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14 „xperiıııeııt l/ I

IS O 13-1 1 cıııxe i*oı• I wo dl ITcı sanıples of iron coı•e and coıııpaı•e Ilıciı
velative peımıeabılil

es of (he cxpeı•iıııcnt :

i) Vo familiarized wi(fi magnclic circuıit

"l o undevsland 13-H curve and magne(ic sattıı-a(ion ıii j To uıııderstand (he
signi[icance ı•elalive permeabilıly magnelıc ıı ıateı-ial


I) sanıple of iron coıe

2) _lnduıctive coils
3 1 Kesistix,e İnad bank- 4 j
Ammeler (AG)
-5 ) Voltmeteı '(Af.)

Circui( diaoraııı for e.xperiıııeııt :

Rçs-istıve loacy bank

FİL) I CII cıııt (liagı lor 1

-1 cııvxıe
Basic Theory

Let us considet a ma o netic CII Cl llt I I Whcn the magnetizcd alternat Ino CII l'I ent to a
Pal(ICM lar value ( I l ) to l)01 1it I II the hvstersis 1001) shown ln fol the 1 11 ner I
Accordill( ï to 01 Induction ."ll iliduce acl oss the secondarv coil The magnitude of IE2 is ('Iven by

I-lence by measlll-ln u the magnitude 01 can estimate the value ol flux density in the core
(corresponding to curl ent I l ) as follow

13ml = 44 f N2)


l'i u 1 2 1 {vstelSis loop

Il' we III rther Increase the magnetvzing enl to a particular value( 1 2 ) 10

u n o
l) Oint ln the hystersis loop shown in (i I the core will throuall ma net revel sal tl-)llowing the
outer loop-2 and so on.
Phe mao netizing force ' 1-1 ' ts u I ven byI l

I-lence we can draw the 13-1-1 curve 01' the core expert mentally

Proccdure :
l) Measure the dimension the core sample
2) Connect the circuit diagram as shown in lig I . I Get the Circuit checkecl by the lab i
n structor
3) Note down the current rating of the coils and number of turns in the coil
4) Select the scale or range of ammeter and voltme(er properly
.5) Calculate the value of one small division 01' cleflection in ammeter and voltmeter for the
selectecl scale or ran ae
6) Get the Circuit checked by the teacher
7) Increase the supply voltage to 220 V
8) Syitch on a step of load bank and take the readings ammeter and voltmet-er
9) Increase the current through the primary cail by switching on one more step load
bank i 0) Repeat the procedure until thè current reaclfthe -maximum current
rating of thé coil
I l ) Repeat the procedure ( l ) to (6) ( Sor another sample of iron core.
12) Plot the B-H curves fov both sample in a common graph paper.

Observations .
Di'mension of Sample core (Bigger one) Dimension 01' Sample core (Smal Ier one)

b c d d


Review Questions :
l ) What is the function of the resistive load bank in the circuit clitlL'l tll)P Explain how it will
flilfill •that function

2) What do you mean by magnetic saturation') Explain why the saturation C)CCIWS the
ma cr netizing process'?

3) Define relative permeability of a magnetic matenal Accordin cv

to the experimental
results ('rom the B-l-l curve, wc:llld you grade the sample core accordin U
to their
relative permeability

Discuss your results taking the refèrencc the experimental data and results and point out the
conclud ing remarks
Experiment 1/2

wo inding ransformet

To perfornñ tu ratio test

To perform open circuit test and short Circuit test to evaluate equivalent circuit
To examine exciting current harmonics

Obiectives of the experiment :

i) To learn testing methods transformer ( turn ratio test open circuit test and short
circuit test) and to evaluate equivalent circuit parameters and performance

To study no-load current harmonics.

