MIT-20-33 (Final Year Project)

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Project Report

Doctor Appointment System

Submitted by

Muhammad Aqil Ejaz


Supervised by

Dr. Ahmad Karim



This is to certify that we have read this dissertation entitled “Online Doctor

Appointment System” submitted by MUHAMMAD AQIL EJAZ(MIT-21-29)

and it is our judgment that this report is of sufficient standard to warrant its acceptance by
Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan for the degree of MIT (Master of Information


1. External Examiner ______________________

2. Supervisor ________________
Dr Ahmad Karim
Assistant Professor,
Department of In Information Technology

3. Head of Department ________________
Dr Maruf Pasha
Associate Professor,
Department of In Information Technology
Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan

To my Loving Parents

In the name of ALLAH, The Most Beneficent, The Merciful. Alhamdulillah, I

am thankful to Allah Almighty for his utmost blessings upon me and granting
me courage and capability to complete the degree and especially this project. I
would like to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor Dr.Ahmed
Kareem for his co-operation, motivation, enthusiasm and continuous support
throughout my project. He polished my skills and made me able to write this
thesis. His guidance helped me a lot.
My sincere thanks goes to our HOD and all my teachers who ever taught me
and all Faculty members of Information Technology Department.
I also like to thanks my beloved parents. Last but not least, my deepest
gratitude goes to my siblings and friends for their prayers and encouragement.
To those who indirectly contributed in this project, your kindness means a lot
to me.

PROJECT NAME Online Doctor Appointment System

OBJECTIVE To make Patient appointment of doctor

Muhammad Aqil Ejaz

Dr Ahmad Karim



Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5200U CPU @ 2.20GHz 2.20

GHz RAM (8.00 GB), Hard disk (500 GB)

OPERATING SYSTEM Windows 10 Professional(64-bit)

SOURCE LANGUAGE(S) Html, PHP, CSS, Java script, Bootstrap 3


TOOLS/PACKAGES MS Office/ Xammp Server, Sublime Text3


Abstract--Life is becoming too busy to get medical appointments in person and to

maintain a proper health care. The main idea of this work is to provide ease and
comfort to patients while taking appointment from doctors and it also resolves the
problems that the patients have to face while making an appointment. The web
application acts as a client whereas the database containing the doctor’s details,
patient’s details and appointment details is maintained by a website that acts as a
Table of contents

Chapter 1

1.1 Project Introduction........................................................................................1

1.1.1 Main Theme.......................................................................................1
1.1.2 Scope of the Project...........................................................................2
1.1.3 Objectives of the Project....................................................................2
1.2 Introduction to Organization...........................................................................3
1.2.1 Organizational setup and structure...........................................................3
1.2.2 Main Aim and work environment............................................................3

Chapter 2
System Analysis

2.1 Feasibility Study.............................................................................................5

A feasibility study is a preliminary study undertaken before the real work of a
project starts to......................................................................................................5
2.1.1 Technical Feasibility................................................................................5
2.1.2 Operational Feasibility.............................................................................5
2.1.3 Economic Feasibility................................................................................5
2.2 Existing System: Data Gathering....................................................................6
2.2.2 Sampling And Observations.....................................................................6
2.2 Existing System: Data Analysis......................................................................7
2.2.1 Data Flow Diagram (DFD)......................................................................8
2.2.2 Requirement Engineering.........................................................................9
2.2.3 Deliverables..............................................................................................9

Chapter 3
System Design

3.1 Introduction to System Design.....................................................................12

3.2 Proposed System...........................................................................................13
3.2.1 Features of the Proposed System...........................................................13
3.3 System Design using UML...........................................................................15
3.3.1 Use Case Diagrams................................................................................15 Patient Use Case Diagram:...........................................................16 Doctor Use Case Diagram:..........................................................17 Admin Use Case Diagram:...........................................................18
3.3.2 Sequence Diagrams................................................................................19 Sequence diagram for Patient Activities.............................................20 Sequence diagram for Doctor Activities.............................................21
.........................................................................................................................21 Sequence diagram of Admin Activities..............................................22
3.4 Database Design...........................................................................................22
3.4.1 Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERDs)...................................................24
3.4.2 Building a Relational Model from ERDs...............................................25 Types of Normalization.......................................................................26
3.4.3 Normalization Relational Model in 3NF...............................................27

