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Full name: ...............................................


Class: ...................................................... Time: 45 minutes
1. Listen to Son and Peter talking about the most important inventions of the 21th century.
Fill each of the gaps with no more than THREE words and/or a number. You will listen

  Facebook Youtube Google Driverless Car

Year of
(1) ______ (2) ______ 2012

It (3) ______
Usage World most popular (4) Change the way people (5)
1.6 billion people around
_______. ______ the city.
the world.

2. Listen to Annie talking about the Internet. Decide if the statements are true (T) or false
(F). Circle T or F. You will listen TWICE.

1. Annie thinks the Internet is the greatest invention.  T 
2. Annie does her homework on the Internet.  T 
3. Annie loves emails.  T 
4. Annie spends little time on the Internet.  T 
5. Annie puts a lot of her personal information on Facebook.  T 
1. Read the passage and answer the questions. Circle A, B, or C.

Most of us think that great ideas were the result of genius thinking. However, many of the
greatest discoveries and inventions in history began with very simple beginnings.
In the 18th century, James Watt was boiling water at home. As the water began to boil, he
suddenly noticed that the steam was pushing the lid of the kettle. From this, he created the steam
In ancient Greece time, Archimedes stepped into a bath tub and felt that water was being pushed
out when he stepped in. This is how he came up with the idea of how to find the purity of gold.
In the 17th century, Isaac Newton was sitting under a tree when an apple fell and hit him on the
head. This is when he realized the pulling force of the earth - the gravity.
There are many other examples of how great ideas began with simple beginnings. What one
needs to become an inventor are careful observation and a lot of hard work.
1. James Watt lived in ______.
A. the 17th century
B. the 18th century
C. the ancient Greece time
2. Archimedes came up with the idea of how to find purity gold when ______.
A. he was boiling water
B. he was hit by an apple
C. he was stepping into the bath tub
3. Many great ideas began with ______.
A. genius thinking
B. simple beginnings
C. long time working in laboratories
4. Which of the following is NOT true of inventors?
A. They have simple thinkings.
B. They have very careful observations.
C. They work extremely hard.
5.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?
A. James Watt, Archimedes and Isaac Newton.
B. Steam Engines, Gold and Gravity
C. Great Ideas with Simple Beginnings
2. Read the passage and complete the sentences. Circle A, B, or C.

Giving positive nonverbal messages can improve your relationship with your child and develop
emotional connections in your family. Most children love being hugged and kissed, for example.
This warm and caring body language sends the nonverbal message that you want to be close to
your child.
Some children with special needs – for example, children with autism and sensory sensitivities –
might find body contact difficult.
On the other hand, negative nonverbal communication – for example, a grumpy tone of voice or a
frown – when you’re doing something fun together might send the message that you don’t really
want to be there.
So matching your verbal and nonverbal communication makes your words more effective. For
example, a teacher might explain a maths problem using her hands to show size and shape.
But when verbal and nonverbal messages don’t match, your child might believe the nonverbal –
after all, what you see is what you get. Your child learns a lot about nonverbal communication by
watching you. For example, if you approach new people in a relaxed way, your child is more likely
to do the same.

1. A hug or a kiss sends the message that __________.

A. I want to be loved  B. I want to be near  C. I want to be emotional
2. Children with autism and sensory sensitivities find it hard to __________.
A. love  B. communicate  C. contact physically
3. A frown sends the message that __________.
A. I don’t want you  B. I want to be near  C. I don’t really want to join
4. __________ makes words more effective.
A. Using positive actions and body language
B. Combining verbal and nonverbal communication
C. Explaining a problem using body language
5. The best way for children to learn nonverbal messages is through __________.
A. observation  B. communication  C. immitation
1. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use the word in
brackets. You may need to change the word.

Here is an example.
0. The bookshop is opposite the library.
    _________________________ a bookshop opposite the library. (THERE)
Answer: There is
1. The English speaking countries exhibition finishes at 8p.m. (END)
2. How long is the presentation? (LAST)
3. The photo session takes place in the library. (HOST)
4. What time does the HN302 leave? (DEPARTURE)
5. A kilt is the traditional garment for Scottish men.(TRADITIONALLY)
2. Now write an email (90-110 words) to your pen friend telling him about an activity that
you have done to protect the environment.

You should use the following questions as cues:
- What have you done?
- When did you start it?
- How does it help protect the environment?
- How do you feel?
Hi Charles,
1. Now I’m going to ask you FOUR questions about communication. Are you ready?