Instrument req uired

1) Two windin cr transformer
2) Ammeter (ac)
Voltmeter (ac) -2
4) Wattmeter
5) Oscilloscope
I No

6) Current probe
7) THI) meter

Circuit diagram for experiment :

I-IV side LV side


I Circuit (hag! am [or turn rat 10 test

I IV sicle LV side Waltmetel

Fi u 2 2 Circuit diagram for open CIVCuit test



Fia 2 Circuit diagram tor sh0it circuit test

"l o Oscilloscope

Current probe

THD meter

Fi(' 2.4 Circuit diagram for studying exciting current harmonics

Prepa ratory Works and Precautions for Experiment

1) Study the name plate ratings of the transformer and note down the followings

Capacity of the transformer Voltage

rating of primary windin u
Current rati ng of pri mat-y willdin cr

Volta cre ratin cy of secondary windin cr

Current rat l i1 (Y of secondary eng

2) Chose the proper range of ammeters and voltmeters (te, he counected) as rating of
the machines and study their scale to calculate the value of one small division of'
indicatin u dial of the meter
3) Precautions

While a wattmeter, alxxavs use higher range current terminal and hia her ranue of
voltage selector itch (i e 500 V position). If you don't have slunificant deflection in the
wattmeter and can not be readout correctly check 0111 the ammeter reading and if the
ammeter readino is less than I A, then you can change the current terminal to IA range
to cret better deflection in the meter Similarly if the voltmeter reading is less than 50 V
then you can select the 50 V position of voltage selector switch to oet better deflection
in the meter

Before pelforming the sh011 circuit test, estimate the flill load primary current from
the name plate data Increaše the applied voltaue slowly from zero until the ammeter
reads the flill load primary current DOINOT apply full normal \Qltaoe to the primary
winding durino the short circuit test

Avoid over deflection of the meters

Procedu re

1) Turn Ratio Test

1) Connect the circuit diagram as n Pig 2 1 and ( J et the CIFCUlt checked by the

2) Set the knob at Zeto

Turn on the er supplv module

4) Increase the applied xoltage 10 100 \ and take the leadings V

Increase the prima: v applied by 20 \ and take the readinoq or \ I and \

6) Take one 11101 e I eachnus the PI applied volta('œ

7) Turn oft* the poi¼er suppþ,

8) Calculate the mean 'salue of n I at10

Open CII cuit l est

Connect the cil cuit diaul am as shown 2 2 and (Jet the circuit check ed by 4 he
l) teaCher

2) Set the voltao e varymg k nob at Zcro

3) Turn on the power supply module

4) volta o e to 220 V and take the rclin u s of ammetet• voltmeter and wattmeter

5) l'urn off the power supply

6) Calculate the iron loss of the transformer and calculate the equivalent circuit
parameters Ro and xo refer to secondary side as well as refer to primary sicle

111) Shofl Circuit Test

Connect the circuit diagram as shown in Fig.2.3 and get the circuit checkecl bv the

2) Set the voltage varying knob at Zero

3) Estimate the full load primary current from name -plate data

Turn on the power supply .module

5) Increase the applied voltage slow,ly from zero until the ammeter reads full load primarÿ

6) If the voltmeter is not givin u si o nificant cleflection, select the 50 V terminal of

voltaae selector If the wattmeter de(lection is not signi (icant and the XQltmeter
reading is less than 50 V then select 50 V position the selector switch of the
wattmeter to get better cleflection Take the ICadin s ammetet-

7) I urn off the power supply



9) Draw the equivalent circuit the transformer refer to pri mat y side and secondan

Ill ) Study of' Excit ino Ctlrrent Hat moll ICS

l) Connect the circuit am as shown in F i" 2.4 and cret the Circuit checked by the teacher
2) Set the volta o e varying k nob at Zero

4) V urn on the power supply module

5) Increase the primary applied voltage to 380 V

6) Adjust the time scale and vertical scale of the oscilloscope to obtain clear view of the

7) "l urn on the THD meter and set it ton read ampere, then press T HD button to observe
Total Harmonic DI stallion (T I-ID) of the waveform

8) Trace out the waveform of no-load current (exciting current) of the transformer

9) Turn off-the power supply.


1) Turn ration test

SN Pri mary voltage Secondary volta Turn ratio Mean value
(re vŽ/Vl Of

Open Circuit Test


10 amps

lit) Short Circuit Test

sc volts


wsc walls

IV) Excitin o current harmonics


Draw the waveform of 10


t (sec)
Review Questions :
l ) Explain the o-pen circuit test and short CIFCUit test detail

2) Why do we neulect iron loss of the transformer dill-inu the short circuit test

3) Why the waveform of no-load current 10 is not sinusoidal 9 Explain

4) What do you mean by El-ID

Discuss your results takino the repel ence of the experimental data oncl results and point out
the concluding remarks