Chapter 4
System Development

4.1 Introduction to system development.............................................................30

4.2 Tool/Language Selection..............................................................................30
4.2.1 Sublime text 3:.......................................................................................30
4.3 Hardware used for System development......................................................30
4.4 Software Development & Implementation...................................................31
4.4.1 Client Side Technology..........................................................................31 HTML (Hyper Text Mark-up Language)............................................31 CSS (Cascading Style Sheet)..............................................................32 Java script............................................................................................33
4.4.2 Server Side Technology.........................................................................33 PHP......................................................................................................33 MYSQL...............................................................................................34

Chapter 5
User's Guide

5.1 Main Page.....................................................................................................36

5.2 Login............................................................................................................36
5.3 Doctorlist.....................................................................................................37
5.4 Contact.........................................................................................................37

Chapter 6

6.1 Conclusion....................................................................................................45
Chapter 1

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Project Introduction

Online Doctor Appointment System is designed for any hospital to replace their existing
manual, paper based system. The new system is to control the following information; patient
information, room availability and operating room schedules, and patient invoices. These
services are to be provided in an efficient, cost effective manner, with the goal of reducing
the time and resources currently required for such tasks.
A significant part of the operation of any hospital involves the acquisition, management and
timely retrieval of great volumes of information. This information typically involves; patient
personal information and medical history, scheduling, doctors information and doctors
appointment scheduling and various facilities waiting lists. All of this information must be
managed in an efficient and cost wise fashion so that an institution's resources may be
effectively utilized Online Doctor Appointment System will automate the management of the
hospital making it more efficient and error free. It aims at standardizing data, consolidating
data ensuring data integrity and reducing inconsistencies.

1.1.1 Main Theme

As the modern organizations are automated and computers are working as per the
instructions, it becomes essential for the coordination of human beings, commodity and
computers in a modern organization.
Many big cities where the life is busy needs the transaction of the goods within few minutes
of time. So, this system will overcome people real life problems that belong to health and
save all info of patients secure.
In this modern system a patient can book easily a doctor appointment according to his
disease. Other side doctor can easily view his appointment patient history. The Hospital side
is also managed both patients and doctors’ data easily and reliably. This web base system is
cost effective and efficient.

Doctor Appointment System 1

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1.2 Scope of the Project

In this system is used to move a hospital manual system into online web-based system. So
therefore, I built a website which enable patient to book appointment of a doctor. The First A
Patient create an account and login by registered account. In next step it book doctor
appointment and schedule his appointment time easily.
The next Actor doctor is check his appointed patient data by login his account. The last actor
admin add doctors and manage whole website Activities. From the user's point of view the
interface of the system is very easy and no technical knowledge is required to use the system.
But to use this reservation system, customers need to create an account first and have to fill
all the information required. If a patient had booked a doctor appointment, he can also
reschedule his booking Schedule for another Doctor.
The admin of the website can add/update the doctors and the Manage Patients and doctors
Accounts information to improve speed.

1.1.3 Objectives of the Project

The few objectives of his project are as follows:

 Doctor Appointment system will provide friendly environment to online Patients, and
Doctors so that any person having the basic knowledge of Internet may efficiently
Book the checkup appointment.
 All Procedures will be done according to the terms and conditions.
 Assures the security and safety of data of the customer
 The hospital patients and doctors benefit mainly from the improved timeliness and
quality of care.
 System will focus on speed & accuracy provided during the data processing. e
Efficiency and improved quality of services are the most prominent objectives of the
online doctor appointment system. Efficiency gains include improved productivity for
coping with increased demand, avoided labor costs, and reductions in operating costs.
Doctor Appointment System 2
Chapter 1 Introduction
 It will provide reliable and flexible system.
This project will provide 100% Patients satisfaction with less effort.

