I would prefer you to deliver the sofa on Saturday.
A. I would like you delivering the sofa on Saturday.
B. I would rather you delivered the sofa on Saturday.
C. I wanted to know if you can deliver the sofa on Saturday.
D. I expected you delivering the sofa on Saturday.
973. I’m sure it wasn’t Mr. Phong you saw because he’s in Hanoi.
A. It couldn’t be Mr. Phong you saw because he’s in Hanoi.
B. You mustn’t have seen Mr. Phong because he’s in Hanoi
C. It can’t have been Mr. Phong you saw because he’s in Hanoi.
D. Mr. Phong mightn’t see you because he’s in Hanoi.
974. ______ did Arthur realize that there was danger.
A. When he entered the store B. After he had entered the store
C. On entering the store D. Only after entering the store
975. After seeing the movie Centennial, ______.
A. the book made many people want to read it
B. the book was read by many people
C. many people wanted to read the book
D. the reading of the book interested many people

976. Many of the current international problems that we are now facing ______.
A. are the results of misunderstandings.
B. lacks of the intelligent capabilities of understanding each other
C. linguistic incompetences
D. are because of not understanding themselves
977. Le: “I can’t understand how you missed the exit.”
Linh: “Well, it was so dark that ______.”
A. we could see hardly the road signs B. we could see the road signs hardly
C. hardly could we see the road signs D. we could hardly see the road signs
978. George didn’t do well in the class because ______.
A. he was a badly student B. he studied bad
C. he failed to study properly D. he was not good studywise
979. After he ------------ his driving test he bought a car.
a. had passed b. pass c. passed d. passing
980. When I got to the office, I ----------- that I had forgot to lock the door.
a. realized b. had realized c. realize d. have realized
981. When she was 21 she -------------- across the United States.
a. drove b. drive c. driven d. was driving
982. He often ------------ so nervous before his exams.
a. feels b. felt c. was feeling d. had felt
983. How long have you ------------- he was a liar.
a. been knowing b. knew c. know d. known
984. I'm sorry. I don't understand what -----------------.
a. you say b. you're saying c. you will say d. you would say
985. ------------- to the radio when you get up everyday?
a. Do you listen b. Are you listening c. Was you listening d. Did you listen
986. My sweetheart --------------- smoking next week.
a. will give up b. is going to give up c. gives up d. gave up
987. There is no red wine? I -------------- white, then.
a. am going to have b. have c. will have d. am having
988. When the phone rang she ------------ a letter.
a. writes b. will write c. has written d. was writing
989. As the sun ------------ I decided to go out.
a. shines b. has shone c. shine d. was shining
990. I------------- your uncle tomorrow, so I'll give him your note.
a. have seen b. shall have seen c. see d. am going to see
991. -------------- study hard when you were at school?
a. Must you b. Had you c. Did you have to d. Were you
992. She is tired because she ------------- all day.
a. is studied b. has been studying c. had been studying d. studied
993. Has your teacher ever ------------ angry with you?
a. get b. getting c. got d. gets
994. He ----------
a. will be here soon b. will here be soon d. will be soon here c. be soon will ere
995. They------------ to the theatre twice so far this month.
a. are going b. go c. went d. have been
996. I know several engineers from ---------.
a. England b. the England c. an England d. English
997. Nobody likes ---------- bad news.
a. to be tell b. to be told c. be told d. tell
998. That lady is -------- one in this club.
a. prettier b. most pretty c. more pretty d. the prettiest
999. I'm thirsty. May I have something -------- to drink?
a. cold b. coldness c. coldest d. coldly
1000. Most people --------- advice but so few take it.
a. keep b. make c. do d. give
to take sb’s advice nghe theo lờ i khuyên của ai
to give sb advice = to advise sb khuyên ai
1001. I turned round and ---------- Paula.
a. see b. saw c. was seeing d. seen
1002. Why are you working so hard these days? Because I------------- a car, so I'm saving as much as I can.
a. am going to buy b. will buy c. buy d. was going to
1003. I -------------- Mary. Is she here?
a. look for b. was looking for c. looked d. am looking for
1004. This guide book -------------- full of useful information.
a. will be b. are c. is d. was
1005. I'm hot because I ------------- for hours.
a. have run b. have been running c. ran d. am running
1006. .. he and his wife . in their house for a long time?
a. Have/live b. Has/lived c. Have/lived d. Did/live
1007. "Who ------------ that horrible noise?" "It's Tom practicing the violin"
a. makes b. is making c. made d. has been making
1008. "What would you like to order, sir?" "I-------------the lamb"
a. have b. am going to have c. will have d. am having
1009. The shops-----------full of things to buy--------- Christmas comes.
a. are/ when b. are / if c. will be/ if d. is/ when
1010. What --------- you--------- at weekend when you were a child?
a. do/ do b. have/done c. did/ use to do d. did/ used to do
1011. Sorry. I------------ one of the nicest dishes.
a. have broken b. broke c. have been breaking d. had broken
1012. Here's my wallet! I-----------for it for ages.
a. had looked b. have been looking c. look d. looked
1013. Since we ---------- in the new house we ----------- very busy.
a. move/ are b. have moved/ were c. moved/ were d. moved/ have been
1014. -------- the moon last night?