Experiıııcn( 113

Stüdy- of [DC maclıiııe

Speed contıol of DC slıııııl

a) coıı[rol metlıocl
b) Fielcl coıılı•ol metlıod

Load characleristic of DC slıvınt geııcı•atoı

Obiectives of tlıe expcrimenl

i) To understand tine speed control methocls for DC slıunt motor

To distinguish the purpose of Armature control method and Field control methocl iii) To draw
tine load characteristic of DC slıunt motor expeı-imentally and to calculate
Che voltage regulatioıı öf tine DC shülJt generatoı-

Instrument required

l) DC shunt machine machine coupled with DC dynamometeı- (Tesl set)

2) Field regulating rheostat
3) Armatüre ı-heostat
4) Resistive load bank
5) Ammeter (DC) 2 nos
6) Voltmeter (DC) - I no

Circuit diagram for experinıent :

Vaı•iable DC DC op ov

Fiğ 3 1 Circuİt diagı am Armaftıı-e contı•ol ıvıethocl of speed control


Variable DC Fixed DC. 2208/

Fi o .3 2 Circuit diag12&1ÄÄ for tielcLcontrol method

DC Shunt Motor DC shunt generator

Circuit diagram for load characteristics of dc shunt aenerator Preparatory

orl(S and Precautions (or Experiment

l) Study the name plate Ititinos of the machines and note down the followings

Capacity of the dc 1110101

Voltage rating fur alnature
Current rati ng of armature
Voltage rating of field circuit
Current rating of field circuit
Rated Speed of the motor

Capacity of the dc generator Voltage

rating for armature
Current rating of armature
Voltage rating of field circuit
Current rating of field circuit
Rated Speed of the generator

2) Chosè the pi-oper range of amnheters and voltmeters (to be connected) as per rating
of the machines.

3) Precautions

Make sure that the current is flowing through the field of the motor before
applying the voltage to the armature circuit. If the field circuit ammeter is not
showing any current, do not apply voltage to the armature, otherwise very high
current will flow through the armature circuit and armature winding may burn out.

Increase thë armature voltage very slowly and observe the rótation of the motor
If the motor does not rotates, do not increase the almature voltage and check for
anv problems in the circuit

Avoid over deflection and reverse deflection of the meters

Procedu re

l) Armature Control Method of Speed Control

l) Connect the circuit diagram as shown in Fig 3 1 and get the cil cult checked bv
the teacher

2) Set the voltage varying knob at Zero

3) Set the armature lheostat Rx to zeto position)

Ill n on the power supply module

5) "l urn on the fixed dc supply to field winding of the dc mot01

6) Îvlake sure that CUI•re11t is flowing through the field wind in u

7) Increase the armature voltaoe slowly and watch the IT)tat1011 of the motor If the
motor does not rotates, reduce the voltage to zero and check for any problems in the
CIFCUit If the motor rotates, increase the armature voltage until the motor rotates with
normal rated speed

8) Note down the armature voltage and speed

9) Reduce the armature voltage by increasing RV and note down the readings

10) Take few more sets of reading by increasinc r R

I l ) Reduce RN to Zero, armature voltage to zero and turn off the dc supply to field windings and turn
off the power supply module

11) Field Control Method of Speed Control

l) Connect the circuit diagram as shown in Fig 3.2 and cret the circuit checked by the tea-cher

2) Set the voltage varying knob at Zero

3) Set-the armature rheostat to zero. ( i.e at Imax position)

4) turn on the power supply module

Turn on the fixed dc supply to field winding of the dc motor

6) Make sure that clit•rent is flowing through the field Winding

7) Increase the armature voltage slowly and watch the rotation of the motor It' the motor does not
rotates, reduce the voltage to zero and check for any problems in the circuit. If the motor rotates,
increase the armature voltage until the motor rotates with normal rated speed

8) Note down the armature voltage and speed

9) Recluce tine fıeld cııı-ı•ent by ıncreasİııg II v ııo[e (Iowıı (he readings

10) Take fevv more sets veading by redeıcing [he [jeld curı•ent

I I ) Reduce Rx,• to Zero, armatııı•e vollaıye zero and off tine (Ic sııpply to (jeld windings and
Ivırın off (he poweı• moclııle

111) Load Characterislics of cıc Shun[ Generaloı-

1) Connect the circuit diagram as shown in Fia 3.3 and (yel tlıe circuİl checkecl by the teacher

2) Set the voltage varying 141101) at Zero

3) Set the armatüre rheoslat Rv and Field rheostat RN' bo[h to zero. ( ise. al Ima.x position)

4) turn on tine poweı• supply modüle.