1.2 Introduction to Organization

The hospital has to maintain the details and facilities provided in the Patients and doctors
having different categories. These actors are patients, doctors and Admin. The First patient
creates an account and login by registered account. In next step it book doctor appointment
and reschedule his appointment time easily.
The next Actor doctor is checking his appointed patient data by login his account. The last
actor admin adds doctors and manage whole website Activities. From the user's point of view
the interface of the system is very easy and no technical knowledge is required to use the
system. But to use this reservation system, customers need to create an account first and have
to fill all the information required. If a patient had booked a doctor appointment, he can also
reschedule his booking Schedule for another Doctor.

1.2.1 Organizational setup and structure

These actors are patients, doctors and Admin. The First Actor Patient creates an account and
login by registered account. In next step it books doctor appointment and reschedule his
appointment time easily.
The next Actor doctor is checking his appointed patient data by login his account. The last
actor admin adds doctors and manage whole website Activities. From the user's point of view
the interface of the system is very easy and no technical knowledge is required to use the
system. But to use this reservation system, customers need to create an account first and have
to fill all the information required. If a patient had booked a doctor appointment, he can also
reschedule his booking Schedule for another Doctor.

1.2.2 Main Aim and work environment

The project objectives should be set before the start of project because they provide a
guideline during the whole project and prevent researcher/developer to progress in wrong
direction. I have divided my project objectives into two parts; Core and Advance. My core

Doctor Appointment System 3

Chapter 1 Introduction
objectives are those which I must need to achieve to do this project successfully and advance
objectives are the ones which I will attempt based on the time frame of this project.
Following are the main tasks to be performed to achieve the objective of this project.

 Any type of patient should take appointment of doctor easily.

 All users like According to my project patient, Admin and doctor perform their
activities easily.
 Identify all the user, software and system requirements for the doctor appointment
 To understand web technologies.
 Use current software development process and model for the development of the
 Design and implement a website which will cover initial requirements of the system.
 To effectively plan, control and achieve project objectives.

These milestones gradually produce the final objective of the project to develop a system that
could handle the complex procedures of doctor appointment system.

Doctor Appointment System 4

Chapter 2

System Analysis
Chapter 2 System Analysis

2.1 Feasibility Study

A feasibility study is a preliminary study undertaken before the real work of a project starts.
It is an analysis and determination,
If it is technically feasible, feasible within the estimated cost, and will be profitable. It is also
called feasibility analysis. In this phase, the Technical, Operational and Economical
feasibility conditions for the system need to be satisfied.
2.1.1 Technical Feasibility
Technical feasibility is the most difficult area because objectives functions and performance
are so difficult. If the organization can obtain the equipment and personnel to develop and
operate the system then the system request for the technical feasibility satisfaction is fulfilled.
2.1.2 Operational Feasibility
The proposed system will be user friendly and end user will operate the system efficiently
after some training of its functionality. The proposed system will be required to fulfill all
operational requirements of the user.

 In this proposed system the Patient Doctor and Admin need to login to view the
Profile detail.
 The Patient can easily take appointment of doctors in suitable time.
 Admin can easily manage patient and doctor accounts.
2.1.3 Economic Feasibility
System request is assured to be economically feasible if the project benefits of the proposed
System compensate the assessment costs involved in developing, installing and operating
it. To determine the economic feasibility of the project, we need to estimate the costs in the
following areas.
 Hardware cost.
 Software development cost.
 Training of end user.
 Other costs

Doctor Appointment System 5

Chapter 2 System Analysis

2.2 Existing System: Data Gathering

The basic work in analysis phase is gathering and analyzing the data The approach in which
information is gathered requires common-sense, and knowledge of what data has to be gather
and what channel should be used in the information gathering process. Before one determines
where to go for information or what tools to use, the first requirement is to check out what
information to gather.
Information Gathering Tools
The analyst must decide on the information gathering tool and how it must be used. Although
there is no standard rule specified for the use of the tools, but the only important rule is that
information must be acquired accurately. Following are some tools mentioned below:

 On-site Observation.
 Interviews and Questionnaires.