a. Have you seen b. Did you see c. Do you see d. Had you seen
1015. When you --------- your work, you may leave the room.
a. will finish b. finishing c. finished d. have finished sua
1016. "What are you looking for?" "I can't remember where I --------- my glasses."
a. leave b. left c. had left d. was left
1017. I haven't heard from my son------------
a. for several weeks b. for several weeks ago c. since several weeks before d. since a long time
1018. "Why is Bill unhappy?" "Because his birds----------- away"
a. flew b. fly c. had flown d. have flown
1019. We _____ for three hours and are very tired.
A. are walking B. have been walking C. were walking D. had been walking
1020. Thanks to the laser beams, at last, he could get rid of the __________birthmark on his face.
A. normal B. abnormal C. abnormality D. abnormally
1021: _______________________ from Bill, all the students said they would go.
A. Except B. Only C. Apart D. Separate
1022: Not until a monkey is several years old ___________to exhibit signs of independence from its mother.
A. beginning B. does it begin C. and begin D. it begins
1023: These days almost everybody ___________the danger of smoking.
A. know of B. are aware of C. is aware about D. is aware of
1024: Had the drought not lowered the reservoir the ancient village_______________________
A. wouldn't be discovered B. wouldn't have been discovered
C. can't have been discovered D. can't be discovered
1025. It was not good to walk outside in ___________.
A. such a fearful cold B. such fear coldness C. such fearful cold D. so fearful a cold
1026: Mary: “ Do you think it will rain ? “ Jenny: “Oh ! ________”
A. I don’t hope. B. I hope not. C. I don’t hope so D. It’s hopeless
1027: It is believed _____________ causes insomnia.
A. too much caffeine which B. that too much caffeine
C. it in too much caffeine D. too much caffeine that
1028: The train accident _____________ the other train’s departure by a few hours.
A. sent back B. called off C. delayed D. retained
1029: Not only________ much bigger than any other planets, but unlike the planets, it consists completely of gaseous
A. Sun is B. the Sun, which is C. is the Sun D. that the Sun
1030: - “ More coffee?, Anybody?”
- “ ______________________________.”
A. I don’t agree, I’m afraid B. Yes, I’d love to C. Yes, please D. It’s right, I think
1031: . ____________ to the national park before, Sue was amazed to see the geyser.
A. Being not  B. Not having been  C. Have not been  D. Having not been
1032: She has to pass all her exams or _____________she would have no holiday.
A. instead B. else C. therefore D. though
1033: In America, when a woman and a man are introduced, shaking hands is up to a woman.
A. depends on B. replies on C. waits on D. congratulates on
1034: A few diseases are still___________in the world.
A. treatable B. untreatable C. treated D. untreated
1035: That beautiful girl died of a morphine____________. Sua
A. overweight B. overhear C. overdo D. overdose
1036: He __________________________me to believe that they had left the district.
A. made B. led C. assured D. confirmed
1037: He was completely_________________________by her tale of hardship.
A. taken away B. taken down C. taken in D. taken up
To take sb in = to take sb for a ride lừa ai
1038: Uncle Ho’s desire was that our country might______other countries in the world.
A. be fed up with B. make use of C. keep pace with D. take grand for
To keep pace with sánh kịp, bắt kịp
1039: Sarah is a young girl with________ and a straight nose.
A. almond-shaped eyes B. almond-eyed shape C. eyes shaped almond D. almond-shape eyed
Almond-shaped (adj) có hình quả hạ nh đà o ( đượ c coi là đô i mắ t hoà n hả o nhấ t)
1040: You shouldn't ___________ to your teacher like that. It was very rude.
A. have talked B. talk C. have be talked D. talked
1041: Don’t bother me while I___________.
A. am working B. was working C. will work D. will have completed
1042. A: "............" ~ B: "I'm going to see a band, Planet X. Want to come?"
A. Are you free this weekend? B. Which is your favourite band?
C. Why not coming over for some potluck? D. What are you going to do this weekend?
1043. A: Phu Quang’s staging a liveshow next Sunday. Will you come? ~ B: ".........."
A. Great! Been looking forward to it a whole month.
B. No. He's gone away with another girl.
C. My taste is not for classical music.
D. Really? He is said to have divorced to Ngoc Anh, isn't he?
1044. Getting a good job doesn't interest him.
A. He is good at getting a good job. B. He is only interested in getting a good job.
C. He isn't good at getting a good job. D. He isn't interested in getting a good job.
1045. Dad didn't intend to change his job.
A. Dad had intention to change his job. B. Dad didn't have intention for change his job.
C. Dad didn't have any intend to change his job. D. Dad didn't have intention of changing his job.
1046. It has been a long time since they met.
A. They haven't met for a long time. B. They didn't meet a long time ago.
C. They didn't meet for a long time. D. They haven't met since a long time.
1047. A. position B. resource C. preserve D. conserve
1048. A. downpour B. honour C. vapour D. odour
Mark the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.
1049. Whatever difficult he may encounter, he’ll try his best to overcome.
A. difficult B. encounter C. his best D. overcome
1050. The boy whom I told to on the phone last night is very interested in Physics.
A. whom B. told to C. on the phone D. very interested
1051. Both a term paper and a final exam is often required for a college class.
A. for B. is C. and D. required

