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Sitero Francisco Memorial National High

Senior High School Department

The Effect of Social Media use on

Grade 11 and Grade 12 ICT A in
the Academic Performance,
In School Years
2022 - 2023

In Partial Fulfillment for the Requirements

in Practical Research 2

Leader: Dichronald V. Sumugat

Assistant: Torzar, Christian

Dalubatan, John Ryan

Gutierrez, John Christopher

Mascariña, Kenneath

Manalang, Kenneth

Quezon, Teejay

Escalante, Gabriel

Cu, Mario


Sumalinog, Maria Joy

Ygot, Joellamaye

Sitero Francisco Memorial National High
Senior High School Department

Title Page…………………………………………………………………………………………..


Statement of the
Significance of the
Scope and
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Senior High School Department

Definition of


Foreign Literature

Local Literature
Sitero Francisco Memorial National High
Senior High School Department


The Social media has become an indisputable part of modern life, dramatically altering
how people communicate and interact with one another. The Impact of Social Media on
Academic Performance has recently piqued the interest of researchers, educators, and parents
alike. Some studies suggest that students' grades and academic engagement may suffer as a
result of their use of social media, while others argue that it can be a valuable tool for learning
and collaboration. Whatever the specific findings, it is clear that social media has a significant
impact on education, and it is critical to understand and quantify this impact in order to
maximize the benefits while minimizing the drawbacks. One of the major concerns about
academic use of social media is the amount of time students spend on it, which can distract
them from their studies and result in decreased productivity. Furthermore, Secondary Major
Concern is the integration of Information and the makings to mislead others into desired
information for academic purposes. “False Information and Statements are easily circulated
without proper verification” Third Major Concern is privacy, Fake Social Media Accounts are
easily created the makings of privacy to a pretense is ongoing, The pretense of the make-believe
“Friendship” and the makings of social comparison thus centralizes on Social Isolation. There’s a
study that proves that it can contribute to an increase of depression and anxiety

– (Dr. Helm, K. 2022)

inappropriate content, cyberbullying, and social comparison can all contribute to stress and
mental health issues, which can have an impact on academic performance. Social media, on the
other hand, can provide students with new learning opportunities and resources while also
facilitating communication and collaboration with classmates and teachers. It can also assist
students in developing critical 21st-century skills like digital literacy and online research. As a
result, it is critical to strike a balance between the potential benefits and drawbacks of social
media in education, as well as to provide students with guidance and support.

Sitero Francisco Memorial National High
Senior High School Department


The study on the effects of social media on academic performance is crucial because

social media is a rapidly evolving technology that has the potential to both positively and

negatively impact student learning. By conducting a study on this topic, researchers can gain a

deeper understanding of how social media usage affects academic performance and develop

evidence-based strategies to optimize its use in education. This information can also inform

policies and guidelines for the appropriate use of social media in schools and other educational

settings. Furthermore, this study can contribute to the broader conversation about the role of

technology in education and the balance between its benefits and potential drawbacks.

And the study of the effects of social media on mental health is also critical because social media

is a rapidly evolving technology that has the potential to bridge connection to students’ that will

affect the individual both positively and negatively. Researchers can gain a better understanding

of how social media usage affects academic performance and develop evidence-based strategies

to optimize its use in education by conducting a study on the subject. This data can also be used

to inform the faculty and Student Officers for social media use in schools within Campus

Premise. Furthermore, this research can contribute to a broader discussion about the role of

technology in education and the trade-off between its advantages and disadvantages.

Sitero Francisco Memorial National High
Senior High School Department

Statement of the Problem

The study's problem is to investigate the impact of social media usage on student
academic performance. The goal is to determine whether social media has a positive, negative, or
neutral impact on students' academic achievement and to comprehend the mechanisms that cause
this impact on their Academic Performance this year, 2022 – 2023 during post subject hours
when Teachers have left the class, we suspect a high case that the Class will alleviate their
tedious free-time to lounge on their gadgets.

This Study reaches out to answer the following questions:

1. What are the problems in terms of Social Media?

1.1. Which of the following social media did students usually use?

2. What is the impact of Social Media on the Students’ Academic Performance?

3. Did Social Media affect the students’ Mental & Physical Health?
3.1 What is the Time Duration average of the Students’ Social Media use?

4. Did Social Media stamper the Students’ studies?

4.1. Does the presence of online distractions (e.g., notifications, ads)

while using social media affect academic performance?

