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-keep it broad
-to approach 3 different categories:
content interview
plan table of contents for the e-book
weave in a good case study from atleast one of those categories
-Mike brings stability
-Chaos is focused on costs and customer demand
-customers -> selling business to business
-customers -> selling direct to end consumers
-in terms of geographic area: to target the full state
-West (more traffic congestion but a lot more opportunitites)
-Making sure that the employee relationship is solid enough
-Plan calendar, a couple of weeks ahead of time on pre scheduled projects, the easier to batch things
-Goal: reduce the noise and noises
-Big noise is emergencies
-discussion with Mike to upgrade router and reduce cost and downtime
-the key to giving us the flexibility to use it for the 3 sub verticals was still not disqualifying
and other manufacturing company that's not in plastics or a brewery or cannabis is using those used
cases internally within the book
-there's a good excuse to use it as b;ack and social content but enough flexibility, wider
-So when we get them all excited that they've seen this great piece of content,
the thing they should be thinking about is, you're going to provide them a better service
to be more knowledgeable and more professional for IT support, consulting services, for projects, and
ongoing managed IT services.
-bullet point wise - make sure that we typically 80 or 90% of the book, is focused on educational
content towards, as we come down into the eighth and ninth
and to make sure that we start turning it in that direction
-a little more of your business model goals
-more natural call to action at the end to bucket consultation
-"How Cleartech Group Can Help" -> 3 things here encapsulate pretty well what you're trying to
-the synergy of aligning on business goals and their objectives, the business process, the impact that IT
has on their business growth, to prioritize IT investments?
-more clearly communicate that is how they structure their management team, like their COO, head of
the manufacturing
-If you're ideally looking for clients, where you're sitting immediately at that same level, as opposed to 2
or 3 levels down, so they look at you, and look at your team as a replacement for having a CIO or CTO on
-Josh: other MSP's do that are clear on that, is messaging around the outsourced or virtual CTO or CIO
-it's by developing processes and figuring out a way to efficiently deliver pieces of it on a recurring basis,
that doesn't require you sitting physically in their office for a couple of hours every day, or a couple of
hours every week
-Josh: the other part too that may help is because you're so closely focused on just these two business
Is LinkedIn groups, blogs, other resources.
Like, what does a CTO for a small manufacturing company or mid-sized manufacturing company see us
What is the CTO for a mid-market construction company doing as priorities?
there definitely are conferences that are putting together even some of the stuff that showed up in our
personas except they're targeting a dedicated IT person as to, in most.
They need to have a real CTO
-Josh: The other interesting argument with that from a sales perspective when you get further along, is
exactly the typical thing that comes up with outsourced marketing.
-The reality, though, is you don't have the need or the budget for a full-time network manager or a full-
time PC Support Person, or a full-time developer.
What you really need is 10 to 25% of each of these.
And that's where the outsourcing model starts to make way more sense.
Because when you start to figure, when you really do a deep dive, site survey needs analysis
consultation to figure out what they really need from a tech perspective.
-Objections: goal with all of this is to get them on obsessed with costs to recognize it.
that costs are part of it.
-the reality is Cleartech is doing it's job, it should be focused on helping grow the business and drive
-that's where the examples, that's where the case studies will be able to do the heavy lifting for you.
-gets you out of the vendor box to the partner box
-in appendix, it's great for research
-If you want to join some of these, the reality is, most of the most cases, I'm using these to build out ad
campaigns and LinkedIn targeting for text ads and targeting for sponsored posts.
(everyone of these, to the extent that we can use them, some of them, we definitely can use.)
-like facilities in furniture, food packaging professionals, might be interesting, but it's food packaging
professionals in Massachusetts, in companies, with 10 to 50 employees, or something like that.
-Conferences: moving virtual, if the business survives, a lot of conferences are not going to survive
manufacturing publications.
-like with all of this, we went after those three specific segments.
-reality is to use those targeting vectors
Because there'll be content in the button, content, and landing page about it.
-keep it broad enough, so that we can hit all manufacturing companies, with the title, with the landing
-Josh: The only time that I tend to theirs to vastly different sectors, for at least the kind of stuff that I do
with legal, is B2B versus B2C, B2C almost never works.
-within this, as, we start to see the leads that are coming in and that's where the, everything really starts
to come together as in six weeks or so, when the stuff starts to go live and the LinkedIn ads are
-And we start to get a handful or two of fleets every week.
-You'll start to see, like, where they're coming from. (are they coming from the three intended target?)
So they, coming from the right Geographic Areas, over time, we want to also get tighter on the roles, but
early on, if we can get people from anyone from the right size company and the right size geography.