Mark the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
1052. She thinks they look down on her because she didn't go to university.
A. look up to B. look on to C. look in on D. look up for
1053. He was imprisoned because he revealed secrets to the enemies.
A. betrayed B. concealed C. disowned D. declared
To conceal smth from sb giấu diếm ai cái gì
1054. They are now staying at a flat which is about.......from the safe sandy beach.
A. five-minute walk B. five-minutes walk
C. walk for about five minutes D. five minutes walking

A 5-hour flight/5 hours’ flight

A three- month holiday/ a three months’ hoilday
1055. The hut was.......into three connecting bedrooms; there was no corridor.
A. divided B. separated C. split D. cut up
1056. The factory has choose young, qualified people for the job.
A. privilege B. tendency C. trend D. preference
1057. Peter is sometimes unsuccessful because he's not.......of other people's opinions.
A. tolerate B. tolerable C. tolerance D. tolerant
To be tolerant of khoan dung, độ lượng
1058. This poem shows the wonderful.......of the poet.
A. sensation B. sense C. sensitiveness D. sensibility
1059. My father doesn’t like any kind of change. He’s his ways.
A. fixed B. set C. determined D. established
To be set in one’s way kiên định, bảo thủ
1060. His name was on the.......of my tongue, but I just couldn't remember it.
A. tip B. edge C. end D. point
On the tip of one’s tongue sắp nỏi ra, nhớ ra
1061. After Mary......her degree, she intends to work in her father’s company.
A. will finish B. finishes C. is finishing D. will have finished
1062. When I came to his house, I didn't see him. He.........
A. may be out B. might have been away C. must be absent D. can be away
1063. My phone is out of order, which is a..........
A. trouble B. harm C. error D. bother
1064. Teenagers often have some physical changes during the ....... from childhood to adult life.
A. obstacle B. way C. transition D. growth
1065. There is always.......traffic in the city centre in the rush hour.
A. strong B. big C. heavy D. full
1066. The size and shape of a nail depends primarily on the function ....... intended.
A. which it is B. for which it is C. which it is for D. for which is
Mark the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
1067. Hurricane Katrina will go down in the record books as the costliest storm ever faced by insurers.
A. decrease B. be less violent C. be remembered D. be forgotten
1068. We're still trying to iron out some problems with the computer system.
A. repair the iron case B. replace the hardware C. find solution to D. update with new softwares
1069. Donald heard the bad news. He could not help weeping.
A. Donald could not allow himself to weep at the bad news,
B. Donald could not stop himself from weeping at the bad news.
C. Donald could not help himself and so he wept.
D. Donald could not help himself because he was weeping.
1070. He is always busy. He has little time to relax.
A. Busy as he is always, he has to relax little.
B. Because he is always busy, he has little time to relax.
C. Although he is always busy, he has little time to relax.
D. However busy he always is, he has little time to relax.
1071._______we invested in telecommunications industry, we would be rich now.
A. Were B. Had C. Will D. Should
1072. It _______ these questions that are difficult.
A. are B. was C. is D. has
1073. Nobody answered the door, _______?
A. weren’t they B. were they C. did they D. didn’t they
1074. The number of the months in a year _______twelve.
A. was B. were C. are D. is
1075. Peter was absent; he _________sick again.
A. must have been B. must be C. must being D. must be being