5) Turn on tine fıxed cic supply 10 field winding of the cıc motor.

6) Make sure that cııı-ı•ent is flowing through tine field winclinu

7) Increase tine armatuı-e voltage slowly and watch the rotation of' the motor I f' tine motor
does not rotates, reduce tine voltage to zeı-o and check föı- any problems in tine circuit. İf
the motor rotates, increase the armatuı-e voltage until tine motor rotates with normal rated
speecl 8) Acljust tine speed and field current of generator to gel valed QLltput voltaqe

9) Note down tine reaclings

10) Lncrease the loacl by a step, set tine field curı•enl and speed to preset values and take the
Take few more readings by incveasıng few more steps of loacl

12) Reduce the loaclı RN (Q Zero, armalııı•e x,'Qllage moloı• 10 zere and 'turn tlıe poweı• supply

Obser\ a ions

)eed Conl

Il ) Field Control tvletlL0d of Speed Conti-c I

At constant

SN Field Current Speed

(Am ) (RPM)

Ill ) Load Characteristics of dc Shunt Generator

At constant speed = 3.00 Çpm and constant field current Ir = OFamp

Load current (IL) Load terminal
(Am D) voltacye
2 let


Review Qucslions .
l) What are tine factors efTecti ııg tine speed of a cıc sınını motor') tlıe lield control
method and armal ure coııtı•ol method of speed control

2) W hat Will happeıı if aı-nıatuıı•e wincling is by rated cıc voltage without supplying tine fıeld
curı-eııt of a cıc slıunt ıııotoı•9

3) A dc sınınt motor is runııing withocıt load with normal supply to arma(ure and fıeld What
Will happen if suppW to the field circuit is disconnected

4) Why tine terminal voltage a 'cıc shunt generâtoı- decreases leş itil increase in loac1 9 W Fat-
clo you mean by voltage ation ?

Draw the graphs - Armature voltage Vs Spe

Field curı-ent Vs Speed
Load ctırı-ent Vs Termil Voltage

Discuss your results takin u tine reference ofthe rimental data and results and paint aut the
concludiıhg remarks.

To draw open• CirC111t characteristic (OCC) a dc generator and to

\ laximum \ Oltage build up bv the u enerator

Critical resistance and critical speed of the machine

Obiecth es of the experiment .

i) To understand the voltage build up process of a dc shunt Generator

ii) re
sistance and critical speed of the machine from the test data

Instrument req tiired

l ) DC shunt machine machine coupled with DC dvnan101ñetell (Test- set) 2)

Field re U ulating rheostat
3) Resistixe load bank
4) Ammeter (DC) 2 nos
- ) Voltmeter (DC) 2 nos

Circuit diagra m for experim ent

DC motor DC

F 124

P reparatorv orks and P reca litions for Experiment

l) Studv the name plate ratinos of the machines and note clown the inus

Capacity of (he dc motor

Voltaae rating for armature
CUI-rent ratin a of armature
Voltage rating of field
Current rating of field circuit
Rated Speed of the motor

Capacitv of the dc generator

Voltage rating for armature
Current rating of armature
Voltage ratin cr Qf field circuit
Current rating of field circuit
Rated Speed -of the u enerator

21) - Chose the proper ränge.of animeters -and voltmeters (to be cönnected )-as pei-
rating of the machines


Make sure that the current is through the field of the motor before
appl\i11£1 the voltaue to the armature circuit If the field circuit
ammeter is not current- don' t applv voltage to the armaturen ise \ erx high
current through the armature circuit and armature indine max burn out

Increase the armature voltage verv ly and obserx e the rotation of Ihe If the
motor cloes not rotates. do not lnCl-ease the armature \ oltaue and check anx
problems in the circuit

A \ oid over defiection and reverse detlection of the meters

Procedu re

i) 01 11 ICCI 11 1E C II Cu li u ICtu iQ1iTl CIS i] cil IU üC1


Set the voltage-var\'lng k nob at Zelk)

Set the armature rheostat R \ to zevo ( I e al I position )