5. What will be the percentage that Students’ are susceptible to be addicted in

Social media?
5.1. To what extent does social media use interfere with academic
activities such as studying or attending classes?

Sitero Francisco Memorial National High
Senior High School Department


Social Media show significant results in Information Literacy and affect Students’ Mental

Social Media show no significant results in Information Literacy and doesn’t affect
students’ Mental Health

Significance of the Study

This study deemed beneficial for the following:

This Study will determine their use of gadgets, reflect over their use of time, In the Class
there is only self-reflection within the volition of one’s own choices, And with that
freedom of possessing a gadget.

This study will give us guidance in the Teachers of their insight and perspective to bridge
one another’s understanding about how Social Media affects the students’. Which is
essential to guidance to set out findings and a few given examples of behavior patterns of
the Students.

This Study will raise awareness to The Parents concern of their children’s Academic
Performance which are their personal priorities. This will serve as a bridge of connection
if they gave the accommodation of their Children’s wants in order to alleviate their

Future Researchers:
This Study will help the future researchers who are in the strand of ICT, A guidance and
to broaden their knowledge and shape their understanding to keep in mind that, The
Gadgets may be of help to extend further reach beyond imagination and communicate out
one another, As Technology is the alternative to flourish one self of knowledge, And that
the Gadget will affect its user, By means of entertainment and its given services. All there
is to it, Is how to integrate the given information.

Sitero Francisco Memorial National High
Senior High School Department

Scope and Delimitations

The scope of this study aims to examine the impact of social media usage on academic
performance among Grade 12 ICT students. The research will focus on the types of social media
platforms used, frequency of usage, and the extent of their effect on academic performance in
terms of grades and studying habits.


The Delimitation is the study will be limited to Grade 12 ICT Students of Sitero Fransisco
Memorial National High School. The research will only consider the use of popular social media
platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. The investigation will only
measure the effects of social media usage and information literacy on academic performance in
terms of grades and studying habits, and with the least aspects of students' lives.

The study will consider the effects of other potential factors that may influence academic
performance, such as family background, personal motivation, or access to educational
resources. And thus the study size sample is the Grade 12 ICT A and their prior to social media
use and how does it affect their Academic Performance and so as their Mental Health, as the
venue will consist of questionnaires regarding sections to determine their average hours and their
satisfactory levels via pie graph in the questionnaire for variables that each are distributed within
the classroom of Grade 12 ICT A the questionnaires will be given within days Mid/Late-March
the Objective consists prior to determine the average of an ICT A Students’ duration of Social
Media usage and thus Researchers will be conducted through Purposive Sampling.

The research is designed to determine The Relationship of Social Media use in Grade 11
& 12 ICT A in their Academic Performance, and reach under 3 objectives:
Sitero Francisco Memorial National High
Senior High School Department

1. Collection and gathering of data of the students’ (General Average, Profile)

2. Percentage Calculation from close ended questionnaires given to the students regarding
of Social Media Experiences. (Computation of Pie Graph Percentile differentiating 2
variables, Mental Health Section & Information Literacy section )

3. Computation of Average hours of Social Usage duration (via. Pie Graph Percentile)

Conceptual Framework
A conceptual framework for the effect of social media on academic performance could include
the following components:

Social media usage: This refers to the frequency and duration of time spent on social media
platforms by students.

Academic motivation: This refers to the level of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation that students
have to engage in academic activities.

Distraction and procrastination: This refers to the tendency for social media use to distract
students from academic tasks and lead to procrastination.

Time management skills: This refers to the ability of students to allocate their time effectively
between academic tasks and social media use.

Study habits: This refers to the strategies and techniques that students use to prepare for and
engage in academic tasks.

Cognitive abilities: This refers to the mental processes and skills that are necessary for academic
success, such as attention, memory, and problem-solving.

Academic Performance: This refers to the outcomes of academic activities, such as grades, test
scores, and completion of assignments.