Sampling and Observations

Another information gathering tool used in system analysis is observation. It is the process of
noticing people, objects and occurrences obtaining information. The major objectives of
observation is to get as close as possible to real system. For this reason it is important that the
system analyst is knowledgeable about the general condition and activities if the system and I
also used techniques participant observation. I visualize them, how they interact with old
existing system.

2.2 Existing System: Data Analysis

Data analysis is the process of examining the raw data to get organized so that useful
information can be extracted from this organized data in the raw form, this information can
be helpful, but it can be difficult t the raw data is needed to be ordered in such a way which o
get the meaningful and organized information. In the data analysis process; will be useful.
Data analysis is used to govern an organizational goal by bringing whether the system
effectively protect effectively and succeed in achieve data, operate g system. Several steps
are involved at analysis stage out modifications in the existing while designing a database.

Doctor Appointment System 6

Chapter 2 System Analysis
2.2.1 Data Flow Diagram (DFD)

Context DFD



Doctor Patient

Fig 2.1 : DFD

Doctor Appointment System 7

Chapter 2 System Analysis

2.2.2 Requirement Engineering

It is the main output from the systems analysis stage. Its main focus is a description of what
all the functions of the software will be.

The new designed system should fulfill the following requirements: -

Data Security - The data should be secure

Acceptability - The system should be acceptable.

Accuracy - Results should be accurate.

Reliability - The system should be reliable.

User Friendly - Interface should be user friendly.

Productivity - System should be productive.

Performance - The system should reduce the time and effort efforts.

Minimize the Redundancy - The system should control Redundancy.

Comprehensive Database - The system should have comprehensive database.

Time Factor - The system should be fast to save time and efforts.

Efficiency - The system should be more efficient.

Easy communication - Users should be able to communicate easily with one another.

2.2.3 Deliverables
Project deliverables are the outputs got from a project that normally give a beneficial change.
These are provided to the project sponsors at the end of every project. They can used by
internal users as well as for the external customers. At any stage of planning you will need to
identify all of the project objectives and the deliverables that are implied or required from
each Objective.

Each objective will identify a clear outcome. The outcome is the deliverable. In some cases,
the outcome will be some sort of change achieved and in other Cases it will be the production

Doctor Appointment System 8

Chapter 2 System Analysis
of something new. In either case, the project deliverables should be identified so that it will
be easy to demonstrate that they have been achieved. The deliverable will be something for
which users will need some training to Use or something that needs to be implemented in
some way. In these cases, once the deliverable has been identified, it is important to agree
who will be Responsible for the ongoing training or implementation, so that there are no
misunderstandings about the boundary of the project.

Doctor Appointment System 9

Chapter 3

System Design
Chapter 3 System Design

3.1 Introduction to System Design

The design phase decides how the system will operate. in terms of the hardware, software,
and network infrastructure: the user interface, forms and reports; and the specific programs,
databases, and files that will be needed. Although most of the strategic decisions about the
system were made in the development of the system concept during the analysis phase, the
steps in the design phase determine exactly how the system will operate.

System requirements

Preliminary Design


Fig 3.1: System Design

Doctor Appointment System 12

Chapter 3 System Design

3.2 Proposed System

The proposed system will be completely a computerized system. All the input data will be
properly organized and stored, and will be processed for the required output to provide timely
information. Proposed system will have the all activities described in the existing system as
drawbacks and will provide necessary information with accuracy and efficiency. Proposed
system is designed keeping in mind all the problems being faced in the existing manual
system. The system will provide information and will capable to provide information on web

3.2.1 Features of the Proposed System

The most successful projects are those that really fulfill user requirements. In that way, the
most important features in designing a computerized system for the user are those that it
should meet at closely as possible to the objectives defined by the user along with the analyst.
Studying the old system and planning new one give the features of the proposed system given
 Data Security
The data required for decision-making is highly sensitive and valuable, Therefore, the system
provides the options of password for data security.

