Page 43 Clause 3.16: Amdt No. 1 Mar. 2001

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AMDT Page 43 Clause 3.

No. 1
2001 Insert the following paragraphs at the end of the Clause:
Steps, stairs, walkways, ramps and ladders forming part of a device traversed by patrons
shall conform to the geometric proportions specified in AS 1657 or the Building Code of
Australia, as applicable.
The structural design values specified in AS 1657, shall be applied unless the loadings
are assessed to be substantially different from those upon which AS 1657 is based,
whereupon structural details shall be sized according to the assessed loadings.
Where a walkway or ramp incorporates a single step with a rise greater than 215 mm, the
length of the goings (the landings both immediately before and following the step) shall
be at least 600 mm in order to provide sufficient space for patrons to recover if they trip.
Where boarding and exiting a car or gondola requires patrons to negotiate a step with a
rise greater than 300 mm, or it is necessary to step over a combing (e.g. the side of a car
or gondola) of height exceeding 300 mm, the designer shall provide appropriate
instructions/advice to the owner to ensure that appropriate assistance is provided to
prevent injury to patrons (e.g. sprains, trips, falls).
1 Where any step to board or exit the car or gondola of a ride exceeds 215 mm, handholds
should be provided.
2 Appropriate assistance may consist of providing instructions or physical assistance, as
recommended by the designer or manufacturer.
3 Any person providing physical assistance should be appropriately trained.

AMDT Page 50 Clause 5.3.1(b)

No. 1
2001 Add the following new sentence to the end of this Item:
All surfaces shall also be suitable for patrons with bare feet.

AMDT Page 50 Clause 5.3.1(f)

No. 1
2001 Add the following new Item (f) at the end of the Clause:
(f) Where indicated by the risk assessment, water depths throughout an aquatic
amusement device shall be clearly marked with signage which includes an
appropriate alert relating to the associated hazard.

AMDT Page 51 Clause 5.3.2(e)

No. 1
Add a new Item (iv) as follows:
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(iv) Depth of splash pools at the end of the water slide — at least 1 m at point of entry
from the slide.

AMDT Page 51 Clause 5.3.2(f)

No. 1
2001 Delete existing Item (ii) and replace with the following:
(ii) enough water to ensure that the required splash pool minimum depth is maintained.
AMDT Page 51 Clause 5.3.2 Note 1
No. 1
2001 Delete the existing Item (ii) and replace with the following:
(ii) The splash pool entry depth should be maintained for a distance of at least 6 m from the
slide exit, after which the splash pool floor may have a constant slope upwards to the
minimum water depth. The slope should be no more than 1 in 7. The water depth should
not increase between the slide exit and the closest egress point.

AMDT Page 55 Clause 5.7.2(a)

No. 1
2001 Delete the existing Item (a) and replace with the following:
(a) Guarding Guarding shall be provided to prevent wheels from riding up or
becoming enmeshed with the wheels or protrusions of other karts.
NOTE: Under certain circumstances, this may only be achieved by continuous perimeter
Guarding shall also be provided to prevent patrons or track attendants contacting
any hot or moving parts other than road wheels. In particular, guarding shall be
adequate to prevent the entanglement of hair.
NOTE: In respect to wheels, consideration should be given to minimizing the risks of
patrons or track attendants contacting protrusions or nip and crush points.

