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Solutions to Quiz 4

1.(C)States with high concentrations of industry, such as Rhode Island and New York,
have environmental problems that contribute to the development of cancer that more
rural states, such as South Carolina, Alabama, and Arkansas, do not possess. Any of
these additional factors could be contributing to the higher death rates in the
industrialized states, and it would be a mistake to attribute the higher death rates solely to
beer consumption.

2.(A)Countries with poor socioeconomic conditions would tend to be low in both life
expectancy and telephone ownership, while countries with good conditions would tend
to be high in both categories.

3.(B)There is a total of 33 + 40 + 23 + 20 = 116 individuals who describe themselves as

moderates, and 315 students in all. The desired percentage is 116/315 = 0.368 or 36.8%.
This is the marginal distribution of viewpoint for moderates.

4.(A)Option B is not correct, You may have calculated the conditional distribution of
viewpoint for the category “conservative” among students majoring in business. We want
the percentage for all students, not just students majoring in business. There are 38
individuals in this cell, so the correct percentage is 38/315 = 0.121, or 12.1%.

5.(B)We want to find the conditional distribution of the major field category
“humanities” among students describing themselves as liberals. There are 17 + 12 + 32
+ 30 = 91 liberals, of whom 32 are humanities majors. The correct result is therefore
32/91 = 0.352 or 35.2%.

6.(B)Using the conditional distribution of the viewpoint category “moderate” for each
stated major field, we find that 33 of 85 (= 38.8%) science majors, 40 of 90 (= 44.4%)
business majors, 20 of 68 (= 29.4%) social science majors, and 23 of 72 (= 31.9%)
humanities majors are self-described moderates. The business majors therefore contain
the largest percentage of moderates.

7.(A)Option C is not correct, The 50 female managers have an average salary of

$160,000, whereas the 100 male managers have an average salary of $120,000. By a
similar calculation, the 100 female workers have an average salary of $18,000, whereas
the 50 male workers have an average salary of $14,000. However, the overall average
salary for females is
[(20)($100,000) + (30)($200,000) + (20)($10,000) + (80)($20,000)]/150 = $65,333,

whereas the overall average salary for males is

[(80)($100,000) + (20)($200,000) + (30)($10,000) + (20)($20,000)]/150 = $84,667.

This is an example of Simpson’s paradox. Since a larger percentage of women are in

lower-paying jobs, the overall average salary for women is less than the overall average
salary for men.

8.(B)The exponential model is y  98.25  0.91885  , where x is measured in days.


Converting 2 weeks to x = 14 days and substituting, we get y = 98.25(0.91885)14 = 30.04

grams or approximately 30 grams.

9.(A)We want to determine x such that 98.25(0.91885)x = (1/2)(100) = 50, or (0.91885)x

= 50/98.25 = 0.508906. Taking logs of both sides yields x(log 0.91885) = log 0.508906,
so x = log 0.508906/log 0.91885 = 7.98 days.

10.(C)Applying logs and using the appropriate properties of logarithms yields

log y = log (16x2) = log 16 + log (x2) = log 16 + 2 log x.

11.(C)Substitute (1, 0.297) into the function, we get 0.297=a; Substitute (2, 0.073)into the
function we get b=-2.0245 (approximately), these yield the model . Evaluating this
function at x = 4 yields y = 0.018.

12.(B)Since log y vs. x is linear, y and x must be related according to an exponential

model y  a  b x . Recall that r can be used only to measure the strength of a linear

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