 Acceptability
The new system will be acceptable to Company. It will satisfy the deficiencies of existing

 Accuracy
The proposed system will provide accurate and error free results. In that way, it ensures
accuracy and efficiency.

 Reliability
The new system will be more reliable than existing one due to its accuracy and security, so
that timely decisions may be possible.

Doctor Appointment System 13

Chapter 3 System Design
 User Friendly
No doubt, users want a system, which provides them users interface. The system will be as
much user friendly as possible so that the user could communicate with the system through
simple conversation. No specialized computer staff will be required.

 Flexibility
The system will allow for changes and amendments to incorporate future requirements of the

 Performance
The proposed system will reduce the time and efforts required to retrieve information. It will
have the capability to answer various queries instantly and efficiently.

 Minimize the Redundancy

The proposed system will control the redundancy. This means the files are designed in such a
way that minimum data is duplicated in the files.

 Comprehensive Database
The proposed system will have comprehensive database in which facilities of insertion,
modification retrieval of records and facilities of various queries and reports will be available.

 Time Factor
Time is important factor in decision-making. The higher authorities require quick response to
their questions because decisions are based on update information. The proposed
computerized system will be too fast than old manual system.

 Efficiency
The proposed system will be more efficient than existing system because proposed is not time
consuming. Efficiency is the degree to which we maximize utilization of resources for
achieving an object.

Doctor Appointment System 14

Chapter 3 System Design

3.3 System Design using UML

UML is an object -oriented modeling language standardized by the Object Management
Group (OMG) mainly for software systems development. UML is used to specify, visualize,
modify, construct and document the artifacts of an object-oriented software- intensive system
under development.

3.3.1 Use Case Diagrams

Use case diagrams show the interaction between use cases, which represent the system
functionality, and actors, which represents the people, or systems that provide or receive
information from the system.

 Use Case Diagrams represent structural information of the system,

 UML also represents general types of behavior and different aspects of interactions.

Use Case is the way of interaction of actors with the system. In simple words, use case
diagram shows that how the system to be used by customers and clients of the system.

There are two actors that performing their specific role in the accomplishment of this System.
These actors perform actions on the input and generate the output for the next phase. My
project includes two types of actors.

1. Patient
2. Admin
3. Doctor

Doctor Appointment System 15

Chapter 3 System Design Patient Use Case Diagram:

Fig 3.2: Patient Use Case Diagram

Doctor Appointment System 16

Chapter 3 System Design Doctor Use Case Diagram:

Fig 3.3: Doctor Use Case Diagram

Doctor Appointment System 17

Chapter 3 System Design Admin Use Case Diagram:

Fig 3.4: Admin Use Case Diagram

Doctor Appointment System 18

Chapter 3 System Design
3.3.2 Sequence Diagrams
A sequence diagram, in the context of UML, represents object collaboration and is used to
define event sequences between objects of a certain outcome. A sequence diagram is an
essential component used in process related to analysis, design and documentation. A
sequence diagram is also known as a timing diagram and event diagram.

Object interaction usually begins at the top of a diagram and end at the bottom. In a sequence
diagram, object’s interactions occur through messages on the vertical and horizontal
dimensions and are designated by horizontal arrows and message names. The initial sequence
diagram message begins at the top and is located on the diagram’s left side. Subsequent
messages are added just below previous messages. Sequence diagram messages may be
subdivided by type, based on functionality.

The Sequence diagrams for this project based on.

 Admin Activities
 Patient Activities
 Doctor Activities

Here are the sequences diagrams of the all the modules.