AMDT Page 57 Clause 5.8.2(a)

No. 1
2001 Delete the existing Item (a) and replace with the following:
(a) Guarding Guarding shall be provided to prevent wheels from riding up or
becoming enmeshed with the wheels or protrusions of other karts.
NOTE: Under certain circumstances, this may only be achieved by continuous perimeter
Guarding shall also be provided to prevent patrons or track attendants contacting
any hot or moving parts other than road wheels. In particular, guarding shall be
adequate to prevent the entanglement of hair.
NOTE: In respect to wheels, consideration should be given to minimizing the risks of
patrons or track attendants contacting protrusions or nip and crush points.
Accessed by UNIVERSITY OF BALLARAT on 11 Mar 2004
AMDT Page 58 Clause 5.9.2(d)
No. 1
2001 Delete existing Clause 5.9.2(d) and replace with the following:
(d) On any open side from which a patron may fall, the height of the bed or any other
surface, other than a side wall or barrier, shall not exceed 0.75 m measured to the
For each open side where the prospective fall height to the ground exceeds 0.5 m,
the designer shall specify the type and extent of soft fall (impact absorbing)
material to be placed on the ground at that side. The soft fall material specification
shall comply with AS/NZS 4422 for the fall height. The manufacturer shall supply
the specified soft fall material or shall ensure the designer’s specifications are
made available to the proprietor and the obligation to install and use such material,
as required under AS 3533.2, is noted within the operations manual.
1 The 0.75 m height limit applies to the fall height without the soft fall material in place.
2 AS/NZS 4422 should be consulted for advice on fall zones when specifying the extent
of the soft fall material.
3 Designers and manufacturers should take into account the probability that an inflatable
device will be set up on a variety of surfaces of differing impact attenuation
characteristics when specifying soft fall materials.
Where the internal provisions of the device can cause a patron to be projected
toward an open side (with a speed greater than that attainable unaided), the open
side shall either be protected by entry/exit barriers which form an integral part of
the structure or the device shall have sufficient clear run-out such that patrons
come to a stop before reaching any open side.
In any circumstance, a system shall be established to provide safe entry/exit where
the step height exceeds 0.2 m.

AMDT Page 58 Clause 5.9.2(e)

No. 1
2001 Delete the existing Item (e) and replace with the following:
(e) To minimize the risk of entrapment in an unintended collapse of the structure,
open-topped inflatable structures such as simple castle-types or similar and semi-
enclosed inflatable structures in which patrons are enclosed or partially-enclosed
on all sides, which may or may not have an overhead cover, shall include within
the air supply system an effective means to prevent backflow of inflation air in the
event of failure of the blower or its power supply. Such means shall maintain
sufficient air within the device to prevent a sudden deflation and provide sufficient
time for all patrons occupying the device at that time to be safely evacuated, or for
Accessed by UNIVERSITY OF BALLARAT on 11 Mar 2004

action to restore inflation to be carried out before there is a danger of entrapment

for any patron.
1 The use of pressure retention devices, compartmentalization of the device and
redundant air supply systems should be considered when satisfying these requirements.
2 Where the loss of the air supply may not be immediately apparent to the person
supervising patrons using the device and deflation may progress in a manner which
jeopardizes the timely evacuation of patrons, air supply monitoring or air pressure
monitoring device(s) should be installed. Such monitoring devices should provide
audible or visual warning to the supervisor so that the appropriate action may be
AMDT Page 59 Clause 5.9.4
No. 1
2001 Add the following after the word ‘structure’ in the second line:
and materials attached to or underlaying an inflatable structure

AMDT Page 59 Clause 5.9.5(b)

No. 1
2001 Delete Clause 5.9.5(b).

AMDT Page 59 Clause 5.9.5 (f)

No. 1
2001 Delete the existing Clause 5.9.5(f) and replace with the following:
(f) Fabric support A system shall be provided to ensure that, upon loss of air
pressure within the space occupied by patrons, the canopy remains supported with
sufficient clearances and for an adequate time to enable all patrons to evacuate,
and for the operator to ensure that the device is clear. If support is retained by air
pressure alone, any assessment of performance under this provision shall include
the effects of air loss due to openings at the point(s) of egress.
The designer of the device shall provide specifications for the level of inflation and
time required in emergency evacuation conditions, along with the methods for
testing evacuation provisions and the frequency for such tests.
Accessed by UNIVERSITY OF BALLARAT on 11 Mar 2004

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