4) Turn on the er supph) module

Turn on tine fixcd dc sııppl) 10 lield inding of Ilıc cic

6) VI sııı•e (hat curı-ent ıs Ihı-oııglı tine fi eld Mildi II g

7 ) Incı-ease tine armatııre voltage simi IX zınd vx atclı Ihe ıntatıcjıı tine I I' Ilıc motor
does not ı-oltıle.s ı-ecfrıce Ilıc lage 10 Zero and check fol anv in cırcuİt İf
tlıe motor ı-otates, incı•ease tine aı-ıııatuıre % Q11age tınlıl tinc molQ)l ith
normal rated speecl

8) Xdİust the speed of tine moloı- to 1•pnı and keep il constant 'thı-oııuhocıt tine

9) Note cloxx n Ihe aı-matııı•e voltage - 1:1 at dİfTerent X aluıes Offielcl cıırı-enl

SIN iteli off tine er suıpplv


N lake X C)ıı ı- n cıı-cıııl to measııı-e armalııre inclıng ı-esıstance R ammeteı• and

x oltmeıer method YOLI shall apply a sınail constant cic x,öltaue acı-oss tine armatııı-e
and mea.sııı-e the CIIITent The armatııı-e ındi112 1-esısıance R *hall calcııl:ııecl
Review Qucstions :
l) XVII)/ the OCC ofa cic sluınt generaloı• is not a straight line 9

2) Explain tine voltage berild tıp pı-ocess in a cıc slwınl generatoı- ith tine help o f
and define
cvitical vesis(ance and cı-itıcal speed

Draw (he OCC fisom tine test dala and calculate

Maximum voltaoe 111211 can be bilild LII) by tine generatoı v. ilh 119 field
Critical resıstance and cı-ilical speed of tine machine

Discuss votır results takınsı tine refevence ot' (he e.xpeı-imental data an:] results an:i
tine concluding remaı-lx•s


Study of Three Phase Induction Motor

Measure Torque-Speed characteristic as.function of applied voltauc

Note power factor of the motor from load to full load
Test the motor to evaluate equivalent circuit parameters

Obiectives of the experiment :

i) To understand the Torque-Speed characteristic of three phase induction motor
and to observe the effect of change of applied voltage on Torque-Speed

To study the variation of power factor and efficiency of the motor r t load

To evaluate the equivalent circuit parameters of the motor by test

Instrument requiredv • l) Three phase induction machine coupled with DC

I no
dynamometer (Test set)
2) Ammeter (AC)
I no
7) Resistive load bank
3) Voltmeter (AC)
4) Wattlneter 2 nos

5) Ammeter (DC) - 2 nos

I no
Circuit •diagram for experiment .
6) Voltmeter (DC)
Fia 5 1 Circuit diagram for Torque - Speed Characteristic

Fio 5 2 Circuit diagram for no-load test and blocked rotor of induction motor

Preparatory Works and Precautions for Experiment

1) Study the name plate ratings of the machines and note the followings

Capacity of the induction motor

Voltage ratin(' of motor
Current råting of motor
Rated Speed of the motor

2) Chose the proper range •of ammeters and voltmeters (to be connected ) as per rating of
the machines and study their scale to calculate the value of one small division of
indicating dial of the meter

3) Precautions

While a wattmeter always use higher ranue of current terminal and higher ranue of voltaae
selector switch (i e 500 V position). If vou d01ft have significant deflection in the
wattmeter and can not be readout correctly, check out the ammeter readina and if the
ammeter reading is less than IA, then you can change the current terminal to IA ranoe to
oet better deflection in the meter Similarly if the voltmeter readinu is less than 50 V then
you can select the 50 V position of voltaue selector switch to cr
et better deflection in the
During the no-load operation, one of the wattmeter ma-y give ne o atlve deflection In such a
case, reversing key shall shift down to s -w' to obtain positive deflection the wattmeter,
but we shall note down the reading of that wattmeter as watt When the motor is loaded the
same wattmeter Will twain ('Ive neoative deflection In such a case, reversino key shall shift
up to '*W' to obtain positive deflection in the wattmeter and we shall note down the
readincr of that wattlneter as + vvatt

Before performino the blocked rotor test, estimate the full load stator current from the name
plate data. Increase the applied voltage slowly from zero until the ammeter reads the full
load stator current DONOT apply full normal voltage to the stator winding during the
blocked rotor test

Avoid over deflection of the meters.