1076. It is recommened that he ________this course.

A. taking B. take C. took D. takes
1077. He _______a large sum of money when his father died.
A. came out B. came over C. came into D. came off
To come into = inherit thừ a kế
To come out ló ra, xuấ t bả n
Come up to nả y ra, nghĩ ra
1078. There was a _________table in the kitchen.
A. wooden large beautiful round B. large beautiful round wooden
C. beautiful large round wooden D. beautiful round large wooden
1079. They had a ______ candlelit dinner last night and she accepted his proposal of marriage.
A. romance B. romantic C. romantically D. romanticize
1080. It is English pronunciation and phrasal verbs that _______ me a lot of trouble.
A. cause B. make C. get D. have
1081. If you _______ money to mine, we shall have enough.
A. add B. combine C. unite D. bank
1082. Alice said: “That guy is_______gorgeous. I wish he would ask me out.”
A. dead-centre B. drop-shot C. jumped-up D. drop-dead
drop –dead (adv) cự c kỳ, ngoạ n mụ c
drop-dead gorgeous cự c kỳ lộ ng lẫ y
1083. _______, he was unharmed after being struck by lightning.
    A. Consequently       B. Finally       C. Cautiously       D. Miraculously
1084. He lost his _______ when the policeman stopped him.
A. temper B. language C. spirit D. character
To lose one’s temper = to get angry tứ c giậ n
1085. Jenifer and Susan are talking about a book they have just read.
- Jennifer: “ The book is really interesting and it’s hard to put it down.” Susan: “_______”
A. Don’t mention it C. That’s nice of you to say so.
B. I couldn’t agree with you more. D. It’s alright.
1086. Andrew is talking to a waiter in a restaurant.
Andrew: "Can I have the bill, please?" Waiter: "______."
A. You are very kind B. Just a minute, please
C. My pleasure D. You're exactly right
1087. Unfortunately, I had to tell off John for his poor performance.
A. criticize B. encourage C. praise D. congratulate
1088. Before the interview, you have to send a letter of application and your résumé to the company.
A. recommendation B. reference C. curriculum vitae D. photograph
1089. After five days on trial, the court found him innocent of the crime and he was released
A. innovative B. naive C. guilty D. benevolent
1090.~ Man: "I heard you have a part in the school play tonight."
~ Woman: "Yes, and I’m on pins and needles."
A. nervous B. angry C. calm D. happy
Be on pins and needle bồ n chồ n
1091. Marry loved her stuffed animal when she was young. She couldn’t sleep without it.
A. When Marry was young, she loved her stuffed animal so as not to sleep with it.
B. As Marry couldn’t sleep without her stuffed animal when she was young, she loved it.
C. When Marry was young, she loved her stuffed animal so much that she couldn’t sleep without it.
D. When Marry was young, she loved her stuffed animal though she couldn’t sleep without it.
1092. Mrs Brown wants to buy the house. It was built two years ago.
A. The house Mrs Brown wants to buy built two years ago.
B. The house built two years ago will be bought by Mrs Brown.
C. Mrs Brown wants to buy the house which built two years ago.
D. Mrs Brown wants to buy the house built two years ago.
1093. The children couldn't go swimming because the sea was too rough.
A. The children were not calm enough to swim in the sea.
B. The sea was too rough for the children to go swimming.
C. The sea was rough enough for the children to swim in.
D. The sea was too rough to the children's swimming.
1094. People believe that 13 is an unlucky number.
A. People are believed that 13 is an unlucky number.
B. 13 has been believed to be an unlucky number.
C. It’s believed that 13 is an unlucky number.
D. It’s believed 13 to be an unlucky number.
1095. I have never seen this film before.
A. Never before have I seen this film. B. Never before I have seen this film.
C. Before have never I seen this film. D. Have I never before seen this film.

1096. He decided not to go to university and went to work in a restaurant.

A. Despite of going to university he went to work in a restaurant.
B. He went to work in a restaurant instead of going to university.
C. Instead of going to university, he went to work in a restaurant.
D. He decided to go to work in a restaurant because he liked it.
1097. The secret to success is hard work.
A. Working hard ensures... success. B. If you keep your work secret, you will succeed.
C. One cannot succeed if he has secrets. D. One must work hard to keep secrets.
1098. Rather than disturb the meeting, I left without saying goodbye.
A. I disturbed the meeting because I said goodbye.
B. I would rather disturb the meeting than leave without saying goodbye.
C. The meeting was disturbed as I left saying goodbye.
D. I left without saying goodbye as I didn’t want to disturb the meeting.
1099. You don’t try to work hard. You will fail in the exam.
A. Unless you don’t try to work hard, you will fail in the exam.
B. Unless you try to work hard, you won’t fail in the exam.
C. Unless you try to work hard, you will fail in the exam.
D. Unless do you try to work hard, you will fail in the exam.
1100. Marry loved her stuffed animal when she was young. She couldn’t sleep without it.
A. When Marry was young, she loved her stuffed animal so as not to sleep with it.
B. As Marry couldn’t sleep without her stuffed animal when she was young, she loved it.
C. When Marry was young, she loved her stuffed animal so much that she couldn’t sleep without it.
D. When Marry was young, she loved her stuffed animal though she couldn’t sleep without it.

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