Sitero Francisco Memorial National High
Senior High School Department

These components can be connected in the following way: Social media usage can have a
negative impact on academic motivation and lead to distraction and procrastination, which can
harm time management skills and study habits. However, if students are able to effectively
manage their social media use, it may have a positive effect on their academic performance by
enhancing their cognitive abilities and promoting better study habits.
Input Process Output

 Validation of  Quantitative  Questionnaire Survey

Questionnaires Record(s) of students
prerequisite of the
 (Average Hour
 Quantitative  Information
Record(s) of Selected Computation Record
students of Students

 (Computation Pie  Conclusion of the

Graph) Differentiate effects of Social
the Percentile between Media use of Grade
those affected by 12 ICT A in their
Social Media in Mental Academic
Health. Performance

Chapter II: Review of Related Literature and Studies

Sitero Francisco Memorial National High
Senior High School Department

Before the research is implemented, the importance to review on related literatures under
the same topic and study investigations are essential. A guidance to present reviews in. Concepts,
Approaches, Data and Gathering Techniques, findings and analysis related to the research
regarding in “Information Literacy” and “Mental Health” on the awareness of Senior High
School ICT A Students’ usage of Social Media are divided into few mixed parts of: Foreign
Related Literature/Studies and Local Literature/Studies.

Foreign Related Studies

I. A related study "The Impact of Social Media on College Students" by Jessica P. Moreno
and Krista D.Wilkinson (2011). The study surveyed college students to understand their
social media habits and its impact on their academic performance. The results showed
that students who used social media for non-academic purposes, such as checking
updates or connecting with friends, had a negative impact on their GPA. On the other
hand, students who used social media for academic purposes, such as communicating
with instructors or accessing course materials, reported higher GPA. The study concluded
that the relationship between social media use and academic performance is complex and
dependent on the purpose of social media use.

II. Another related study is "Social Media Use and Academic Performance: The Mediating
Role of Mind Wandering" by Zhi-Wen Feng, Pei-Chen Sun, and Jia-Jia Chen (2018). The
study explored the link between social media use and academic performance, and the role
of mind wandering as a mediator. The results showed that social media use was
negatively associated with academic performance, and that mind wandering played a
significant role in this relationship. The study concluded that excessive social media use
can lead to mind wandering, which in turn, can negatively impact academic performance.
The results highlight the importance of managing social media use to minimize its
potential detrimental effects on academic achievement.

III. According to Alkan M. & Meinck S. 2016 study of “The relationship between
students’ use of ICT for social communication and their computer and information
literacy”. The importance of Social Communication in their daily life is evident, The use
of communication and their computer and information literacy contributes a deeper
Sitero Francisco Memorial National High
Senior High School Department

understanding of this relationship. The form of questionnaires that are used by other
studies relates to include questions related to Students’ background characteristics, their
experience and use of Computers and ICT in order to finish different range of tasks
within and out of school premises, And their behaviors towards Computer and ICT. Thus
the goal is to utilize the variance that are likely to undergo within the said “Computer and
Literacy” (CIL) scores, As of Grade 12 ICT A The population of males are larger than
the females, Compared to Grade 11 ICT.

IV. Moreover another Foreign Study also comes to also focus related to our study of Social
Media it’s negative aspects, under the article of “Social Media and Mental Health“
claims that multiple studies found a strong link in heavy social media susceptible to
increased risk of depression, anxiety, loneliness and self harm, where it escalates to
worse, “Suicidal Thoughts”. (Robinson L. & Smith M. 2022) conclude a use of Likert-
type scale included to our research instrument to measure dimensions of students
conditions, and quality of social life, In order to obtain the structure. (Maglunob J. A. &
Pega, E. pp. 7).

V. Under another study will indicate the details regarding the type of questionnaire to be
distributed prerequisite to computations of variances, as Primary Data will be from the
Questionnaires, under (Dr. Priya V.K. 2020) 90 MBA students under Simple Random
Sampling method given of distributed structured questionnaires where the first section
consists of questions on demographic data and the second section comprised of choices
of questions to construct the pattern of social networking usage, time spent, everyday
activity in social networking sites. And to conclude our considerations to use this tact,
Compared to our operation to comprise a Purposive Sampling Method, as will take
attempt undergo the same method to create and comprise sets of demographic data and
structured questionnaires in separated sections.

Local Related Literature

I. A related literature conducted in S.Y. 2018 – 2019 “The Relationship between

Computer Gaming Addiction and Overall Academic Performance of Selected Grade

Sitero Francisco Memorial National High
Senior High School Department

9 Students in (SFMNHS)” by Santos, C.D. & Dizon, Z.P. states “that gaming has
received attention not only from the Media, but also from psychologists, psychiatrists,
mental health organizations and gamers themselves”. Thus relates to one of our
understanding within “Social Media” gaming is a virtual community itself and a
becoming of a case attention that also hinders Academic Performance, And moreover to
determine if “Gaming” also affects within the said variables, Before the comprise of
questionnaires “Gaming” related issues will be added and also undergo to be validated.