Procedure- :
Torque-Speed Characteristics

1) Connect the circuit diagram as shown in Fi(ÿ 5.1 and get the circuit checked by the

Set the voltage varying knob at Zero

Turn on the power supply module

4) Make zero adjustment in torque meter and speed meter

5) Increase the applied voltage to 380 V so that the motor runs on no-load at rated speed and
take the readinus of ammeter, voltmeter, torque meter and speed meter

6) Switch on the 200 V fixed dc to the field winding of the dc generator and observe the voltage
oenefatlon in dc generator When the dc voltage is Tully build up sx\itch on step resistive
lÖad on dc generator to increase load on the induction motor Take the readincys of
ammeter, voltmeter, wattmeter, torque meter and speed meter

7) Take few more readings by increasing the load step by step until the induction motor
is fully loaded

8) Turn off the power supply module

9) Repeat the procedure ( l ) to (8) a reduced applied voltage (300 V) to the stator
11) No load test

1) Connect the circuit diacrram as shown in Fio 5 2 and oet the circuit checked bv the

2) De-couple the induction motor mechanically from dc crenerator

Set the voltage varying knob at Zero.

4) Increase the applied voltage to 380 V so that the motor runs on no-load at rated speed and
take the readings of ammeter, voltmeter and wattmeter

111) Blocked Rotor Test

T) Connect the circurit diagram ak shõwn in-Fiff 5.2 and c;et the circuit checked bv the

2) Set the voltage varying knob at Zero

3) Estimate the full load stator current from name plate data

4) Turn on the power supply module

5) Hold the shaft of the rotor at rest (by hand) and increase the applied voltaae slowly
from zero until the ammeter reads full load stator current

6) If the voltmeter is not uivin() si a nificant deflection, select the-50V terminal of voltaue
selector If the wattmeter deflection is not si a nificant and the voltmeter reading is
less than 50 V then select 50 V position of the selector switch of the wattmeter to (J
et deflection Take the readings of ammeter, voltmeter and wattmeter

7) Turn off the power supply


Torque-Speed Characteristics (with VI = 300 volts )

SN Il Torque Speed w Efficienc\
amp ivatt watt N-m RPM 2..7t.N.T/60 N3Vlll


No Load Test


1 amp

Blocked Rotor I est

vsc volts


Res iew C)uestiöns .

l) Explain tlıe complete Torque-Speed Characteristic of a three Phase induction motor

Explain tine effect of applied vollaue on Torque7Speecl Characteristic

3) W one of tine wattmeleı- shows neoative re;ıcling at 1)Q-load operatioıı of tlıree

Phase induction motor

4) Explain in detail, how would you calculate tine ecıuix alent circuii parameters of
three Phase inductİon motor from tine data of no-load test and blocked rotor test

5) Draw tine complete equivalent circuit of tine ihı-ee Phase induction with values of
various equivalent circuit parameiers

Draw the qraphs - Output poweı- Vs power factor

Output-powef Vs effıciency

Discuss Your results takinq the reference ofthe experimental data and results and point
OL1t tine concluding remarks
Experiment #6


Study of Synchronous Machine"

Demonstrate frequency and voltage control in synchronous generator

Load characteristic of synchronous generator with

i) Resistive load
Inductive load iii)
Capacitive load

Objectives of the experiment :

i) To understand the effect of field excitation on generated Oltage at constant speed

To understand the effect of speed on frequency of generated voltage at constant field


iii) To study the operation of synchronous generator with resisti\ e load inducti\ e load

Instrument required
DC shunt aenerator coupled synchronous machine (Test set)
2) Field regulating rheostat 2 nos
3) Resistive load bank - Ino
4) Inductive load bank - Ino
- Ino
Capacitive load bank
6) Ammeter (DC) - 2 nos
7) Voltmeter (DC) - 2 nos
8) Ammeter (AC) - Ino
9) oltmeter (AC) I no

Frequency meter I no
Circuit diagram for experiment :

DC motor Synchronous Generator

DC Variable DC Fixed DC 220M

Fig 6 1 Circuit diagram for voltage and frequencv control

DC motor Synchronous Generator

Fi(' 6 2 Circuit diagram for load characteristics

Preparatory orks and Precautions for Experiment

l) Study the name plate ratings of the machines and note down the followings

Capacity of the synchronous machine

Volta a e rating for armature
Current rating of armature
Voltage rating of field circuit
Current rating of field circuit
Rated Speed of the machine