Doctor Appointment System 19

Chapter 3 System Design Sequence diagram for Patient Activities

Fig 3.5: Sequence Diagram for Patient Activities

Doctor Appointment System 20

Chapter 3 System Design Sequence diagram for Doctor Activities

Fig 3.6: Sequence Diagram for Doctor Activities

Doctor Appointment System 21

Chapter 3 System Design Sequence diagram of Admin Activities

Fig 3.7: Sequence Diagram for Admin Activities

3.4 Database Design
Database A database is collection of data, which is organized in such a way that each piece of
data is available to those who need it and with minimum duplication of data.

Another definition in terms of database may be as "A database is a collection of data

organized so as to minimize redundancy and maximize access."

Designing Databases

Doctor Appointment System 22

Chapter 3 System Design
There are several steps involved in developing an effective database design. Regarding what
data element must be stored, who will access them, and how. The next step is to be defining
the logical database. This phase does not deal with how the data will be stored physically, but
with how information is grouped logically Physical design is the final phase, in which
individual data elements are given attributes and defined as columns in table.

Constraints are the conditions that obey database.

Any object or concept identified by an enterprise that exists independently and about which
necessary to store data. It may be anything like a person, a place, an event, or concept or an

These are the characteristics or properties of an entity that is of interest to the organization.
For example Admin is an entity, its attributes mostly may be: Login name, Password etc.


A key is a distinct for each individual entity in an entity set. Key attributes are the attributes
whose values are uniquely identified and do not exist again.

1-Super Key
A super key is an attribute or a set of attributes that uniquely identified an entity. For
example, Login name is a super key because it can be used to identify each Admin uniquely.

2-Primary Key
The primary key is the successful candidate key i.e. one actually chosen. It may be a single
attribute or composite key. The term secondary key is used to mean alternate key but
secondary key usually means an attribute or set of attribute whose values not necessarily
unique, are used as a mean accessing records.

Doctor Appointment System 23

Chapter 3 System Design
3- Foreign key
A foreign key is an attribute or combination of attribute of an entity that is the primary key of
another entity.

4- Composite Key
If the key consists of more than one attribute for unique identification then it will be called as
composite key.

3.4.1 Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERDs)

An entity is a data modeling technique that creates a graphical representation of entities, and
relationship between entities in an information system.

There are entity relation diagram of my project. Firstly, T will show a single entity relation to
other tables. After that I will show a complete relational model from these ERDs.

Doctor Appointment System 24

Chapter 3 System Design
3.4.2 Building a Relational Model from ERDs

Fig 3.8: ERD

Doctor Appointment System 25

Chapter 3 System Design
"Normalization" means putting a relation in to a higher normal. The purpose of normalization
is to produce a stable set of relations that is faithful model of operations of the enterprise. Types of Normalization

Following are major types of Normalization
 First Normal Form
 Second Normal Form
 Third Normal Form

 First Normal Form

“A relation is in First Normal Form if and only every attribute is single valued for each
tuple". First Normal Forms does not allowed any repeating fields. An alternative way of
describing first normal form is to say that the domains of the attributes of a relation are

 Second Normal Form

"A relation is in Second Normal Form if and only if it is INF (first normal form) and all the
non-key attributes are fully functionally dependent on the key."

 Third Normal Form

A relation is in third normal form if and only if it is in second normal form and no non-key
attribute is transitively dependent on the primary key.

Third Normal Form can be defined as "A relation is in third normal form, if it is in second
normal form and remove all transitive dependencies".

Doctor Appointment System 26

Chapter 3 System Design

3.4.3 Normalization Relational Model in 3NF

Following are the description of the normalized tables.