1. Do you often write emails?
2. What is the advantage of emails?
3. Is posting on Facebook good or bad?
4. Should children use Facebook? Why/Why not?
2. Each of you will now receive a card. On the card there is a picture and clues for five
questions. You should use the words to make questions and ask your friend. Your friend
will answer the questions based on the picture he/she has.

Card A
Use the words given below to make questions. Ask your friend about his/her picture and listen to
the answers.
1. What/see/picture?
2. What/they/do?
3. How/look?
4. What/relationship?
5. What/communication?
Now, your friend will ask you questions about your picture. Answer his/her questions.

Use the words given below to make questions. Ask your friend about his/her picture and listen to
the answers.
1. What/see/picture?
2. What/they/do?
3. How/look?
4. What/relationship?
5. What/communication?
Now, your friend will ask you questions about your picture. Answer his/her questions.
-- The end --
manual page break

Đáp án
1. Listen to Son and Peter talking about the most important inventions of the 21th century.
Fill each of the gaps with no more than THREE words and/or a number. You will listen
1. 2000         2. 2005        3. connects      4. video-sharing website           5. move around
Hello. This is Teing Anh 8. Unit 11. Listening Test.//
Task 1. Listen to Son and Peter, talking about the most important inventions, of the 21th
century. Fill each of the gaps, with no more than THREE words and/or a number. //
 You will listen TWICE.//
Now listen and fill the gaps.//
Peter:  What did you do during your weekend, Son?
Son: I read about the inventions of the 21th century.
Peter: Wow… It must be interesting. Which inventions do you like best?
Son: All of them are amazing, but some are very impressive for me.
Peter: What’s that?
Son: First is the Facebook. You are using it, right?
Peter: Yes. When was it invented?
Son: In 2000. You see how powerful it is! It has connected over 1.6 billion people around the
Peter: Yes, great!
Son: And another one is Youtube. It was created in 2005 and soon become the world’s most
popular video-sharing website.
Peter: Right. I love it too. You can broadcast yourself freely.
Son: And the last one I found impressive is Google driverless car.
Peter:  Really?I haven’t heard about that!
Son: They haven’t launched the cars yet but they began testing the vehicles in California in 2012.
Peter: Wow! So amazing!
Son: Yes, I think it will change the way we move around the city!
Now listen again. (phát lại bài nghe)
2. Listen to Annie talking about the Internet. Decide if the statements are true (T) or false
(F). Circle T or F. You will listen TWICE.
1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. F
TASK 2. Listen to Annie talking about the Internet. Decide if the statements are true (T) or
false(F). Circle T or F. //
You will listen TWICE.//
Now listen and circle T or F. //
I think, the Internet is the greatest invention ever. Think how it has changed the world. So much
information is out there. It has totally changed my life. I can now chat with friends, download
music, buy books online, and get all the information I need, for my homework. It usually took
days, or weeks, to do any of these things, before the Internet.// I really like emails. They are so
fast. And now I can make friends, with people around the world easily. The feeling of waiting for
emails from friends, is awesome. .// A long way from the snail mails, I used to know. I spend
hours every day online. I think I am spending a little bit too much time on it. I’m sure, that staring
at a computer screen all day, isn’t good for my eyes.// I think the Internet is also making me fat. I
need to exercise a little bit more. The only thing I don’t like about the Internet, is that it can be
hacked. I never put my personal information online, especially on social networking sites like the
Now listen again. (phát lại bài nghe)
1. Read the passage and answer the questions. Circle A, B, or C.
1. B 2. C 3. B 4. A  5. C  
2. Read the passage and complete the sentences. Circle A, B, or C.
1. B 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. A
1. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use the word in
brackets. You may need to change the word.
1.  The English speaking countries exhibition ends at 8p.m.
2.  How long does the presentation last?
3.  The library hosts the photo session.
4.  What is the departure time of the HN302?
5.  Traditionally, Scottish men wear kilts.
2. Now write an email (90-110 words) to your pen friend telling him about an activity that
you have done to protect the environment.
Hi Charles,
Can’t wait to tell you about my recent activity to help protect the environment. You know what? I
joined an environmental club and we went to West Lake to collect the rubbish there every
Saturday. I started this activity three weeks ago.
It was great to go around the lake and collect the rubbish. I could see that the pavement looks
much cleaner after we’d done our job. Some people, especially the children, imitate us and put
their rubbish into the bins. I felt really happy.
What about you? Have you done anything to save the environment? Tell me about it, OK?

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