II. Another study claims that Social Media can possibly affect the Academic Performance of
The Students’. Social Networking sites may give good effects, Unbeknownst to the
students, there will be bad effects as well, again, The usage of SNS during Class Hours to
comment or posting. Upon their observation the academic performance of these students
showed gradual decrease specifically after-class, discussion quiz, absent mindedness, and
memory loss during recitations. Thus, The Researchers intended to determine if Social
Media frequency use affects the Academic Status undergo of Descriptive Research,
Statistical, and characteristics about the population phenomenon under the 4 W’s and 1 H
(Who, What, When, Where, and How). Whereas, Comprising of Data Description is
factual and systematic, And where the Description is the frequent averages and other
statistical calculations. (Cabral, A.P & Gonda J.V. 2016)

III. A study also claims the profusely widespread of social media opened multiple reading
opportunities for learners. Where the Educators have growing concern that excessive use
of Social Media affects the Students’ reading competence and to Academic Performance,
Where they applied a mixed-method approach both Quantitative and Qualitative to the
study on 101 first-year higher education students in a state university in the Philippines,
The Data Collection was analyzed by a version 26 of the Statistical Package for Social
Sciences (SPSS) Software. Interview answers were qualitatively analyzed as Social
Media Platforms (SMPs) were least used for educational purposes, Students showed
positive reading attitudes emphasizing their accorded importance to reading and finding
happiness to learn new things. (Gagalang, J.L. 2022)

IV. In another study with correlational research design was used in the study, technique used
to evaluate the data obtained from the senior high school online survey high school
students from Tanauan City Integrated. Additionally, a Pearson correlation was used in
this investigation, to evaluate whether there was a significant association. The findings
revealed that there is no significant relationship.
between respondents' exposure to social media and their level of knowledge of societal
concerns in the nation. However, there is a substantial link between the respondents'
social media accounts, exposure and their level of extreme participation. This study
illustrates how a larger and more comprehensive increased knowledge of young radical
political activism linked to broader Social media usage metrics can help us better

Sitero Francisco Memorial National High
Senior High School Department

understand the function of digital platforms in influencing people, Political participation

and awareness among the internet generation. (Ibardeloza, K.B. & Badillo, L.T. 2022)

V. Another study where, their goal is to determine the mental health state of Filipino college
students and to calculate how the COVID-19 epidemic, the move to online learning, and
social media use would affect mental health. Additionally, factors or pressures that
affected college students' mental health during the COVID-19 outbreak, the ensuing
quarantine, and the transition to online learning will be looked into. Thus A mixed-
method study approach employed, including (1) an online survey distributed to 2,100
college students across the Philippines; and (2) randomly chosen 20-40 key informant
interviews (KIIs). Where they “will employ an online self-administered questionnaire
(SAQ) that includes the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (DASS-21) and Brief-
COPE.” Furthermore, socio-demographic characteristics, social media usage, and a move
to online learning elements are also considerations. (Lim, L.T & Regencia, Z.J 2022)


 Types of Social Media Problems Today

Sitero Francisco Memorial National High
Senior High School Department

 The Pro’s and Cons of Using Social Media

 Social Media and Mental Health


 “The relationship between students’ use of ICT for social communication and their computer and
information literacy”

 “Computer Literacy as a correlate of Computer System Servicing Performance of Grade 11 ICT

Students in (SFMNHS) S.Y. 2018 – 2019”
(Maglunob, AJ. A. & Peca, E.C.)

 Impact of Social Media on Mental Health of Students


 Effects of Social Media to Academic Performance (College of Criminology Research Journal Vol, 7.

 Students' Exposure to Social Media and Their Radical Involvement on the Societal Issues in the

 Assessing the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic, shift to online learning, and social media use on the
mental health of college students in the Philippines: A mixed-method study protocol

Definition of Terms

Sitero Francisco Memorial National High
Senior High School Department

 Social Media – The Centralized Topic it refers to how the variables of Students’ are
affected by Social media in their (Average Hours of Usage) and resulting to their mental
 (GPA) of the students – A variable that refers to the General Average Performance of
students in the first semester of Grade11 & 12 ICT in School Year 2022 – 2023, affected
in their usage of social media.


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