Doctor Appointment System 27

Chapter 3 System Design

Doctor Schedule

Doctor Specialities

Doctor Appointment System 28

Chapter 4

System Development
Chapter 4 System Development

4.1 Introduction to system development

The development of a project is solely based on the basic idea that a project goes through a
number of phases characterized by distinct set of activities or tasks that take the project from
conception to conclusion,
The primary objective of the development is to translate the most promising design approach
into a stable, interoperable, producing, producible, and cost effective design, validate the
coding process and demonstrate system capabilities through testing. At the end of
development, the system will be ready for activities of the integration and testing

4.2 Tool/Language Selection

The selection of technology is very important and mostly depends upon the understanding of
the system. While selecting the appropriate technology, several issues must be kept in mind.
For instance, the budget, user interface complexity, deployment constraints for user
interfaces, number and type of users, available bandwidth, type of system interfaces,
performance and scalability.
Tools I used are as follows:-
 Bootstrap
 JavaScript
 Apache
 Sublime text 3

4.2.1 Sublime text 3:

Sublime text 3, is a web development tool, Its most recent version have incorporated notable
support for many other web technologies such as CSS, JavaScript, and various server-side
scripting frameworks
4.3 Hardware used for System development
The hardware used for the system development has the following characteristics;-
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) CPU i7 @ 2.13GHz 2.13 GHz

Doctor Appointment System 30

Chapter 4 System Development
Installed Memory (RAM): 2.00GB
System type: 64-bit Operating System
Hard disk: 300 GB

4.4 Software Development & Implementation

The final phase is the implementation, during this phase the system is actually built
practically. This is the most important phase and it takes most attention in all the phases of
software development, because for most systems it is longest and most expensive single part
of the development process.

4.4.1 Client Side Technology

"Client Side Technology" is the term that refers to the operations and activities that are
performed by the "client" in a computer network. Clients are typically computer applications
typically computer applications such as web browsers that are present on a user's local
workstation or system and which connect the server when necessary. Client side technologies
can significantly reduce the time and effort that goes into updating websites or web
Client Side scripting programs and languages that I used are;-
 CSs
 Bootstrap
 Java Script HTML (Hyper Text Mark-up Language)

HTML (Hyper Text Mark-up Language) is a structured markup language that is used to
create web pages. HTML is simple used to indicate structure and layout of the document. A
web browser that renders the document, interprets the meaning of this code to figure the
format or layout and display a document, Elements consist of paired tags; a start tag and an
end tag. Start and end tags are also called opening tags and closing tags. HTML mostly have
opening and closing tags.
WHATWG was working with web forms and applications, and W3C was working with
XHTML 2.0. In 2006, they decided to cooperate and create a new version of HTML.

Doctor Appointment System 31

Chapter 4 System Development
There are some properties of HTML5
 It is based on HTML, CSS, DOM.
 It has better error handling facility.
 More markup to replace scripting. CSS (Cascading Style Sheet)

In general, web bases style sheets contain information that describe how documents are
presented, whether on computer monitor or in print. Although in some ways, this does not
sound much different for what many people consider to be the function of HTML, in fact, it
is fundamentally different that the intended function of HTML.

The purpose of style sheet is to create presentation for a particular clement or a set of
elements. CSS style sheets rely on an underlying mark-up structure, such as HTML. But they
are not a replacement of HTML. Without a binding to an element, a style does not mean
anything. Binding an element to a style specification is simple; it consists of an element,
forward by its associated style information within curly braces.

Element {style specification}

There are three ways of using a style sheet:

 External style sheet
 Internal style sheet
 Inline style

An external style sheet is ideal when the Style is applied to many pages, With an external
style sheet. you can change the look of an entire Web site by changing one file. An internal
style sheet should be used when a single document has a unique style. You define internal
styles in the head section of an HTML page. An inline style loses many of the advantages of
style sheets by mixing content with presentations. By using inline method you can change the
style attribute in the relevant tag.

Doctor Appointment System 32

Chapter 4 System Development Java script

JavaScript is an object oriented language that allows creation of interactive web pages.
JavaScript offers several advantages to web developer. A short development life cycle, ease
of leaning, small size script. The strength of JavaScript can be easily and quickly use to
extend the functionality of HTML pages, already on a website.
JavaScript allows creation of interactive web pages. It usually interacts with the user on the
client side. The most frequent use of JavaScript is that it performs input validation in HTML
form on user entries.