-Charlie ended up being a little broader than we had originally anticipated just, because when you first
think of construction, that's, like, maybe you think of residential construction versus commercial
-broaden this too
-Go wider to include different types of engineering company, or subset of engineering
-Basically, it's a construction company and anyone that would be in that same ecosystem as a referral
partner, A master contractor subcontractor of a construction company.
-the content strategy, like the working title, the headline will go after construction in Most of the state.
-we'll try to infuse some of these different use cases as examples within the 8 or 10 topics that we cover
within the book itself.
-needs to stay on budget, needs to stay on schedule
-it's anything that you can do to help them work more efficiently and be on time.
-We don't want to disqualify too early, because there's a very good chance that a lot of the employees
aren't showing up on LinkedIn, is in place.
-So even a company that's showing 10 or 12 employees connected on LinkedIn, may have dozens, or
even hundreds It depends on.
-a question or conversations coming up during the sales process, maybe in your like intake or
assessment survey or something like that, figuring out aside from the headquarters locations where all
the field locations are.
So, you can proactively know if you need to find a subcontractor out there before that synergen or
emergency issue.
-in terms of charlies goals, productivity, being able to communicate more effectively, safety, compliance,
quality, hiring, remote, and securing of new clients and scary new projects like on the business
development side.
-Charlie gets stuck, is he's not that knowledgeable on IT's trying to grow a construction company or an
engineering company.
Managing subs and construction site operations has a lot of moving parts.
-"How Cleartech Group Can Help" - Similar to manufacturing, consulting, helpdesk, monitoring devices,
maintenance, and managed services.
Is this, again, another one of those areas where, if you think through the CIO, the CTO. Is that something
that's going to help improve your positioning?
So you get out of the cost conversation's quicker?
-the overall, the goal is to get out of the way we're cautious the conversation, but the reality is talking
about how IT is going to be used as a growth engine.
To allow their employees to get a lot more done, to reduce errors to efficiency, drive revenue.
-the key with all of this is getting more deeply intertwined in business problems as opposed to just
-Love to figure out what the title, whether we want to put engineering, and there besides construction,
or leave the focus primarily on construction, and let them see, let them kind of draw their own
inferences on how to connect together, to see, as I work through the strategy, in the next week or two
-goal is to keep iterating on that
-The other learning opportunity I'm looking at, those initial reviews, is, I always ask an open-ended
question on a form, like, What's your biggest manufacturing technology challenge? What's your biggest
construction technology challenge?

next step: will be getting folded into your blueprint over the next two weeks when we come back on the
26th, We'll go through that.
And just like with the personas, the goal is to get that to you at least a day ahead of time. So you have
time to look at through the plan, but it will recap kind of the traffic generation strategy, the lead
generation strategy and the opportunity generation strategy.
-cover keywords, working titles, blogposts for each buyer personas and startegy for lead generation
-the best way is almost always sales outreach
-ask them some questions about what resonated with them, what they found most relevant to what
they're going through, and especially when you're talking to kind of use cases explained in the book
about how they're currently addressing these over time.
-in terms of the lead flow that I'm looking to deliver, usually my goal is to get to the point we're
generating about 25, 30 inbound leads within a month or two of launching.
-the goal is to use content as the attractor to get someone in
-The key is to try to catch someone before they've moved on to 10 other things, and they completely
forgot about it.
-The best practice for full-time sales development is getting to someone in minutes.
-Feb 26, 10:30 (meeting with Josh)

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