Capacity of the dc motor

Voltau e ratin cy for armature
Current rating of armature
Voltage rating of field circuit
Current ratino of field circuit
Rated Speed of the motor

Chose the proper range of ammeters and voltmeters (to be connected) as per ratina of the

3) Precautions

Make sure that the current is flowing through the field of the motor before
applving the volta a e to the armature circuit of the dc motor. If the field circuit
ammeter is not showin cy anv current, don -t apply voltage to the armature.
otherwise verv high current will through the armature circuit and armature mav
burn out

Increase the armature voltage very slowly and observe the rotation of the motor If
the motor does not rotates, do not increase the armature voltage and check for anv
problems in the circuit

Avoid over deflection and reverse deflection of the meters

Procedu re
1) Voltage Control at Constant Speed

l ) Connect the circuit diagram as shown in Fio 6 1 and get the circuit checked by the tea
Ch er
2) Seï the xoltage-varying knob at Zero
3) Set the armature rheostat RV of dc motor to zero. ( i e. at position) and R of
synchronous machine to Maximum (i.e. at IMIN position)

4) Turn on the power supply module

Turn on the fixed dc supply to field xû)ding of the dc motor.

6) Make sure that current is flowing through the field

7) Increase the armature voltage slowly and watch the rotation of the motor If the
motor does not rotates, reduce the voltage to zero and check for any problems in
the circuit If the motor rotates, increase the armature voltaøe to "(J V

8) Adjust the speed of the motor to 3000 rpm with the help of and keep it constant
through out this part of experiment

9) Note down the enf generated at different values of field current

10) Turn off the power supply module

Frequencx Control at Constant EMF

Connect the circuit diagram as shown in Fi 6 1 and ('et the circuit checked bi the

0) Set the \ oltage-varving knob at Zero

3) Set the armature rheostat RN of dc motor to zero ( i e at I position) and R of

svnchronous machine to Maximum (i e at position)

4) Turn on the power supply module

S) Turn on the fixed dc supply to field inding of the dc motor

6) Make sure that current is flowing through the field inding

7) Increase the armature xQ)ltage slowly and atch the rotation of the motor If the
motor does not rotates, reduce the voltage to zero and check for anv problems in the
circuit. If the motor rotates, increase the armature voltage to 2
8) Adjust the speed of the motor to 3000 rpm ith the help of R \ of dc motor and adiuqt
the excitaiion of svnchronous generator to produce emfof300 \ ' Note dov n the
of emf
9) Reduce the speed of the dc motor to 2800 rpm and adjust the excitation of
synchronous generator to produce emfof300V again. 10) Repeat the procedure (9) for
2600 rpm

I l ) Turn off the power supply module

Ill) Load Characteri stics of Synchronous Generator

l ) Connect the circuit diagram as shown in Fig 6.2 and cet the circuit checked bv the

2) Set the voltage-varying knob at Zero

3) Set the armature rheostat RV of dc motor to zero. ( i.e. at Imax position) and Rl- of
synchronous machine to Maximum (i.e. at IMIN position)

4) Turn on the power supply module

5) Turn on the fixed dc supply to field winding of the dc motor

6) Make sure that current is flowing through the field windin a

7) Increase the armature voltaae slowly and watch the rotation of the motor If the motor
does not rotates, reduce the voltage to zero and check for any problems in the circuit If
the motor rotates, increase the armature voltage to 220 \

8) Adjust the speed of the motor to 3000 rpm with the help of RN of dc motor and adiust
the excitation of synchronous generator to produce emf of 300 V Note the frequency of
emf . Take the readin a of load current and load terminal voltage

9) Switch on a step of three phase resistive load Adjust the speed of the motor to 3000
rpm and field current of aenerator to preset value. Take the reading of load current and
load terminal voltage.

] 0) Switch on one more step of three phase resistive load Adjust the speed of the motor
to 3000 rpm and field current of generator to preset value. Takg the reading of load
current and load terminal voltage.

1 1) Repeat procedure (10) for few more step of resistive load

12) Turn off the power supply module

13) Repeat the procedure (l ) to (12) for inductive load and capaciti\ e load
1) Voltage control at constant speed

Speed — 3000 rpm

1 Field current EMF induce

11 )Frequencv Control at constant ENTF

Speed (N) Frequencv (f) Excitation
rpm I-IZ
Ill )

At constant speed — rpm and constant fie d current I amp

For Resistive Load

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