Features of JavaScript
 JavaScript gives HTML designers a programming tool
 JavaScript can react to events
 JavaScript can be used to validate data

4.4.2 Server Side Technology

"Server Side Technology" is the term that refers to the operations and activities that are
performed by the "server" in the client-server relationship, Servers are often specific software
programs such as web servers which run on local servers that are connected to the clients.
Server side technologies are an efficient way for developers to directly access live websites
and applications to make immediate changes.
Server side scripting programs and languages that | used are as follows:-

PHP is the Web development language written by and for Web developers. PHP stands for
PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor. The product was originally named Personal Home Page Tools,
and many people still think that's what the acronym stands for, But as it expanded in scope, a
new and more appropriate name was selected by community vote. PHP is a server-side

Doctor Appointment System 33

Chapter 4 System Development
scripting language, which can be embedded in HTML or used as a standalone binary
(although the former use is much more common),
Some technical journalist used to call PHP “the open source ASP” because its functionality
is similar to that of the Microsoft's product. Over the past few years, however, PHP has
gained momentum, while ASP has lost mindshare, so this comparison no longer seems
My Selection
 I have selected PHP for my project’s server side programming,
Features of PHP
It supports HTML and XML to stream data to the client,
 It can be used on different platforms.
 It is easy to track client’s session using PHP.
 We can develop better applications as compared to ASP, yet getting the same results
but in easy Way.
 It provides better interface to the database.
 It provides a great set of tools, and many reusable controls, and thousands of reusable
code snippets to reduce the time and efforts. MYSQL
MYSQL is the most popular open source SQL Database Management System. On top of that,
it is very commonly used in conjunction with PHP scripts to create dynamic and powerful
server applications.
MYSQL has been criticized in the past because it does not have all the features of other
Database Management Systems. However, MYSQL continues to improve significantly, with
each major upgrade, and has great popularity because of these improvements.

MYSQL is a database management system

A database is structured collection of data. It may be anything from a simple shopping list to
a particular picture gallery or a vast amount of information in a corporate network.

Doctor Appointment System 34

Chapter 4 System Development
To add, access, and process data stored in a computer database, you need a database
management system such as My SQL database management system. Since computers are
very good at handling large amount of data, database management system play a central role
in computing, as standalone utilities or as part of other application.

Doctor Appointment System 35

Chapter 5

User's Guide
Chapter 5 User's Guide

5.1 Main Page

This is my project main page or index page.

5.2 Login

Doctor Appointment System 36

Chapter 5 User's Guide

5.3 Doctor list

5.4 Contact info

Doctor Appointment System 37

Login History
Chapter 6

6.1 Conclusion
Online doctor Appointment system is the inevitable part of the lifecycle of the modern
medical institution. It automates numerous daily operations and enables smooth interactions
of the users. Developing this system software is a great opportunity to create the distinct,
efficient and fast delivering healthcare model. Implementation of this System project helps to
store all the kinds of records, provide coordination and user communication, implement
policies, improve day-to-day operations, arrange the supply chain, manage financial and
human resources, and market services. This beneficial decision covers the needs of the
patients, staff and hospital authorities and simplifies their interactions. It has become the
usual approach to manage appointment. Many clinics have already experienced its
advantages and continue developing system project modules. Future enhancement can be
done by providing the separate account to admin where he can manage his uploads and data.
Chapter 6 Conclusion


 Database system principles, design and implementation by Catherine Ricardo.

 The complete Reference HTML by Thomas A. Powell.
 Beginning PHP6, Apache, MYSQL Web Development by Timothy Borowczyk,
Elizabeth Naramore, Jason Gerner, Yann Le Scoured, Jeremy Stolz, Michael K.
 PHP and MYSQL Web Development by Luke Welling & Laura Thompson.



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